It didn’t take long for the two sides to fight, but Feng Jun had already retired. ←

Fang Yuan was the first assassination, except for the strongest Rank 7 Blood Dao Gu Immortal Zheng Tuo, and then two charges, taking the most correct tactics, immediately laid the absolute advantage!

Feng Jun is not a fool. Even if the combat experience is not enough, he realizes that he is at stake.

He wants to retreat, which is undoubtedly a wise move.

The battle between Gu Immortal is more fighting!

“Third Sister is out of control, Hei Cheng is Rank 7 Gu Immortal, and our two Rank 6 teamed up, not an opponent. Or first join other Gu Immortal and take Old Immortal Chen Che as the mainstay!”

Feng Jun thought of this and immediately began to retreat.

He mobilized Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, and spurred an auspicious cloud around him, holding him and Zhou Min, and hurried to the left.

“What? Second brother, let me kill him, let me kill him!” Zhou Min screamed and struggled in the arms of Feng Jun.

Feng Jun smiled bitterly, and the strength of Zhou Min could not help but increase the point. The mouth was perfunctory: “Don’t move, I am pulling away, creating an opportunity in battle for your distant eyes!”

Zhou Min hearing that, I was shocked and excited to blurt out: “Good idea!”

She concentrated on her and stared at Fang Yuan.

As the distance increases, the strength of Yuan Yuanbing is stronger, and Fang Yuan’s defensive pressure suddenly rises.

Fang Yuan looked at the auspicious cloud at the foot of the two cents, indifferently laughed.

Instead of rushing to chase, he suddenly swooped down and landed on the ground, picking up the Zheng Tuo’s corpse in half and putting it in the Paragon Immortal Aperture.

“The thief! Let go of the bones of my big brother!” Zhou Min screamed, and his lungs were blown up.

Fang Yuan’s behavior is really abominable. Killing Zheng Tuo doesn’t say that even his body is not let go.

How can I let go?

The Dao Marks of this Rank 7 Blood Dao Gu Immortal will be a huge increase for Fang Yuan’s background!

Count it. Together with Zheng Tuo, Fang Yuan has killed four Gu Immortals, and Immortal Aperture is troublesome and demanding, but the harvest of Dao Marks is very impressive.

“Unusually Gu Immortal and Dao Marks are mutually restrained. Only by killing the same genre can Dao Marks be absorbed. Otherwise, it is often worth the loss. But my Paragon Immortal Body is different. Dao Marks does not affect each other. It is wonderful. Hey! Killing any Gu Immortal, you can annex Dao Marks and grow your own background. It seems that this is a good way to improve your strength!”

At this moment, Fang Yuan suddenly had new insights.

This Paragon Immortal Body is made by Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu. Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul wants to be born again.

I really want him to succeed, this weight is born, the consequences are simply Unimaginable!

First of all, Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul swallowed up a lot of souls in the Life and Death Gate, with an invaluable cultivation experience. Second, his various genres, Realm, are basically Great Grandmaster level! Finally, he also has Shadow Sect’s remnant forces.

Once he has this new starting point, I am afraid to follow the previous life. Kill the Quartet. He killed Gu Immortal and swallowed the Immortal Aperture. Can also absorb Dao Marks. The speed of growth is simply incredible and will definitely exceed imagination!

Unlike Fang Yuan, only four genres are Grandmaster Realm, and it is difficult to annex Immortal Aperture. The most common one is to absorb Dao Marks.

Fang Yuan stuffed the body of Zheng Tuo into the Immortal Aperture. This scene shows Zhou Min corner of the eye.

Feng Jun did not speak, and he also had grief in his heart, but more is relaxed.

“It seems that Hei Cheng has no effective mobility. Perhaps he is using the Superior Heavenly Eagle. But this Immemorial Desolate Beast has not yet grown up. It’s just the Race 6 battle strength. He didn’t release it, he was worried about the Superior Heavenly Eagle. Was it killed by the distant eyes?”

Feng Jun’s heart, put a little down.

But a moment later, his mouth subconsciously Zhang Da, the look of horror suddenly appeared on his face.

It turned out that Fang Yuan spurred Sword Escape, figure like a sword, flying into the sky.

