Since the Hairyman Gu Immortals of the Langya School, contact and talk with this Snowman and Stoneman Tribe, it has been several days.

The more talked about the two sides, the more speculative.

This is determined by the external overall situation.

The Human Race is extremely powerful, and each nonhuman tribe can only be linger on in a steadily worsening condition in the corner of World. They are born with a trend of unity.

Although Sixth Hair is inserted into the Langya School, there is no objection to the alliance between the two sides, but more efforts.

As a result, Sixth Hair knows that it is impossible for both sides to turn their faces on their own.

Secondly, Sixth Hair also wants to take this opportunity to show off his fist and kick, to win more achievements, to make the Langya Earth Spirit more trustful, and to improve his position.

Thirdly, Shadow Sect’s pursuit is the pursuit of Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s. Demon Venerable is dead, but the ambition has exceeded the limits of race.

During the conversation between the two sides, they have become more aware of their respective intelligence. Sixth Hair is more to win the trust of the other party, selling Fang Yuan’s intelligence almost completely.

Therefore, both Snowman and Stoneman know that Fang Yuan’s identity is very special.

Fang Yuan once owned Spring and Autumn Cicada and was born again.

It is Demon from Beyond The Heavens, which comes from beyond the Heavens’ World.

He was also the main murderer of the collapse of the 88 Floors True Yang Building and the Royal Court Blessed Land.

It is worth mentioning that this last point makes nonhuman Gu Immortals closer to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan smashed the 88 Floors True Yang Building, a huge weakening of the Northern Plains Human Race, and a great thing for the nonhuman camp. Even when the 88 Floors True Yang Building collapsed, the joint tribe of Snowman and Stoneman also hosted a banquet that celebrated three days and three nights.

In Earth Mother Altar, when Yuane asks about the future, Fang Yuan is mentally prepared, said with a bitter smile: “I have Spring and Autumn Cicada, but this Rare Gu has been lost. After I was born again World has changed a lot. You know, I collapsed 88 Floors True Yang Building?”

“Yes, Elder Fang Yuan, you are really amazing.” Xue’er eyes flashed.

“This is also the ultimate admiration.” Shi Shicheng also said.

Fang Yuan touches the nose, sighed. Continued: “I am a born-again person, with some secrets. Although I am not Huang Jin bloodline, participating in the Royal Court hegemony is to gain the benefits of 88 Floors True Yang Building. My original plan is time after time. The water flowed long. But the plan didn’t catch up with the changes, and it caused an accident. I had to adapt to it, and finally I collapsed the 88 Floors True Yang Building!”

Xue’er and Shi Shicheng’s faces all smiled.

Shi Shicheng said: “Elder Fang Yuan’s words are real words.”

Fang Yuan shook his head. “Who ever thought about the days of being chased by Gu Immortal? It was really an accident.”

Xue’er laughed out loudly: “According to Xueeer, Elder Fang Yuan, you are a natural hero, smashing 88 Floors True Yang Building. Although it is an accident, how can you do it for others?”

Fang Yuan said: “It is because of this. I had to hide in Langya Blessed Land. Later, something happened and I joined Langya School. I gradually discovered that the excellence of nonhuman is not weaker than Human Race. Even Their sincerity, trust, loyalty, etc. are far better than the insulting Human Race. Although the Five Regions Heaven and Earth is vast, the space for nonhumans to live is getting smaller and smaller. This is not true. It makes sense, it has its own Will of Heaven. There should be harmonious coexistence between nonhuman and Human Race.”

Fang Yuan said this, not blushing at all.

Also in the name of Will of Heaven, and Will of Heaven tried every means to eradicate him.

Fang Yuan’s sincere color. Really can’t really be cut, so that Xue’er can hear all the red eyes.

Shi Shicheng said with emotion: “If the Human Race Gu Immortal in the world has the opinion and understanding of Fang Yuan, how good!”

Between the words, Elder Fang Yuan has been elevated to the level of Fang Yuan, also known as “you.”

It is really the words of Fang Yuan’s. For nonhumans, too politically correct, they have infinite resonation and recognition in their hearts.

“Tell so much, Elder Fang Yuan, you haven’t answered my question yet.” Xue’er Gu Immortal is smart and not fooled.

“I’m going to talk about it.” Fang Yuan coughed. “The 88 Floors True Yang Building collapsed, not my intention. In fact, it never collapsed before I was born again!”

“Oh? It’s like this.” Xue’er and Shi Shicheng look at each other in dismay.

The “Northern Plains” situation changed too much for me. The 88 Floors True Yang Building collapsed, Ma Hongyun was born, and the secret of Good Luck Equal to Heaven was exposed in advance, and was bought by Old Ancestor Xuehu. In fact, before I was born again, there was no such thing as Old Ancestor Xuehu for Good Luck Equal to Heaven Gu.” Fang Yuan said.

This is true.

Both Xue’er and Shi Shicheng chose to believe.

The former slightly raised his mouth: “Thus, isn’t the result unpredictable? Really let Old Ancestor Xuehu make Good Luck Equal to Heaven Gu, and the power of Northern Plains Human Race Gu Immortal has to be improved.”

Fang Yuan thought about Rank 1 and asked: “don’t tell me, do you want to take action to stop it?”

I have to say that this Snowman, Stoneman’s joint tribe, has the ability to intervene in this matter.

Because they have an Immemorial Stone Dragon, this is the Rank 8 battle strength of the geneuine.

And it’s still extremely difficult to exist in the Rank 8 battle strength.

