Why did Old Ancestor suddenly kill Chen Wanyun?

Chen Le couldn’t figure it out, and 10,000 of them didn’t understand.

She whispered sobbing, suddenly trembled, and groaned in her heart, she thought of Chen Lizhi. Will Old Ancestor go to Chen Lizhi and want to kill him?

This is a very simple reasoning.

No matter what, find Chen Lizhi first and tell him about it!

At the crucial moment, Chen Le didn’t think of Hei Cheng first, but the closest family, Gu Immortal.

Chen Le realized suddenly came over, stopped sobbing, and quickly got up, still urging Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, hiding the figure and running to Chen Lizhi’s palace.

Fang Yuan did not go to Chen Lizhi’s residence as Chen Le thought.

He didn’t find Chen Le and had killed Chen Lizhi, so the last action of this time was to go to Chen Le’s residence.

Find her, then, kill!

After a while, Chen Le came to Chen Lizhi’s residence.

“How can there be no one?” Chen Le searched the palace and found no Chen Lizhi.

Of course, she saw many mortals, as well as Gu Master.

But Chen Le didn’t alarm them, even if they told them this sensational news, they probably wouldn’t believe it.

Looking at the empty great hall, Chen Le’s heart once again showed infinite confusion and confusion.

Old Ancestor Chen Che killed Chen Wanyun, and Chen Lizhi disappeared. I am afraid it is bode ill rather than well.

Chen Le couldn’t help but cry.

“What should I do? Worse, bad! Hei Cheng Young Master!” Chen Le At this moment, he finally remembered Fang Yuan and was a shivered.

She thinks. At this time, only Hei Cheng can rely on it.

She turned immediately. Run to the residence of Hei Cheng.

Almost at the same time, Fang Yuan came to the palace of Chen Le.

No one actually?

“Strange. Where will she go at this time?” Fang Yuan sinks in his heart.

The situation has suddenly changed.

Fang Yuan subconsciously Looking at the sky, the sky of Hei Fan Celestial Grotto is clear and cloudless, clear and green.

Fang Yuan was laughed at the sky and immediately moved to his residence.

Where can Chen Le go?

It is nothing more than those places.

There is not much common topic between Gu Immortal and mortal.

Returning to his place of residence, Fang Yuan became Hei Cheng and tried waited Chen Le.

Just then, suddenly a magnificent ray. The violent shot came out and rushed to the sky, burning all directions, shining and glaring.

“This is what Chen Le mentioned… What magnificent ray warning, group immortal defense?” Fang Yuan suddenly frowned.

These days, he inquired Chen Le about all aspects of intelligence.

One of them was said to have been deceived by Desolate Beast and Far Ancient Desolate Beast when Gu Immortal first appeared in Hei Fan Celestial Grotto.

Former generations of Gu Immortal. Join forces to fight against the enemy. In normal times, they are separated from Celestial Grotto. If any party is attacked, the police can be alerted when the situation is critical. Gu Immortal take action is invited to help, and the corresponding compensation will be paid afterwards.

“With the Gu Immortal in Hei Fan Celestial Grotto, it is getting stronger. This magnificent ray warning has not appeared for nearly a hundred years. This time, I am afraid it is Chen Le take action. Hehe. But it is a small woman who is a good deal!” Fang Yuan laughed.

Blackmail is like him. I immediately figured out a lot of things.

He killed three people, leaving only one person, Chen Le. The means of magnificent ray warning, only Gu Immortal knows, must be prompted by Chen Le.

Why did Chen Le avoid meeting somebody, suddenly urging this?

Obviously, it was discovered that several other or one person suffered unfortunate facts.

No matter where she is hidden, what is used is what kind of means. Since she did not find herself, it shows that she already doubts herself.

Next, it must be group immortal to arrive simultaneous, how should Fang Yuan respond?

It turned out that in the previous moment.

Chen Le is trying to find Hei Cheng. Suddenly, the thoughts are flashing. Even if he finds Hei Cheng Young Master, what if he is not good at Old Ancestor?

Chen Le doesn’t know the strength of Hei Cheng, but deep down, I still feel that Old Immortal Chen Che is more too high and deep to be measured. This is due to the accumulation of the usual Old Immortal Chen Che.

“I have to think of the best of both worlds!” Chen Le thought of the magnificent ray warning.

The police’s magnificent ray skyrocketed and Chen Le’s heart was calm.

“I don’t know if Old Ancestor saw this magnificent ray, would you come to me?” Think of it, Chen Le began to fear again.

She bit her teeth and decided to go to Fang Yuan first.

Throughout the beginning, she did not doubt that Fang Yuan was a real murderer!

Magnificent ray In the flash of the sky, Gu Immortal in the rest of the world reacted.

“What happened? At this festival, old man Chen Che will send a warning message and invite us to go to the joint defense?” Before the 3 Immortals Cave, Feng Jun looks at the brilliance of the rushing, frowning.

Zhou Min is also a suspicious face: “This is a bit embarrassing. Not to mention Old Immortal Chen Che, there are four Gu Immortals, the strongest. Hei Fan Celestial Grotto, what kind of Far Ancient Desolate Beast, worth Chen Che Inviting us to help us?”

“Do you think this matter is related to Hei Cheng?” Zheng Tuo pondered then said.

“** is not far from ten.” Feng Jun nodded, “This magnificent ray warning has not appeared for nearly a hundred years. It happened to be very strange at this time. And, Hei Cheng has lived 5~6 in old man Chen Che. Maybe they have reached an agreement and they are awkward.”

“Old Immortal Chen Che is in the mood, as long as Hei Cheng is willing to benefit and get his support, it is not unexpected.” Zheng Tuo thought, “Whether it is Far Ancient Desolate Beast attack, or Chen Che, they want to be bad for us. We should all go to find out.”