The speed is fast, and Feng Jun and Zhou Min are scared for a while!

“How could it be so fast?” Zhou Min surprised and angry.

“It turned out that this is his real speed!” Feng Jun’s heart should all mention the blind eye, and its own mobility means is simply not presentable!

A few breaths, Fang Yuan is approaching again!

The ice-cold killing intent almost freezes Feng Jun’s mind.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – moving in the past!

In a critical moment, he had to resort to life-saving means again.

When the attack came out, the previous scene was staged again and Fang Yuan was pushed back to the rear.

“The third time, hehe.” Fang Yuan remembered in his heart that he had no flutter.

Zhou Min wakes up.

She has just been scared by the speed of Fang Yuan’s, her forehead is cold sweat, anger gradually vanishes, fright wells up.

“Come on! This person is too strong, let’s talk to other people first!” Zhou Min whispered.

Feng Jun hearing that, I am very pleased.

With the Zhou Min take action, the speed of the two increases, and the extreme fast escapes.

Fang Yuan chased after the end and repeatedly slammed.

But every time, it was destroyed by Feng Jun’s past.

After a while, there are two silhouettes of Gu Immortals in front.

It was the two Gu Immortals rogue cultivators, who lived alone in one place, one named Jiang Ji and one named Gao Mi.

“hold on, we are here!”

The two immortals are also flying, and quickly merged with Zhou Min and Feng Jun to go to one place.

Fang Yuan observed the words and saw that they were not surprised. They knew that Feng Jun and Zhou Min had used some Information Dao means to inform the two Gu Immortals in the process of fleeing.

“Hei Cheng, you are so daring, you dare to try to harm me in Hei Fan Celestial Grotto!”

“Today you will die!”

Feng Jun and Zhou Min no longer fled and returned to face Fang Yuan.

“Hei Cheng Young Master, are you killing Wanyun elder sister?! Is Old Ancestor also honoring your poison?” A screaming voice suddenly sounded.

It is Chen Le.

After Chen Le started the magnificent ray warning, he went to Fang Yuan, but at that time Fang Yuan had left first to meet the three immortals such as Zheng Tuo.

Chen Le didn’t find Fang Yuan, and she was very upset at the moment. I don’t know what to do.

She did not dare to revoke the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, hid in the palace for a while, and received a letter from Feng Jun.

The letter explains the appearance of Fang Yuan pretend to be Chen Le, using Sword Dao ultimate move. Killing Gu Immortal Zheng Tuo, Chen Le is stupid, and now he understands what is going on.

She rushed to Chen Che’s residence, but where can I find the silhouette of her Old Ancestor?

Feng Jun has been fleeing, but in fact has already contacted the rest of Gu Immortal, Chen Le also decided to respond to the call.

and so. Her silhouette appeared on the battlefield at the moment.

“It’s you.” Fang Yuan saw Chen Le, cruelly laughed. “You finally become smarter. Right, whether it is Chen Che, Chen Lizhi, Chen Wanyun, or Zheng Tuo, they are all in my hands. You are here, two Rank 7, even they are dead. You these people. It is better to obediently surrender. As the saying goes to know the time is also Junjie.”

Chen Le’s face was white and stunned.

Fang Yuan personally admitted that she suffered a huge psychological blow.

“Why? Why are you doing this?!” Chen Le screamed and tears screamed. “Where are we ill-treated? Why are you so poisonous hand?!”

“Don’t be influenced by him, Chen Le, we are arranging formation!” Zhou Min, who has been awake, reminded loudly.

Focused on Fang Yuan. Within a hundred miles, suddenly a huge jasper ball of light was covered.

This is a huge Battle Formation.

Far Ancient Battle Formation with Arrow Jun, Zhou Min, Chen Le and other five cents as the array core!

“Hei Cheng. Even if you are a Rank 7 Gu Immortal, you have to drink it today!”

“right. This Battle Formation has killed more than a dozen Desolate Beast and eight Far Ancient Desolate Beast since our drills.”

“You can’t escape! I will cramp your skin and pay homage to the soul of the number of Fellow Immortal you killed!”

He Im Fan Celestial Grotto’s Gu Immortals shouted, and morale was high for a time.

