The northern ice sheet, deep underground.

In the cave hall, the stone bench, the stone table is surrounded by a circle, the thick climbs over the walls, and the grass grows between the stones.

Three piles of flames burned in the middle of the hall.

It is said that this is the custom that Olden Antiquity Era has handed down. The nonhuman race group came to the guests, and they had to host a banquet and ignite three fires.

Snowman, Stoneman, Hairyman, and Fang Yuan, many of Gu Immortal, gathered here.

The fire shines on everyone’s face and smiles.

All kinds of melons and fruit were sold on the stone table in front of the individual. Soon, Stoneman’s attendant put a large bowl of wine for each person.

This is my lipsman’s lip fish wine, both he he watch! Shi Zong greeted him, got up from his seat and picked up the wine bowl.

Shi Zong is the Revered Grand Elder in this Stoneman group and did not participate in the annihilation of Fang Yuan’s battle.

His whole body is full of colors, and his body is inlaid with numerous gold and silver jewels. It is very gorgeous.

This is the custom of the Stoneman family.

Stoneman is a stone all over the body. In the long life, various kinds of gold, silver, copper, iron will grow. Stoneman is proud of this, the higher the position of Stoneman, the more luxurious, gold, silver, copper, iron.

Not only Shi Zong, but also several other Stoneman Gu Immortals present.

Shi Zong Since the call, all immortals responded and raised the bowl.

Shi Zong and other immortals drink, the same is true for Hairymen, only Fang Yuan squats.

Shi Zong After drinking, put the wine bowl down and there is no leftover.

Called a good voice.

The rest of Gu Immortal followed suit and turned the bowl down, all of which were dry, leaving no points left.

The crowds laughed, and the originally flat atmosphere became a bit more cheerful.

Only Fang Yuan, one person, put down the wine bowl and drank a little bit of lip fish.

Snowman and the Stoneman side, Gu Immortal, look in their eyes and turn a blind eye.

Instead, in Hairyman Gu Immortal, Sixth Hair blamed Fang Yuan for saying: “Elder Fang Yuan. What are you doing? Don’t tell me You don’t know, is this behavior too rude? The owner drank the bowl. The drink in the wine, you as a guest, also have to follow. There is no residue in the bottom of the bowl, this is the respect for the owner. Ah, I forgot that you are Human Race, not my nonhuman race, I don’t know this from Remote Antiquity Era is about the custom of inheritance.”

Sixth Hair is a traitor to Shadow Sect at Langya School. See the stitches and give Fang Yuan some trouble.

Fang Yuan sneered, glanced at the week, leisurely said: “I don’t know this custom? Just this lip fish wine is the saliva flowing down the underground stone fish, I don’t like drinking.”

“You guy” Sixth Hair face gloomy, but my heart is happy. Fang Yuan This is tantamount to offending the other party, which is exactly what he wants.

Fang Yuan wrote to the Langya School to inform the Earth Spirit that it was natural to say nothing. Just said about it. Sixth Hair and the others didn’t know that Fang Yuan and Snowman, Stoneman had a fight, and finally moved out of Immemorial Superior Heavenly Eagle to make the other party compromise.

In fact, after Fang Yuan joined Langya School, Langya Earth Spirit had a task to find a nonhuman ally who lives here.

Fang Yuan Since they found them, they naturally completed this task and will definitely receive the award from Langya School.

As a member of Shadow Sect’s, Sixth Hair does not want to see Fang Yuan profit. Show it down. At the moment, the opening is to suppress Fang Yuan by all means.

“haha, Elder Fang Yuan Since you don’t like this wine, change it. Come. Take out my own collection of Ice Wolf Liquor.” A Snowman Gu Immortal immediately said with a smile.

Snowman has white skin, ice-blue pupil of the eye, and a blue head.

The Snowman Gu Immortal has a strong body with a topless body and a dark blue tattoo on his chest. The water blue heads are tied together, revealing that the lines are hard. Fine and capable face.

This person’s name, Bing Zhuo, is the double spear Gu Immortal that makes Fang Yuan into a difficult battle.

Soon, there was a Snowman attendant who brought the wine up.

This is a bowl of ice, and the wine inside is almost ice, chilling.

“To be honest, I don’t really like to drink lip fish, so I can taste this wine.” Bing Zhuo cordially said.

