In the next few days, Fang Yuan’s footprint was spread throughout Hei Fan Celestial Grotto.

His Divine Sense, always surrounded, constantly observed, carefully studied.

Sometimes, Fang Yuan thinks it seems that Hei Fan is pointing him across the River of Time.

There is a succinct explanation in Hei Fan True Inheritance. The Hei Fan Celestial Grotto is an example. It can be touched, can be excavated, and can be examined. If there is any change, Fang Yuan will perform Soul Search on those Gu Immortal prisoners. This made him even more aware of the process and secrets of the rise and fall of countless species over a long period of time.

Hei Fan’s talent, let Fang Yuan feel and admire, and also benefit him a lot. For Paragon Immortal Aperture’s construction, Fang Yuan now has a lot of new ideas.

When Fang Yuan was convinced that he had fully understood Hei Fan Celestial Grotto, he began to move.

The first is Heavenly Crystal.

Hei Fan Celestial Grotto’s first forbidden area is the Heavenly Crystal’s storage pool.

The pool, built in the sky, covers a hundred miles, surrounded by a heavy gu formation. But Heavenly Crystal only occupies a small central area.

Hei Fan Celestial Grotto’s own Heavenly Crystal is a touch of turquoise.

Heavenly Crystal This kind of immortal materials, depending on the place of origin, the color of the phase will be different.

Fang Yuan moved the storage pond to his Little Azure Heaven.

“Unfortunately, this storage pool can only produce Heavenly Crystal in Celestial Grotto. My Paragon Immortal Aperture is still only Blessed Land. It doesn’t work here. However, these light Azure Heaven crystals in the pond are added. The last half of Heavenly Crystal Eagle Nest should be able to perseverance 5~6 years.”

Fang Yuan estimated a little, with this income, the problem of feeding Superior Heavenly Eagle is not big.

Heavenly Crystal is not a good buy in Treasure Yellow Heaven.

The second forbidden land is underground.

This is a very large cave.

A large number of stalactites are grown in the cave. The highest value is the hibiscus stalactite, which is rare in the outside world.

Fang Yuan took a lot of thought and dug out the entire cave. Moved into the Paragon Immortal Aperture and buried in the Little Southern Border.

Fortunately, he has Picking Mountain Immortal Gu. Otherwise, this second forbidden place is really bad.

“It’s just the Thus. If the stalactites are to grow, you need to capture the Earth Qi in the Paragon Immortal Aperture, which will undoubtedly exacerbate the Earth Qi loss in the Paragon Immortal Aperture. Every once in a while, Immortal Aperture is added, supplementing Earth Qi.”

Beyond these natural resources. There is also Far Ancient Desolate Plant and Far Ancient Desolate Beast.

In the Far Ancient Desolate Plant, there is a Walking Flesh Tree.

This tree is a rare Strength Dao plant that grows in Black Heaven.

In order to cultivate it, Hei Fan banned some of the Hei Fan Celestial Grotto circles to create a state of darkness.

Around the Walking Flesh Tree, Hei Fan has carefully laid out an ecological environment to keep the Walking Flesh Tree alive.

Walking Flesh Tree’s branches, as if one after another flexible and thick octopus tentacles. With a single pumping, the Desolate Beast can be pumped straight out.

Fang Yuan has been seen in Starry Sky Celestial Grotto. Now see the second strain, can’t help but some emotions.

He had hoped to get a Walking Flesh Tree because he could use the Strength Strength Immortal Gu to grow his own Strength Dao’s Dao Marks. But now, he has the Walking Flesh Tree, but the Eating Strength Immortal Gu has been ruined. It is really a yin and a long error.

Fang Yuan placed the Walking Flesh Tree in Little Black Heaven in the Paragon Immortal Aperture.

Paragon Immortal Aperture’s is amazing and it is beginning to show up. Hei Fan needs to be carefully arranged to cultivate the Walking Flesh Tree. Fang Yuan does not need this, the environment in Little Black Heaven is somewhat similar to the real Immemorial Black Heaven, after the Walking Flesh Tree moved here. They were all a little excited and stretched their branches.

