“This, what is this?”

“A big chicken!”

When the Far Ancient Zodiac Beast suddenly entered the battlefield, Hairyman Gu Immortals was shocked.

“According to the content of Hei Fan True Inheritance, Zodiac Beast has twelve forms. This time summon to Rooster Zodiac Beast, which is also Luck Qi right.” Fang Yuan looked at Zodiac Beast while assessing it.

This Zodiac Beast is like a hill.

The wings open and cast huge shadows on the ground.

It is arrogant and arrogant. The feathers are bright and bright, and the claws are sharp as a knife.

It quickly scanned the battlefield and stared at Fang Yuan.

No one is more attracted to Fang Yuan because it smells the flavor of Year Gu from Fang Yuan’s body.

Year Gu !

This is the food of Zodiac Beast. The higher the Rank number, the more like Year Gu, Zodiac Beast.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Zodiac Beast Call is created on this principle. The creator is Hei Fan, who created the ultimate move long before refining the Years Flow Like Water Immortal Gu.

“This is yours.” Fang Yuan laughed, suddenly waved a hand and sprinkled a lot of common level Year Gu.

Rooster Zodiac Beast is overjoyed, raising his neck and opening his mouth.

Suddenly, the huge airflow formed, as if the dragon was absorbing water. In the blink of an eye, it inhaled all the common level Year Gu in midair.

“If you kill it, you can get more.” Fang Yuan extended the right hand index finger to point to the key Far Ancient Falcon Dog.

Rooster Zodiac Beast suddenly sharpened his eyes and turned his head in a lightning bolt, looking straight at the target.

Far Ancient Falcon Dog suddenly picked up and showed sharp fangs. It was sensed from the Rooster Zodiac Beast.

Far Ancient Falcon Dog is smaller than the Rooster Zodiac Beast, and even if it stands up, it is half the height of the Rooster Zodiac Beast.


Rooster Zodiac Beast has a wing that rushes toward the target. It broke out faster than the Far Ancient Falcon Dog.


The two slammed together and Rooster Zodiac Beast only retreated seven 80 steps. The Far Ancient Falcon Dog flies out.

Rooster Zodiac Beast made a long shout and hunted Far Ancient Falcon Dog.

Far Ancient Falcon Dog is indeed blackmailed, and after eating a bit, he will not collide with Rooster Zodiac Beast. Instead, you can swim around, avoid then pursue Rooster Zodiac Beast.

Fang Yuan looked at it for a while and let go of her heart.

This Rooster Zodiac Beast does not have Immortal Gu, but its quality is much higher than the Far Ancient Falcon Dog.

Zodiac Beast, even in the River of Time. Very rare rare animal!

Of course, if Far Ancient Falcon Dog drives Immortal Gu, Rooster Zodiac Beast will fall into the wind. It doesn’t matter if it is twice, and the number is too much. Rooster Zodiac Beast will also be defeated.

With the Immortal Gu, the combat effectiveness can be greatly improved.

“Hei Fan warned in True Inheritance that Zodiac Beast came over by summon, not enslaved, not enough control. Encounter too strong enemy, will not fight. Even if fighting, sometimes it will be removed midway, to Summon Gu Immortal Ask for more Year Gu.”

Thinking of this, Fang Yuan knows that there is not much time left for himself.

He did not choose to join the Faroster Falcon Dog with Rooster Zodiac Beast.

Because Rooster Zodiac Beast is not under his control, he can only communicate through the methods left by Hei Fan, and it is difficult for both parties to work together.

Fang Yuan is hidden in the Ten Thousand Me army and quietly approaches a Desolate Beast Falcon Dog.

Falcon Dogs is still in the air, entangled with Ten Thousand Me army.

From time to time, there is Falcon Dog, which is played by Fang Yuan’s Strength Dao phantom. But immediately, these Falcon Dogs flew high again. Continue to participate in the war.

