
A muffled sound, Fallen Star Dog slammed into the Diamond Bear.

Diamond Bear is just a Rank 6 Desolate Beast, but the body is very hard, like a wall blocking the Fallen Star Dog.

It was hit by Fallen Star Dog, backed by 5~6 steps and still standing. Fallen Star Dog took a step back but was a little dizzy.

It shook his head and woke up.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, 5~6 sends an ultimate move, which is attacked from the giant grass and hits Fallen Star Dog one after another.

Fallen Star Dog screamed and was beaten torn skin and gaping flesh.

Fang Yuan a detached point of view.

“It seems that not only has Hair 12 grown, but other Hairyman Gu Immortal have mastered Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.”

“But these Immortal Realm Ultimate Moves have only one core Immortal Gu and Rank 6 level forformable power.”

Fallen Star Dog licked a lot, although torn skin and gaping flesh, but only minor injuries.

It is Far Ancient Desolate Beast. Although it is a larva, it is not adult, but its defense and resilience are still very strong.

“This time I must not fail, let Fang Yuan see a joke!” Hair 12 is full of concentration, and my heart is filled with unprecedented fighting spirit.

The three-headed Desolate Beast is also like the feeling of the Sensed master, and the fighting intent is high.

Under the command of Hair 12, the hardest Diamond Bear acts as the main force of resistance, and Golden White Tiger is the second main force. As for the chestnut yak, although it is weak, it can barely play the role of interference.

“Hair 12 directs Desolate Beast, there is a hole in the eye, it seems to have more strength. But the scene is glued, Fallen Star Dog is very strong, but he did not release the fourth Desolate Beast. I am afraid, these three Desolate Beast is his all. “”

Fang Yuan calmly analyzed.

The Desolate Beast of the chestnut yak is used, and the guess of Fang Yuan’s is probably correct.

“Treasure Yellow Heaven is on. Hair 12 probably bought a Diamond Bear and a Golden White Tiger. But he has a big problem. In fact, a Diamond Bear is barely enough. The Golden White Tiger is a Metal Dao Desolate Beast. It is also a tough defense. That kind of, it is better to change a flying Desolate Beast, the attack is more threatening. As a result. Instead, let Fallen Star Dog refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases, the offensive weakened, distracted by defense. Ok?”

Fang Yuan was thinking that the command of Hair 12 had made a mistake. Diamond Bear walked past the location and made a gap.

“Damn!” Hair 12 eyes wide staring angrily, immediately mobilizing the recent chestnut yak fill.

“Be sure to hold me back!” Hair 12 screamed in his heart.

Fallen Star Dog loudly roared, knocking the chestnut yak directly out.

Subsequently, surrounded by Fallen Star Dog breakthrough. 狠狠 rushed to the surrounding grass.

Therefore, Hairyman Gu Immortal in the surrounding grasses exclaimed.

“Fast, use that trick!” Seeing that he was going to be hit by Fallen Star Dog, the bad luck’s Hairyman Gu Immortal was horrified.


a moment later, he suddenly disappeared in the same place, appearing next to his other hairyman outside the thousand steps.

“Thank you, thank you, but fortunately, your hand is fast, or else I will not be guaranteed.” The rescued Hairyman Gu Immortal was undecided.

The person who saved him is Sixth Hair.

He patted the shoulders of Hairyman Gu Immortal: “Calm. Calm, don’t forget that there are outsiders present, don’t lose face to our Langya School.”

At this moment, he still did not forget to provoke dissension.

The rescued Hairyman Gu Immortal quickly converges on his face, but his body is still trembling.

Fang Yuan coldly snorted, the sighting at Sixth Hair hides the ice-cold killing intent.

“This guy, I will kill him sooner or later! But I am a member of Langya School with him. I am under the Information Dao covenant and can’t kill each other. So to kill him, I have to secretly solve my own Langya School covenant. “”

Fang Yuan wants to be the power of the Langya School. Sixth Hair is a serious obstacle to him.

The relationship between Fang Yuan and Langya School has become so bad that Sixth Hair has played a considerable role.

In Langya School, Fang Yuan and Sixth Hair are all unconcerned. They are between the two. The relationship is not simple.

Fang Yuan and Sixth Hair have been traded, so each has their own handle.

Fang Yuan is a covenant of the Langya School and cannot deliberately do anything harmful to Langya School. Of course, it is ok to think and say. Sixth Hair is a member of the Langya School. Even this time, if Sixth Hair is in danger, Fang Yuan can’t help but die! Of course this aspect. There are also provisions for doing what they can. Therefore, the main action of Sixth Hair, the Far Ancient Desolate Beast, the Fang Yuan’s plan, is simply not feasible.

Since Fang Yuan can join the Langya School and sign a covenant, naturally he will not be subject to others.

Sixth Hair actually wants to eradicate Fang Yuan and get his body. But when he came to his own strength, secondly Fang Yuan also had his handle on his hand. Thirdly was related to Shadow Sect. He was already the only remaining traitor and still had to deal with Langya Blessed Land.

Both sides are refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases.

It seems to be the feeling of Fang Yuan’s, Sixth Hair looks at Fang Yuan, and grins at him.

He is one of the Gloomy Soul Soul Fragments and his combat experience is very rich. This is why he was ahead of other Hairyman Gu Immortal and was the first to take action to save people.

Unite as much as possible with other Hairyman Gu Immortal, crowd out Fang Yuan and suppress his development, which is the current course of action of Sixth Hair.

The battle continues.

Fallen Star Dog didn’t cull Hairyman Gu Immortal and was quickly pinned down by Diamond Bear and Golden White Tiger. Soon, the chestnut yak also came from a distance and re-formed the encirclement.

