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“I’m afraid I don’t know, but I dare not, we can see it later.” Gu Immortal said with a sneer of Baiju Family.

He is a pure Baiju bloodline, behind Heavenly Monarch Baiju, and Chu Du can’t control it.

Fang Yuan glanced at the person gently, and the other person looked down without fear.

Apparently, Fang Yuan took the eagle nest and was a bit big with the Baiju Family.

Fang Yuan glanced around, Gu Immortals stared at him, doubt, curiosity, doubt, expectation, numerous. Especially the Xue Wuhen around, the eyes are burning.

“No war.”

“What are I and the others?”

“This weak?”

“hehe, it’s not worth taking action.”

“In the future, I will pass on the mountain. Since I went out of the mountain, the opponent in the first battle was Heavenly Monarch Baiju. The second battle, but it is this thing? Yelu Family’s small role, won and dishonorable.”

Rao is Yelu Qunxing, his chest is wide, and at this time, he is also smothered by ice-cold: “hmph, big words! Say so much, have guts you take action!”

“You are not qualified enough.” Fang Yuan shoulders his hands, his head is high, and he is bare. He naked and despise him.

Many of Gu Immortal can hear, can’t help but slightly blink.

They would like to ask: Yeslu Qunxing is not qualified enough, who is still qualified? What qualification do you have? I really don’t understand, where is your confidence?

You are obviously a Demonic Path rogue cultivator, I don’t know where it comes from. Yelu Qunxing can play with you, is to give you face, give you the opportunity to show, let you shine?

But Fang Yuan, the party, obviously has no awareness in this regard.

The group of people began to talk a lot, and the scenes were noisy.

They are all directed at Fang Yuan, but Fang Yuan is deaf.

After a moment, the face of Gong Wanting became colder, and she sighed: “Enough. Everyone wants to turn dignified bloody battle into a farce?”

Righteous Path Group of people.

Gong Wanting turned his eyes to Chu Du, who was opposite: “don’t tell me, are you only left with people who are entangled? So delaying time will only make others laugh.”

In the face of aggressive Gang Wanting, Chu Du did not answer. I look to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan, regardless of Chu Du’s gaze, but slightly sideways, reached out and pointed to the back: “Just you.”

“I?” The original Hei Family Revered Elder, now Baiju Family Gu Immortal, was completely stunned. I didn’t expect Fang Yuan to suddenly point out himself.

“You go to take action, if the other party can beat you, it will prove some qualifications, let me take it for a while.” Fang Yuan’s tone is still very arrogant, let his own Gu Immortal listen to the teeth.

The eyes of the group are shifted to the body of the bad luck egg.

This Gu Immortals suddenly feels a lot of pressure.

His heart is boiling: “Who I provoked me, suddenly assigned to play? Then, why do you direct me? I am Gu Immortal of Baiju Family, even Tyrant Immortal Chu Du can only discuss with me. How can you order me with an 2nd Revered Elder?”

This Gu Immortals made up his mind to refuse.

But then. He heard the voice of the public.


Yelu Qunxing is so powerful that it has lost four people. Now that he is recommended to play, isn’t it just to add a record to the other side?

Hey, this person has little role more, Yelu Qunxing hits two, it is not a problem.

He is Hei Family Gu Immortals. Although he changed his name to Baiju, can he really fight with Gu Immortal of Huang Jin bloodline?

Got it!

The voices of these arguments were introduced into the ears of Gu Immortals, and he suddenly understood that he had to get off the ground in this battle.

He glanced at Fang Yuan with a hate. Unfortunately, Fang Yuan has already turned around and used his head to face him.

Baiju Family’s 蛊Immortal Qi was indignant, but he couldn’t help but bowed his head.

The result of the entire battle. It’s not good enough.

This Gu Immortals, and Yelu Qunxing have a clear gap. After dozens of rounds of battle, they lost and lost.

“Also ask Liu Guanyi Elder to take action, let me wait and see.” The first thing that Baiju Gu Immortal dragged his hand and walked off was to cynically say to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan coldly snorted: “Your strength is too weak.”

Baiju Gu Immortal sighed with anger: “There is really power in the bottom. At this time, Elder is making a big difference.”

Next Fang Yuan’s words, almost let him blow up

“It’s been a long time with your weak opponent. I admit that I overestimated what Yelu star was. I have no interest in fighting him now.”

“You!” Baiju Gu Immortal was speechless for a moment.

The eyes of the fairy look towards Fang Yuan’s have changed faintly.

Xue Wuhen’s look is unconcealed. He looks at Fang Yuan up and down, revealing a strong suspicion.

“So that’s how it is. The so-called Chu Sect second Revered Elder, but it is so good.” Yelu Qunxing snorted, and laughter broke into the Gu Immortal ear on the Chu Du side, listening quite harshly.

“Tyrant Immortal, have you seen him really take action?” Yelu Xiaojin also shouted.

Chu Du was silent, he noticed that Fang Yuan’s was weird, and he decided to wait and see.

“Liu Guanyi Elder, if you really have the ability, go straight to kill him!” Gu Immortals of Baiju Family sneered.

Fang Yuan gently shook his head, boast shamelessly: “My Realm, you will understand? So you will never be an Expert like me.”