“Yes. Our Blood Light Suppressing Spirit has been drilled to a critical juncture. Delay the severe days, suppress Heaven Spirit, and force True Inheritance. Nothing to worry about. It’s a matter of delay, but be careful. Look at what the other party is playing. Then, let’s take the snake. After a few days, this Hei Fan Celestial Grotto is our world!” Feng Jun sneered again and again.

Immediately, three immortals were dispatched and flew to the palace of Old Immortal Chen Che.

At the same time, the remaining two Gu Immortals also immediately set off.

Hei Fan Celestial Grotto is not small. But the residence between Gu Immortal is not far apart.

Plus three immortals do not hesitate to immortal essence. Drive Immortal Realm Ultimate Move on the road.

After a while, it was already halfway.

at this time. A flying silhouette appeared in the field of three immortals.

“It’s Chen Le!” Zhou Min first saw, recognized people.

Chen Le was bathed in blood, full of horror, and was desperately trying to escape, which made three immortals look at each other in dismay.

Could it be that really have a Far Ancient Desolate Beast attack?

“Chen Le, and slow, I am here. What happened to you?” Zheng Tuo volunteered.

Chen Le saw the three Gu Immortals, and suddenly they were surprised: “It turned out to be three seniors! It is very good to see you. Hei Cheng is extremely wicked. I can’t negotiate with my home Old Ancestor, and I will use my shadow to kill my Wanyun elder sister. It was me who launched the police magnificent ray and escaped. Hei Cheng kept chasing me, but fortunately I had Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Xiaoyin, only escape alive.”

“What!” three immortals hearing that, all without vibration.

“Is this Hei Cheng so daring?”

“He actually dealt with Old Immortal Chen Che directly, so very ruthless vicious. I am afraid it will be bad for us.”

“Strange, he still wants to win Hei Fan True Inheritance. How can he get it without our support?”

“Killing and paying for life, it’s just right. We have to take Hei Cheng to this person!”

“Surely. We will first meet with other Gu Immortals. Chen Le, don’t worry, we are a family. We will be fair to you Patriarch!”

“Fair?” Chen Le suddenly smiled and took action.

In the eyes of three immortals horrified. The sword light is like a stunned, right in the body of Zheng Tuo.

Zheng Tuo is caught off guard. Although he has Mortal Realm Ultimate Move protection itself, Divergent Dark Murder is the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, and the Rank 7 Flying Sword Immortal Gu is the core, sharp and arrogant, directly split his whole person in two!

For a moment, Zheng Tuo was killed!

“big brother !!!” Zhou Min shouted.

Feng Jun roared, and both palms shot, suddenly fluttering in the wind, pushing Fang Yuan into the distance.

“big brother!” Zhou Min mournfully wails, looking at the two half of Zheng Tuo’s body falling to the ground, blood and internal organs spilled in the air.

Feng Jun hugged Zhou Min, dragged her, and quickly retreated.

“Chen Le, are you crazy? You dare to kill me Zheng Tuo big brother, I want to fight you!” Zhou Min roared again and again, the delicate face was already congested, “I want to kill you!”

“Kill me?” Chen Le stopped the figure, smirked and looked at Zhou Min with a disdainful look. “Is it by you?”

Zhou Min rampage is struggling, struggling to break away from Feng Jun’s cuddle: “second brother, what are you doing! You let me go, this low maid killed the big brother! She killed the big brother! I want to take her Unscrew your head and give me a big brother!!”

“You calm down, Third Sister! Don’t miss the other’s stimuli. How could she be Chen Le? Chen Le, you still don’t know? Just that is Sword Dao Immortal Rank ultimate move! She is not Chen Le at all! “Feng Jun is also roaring, looking at Chen Le’s eyes, full of hatred, it is just a fire.”

“It seems that there is still someone who understands.” Chen Le smiled a little, and the original appearance suddenly changed to become Hei Cheng.

“You really are Hei Cheng!” Feng Jun was shocked.

“The thief!!!” Zhou Min roared.

“Looking at them, it seems that I am the murderer. Strange… Chen Le didn’t use Information Dao Gu insect to tell them?” Fang Yuan has some doubts in his heart.

He didn’t know, but Chen Le didn’t doubt him until the end.

After making the magnificent ray of the police, Chen Le rushed to his residence.

But Fang Yuan already went back to his residence and waited for Chen Le for a moment. After seeing the police’s magnificent ray, he felt that he should be exposed. As a result, it is better to count the meter, take the initiative to attack, split the road, first weaken the group strength in Hei Fan Celestial Grotto.

Since Chen Che has died three people, the biggest group is the three immortals of 3 Immortals Cave.

Then Fang Yuan became the appearance of Chen Le and flew in the direction of 3 Immortals Cave.

The result bumped into three immortals, and he used Divergent Dark Murder to kill the most threatening Blood Dao Gu Immortal Zheng Tuo.

When Chen Le went to Fang Yuan’s residence, but did not see Fang Yuan, his heart was lost, and there was even more worry.

She did not know that her stupid people were stupid, but escaped.

“The original assassination of this time did not hold much hope. I didn’t expect the process to be unexpectedly smooth. The Gu Immortal in Hei Fan Celestial Grotto can’t compare with Northern Plains. It seems to be a long-term, vigilant. Sex is too low. No matter what, kill the two in front of you.”

The thoughts in my mind are like lightning flashing. Fang Yuan thinks a lot, but it is reflected in the outside world, but it is only a rush of time.

His mouth rose a bit and rushed straight to Feng Jun and Zhou Min.


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