Fang Yuan swept away from the corners of his eyes, deliberately sloppy-ly said: “And let me take a drink first, see if I drink or drink.”

“Please drink, please drink.” Bing Zhuo smiled.

Fang Yuan took a sip. At the beginning of the wine, the ice was cold and cold, but after entering the throat, it became very hot. The feeling of two days of ice and fire made Fang Yuan suddenly look out of his eyes and blurted out and called out: “Good wine.”

“Hahaha.” Bing Zhuo laughed. “It’s good wine, so drink more.”

As soon as the words were finished, Qun Xian saw Fang Yuan pick up the wine bowl and sip it up.

The celestial celestial glimpses, and suddenly slammed, bursting out with a warm scream.

Fang Yuan tracelessly smiled like Sixth Hair.

Sixth Hair’s mind, he has long known.

Sixth Hair will not let Fang Yuan suffer anything. Since Shadow Sect saved Gloomy Soul’s main body, the next goal must be his Fang Yuan. Because of this, Sixth Hair will not harm Fang Yuan.

Therefore, Sixth Hair is the most to suppress Fang Yuan, delaying his exhibition. So that Shadow Sect will be easier to use in the future.

At this point, Sixth Hair has done a good job before, and the relationship between Fang Yuan and Langya School has become very cold.

However, he could not have expected that in Fang Yuan’s hand had Immemorial Superior Heavenly Eagle, and also used it to successfully smash Snowman and Stoneman.

Immemorial battle strength In hand, by these nonhuman Gu Immortal not respected!

This is strength!

In their hearts, regardless of how Sixth Hair is provoked and smashed, Fang Yuan’s weight is more important than the sum of the rest of the Hairyman Gu Immortal.

In fact, the nonhuman race’s worship of power is generally very strong. This is one of the nonhuman features of Immemorial, Ancient, Olden Antiquity Era, which has been circulating to this day.

Because of the era of hunters and blood, the wars of various ethnic groups, or the era of massacre by Human Race, powerful forces can bring more living space and opportunities to nonhumans.

On the contrary, Human Race, after becoming the hegemon of the Five Regions, remained inactive, but the complexion of power worship has subsided, far less than these nonhumans in the corner of the world linger on in a steadily worsening condition.

Fang Yuan deliberately took it. In the eyes of these nonhuman Gu Immortal, this is quite normal.

Which expert, no temper?

If Fang Yuan does not do it, they will be uneasy.

Fang Yuan knows the psychology of these nonhuman Gu Immortal, of course, there is another layer of his intention. That is to test the other’s mind.

Now, Fang Yuan is basically convinced that he is safe.

“how can it be like this?” looks at the nonhuman Gu Immortals in front of him, his heart was shocked.

Next. Snowman and Stoneman Gu Immortals turned around Fang Yuan, but placed the rest of the Hairyman Gu Immortal aside.

“Elder Fang Yuan, you have a bowl.”

“Elder Fang Yuan. It really is a good drink!”

Fang Yuan all are welcome , one after another.

Hairyman Gu Immortals sees look at each other in dismay.

Sixth Hair wondered: “What kind of soup did Fang Yuan give them, is it so popular?”

To say that Fang Yuan has become a Hairyman image may also be in line with common sense. But he showed his original shape, but it was a pure Human Race of Genuine.

“Elder Fang Yuan, Xue’er came to drink for you.” During the dinner, a woman in the Snowman, Gu Immortal, was beautiful and beautiful, and went to Fang Yuan personally and took over the work of the attendant. Fill a bowl full of Ice Wolf Liquor for Fang Yuan.

The rest of the Hairyman Gu Immortals, eyes are rounded.

Sixth Hair almost blurted out and shouted: “What the hell are you doing! You are in the end is still not nonhuman? In front of this Fang Yuan, but Human Race Gu Immortal! Human Race! Kill your nonhuman amnesty and smash the crowded Human Race! !”

“Xue’er, are you the Snowman who is now my real body?” Fang Yuan looked up and down Snowman female immortal, and asked directly.

Snowman bowed his head and shyly said with a smile: “Xue’er is only good at some investigative means, Elder Fang Yuan, you are a big hero.”

Hair 12 is drinking and listening to this. I couldn’t help but spurt the wine out.