Fang Yuan smiled. The calm look is unchanged.

He leisurely said: “Azure City Battle Formation ? He He He, but part of the Far Ancient Battle Formation Azure City Vertically and Horizontally nothing more. You think, I don’t know?”

The color of the fairy face has changed slightly, and the feelings in the heart are not good.

Chen Le’s face was white again, and her regrets in her heart. It’s hard to add!

Because of this Battle Formation in Qingcheng, she told Fang Yuan’s.

The Gu Immortals of the Hei Fan Celestial Grotto have to practice a grand formation. This is the Battle Formation of Qingcheng, which is used to kill Desolate Beast or Immemorial Desolate Beast. The formidable power is extremely powerful.

“I am after all is Rank 7 cultivation base, and you are just Rank 6. So I have already expected that you will use this trick. After the fight, you can’t run? He He He, this Battle Formation is broken, You have to backlash, even if you don’t die, you should be seriously injured…”

Fang Yuan said faintly.

His tone is very calm, his voice is not big, but he clearly sounds in the ears of the group.

The morale that the group has just inspired is cut down by these words. Not yet fighting, these Gu Immortal hearts have begun to shake!

“Now, let you see my true strength.”

Fang Yuan low roaring sound, screaming, slamming, suddenly squirting out the scent of Gu insect!

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Ten Thousand Me!

In an instant, thousands of Fang Yuan appeared in the space of the entire Battle Formation.

All are Strength Dao phantom!

Fang Yuan’s real body, also turned into one, cleverly hidden.

The decisive battle is now unfolding.

At the beginning, it entered the stage of white heat.

Feng Jun, Zhou Min and other Gu Immortal, each means, various Immortal Realm Ultimate Move alternately round, bombing against Ten Thousand Me army.

Fang Yuan’s Strength Dao phantom, natural defense is not strong. But how much destruction, there are more Strength Dao phantom produced at the same time.

Fang Yuan was fully prepared before the battle.

Even if he no longer motivated Ten Thousand Me Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, his Immortal Aperture also pre-stored 100,000’s Self Strength phantom.

Not bad money!

Fang Yuan’s Green Grape Immortal Essence has a lot of reserves!

Feng Jun and the others soon discovered that they were in a dilemma.

Without Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, Ten Thousand Me phantom impacts Battle Formation and is hard to resist. But using Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, although destroying countless phantoms, but because of Yuan Yuan’s timely supplement, the immortal essence has a lot of losses.

The value of this equivalent to immortal essence, Fang Yuan has the upper hand! Don’t forget the advantage of Strength Dao, that is, immortal essence consumes less. The advantage of Enslave Dao lies in the war of attrition.

Ten Thousand Me ultimate move is the two confluences that combine the strengths of the two genres!

Fang Yuan waited patiently in the Ten Thousand Me army and observed it carefully.

All kinds of intelligence were collected by him and remembered.

The decisive battle lasted for a few hours, and Hei Fan Celestial Grotto’s Gu Immortals was already tired. Not only the fatigue on the consciousness **, but also the violent consumption of immortal essence, which made them gradually unable to support.

It’s a flaw, and Fang Yuan’s real body suddenly appears!

“Hahaha, Chen Le, I am also thanks to you. Without your intelligence, how can I kill Chen Wanyun and the others?” Fang Yuan laughed.

Chen Le is embarrassed by the embarrassment of the heart.

With this opportunity, Fang Yuan has a hot hand.

Flying Sword Immortal Gu !

a ray of light easily penetrates the protection of Chen Le and kills it.

The persimmons must of course be softly pinched!

Fang Yuan doesn’t usually act, but when it happens to kill another fairy.

Chen Le died on the spot, Qingcheng Battle Formation suddenly became unstable and swayed.

The rest of Gu Immortals worked hard and managed to stabilize it.

“Next. It’s your turn.” Fang Yuan laughed a few times, but did not attack, and returned to Ten Thousand Me army.

The remaining four Gu Immortals, each and every one, turned pale, and the heart rose into a cold and cold air.

It is obvious that they surrounded Fang Yuan, but at this moment, the four are not in the slightest joy.

The overall situation has been set!

