The Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is full of images, showing before Fang Yuan’s eyes.

Fang Yuan Pressed the excitement in his heart and carefully checked it.

Each and every one’s Immortal Realm Ultimate Move covers a comprehensive range of offenses, movements, treatments, and more.

These are the core of Time Dao Immortal Rank ultimate move, most of which are Year Gu, Later Gu and Immortal Gus. A small number of Immortal Realm Ultimate Moves are based on Immortal Gu Years Flow Like Water. The Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, centered on the Rank 8 Immortal Gu, is naturally very effective.

For this, Fang Yuan has long realized.

His Meeting Past Acquaintance is the Legendary method based on the Rank 8 Manner Gu.

Of course, the current Fang Yuan is just the Rank 6 cultivation base, and the Green Grape Immortal Essence can’t help the Years Flow Like Water Gu. Unlike Manner Gu, it can be manipulates with your heart.

“Manner Gu is the Legendary Immortal Gu recorded in Human Ancestor Biography. In terms of application, Years Flow Like Water Immortal Gu is still inferior. But to put it, Manner Gu is not Hei Fan’s to Hei Fengyue”

These Immortal Realm Ultimate Moves make Fang Yuan an eye-opener.

The various principles involved, the combination of Gu insect, let him a little bit, there is a sense of great gain.

The number of Immortal Realm Ultimate Moves has exceeded 30. Some Immortal Realm Ultimate Moves are also divided into Rank 6, Rank 7, and Rank 8. Some Immortal Realm Ultimate Move notes leave the experience of Hei Fan when it was created. And experience.

“Prosperous Year?” Fang Yuan’s eyes are slightly stopped.

He therein has a very interesting Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Prosperous Year.

This is the name of Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

The core Immortal Gu used is the Immortal Rank Year Gu.

Mortal gu of support, there are tens of thousands, divided into categories. The process of urging is also very complicated, and Hei Fan has left his experience here. Even his Legendary character, who personally motivated the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, took two or three days to motivate this ultimate move!

There is a lot of immortal essence consumed, but the effect of Prosperous Year is calculated within the next year after the ultimate move is successful. A large increase in the output of various resources in Immortal Aperture!

This is an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move for the Immortal Aperture.

Very rare ultimate move, but very practical. Hei Fan is also acclaimed for this Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

According to the introduction, this Immortal Realm Ultimate Move was not created by him, but was exchanged with a person named Dan Xian.

Fang Yuan took a closer look. There are a lot of mortal gus required by Prosperous Year. If he wants to prepare, he has to start with Treasure Yellow Heaven.

This ultimate move is definitely what he wants to use.

It’s just not a lot of immortal essence, but also a lot of consumption for Year Gu.

“I just got this Year Gu, just over a hundred years. I want to use his inner-rank refinement. I can use Prosperous Year. Otherwise, it will be a loss to mortal gu.”

Fang Yuan continues to watch.

These ultimate move, some of the formidable power is amazing, some are subtle, and come out of imagination. But for Fang Yuan, it is not particularly important.

Fang Yuan did not forget his main purpose from beginning to end.

That is to find a way to delay your Immortal Aperture Disaster and Tribulation.

“A Day Drags Past Like A Year !” His eyes lit up and saw his own goal.

This Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is still based on the Immortal Rank Year Gu. A large number of Day Gus are available as support. Once mobilized, the time of Immortal Aperture can be slowed down.

Simply literally, the sun in the Immortal Aperture is delayed until the previous year.

However, after the use of Hei Fan’s annotations, it was mentioned that it would be a pure theory to delay the Immortal Aperture into a year. The actual effect is also based on the specific situation.

For example, a Strong Dao Gu Immortal, based on Strength Dao’s Dao Marks, will have a great impact on the Time Dao ultimate move.

If Time Dao Gu Immortal is acting on his own, it is like Hei Fan used by Own Luck. The effect was increased by Gu Immortal’s Time Dao’s Dao Marks, and the effect was much better.

Another example is a Lower Rank Blessed Land, and Higher Rank Blessed Land, the same ultimate move. The effect is different.

“A Month Drags Past Like A Year.”

Fang Yuan Then, the following is still one Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, which is very similar to A Day Drags Past Like A Year.

It also delays the Immortal Aperture time, delaying a month in the Immortal Aperture to one year. Core Gu is still Immortal Rank Year Gu, but the mortal gu of support is Month Gu.

Day Gu, Month Gu, Year Gu.

These are Time Dao Gu insects. Can be analogous to each other.

In addition to A Day Drags Past Like A Year, A Month Drags Past Like A Year, there are two outside Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, named A Month Flies Past Like A Year and A Day Flies Past Like A Year.

The first two are to delay the Immortal Aperture time stream, and the latter two are to speed up the Immortal Aperture time course.

Extending the Immortal Aperture time naturally stretches the interval between each Disaster and Tribulation. For example, Fang Yuan’s words, originally Five Regions outside the two months will be transcends tribulation. After using A Day Drags Past Like A Year, it will take decades or even a hundred years to go to the next Disaster and Tribulation.

Seeing this, Fang Yuan is sighed in relief.

His heart swayed with joy.

The previous three Earthly Disasters almost forced him to go nowhere, only to brace oneself.

Now with this Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, it’s instantly different!

Since then, Fang Yuan has been able to retreat, and there is room for change.

“But at the moment, there is no need to delay the Immortal Aperture time. By crossing the Earthly Disaster several times, you can grow Dao Marks and upgrade the cultivation base. With Chu Du help me, transcends tribulation may be very successful.” Fang Yuan is dark.