Because of Hei Fan’s special technique, Fang Yuan moved these Far Ancient Desolate Plants without much effort. Smooth sailing.

The same is true of the Desolate Beast in Hei Fan Celestial Grotto and the Far Ancient Desolate Beast.

Fang Yuan, according to the means of Hei Fan True Inheritance, can pull these Desolate Beast and Far Ancient Desolate Beast and let them obediently enter their Immortal Aperture.

It is worth mentioning that in the Far Ancient Desolate Beast in Hei Fan Celestial Grotto. There are actually three Head Remnant Dogs.

Unfortunately, Fang Yuan needs the dog Desolate Beast instead of the Far Ancient Desolate Beast. He needs the feces of the dog Desolate Beast to feed the Dog Xtx’s Dog Shit Luck Immortal Gu.

But these three Head Remnant Dogs are not useless.

In the future, Fang Yuan will change the food from Dog Shit Luck Immortal Gu from Rank 6 promoted to Rank 7. At that time, the stool of Heaven Remnant Dog could be used.

Fang Yuan’s relocation was very efficient, and throughout the process, Yellow Clock Heaven Spirit was silently accompanying him.

Fang Yuan is the owner of Celestial Grotto. All actions, Heaven Spirit have only support and cooperation, and will not resist.

It took more than half a month for Fang Yuan to finally evacuate the entire Hei Fan Celestial Grotto.

Even the empty Inheritance Immortal Mountain, Fang Yuan did not let go, moved to the Little Southern Border.

In the original Hei Fan Celestial Grotto, there are still a large number of Gu Masters and mortals.

These are the descendants of the bloodline of Hei Family.

Fang Yuan killed them, collected them, and prepared to irrigate Soul Shaking Mountain.

What makes Fang Yuan feel a little regret is that there is no nonhuman life in Hei Fan Celestial Grotto.

Celestial Grotto Blessed Land operates to a certain stage, Gu Immortal will therein to support nonhuman. Although Hei Fan has this ability, he did not do so in the end.

Although there is no nonhuman, many of the conventional cultivation resources are consumed by Gu Immortal in Hei Fan Celestial Grotto, but Fang Yuan’s harvest is still great!

The resources in Hei Fan Celestial Grotto have enriched Paragon Immortal Aperture at once, sweeping away the ridiculous image and beginning to exude life.

“This is a leap!”

“If I had to work hard, I would have to run Paragon Immortal Aperture to this point, it would take at least six hundred years! This is the best estimate. But now, after swallowing the resources in Black Heaven Celestial Grotto, I immediately reach This level.”

Hei Fan Celestial Grotto has been around for a long time, and the accumulated resources are naturally huge! You know, this is the accumulation of wealth for Rank 8 Gu Immortal.

Although it was used a lot, it was far less than the flourishing period, but it still benefited Fang Yuan.

For example, the former Paragon Immortal Aperture is like a poor household, and even Immortal Gu is not enough. Now I have inherited hundreds of millions of net worth and become the monopoly of genuine!

“Now, the cultivation resource in my Paragon Immortal Aperture has a total value that is above the majority of the Rank 7 Gu Immortal !Rank 8 level, and even barely enough.”

“Of course, many of the resources here have just moved to Paragon Immortal Aperture. Environmental changes, especially Time Dao’s Dao Marks, are rare, and will result in a significant reduction in production, and even decay and death.”

“All kinds of animals and plants need to adapt to the new environment. My Paragon Immortal Aperture also needs to digest these.”

“Some of these resources, which I don’t use, must be sold in exchange for what I need urgently.”

Relocated all resources. This is just the beginning.

Next, Fang Yuan has to be governed and operated, which is a thousand things.

After a few more days, Fang Yuan took Chu Du into Hei Fan Celestial Grotto.

“After receiving your letter, I came here non-stop. Here is Hei Fan Celestial Grotto? Hey, why is it so poor and desolate?” Chu Du came to Hei Fan Celestial Grotto, all around, looking surprised and disappointed.

Hei Fan Celestial Grotto is almost empty.