Hairyman Gu Immortals continues to attack.

However, although Hair 12 has made the strength of exclusive, it is inevitable that it will lead to mistakes due to sudden changes in the situation.

After Fallen Star Dog rushed out of the encirclement, he tried to cull other Hairyman Gu Immortal.

But between these Hairyman Gu Immortal, it seems to have the same Immortal Realm Ultimate Move. When every Hairyman Gu Immortal is to be thrown, it will be taken away by another companion and instantly moved to the companion.

“This Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is very interesting.” Fang Yuan quietly watched, and he subconsciously imagined how to stand on the perspective of Fallen Star Dog, how to crack this ultimate move?

Soon Fang Yuan got the result.

It is very difficult for him to crack the ultimate move, because it is simply not enough to analyze what is collected.

He doesn’t even know the name of the ultimate move.

In a short time, this ultimate move seems to have no defects.

“But even if it can’t be solved, I want to kill these Hairyman Gu Immortal. It’s also easy. My mobility is completely above them. Sword Mark Demanding Life and Divergent Dark Murder can kill them so much, even Flying Sword Immortal Gu They can also kill them. Of course, Sixth Hair hides strength. It needs to be estimated. For details, you have to really look back.”

“It’s going to be successful! This time, I’m really going to beat Fallen Star Dog!” The more excited the Hair 12 is, the more he is savvy.

This time is an extraordinary play. Seven or eight Hairyman Gu Immortal, plus three Desolate Beast, encircle an infant Fallen Star Dog. Coupled with the right tactics, let the balance of victory slowly tilt toward the Hairyman side.

“Fang Yuan, are you saw? Even without you. We can expel Fallen Star Dog and get a real victory!” Hair 12 shouted in his heart.

He loves his home incomparably and is extremely loyal to Langya School. Therefore, the previous Langya School’s plan to develop Grand Mound was blocked, Fang Yuan stood by and Hai 12 had a lot of opinions on Fang Yuan.

He was sick and sick in bed, Fang Yuan went to visit him. He didn’t even want to see Fang Yuan’s face, and directly sent mortal Gu Master to refuse Fang Yuan to enter Cloud City.

This time wins, for him. crucial.

Being able to win in front of Fang Yuan’s will make Hair 12 feel proud!

As time passed, the situation became more apparent.

Fallen Star Dog is gradually unable to support, and Hairyman Gu Immortals feels that the pressure of fighting is getting smaller and smaller.

They are inevitably excited, and even some people pre-saw victory, they are excited and their eyes are red and trembling.

Not easy!

With their compulsive comba capability, they fought against Fallen Star Dog, which is a repeated defeat and repeated defeats.

They don’t know how much sweat and effort they have paid. In order to develop the tactics against Fallen Star Dog, they don’t know how many nights they have spent, and they are suffering. Now I have to taste the sweetness of victory!

Although exhausted, immortal essence consumes countless. But Hairyman Gu Immortal’s consciousness gas is lifted up and caught in an exciting situation.

“Kill, kill this dead dog!”

“right, peeled, hung on Cloud City, let outsiders see our record!”

“Hahaha. I finally have to beat it.”

“Fang Yuan, are you saw? I know that you are not willing, but how can you?”

“Teach you today, let you know that our Hairyman Gu Immortal is not incapable. Langya School is my Langy School of Hairyman, not a Human Race in your area!”

Hairyman Gu Immortals is angry, shouting, and excited.

Fang Yuan smiled and didn’t seem to hear it.

His demeanor made Hairyman Gu Immortal very disappointed and even more disgusted and resentful.

“It’s just like this, how can it be?” A Hairyman Gu Immortal sneered.

Just then, the mutation is abrupt!

A Falcon Dog suddenly appeared in the middle of the battlefield. Giant claw One shot, knock down the Diamond Bear! A glimpse of the eagle’s mouth, the chestnut yak! With a wing and a hurricane, the Golden White Tiger was forced to retreat a few 10 steps. Fallen Star Dog huddled, shiver coldly.

“What, where is this from Far Ancient Desolate Beast?” Hairyman Gu Immortals turn pale with fright.

“No, not only one!” Immediately, five Falcon Dogs appeared in the grass, and three heads were hovering in the sky.

I don’t know when, Falcon Dog has completed the encirclement of Hairyman Gu Immortals.

“How, how can it like this?” Hair 12 The pupil is reduced to the size of the tip, and it suddenly collapsed!

The psychological journey from heaven to hell is nothing more than that.

The previous moment, he is also the winner of aloof and remote, a moment later, he is caught in the front line, in the precarious Danger Realm!

“Oh? Will of Heaven, is this your ambush… It’s really subtle.” Fang Yuan was laughed.

Falcon Dogs didn’t say anything, and Hairyman Gu Immortals was amazed and dead.

“Hair 12, look at the current situation, you have failed. According to the previous agreement, it is my turn to take action.” In a silence, suddenly Fang Yuan’s words were heard.

I don’t know why, Hair 12 twitched in the heart and burned a strong roar. He yelled at Fang Yuan: “You, have you made a mistake! What are you talking about? You open your eyes and look at our current situation. Ok?!”

Fang Yuan’s mouth is slightly stunned.


Strength Dao Giant Hand Seal came out of the air and took the nearest Falcon Dog next to Fang Yuan directly to the ground.

The smoke is everywhere.

Falcon Dogs suddenly turned his attention and looked at Fang Yuan.

In the smoke, there was a calm voice from Fang Yuan: “Well, I will accept the gift. I will leave the crowd, don’t bother me.”

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