Once the Immortal Aperture time is delayed, there are drawbacks.

The rate of resource growth will drop sharply, and the elevation of Fang Yuan’s cultivation base will also drop.

“The next step is to prepare these Gu insects. Immortal Gu is not required. Day Gu and Month Gu are all needed, and the number is very large. I am afraid that even if it is acquired from Treasure Yellow Heaven, it will continue to be acquired for a long time.”

There are no mortal gus such as Day Gu, Month Gu, and Year Gu left in Hei Fan True Inheritance, which has caused Fang Yuan to acquire it.

Although this matter is somewhat difficult, as long as Fang Yuan is determined, it will be promoted.

“The four Immortal Realm Ultimate Moves can be counted as a set of ultimate move, specifically designed to change the time flow of the Immortal Aperture. The Hei Fan that created this ultimate move is extremely high.”

In the end, Hei Fan also mentioned that if the successor can get the Day Gu of the Immortal Rank or the Immortal Rank Month Gu, then the four ultimate moves do not need to cost that many common level Day Gu, Month Gu. And the effect of the ultimate move will be improved a lot.

“I can get Immortal Rank Year Gu, I am very fortunate. As for Immortal Rank Day Gu, Month Gu, even if it is.” Fang Yuan has no endless greed.

The main purpose of this trip, he has reached, the heart is already satisfied.

He continued to look down.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is very strong.

Soon, Fang Yuan saw a very interesting ultimate move.

This ultimate move is also based on Year Gu. But it can give Gu Immortal tremendous power. The more the Year Gu is consumed, the more powerful Gu Immortal gains.

This is also the original creation of Hei Fan, which uses Time Dao Gu insect to reflect the effect of Strength Dao.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move 100 Years Prosper Union !

Also based on Year Gu, a large number of Information Dao mortal gu is support. The covenant effect produced is valid for one hundred years.

This is the use of Time Dao Gu insect to show Information Dao.

“It can be used with Chu Du. After all, my covenant with him is handled by him. It is not very stable.” Fang Yuan flashed the thought in his heart.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Unlucky Year .

This is the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move with the focus of Years Flow Like Water. Fang Yuan is currently not working. Can only look at drooling.

Get the mystery of Luck Dao with Time Dao.

This is an offensive ultimate move. Once the enemy is recruited, Luck Qi will decline to a great extent within a year.

“It’s Hei Fan, well-know figure in Rank 8 Gu Immortal!”

“If he is a Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects, he will definitely be recruited into Heavenly Court, which is definitely the elite of Heavenly Court Gu Immortal.”

It is possible to use its own major genre to bypass other genres and achieve the mystery of other genres. This is a sign of the Rank 8 expert. The common Rank 8 Gu Immortal does not reach this level.

Hei Fan’s is powerful. Similar to Supervising Heaven Tower Lord in Heavenly Court.

Supervising Heaven Tower Lord is also Rank 8 Gu Immortal, majoring in Wisdom Dao. But when Bo Qing Immortal Zombie woke up and the sword light was in Central Continent’s, he could use the fix to repair the Supervising Heaven Tower. The effect of the repair is much better than the usual Refining Dao.

This is Wisdom Dao, the magic of achieving Refining Dao.

“Hey, it will cause no end of trouble? What is this trick?”

In the end, Fang Yuan and saw an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

At its core is Laterer Immortal Gu, once Gu Immortal succeeded. You can move this time’s Disaster and Tribulation to the next time, along with the next Disaster and Tribulation.

Fang Yuan has a heartbeat.

In the introduction of this ultimate move, there is also the caveat left by Hei Fan.

This ultimate move can’t be used too much, although it is possible to move the Disaster and Tribulation to the next time. But it angers Will of Heaven, which doubles the Disaster and Tribulation formidable power.

This Immortal Realm Ultimate Move was created by Hei Fan, but he only used it once and never used it.

In order to alert future generations, Hei Fan special intention took the name “it will cause no end of trouble”.

“It can only be urgent, not used. But it is definitely a good means.” Can get this. Fang Yuan is a little surprised.

Enraged Will of Heaven?

He has long since been indifferent.

Anyway, Will of Heaven tried to get rid of him. Fang Yuan’s existence itself is the greatest offense and anger of Will of Heaven’s.

After spending some time, Fang Yuan finally finished browsing the contents of Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Very comprehensive, even the operation of Immortal Aperture is covered. Not to mention, after that, it simulates the magic of other genres.

Although, Hemi Fan True Inheritance’s Immortal Gu, there are only a few.

But with a variety of mortal gu, combined into a myriad of Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, enough for Gu Immortal to cope with any situation.

This is the normal state of orthodox cultivation.

Although Hei Fan is powerful, it is not even Ten Perfect. Therefore, he raises a small number and is a small amount of Time Dao Gu insect.

The amount of Gu insect is not the key, using Gu insect’s Gu Immortal.

Hei Fan is the best example.

There are only two or three cockroaches, but he uses cockroaches, but he can use all kinds of magical ideas.

There is no strongest Immortal Gu, only the strongest Gu Immortal. The reason for this sentence is also here.

Ps: I am very tired recently, and my body seems to be weak, very uncomfortable. Today, this chapter is particularly difficult to write. Before a loss, it was changed in time. In fact, I have wanted to give up many times recently and I want to take a break. But think of everyone, or bite the teeth perseverance down. I also hope that everyone can understand me one or two. I am grateful.

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