Even the turf on the surface of the earth was lighted by Fang Yuan. Not to mention the trees growing on the ground.

There are also those of the Greek Tea, the river or something. They were also urged by Fang Yuan to drive Pulling Water Immortal Gu into the Paragon Immortal Aperture.

Hei Fan Celestial Grotto of the original verdant hills and limpid water, now becomes desolate, and sometimes the wind blows, rolling up the yellow sand, not so desolate.

Chu Du looked at Fang Yuan and looked at him.

The look on his face seems to be saying: Brother, you have eaten too much. I rushed over and you showed me this?

Fang Yuan laughed, pointing this day-ly said: “Brother Chu. According to the original covenant, I have to pay 30% of the proceeds to you. Now this Hei Fan Celestial Grotto is yours.”

Chu Du hearing that , complexityion changed. Staring at Fang Yuan with amazement: “Is this statement true?”

“Nature is true.” Fang Yuan nodded.

Chu Du is so excited!

Even if the resources in Celestial Grotto are swallowed by Fang Yuan, here is a piece of Celestial Grotto!

The relationship between resources and Celestial Grotto is like eggs and chicken.

Fang Yuan took the eggs inside and left the chickens that laid the eggs to Chu Du.

Chu Du can’t help but squints his eyes and his eyes are sharp.

He found that he could not refuse!


Because of this Celestial Grotto, it will be of great help to Chu Du’s cultivation.

Chu Du also has Immortal Aperture. But just Blessed Land, neither Time Dao nor Space Dao resources can compete with Celestial Grotto. Not to mention the Celestial Grotto left by this Hei Fan!

There are also a large number of cultivation resources in Chu Du Blessed Land. But it is not safe to put these resources on him.

The reason is Disaster and Tribulation.

Heavenly Tribulation and Earthly Disaster will also destroy the various resources in Immortal Aperture while dealing with Gu Immortal.

Chu Du is a Rank 7 cultivation base. After a lot of Disaster and Tribulation, I know the trouble and pain of destroying resources by Disaster and Tribulation.

He is not Vigorous True Martial Physique, Blessed Land has limited space. Unlike Fang Yuan’s Paragon Immortal Aperture, which is too big, with all the resources in Hei Fan Celestial Grotto installed, there is a lot of spare space. Fang Yuan can choose an empty land to meet the Disaster and Tribulation. But Chu Du will not work.

“In Hei Fan Celestial Grotto, there is no Disaster and Tribulation. Because this Immortal Aperture has swallowed the Immemorial Azure Heaven shards. I can relocate a lot of resources here. Of course, the Strength Dao’s Dao Marks are rare here. The situation still needs to be carefully considered and screened.” Chu Du kept thinking.

“Liu Guanyi sold this Hei Fan Celestial Grotto to me. In addition to completing the original agreement, I am afraid that this piece of Celestial Grotto is a little hot.”

Chu Du is not stupid, he quickly thought: he took away Heavenly Crystal Eagle Nest, the fact that Hei Fan True Inheritance is in his hands.

In fact, it is Fang Yuan who really gets Hei Fan True Inheritance. He did this, and he was behind the scenes, and Chu Du occupied Hei Fan Celestial Grotto. In the future, if things are not harmonious, it is not Fang Yuan who is looking for trouble, but Chu Du himself.

“But even if Heavenly Monarch Baiju strikes, this Hei Fan Celestial Grotto will be fixed. I am dignified Tyrant Immortal, afraid of a little risk?”

After thinking to this point, Chu Du gave a loud voice and promised to come down.

“Okay, it’s Tyrant Immortal!” Fang Yuan can’t help but clapping and sighing.

But then, when he handed over Hei Fan Celestial Grotto, there was a little trouble.

Yellow Clock Heaven Spirit is not willing.

It seems that Chu Du is not the reason for Hei Family bloodline.

“I don’t know anything.” Fang Yuan snorted and smashed the unguarded Yellow Clock Heaven Spirit.

The problem was solved suddenly!

Ps: There is a second one around 9, which is the addition of 500 monthly ticket.

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