Yelu Qunxing walked away. He knows that Fang Yuan will not be forced down.

To be honest, the continuous fight five people, he is indeed felt tired. Immortal essence is okay, the key is the loss of the mind.

Seeing that he had taken away the fragments of the stars, many people on the Chu Du side were sighed in relief.

Yelu Xiaojin was infinitely happy, with a high head and ran to the door of the Golden Dawn Great Hall to meet Yelu Qunxing.

But I don’t know Fang Yuan said: “Look, it’s really scaring me. Even if I didn’t play, I feel trembling in fear, it’s hard to control, I have to retreat.”

Yelu Qunxing’s footsteps are slightly stagnation.

Xue Wuhen looked round and looked at Fang Yuan next to her, thinking: “Is there such a shameless person in the world? It really makes me open my eyes. Brother Chu actually lists this person as the second Revered Elder, I am afraid it is true. Look away.”

Yelu Xiaojin is so angry that he is stunned.

On the contrary, Yelu Huihong was slightly changed. He narrowed his eyes and began to stare at Fang Yuan.

Yelu Qunxing shook his head. I don’t even look at Fang Yuan and continue to go back.

Fang Yuan laughed heartily : “Yelu Qunxing, I am doing your ancestors eighteen generations!”

Silently, the audience was stunned.

What about style? What about grace?

Gu Immortals shouted in my heart.

Who can think of Fang Yuan who looks so chic. Actually so rotten and vulgar. Even if he was killed and killed, Gu Immortal always kept his demeanor. After all, he was arrogant about Righteous Path. Under the crowd, it’s so screaming, it’s too much.

“It’s a pity that this is a sell.” Gu Immortal looked at Fang Yuan. Keep shaking your head.

There is no doubt that Fang Yuan’s good impression of the public at first glance has been ruined by himself.

Fang Yuan laughed and suddenly went off the scene: “Yelu, what star, I have already come, don’t you really want to fight with me?”

Yelu Qunxing stopped the figure and turned to look back.

The atmosphere of the audience changed.

In the Golden Dawn Great Hall, Yelu Huihong is full of solemn color, sitting up in the upper body: “Stars, be careful of the other side’s fraud. Come back.”

Fang Yuan’s attitude before and after. Let Yelu Huihong create something wrong.

Fang Yuan laughed heartily: “There is no timid generation, the Yelu Family is really a kind of cockroach, there is no asshole guy…”

All kinds of swear words, a steady stream, blurted out.

All the people listened to them.

Chu Du wants to reach out and cover the face. Fang Yuan doesn’t have a facial skin, and there is no sense of manner. The image of the entire Chu Sect is ruined.

A mouse licked and broke a pot of soup.

For the first time, Chu Du reflected on recruiting Fang Yuan. Is there anything wrong?

But in any case, Fang Yuan’s provocative effect is very good.

Righteous Path, in some ways, is easier to deal with than Demonic Path and rogue cultivator. Especially the face problem. It involves the family, bloodline aspect. Even if you don’t care, you will be embarrassed, and I will not lose a hair. But under the broad public, so many pairs of eyes staring at outsiders are another situation.

Relying on the bloodline relationship, to maintain the super family of the upper and lower organizations. The reputation of the ancestors and so on is very important and must be maintained.

This is the fundamental value!

“Stars, you are coming back. I Yelu Huihong should personally teach the hand of the Xu Sect 2nd Revered Elder.” Yelu Huihong stood up.

Fang Yuan can’t help but be disappointed. On the surface, said with a smile: “Yelu Qunxing, you can roll it.”

Yelu Qunxing waved his hand to Yelu Huihong. He looked back at Fang Yuan and smiled, revealing the white teeth: “Since you have a rare invitation to fight, I have to escape from the war. I just fought five games and needed a break. Some time.”

Such a request is reasonable.

Fang Yuan laughed, this Yelu Qunxing is still very calm. But he does not count on this language, can anger these Gu Immortal irrational.

In fact, he deliberately confuses and has already reached his own purpose.

Therefore, Fang Yuan immediately replied: “Although rest, give you two or three days. Two or three days is not enough, two or three years, Hahaha!”

“hehe, half an hour is enough.” Yelu Qunxing bites his teeth, said with a smile.

Fang Yuan is really annoying, and Yelu Qunxing is naturally angry.

Of course, he is very aware of his situation.

His immortal essence is not much consumed, and there is a large amount of immortal essence reserves. Half an hour, mainly to respond toconsciousness. He also has a unique means of this, after half an hour, you can completely reply to the peak state!

At that time, let Liu Guanyi do it, and try his taste!

Half an hour, in the waiting of Gu Immortals, seems a bit difficult.

Finally, Yelu Qunxing recovered and walked off the field, opposing Fang Yuan.

“Liu Guanyi, I…” Yelu Qunxing was about to speak, and Fang Yuan’s body burst out of the brilliant silver light.

a moment later, a silver Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon flew out of the glory.

The Dragon Horn is sharp, and the dragon mouth is big, revealing the sharp teeth of the mouth.

“Good demeaning!”

“Surely sneak attack!!”

Righteous Path.

Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon has already rushed to the front of Yelu Qunxing.

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