Strength Dao phantom Although the number is large, in the face of Desolate Beast, Far Ancient Desolate Beast, the attack ability is relatively weak. It can only play a role in harassment and consumption.

Strength Dao Giant Hand Seal !

Suddenly, Fang Yuan started. Strength Dao Giant Hand Seal came out of nowhere, aiming at the head of a Falcon Dog.

Fang Yuan’s was in a good position, and Falcon Dog was caught off guard. He was shot in the palm of his hand and stunned on the spot.

Falcon Dog began to fall. But Fang Yuan also spurred a Giant Hand Seal, which was already waiting below.

The second Giant Hand Seal, grabbed the fainted Falcon Dog and carefully placed it on the ground.

The face of Fang Yuan is once again hidden in Ten Thousand Me and disappears.

But very soon, he appeared in another part of the battlefield, the Strength Dao Giant Hand Seal attacked, and stunned Falcon Dog.

Then he did the same, and the second Falcon Dog continued to be placed on the ground, resting with the first head.

Hairyman Gu Immortals are all stupid.

“Elder Fang Yuan seems to be…”

“Yes, he is planning to catch the Fal Ancient Falcon Dog!”

“It’s really an art expert.”

Hairyman Gu Immortals can’t help but feel uncomfortable. These Falcon Dog beast group, which they see as life killers, is a wealth of active investment in Fang Yuan’s view.

One by one, Falcon Dog, calculated by Fang Yuan, fainted and stacked together.

Soon, these fainted Falcon Dogs were piled up into a mountain, and the scene was quite spectacular.

Far Ancient Falcon Dog saw this scene and made a wrath. But it was held back by Rooster Zodiac Beast and could not be rescued.

Rooster Zodiac Beast is also a bit miserable, ridding with scars, seems to have retreat.

After all, Hei Fan is Time Dao Gu Immortal, and Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, which is similar to Enslave Dao, is amazing.

“It seems that Zodiac Beast Call is an ultimate move. It is ideal to fight the wind. If you fight against the wind, the effect will be poor.” Fang Yuan secretly wrote down. Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is still in use, and the experience is deeper.

Fang Yuan is firmly on the field.

Rooster Zodiac Beast and Far Ancient Falcon Dog are always fighting.

Before the Rooster Zodiac Beast retreated, Fang Yuan solved the rest of the Falcon Dog.

The Giant Hand Seal has eight Falcon Dogs, and the rest are shot dead. After all, the Giant Hand Seal is not a special means of picking up. It is not easy for Fang Yuan to use it to such an extent.


Fang Yuan flew up and rushed forward to attack Far Ancient Falcon Dog with Rooster Zodiac Beast.

After a few rounds of fighting, it really did not work well.

Fang Yuan called Rooster Zodiac Beast to retreat and guard the stunned Falcon Dog.

Rooster Zodiac Beast has long been fighting intent attenuation, but after receiving the instruction from Fang Yuan’s, it did not act immediately, but a little distance back, looking to Fang Yuan, keep opening his mouth.

Fang Yuan got it, and sprinkled a lot of Year Gu.

Rooster Zodiac Beast was stopped, this was obedient, turned and fell to the ground. Be a guardian job.

Fang Yuan and Far Ancient Falcon Dog once again played against each other.

But at this time, the situation is different from before.

Far Ancient Falcon Dog is eager to rescue those comatose companions, charge to the left and dash to the right.

“Sigh. Dignified Gu Immortal, fell into such a situation! Actually thought that he was a Falcon Dog.” Fang Yuan is now fighting. It’s much easier than before.

The Far Ancient Falcon Dog is fast and has the Immortal Gu, a key moment that inspires the remaining fighting instinct. Raised the former Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Fang Yuan changed the tactics.

Before, he rushed to use the Giant Hand Seal, too adventurous. The protective effect of Blood Stained Traveling Robe is not enough to look at in front of this Far Ancient Falcon Dog.