From the beginning, Fang Yuan took the most correct tactics. Established a huge advantage.

These Gu Immortal means, he is already familiar with. And his means, the other party is very strange.

Originally, the other party also has an advantage.

For example, Chen Le’s stealth means, Fang Yuan can’t help.

Unfortunately, by Fang Yuan, Chen Le took the initiative to participate in the battle, combined with the Battle Formation in Qingcheng, and abandoned his biggest advantage.

After all. Or Hei Fan Celestial Grotto has been flat for too long, these Gu Immortal Although Immortal Gu is not lacking, resources are not lacking, but the combat experience is lacking.

Although they normally learn from each other. However, the experience of life and death is only impossible to replace by relying alone.

After half a day.

Fang Yuan has killed two Gu Immortals. Breaking through the Battle Formation of Qingcheng.

Feng Jun and Zhou Min fled again.

The two immortals were smashed by Fang Yuan and did not dare to fight again. They sneaked into Inheritance Immortal Mountain.

On this way, Fang Yuan killed Zhou Min again. Feng Jun dragged his injured body and fell to the foothills of Inheritance Immortal Mountain.

“Heaven Spirit save me!” he muttered.

This situation is somewhat ironic. Not long ago, he planned to suppress Heaven Spirit, but at the moment he had to rely on Heaven Spirit for help.

“It won’t save you.” In the stone pavilion, Fang Yuan’s silhouette is flashed.

His tone is still as dull as water, and there is no scar on his body. It is still awkward. It seems that the battle just happened, it did not happen.

Feng Jun saw Fang Yuan, scared to tremble, and quickly stared at the Yellow Clock Heaven Spirit.

Yellow Clock Heaven Spirit is indifferent.

Feng Jun looks like a gray color.

“Why?” he murmured.

“Why!” a moment later, he suddenly shouted, as if questioning Heaven Spirit.

The Yellow Clock Heaven Spirit is still static and waveless.

“Because, you are all descendants of sin. Old Ancestor Hei Fan is before death, and this is taken into account when leaving True Inheritance. So the final test is set. Only the more than half of He Im Fan Celestial Grotto is Gu Immortal. Support, in order to inherit True Inheritance. He He He, in case you are a sinful descendant, resentful against Hei Family, do not want Hei Family to inherit True Inheritance, Evil Intention destruction, what should I do?” Fang Yuan extend the palm, Gently stroke the surface of the stone.

“Then only kill you first. Kill all of you, only me, then the best test of Hei Fan True Inheritance, I am also satisfied.”

Fang Yuan serene, even with a slight smile on her face.

Feng Jun plopped and sat down on the ground, his face full of despair.

He looked up and looked towards the sky.

The color of the blue that was once bored, at the last moment of life, is not tired at all.

But a moment later, he listened to Fang Yuan again: “Now, I will give you a chance. As long as you submit to me, I will serve you wholeheartedly in the future, and I will leave you a life.”

“What, what?” Feng Jun was a shivered, revealing an incredible expression.

Fang Yuan repeated it again and said: “You are a smart person, not emotional, unlike Zhou Min or Chen Le. I appreciate it. I will give you all the content of Immortal Gu and Luck Dao True Inheritance. Not dead, give you the chance to survive.”

Feng Jun blinked his eyes and his heart moved.

“You didn’t lie to me?” He looked up at Fang Yuan and had deep expectations in the depths of his eyes.

“What do I lie to you? Killing you, for me, is a little thing with no difficulty. But you don’t want to bargain with me.” Fang Yuan complexion sank, “You only have three breaths of time to consider.” Either die, or surrender everything, surrender, and set a covenant with me.”

“I surrender.” The first time I breathed, Feng Jun said, it was very simple.

“This is all of my insects in my body.” After the second breath, Feng Jun surrendered everything.

Fang Yuan nodded, stretched out a hand, put it away, with the cooperation of Feng Jun, all suppression!

“Please make a covenant.” Feng Jun took a deep breath and he was mentally prepared for the harsh covenant.


There was a blood hole in his forehead.

His face was full of horror, looking at Fang Yuan, and then slowly fell to the ground.

The third time of breathing, just passed.

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