The power of Immemorial Stone Dragon is definitely a highlight in historical records.

“Of course it is not!” Shi Shicheng shook his head again and again. “We will never intervene.”

“Yeah. We live here with peace of mind, why should we actively expose ourselves to offend one Rank 8 Great Expert? And this Rank 8 Great Expert, also has Great Snow Mountain Blessed Land, and there are a lot of Demonic Path Gu Immortal expert. “Xue’er shook his head again and again.”

Their understanding of the overall situation is clear.

Even if they snatched Good Luck Equal to Heaven Immortal Gu for themselves, exposing their identity would provoke the entire Northern Plains Gu Immortal.

The situation is crushed down. By that time, let alone the Good Luck Equal to Heaven Gu, which is the Immemorial Stone Dragon, and can’t resist the Human Race vanguard.

Fang Yuan nodded, did not say anything, my heart has to care about.

“These nonhuman are really good. I have seen all the nonhuman Gu Immortal these days. Everyone is an elite. Whether it is battle strength or vision, it is a well-know figure. Even in the Northern Plains Human Race Gu Immortal, It is also outstanding. The Gu Immortal of Hei Fan Celestial Grotto, if compared with them, was taken out dozens of streets. Fortunately, I have Rank 8 battle strength in hand!”

What is the status of Demon from Beyond The Heavens?

With Spring and Autumn Cicada, what about people who are born again?

These identities and secrets, on the cornerstone of the Rank 8 battle strength, can only be the aura and glory of Fang Yuan, not the source of trouble.

The fist is big, who is still dare to find trouble?

Rank 8 battle strength !

With a little touch of your little finger, you can crush the ants and crush you.

Therefore, Snowman and Stonemen are not only afraid to find Fang Yuan’s trouble, but also have to express their affectionate attitude and vigorously draw.

Any Rank 8 battle strength is capital enough to attract others.

Rank 9 does not come out, Rank 8 dominates. This is already the world’s top battle strength.

“In fact, the general trend and pattern of the entire Northern Plains is the confrontation between Rank 8 Gu Immortals. The politics of Gaowu World has always been the personal politics of expert!”

Fang Yuan is as clear as a mirror.

“However, if they know, my Immemorial Superior Heavenly Eagle is dead, I don’t know what these people will look like?” Fang Yuan was a bit funny at the thought.

Superior Heavenly Eagle was tempted by Time Dao ultimate move, and Heavenly Crystal was not enough to be hungry.

Fang Yuan used the Blood Dao method to uplift its qi and blood, released it, and successfully attacked nonhuman people. By deceiving and swindling, to survive, a new Heaven and Earth has been opened.

However, Immemorial Superior Heavenly Eagle, but it is like a return to light. After being admitted to Immortal Aperture by Fang Yuan, it was almost at a moment later.

As a life-threatening Immemorial Desolate Beast, the life of Superior Heavenly Eagle is indeed a bit sloppy.


The next life is not necessarily the case.

The beauty of Superior Heavenly Eagle is that it lays eggs after death. After hatching, I can relive my life.

Fang Yuan lost the Immemorial Superior Heavenly Eagle, but he also got the bird eggs of Superior Heavenly Eagle and the huge body of Immemorial Desolate Beast.

This result, he is completely acceptable!

Because first of all, this Superior Heavenly Eagle Fang Yuan is not satisfied. Because to command it, you must Fang Yuan pretend to be Hei Family bloodline.

Second, after the Superior Heavenly Eagle was ripened, there were many drawbacks. Dignified Rank 8 battle strength, how can you let Fang Yuan be the leader of Rank 6 Gu Immortal? What’s more, Superior Heavenly Eagle is the kind of ferocious beast that is extremely proud. Ripening into Rank 8 battle strength, disobedience is completely certain, even Superior Heavenly Eagle will rebel, strong self-esteem and arrogance prompted it to deal with Fang Yuan, there is also a high probability.

Therefore, the Superior Heavenly Eagle was starved to death, which is not a bad thing for Fang Yuan.

For the new bird, Fang Yuan can completely modify it, tamper with its memory, etc. in Hei Fan True Inheritance, so that it can be directly obeyed by Fang Yuan itself.

Old Ancestor Xuehu publicly refining Good Luck Equal to Heaven Immortal Gu, Refining Dao gu formation’s radiance goes straight to Nine Heavens, and after the sparkling seven days and seven nights, it gradually converges.

This incident brought a strong shock to the entire Northern Plains Gu Immortal community.


After the shock, Gu Immortal World calmed down.

This is because Heavenly Monarch Baiju, Sovereign Yao, Five Elemental Law Grandmaster, and Crown Prince Feng Xian have not responded positively. They don’t say anything about the Rank 8 Gu Immortal. The other Rank 6 and Rank 7 are no good to use.

With the Rank 7 cultivation base, against the existence of Rank 8, today’s Five Regions, thousands of years ago, only Feng Jiuge one person more than more.

Old Ancestor Xuehu is arrogant, but he has to say that he is not brave, and this time is very good.

This group of nonhumans under the northern ice sheet also chose to sit and watch.

As for Fang Yuan himself, I don’t want to mix it.

This matter is too big, it is related to Rank 8 Great Expert Old Ancestor Xuehu. Although he is thick and tough now, he will definitely be easily smashed into pieces.

Ps: Today, the 7 ticket is added to tomorrow. Tomorrow’s two more, and starting tomorrow afternoon, the book will be limited to three days, 3. In short, this month, many thanks everyone support!

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