Fang Yuan has repeatedly used Sword Dao ultimate move to attack Far Ancient Falcon Dog.

But Far Ancient Falcon Dog’s protection is good, but I don’t know what Immortal Gu is. It is estimated that this Transformation Dao Gu Immortal is in front of the sense that Falcon Dog itself has low protection, so special intention strengthens this aspect.

Fang Yuan attack for a long time without any success, Far Ancient Falcon Dog can’t help. Rooster Zodiac Beast played a defending battle and was still in place.

The injury on Far Ancient Falcon Dog slowly accumulates.

“It’s really hard. The Giant Hand Seal is slow and can’t hit. Sword Dao ultimate move can hit, but the effect is not good. Poison Gas Emission is a waste of immortal essence. Far Ancient Falcon Dog itself is extremely resistant!”

Fang Yuan is helpless.

It seems that the Transformation Dao Gu Immortal has turned into a Far Ancient Falcon Dog and has the instinct of wild beast, plus the residual fighting instinct, which makes it harder to deal with.

Faced with it, Fang Yuan found that he had nothing to do.

The strength of Transformation Dao Gu Immortal. It is because after the change is successful, the physical quality is extremely high. At this moment, the Far Ancient Falcon Dog, with its own flying speed, can compare Sword Escape in a short distance. Not to mention the use of Immortal Gu.

at the moment. Fang Yuan had to choose a war of attrition.

By the time the immortal essence of the Far Ancient Falcon Dog was consumed, the Immortal Gu couldn’t move, and that was his victory.

Or, wait until its injury accumulates to a certain extent, and there is a flaw. Let Fang Yuan catch it!

Fang Yuan feels helpless, but the rest of the spectators are not feeling like this.

Hairyman Gu Immortals looked straight and straight.


In the cruel competition of Gu Immortal World, the most important thing is the strength of Gu Immortal.

The strength that Fang Yuan showed was so shocking to Hairymen.

Even Sixth Hair is no exception.

“This guy, in a short time, how does the battle strength grow so much?! He can summon out Zodiac Beast, how does he master this? It’s just going out for a while, nothing more…”

Sixth Hair feels heavy in his heart.

Fang Yuan’s speed of progress made him very depressed, and he was almost out of breath.

After a while, Far Ancient Falcon Dog suddenly got out of the air.

“Well? I want to escape!” Fang Yuan snorted and quickly caught up.

Far Ancient Falcon Dog’s injury has accumulated to a certain extent, whether it is attacking Strength Dao or flying speed, there is a significant decline.

Whether it was Gu Immortal’s fighting talent, or the instinct of the wild beast, it chose to retreat.

As for the “companions” who were unconscious, they had to give up.

Fang Yuan is in a bad mood. He had expected this situation, but the timing was just a little earlier than Fang Yuan’s expectations.

Fang Yuan spurred Sword Escape Immortal Gu to catch up, but the distance was slower.

Far Ancient Falcon Dog is desperate and speedy.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move in the past!

Fang Yuan couldn’t, but had to motivate this ultimate move.


Far Ancient Falcon Dog returned directly to the previous position, Fang Yuan caught up and the two sides fought again.

After a few rounds, Far Ancient Falcon Dog ran again.

Fang Yuan had to chase again.

Moving in the past!

Success again.

The two sides fought again, and Hairyman Gu Immortals looked around.

But soon, Far Ancient Falcon Dog abandoned Fang Yuan, the fanatic fanning of the wings, the third retreat, and the attitude was more determined than before.

Fang Yuan is helpless, he can’t break the other’s falcon wing.

Moving in the past.

Unfortunately, the third time he failed, he immediately spit a small mouthful of blood.

A few breaths of effort, Far Ancient Falcon Dog has already flown to the horizon.

Fang Yuan can only close his hand.

Will of Heaven has been paying attention to, Grand Mound is dangerous, and there is a faint appearance of Beast Tide.

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