Sixth Hair sees to get really angry, almost pointing to the female Gu Immortal Xue’er cursing: “What do you mean? Hey! What are you blushing? What is the meaning of a shy head? Also secretly look at Fang Yuan, you Does this look like I can’t see it? Damn! You are in the end is still not Snowman! Pay attention to your identity!”

“The name of the hero, I can’t be afraid.” Fang Yuan laughed. Perfunctory. Even his own, his heart is a bit strange. The attitudes of these nonhuman Gu Immortal seem to turn a bit bigger.

Bing Zhuo also came over and took the wine bowl: “Elder Fang Yuan If not a hero, who can be a hero?”

Xue’er was introduced in time: “This is Bing Zhuo big brother. He is my first battle strength. He is always cold. Very arrogant. Only with Elder Fang Yuan, he is so enthusiastic. ”

Fang Yuan stood up and looked at Gu Immortal, pondered then said: “If I guess correctly, you are the one who holds double spear and fights with me for a few dozens?”

Bing Zhuo laughed heartily, directly thumbs up: “Elder Fang Yuan, good eyes!”

Fang Yuan no longer talks gossip and does it directly.

Bing Zhuo was overjoyed and quickly looked up and drank the wine from the bowl.

The screams sounded again, and Xue’er patted the palm: “This is called a hero.”

Hairyman Gu Immortals Babadi looks at, no one cares about them. On the other side, Gu Immortals, his eyes are concentrated on Fang Yuan’s body.

Sixth Hair almost patted the table.

Bing Zhuo’s attitude made him even more unhappy.

He shouted in his heart: “What exactly are you doing?! The female Gu Immortal, who is called Xue’er, is no problem. Fang Yuan looks pretty. You guys come together to make fun! Look at your smile, I want to be like Fang Yuan, what do you want to do? You are also the first battle strength, the hero of the family? You are so close to a Human Race Gu Immortal, want to be a traitor?!”

Bing Zhuo sighed: “Compared with Elder Fang Yuan, what kind of hero can I count? Elder Fang Yuan’s majesty, there is Immemorial Superior Heavenly Eagle. If Elder Fang Yuan is his own, I am afraid we have provoked our family. The big disaster.”

“What, what? Immemorial Superior Heavenly Eagle!” For a time, Hairyman Gu Immortals look at each other in dismay.

“Elder Fang Yuan, I just didn’t get it wrong? You have an Immemorial Superior Heavenly Eagle?!” Sixth Hair finally couldn’t help it. He stood up and stared at Fang Yuan with a sharp gaze. .

Fang Yuan touched her nose and looked embarrassed. “Not long ago, I teamed up with Chu Du to capture Hei Fan Celestial Grotto and try Hei Fan True Inheritance. This is the Immemorial Superior Heavenly Eagle. One of the harvests.”

“What?!” Hairyman Gu Immortals suddenly exclaimed.

On the other side, Snowman and Stoneman Gu Immortal also exchanged their eyes.

Sixth Hair reversed the back one step, looking at Fang Yuan incredibly, and then looked towards the rest of Gu Immortal.

In an instant, he finally understood and fully understood why these nonhuman Gu Immortal would value Fang Yuan so much!

Immemorial Desolate Beast, Rank 8 battle strength! !


Sixth Hair couldn’t stand this huge blow and sat down on the stone bench.

“These I will tell you in the future. Come, let’s Langya School drink a bowl of their own, which is a good wine.” Fang Yuan smiled and raised the bowl.

Hairyman Gu Immortals reacted and smiled.

“Our Langya School also has Rank 8 battle strength!”

“Elder Fang Yuan, you are really deep and unmeasurable, it’s amazing!”

“Elder Fang Yuan, the previous thing, I was wrong, I don’t know Heavenly Stairs Mountain.”

Hairyman Gu Immortals looked like “I am convinced.”

This is the sound of Rank 8 battle strength!

Sixth Hair also raised the bowl, his face was laughing, but he was mad at the air.

Fang Yuan glanced at him, said with a smile: “Elder Sixth Hair Why shake hands?”

Sixth Hair smiled at him. It was worthy of being lurking for many years. His expression was not flawed, but the voice became a bit hoarse: “I am very excited. For Elder Fang Yuan, I am happy for Langya School.”

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