Southern Border .

The mountains are towering and the mountains are rolling. The mountain wind is constantly whistling.

More than a dozen Gu Immortals, thousands of miles apart, form a huge circle.

Above this center of the sky, one Gu Immortal old man constantly mobilizes immortal essence, concentrates, is set up formation.

A grand formation, which has taken shape, covers an oversized range of tens of thousands of miles, and is covering a group of magnificent dreamy light.

This huge light group, full of colorful, gorgeous, is a super dream.

Righteous Heavenly Mountain has been in ruins since the war. Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul was calculated by Will of Heaven and won the victory by Fang Yuan, while his body was trapped in a dream and was constantly lost by dreams.

Southern Border Gu Immortals, while not knowing the inside story of the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, understands the great benefits that this super dream represents.

These Gu Immortal on the field are from the Southern Border’s major Righteous Path superpowers.

After a difficult negotiation, they reached an agreement to jointly control this super dream.

This dream is too important, no super power can eat alone. Also worried that Demonic Path and loose immortal come over, so Righteous Path Gu Immortals will unite in advance, occupy it here, and arrange a Super Gu Formation here to slowly divide the benefits of dreams in the future.

“From!” The highest empty Gu Immortal old man, suddenly loudly shouted, the whole body is shining out of the boundless magnificent ray.

Following him, Southern Border Righteous Path Gu Immortals also made a series of efforts, a large amount of immortal essence consumption, numerous mortal gu flying, an Immortal Gus flew out of each Gu Immortals and fell to the right position.

Many of Gu Immortal are sweating and expression is tense. More people are shaking their hands and fingers.

They have arranged gu formation here and have continued nine days and nine nights.

Obviously, until now, Gu Immortals has set the Super Gu Formation, which is at a critical juncture.

“They are going to succeed!”

“Are we still not doing it? If we don’t do it again…”

“oh! There is no chance. Around them, Gu Immortal expert is still ambushing, even I suspect that Immortal Gu Home to oversee !”

“In this case……”

An exchange unfolded quietly.

Demonic Path and loose immortal also understand the value of this super dream. Even without this dream, there has been a mysterious war here. Maybe Gu Immortal wreckage or inheritance, this is a treasure!

But Righteous Path Gu Immortals is extremely safe and has never given these Demonic Path and lose immortal opportunities.

Without any choice, these Gu Immortals wisely chose to retreat.


A loud bang of a huge beam of light, straight into the topmost clouds.

The light column appears fast and disappears very quickly.

A magnificent Super Gu Formation gradually disappears into the entity and disappears into the vision of the celestial beings.

“It took a lot of hard work. It was finally!” Gu Immortal old man, who is in charge of set up formation, slowly descended.

Righteous Path Gu Immortals gathered together and gathered together.

“This time I arranged gu formation, I have Wumantal’s Immortal Gu, as many as five. So this dream, there should be 30% to my Wu Family.”

“hehe, this is reasonable. But… I am not a family member of Immortal Gu, and I am no less than your Wu Family.”

“What are all these words! Without all of us working together, using immortal essence, can this Super Gu Formation be laid out?”

“In my opinion. To say that contribution, my family, Revered Great Elder Chi Quyou, is the first to deserve the gu formation layout.”

Although the Super Gu Formation is laid out, the Roundtheus Path Gu Immortals has not yet fixed the dream.

For a time, the voice of the discussion grew louder and louder, and the extent of the arguing was progressing.

A simple quarrel is of course inconclusive.

Righteous Path Gu Immortals broke up and began to plan for his own interests.

After several days.

Trading Mountain.

“Xinci meets Sir Qingqing.” Shang Xinci bowed.

Shang Qingqing looks at Shang Xinci, satisfied with nodded: “I didn’t misread you. You are the Patriarch these days, and you are doing right. The members of Shang Family are gradually getting more and more.”

“Xinci can be today. Or Sir Qingqing is a portable one.” Shang Xinci sincerely thanked.

Shang Qingqing stepped into the theme: “I am calling you this time. There are some things to ask you. The first thing you do after you take the Patriarch is to wash the black and white Twin Fiends. You know. You That Elder Brother Black Fiend is not Fang Zheng, but Fang Yuan.”

“Fang Yuan?” Shang Xinci looked confused.

She absolutely did not expect that Shang Sir Qingqing specifically called her, actually told her about Elder Brother Black Fiend.

Shang Xinci serves as the Shang Family Patriarch with an open mind. Knowing a lot of secrets, knowing the beautiful fairy in front of you, is aloof and remote, Gu Immortal who is proud of the mortal world!

This Gu Immortals actually talked to her about a mortal Gu Master. Why didn’t she ask her doubts?

Shang Qingqing said seriously: “Xinci, then my words, You must listen well, one word is very important.”

“Yes, Xinci is obedient.”

“The Black Fiend Fang Zheng you met, the real name is Ancient Moon’s Fang Yuan. He is very big and very small. It is extremely dangerous. He is Demonic Path Gu Immortal, and he has made a big case. Now it is not only my Southern Border. There are also Central Continent, Northern Plains, Eastern Sea, Western Desert’s Gu Immortal, all are hunting him.” Shang Qingqing has a low voice.

Shang Xinci widely opens mouth, I was so stunned.

For a time, she felt that she had an auditory hallucination.

When did the Elder Brother Black Fiend become a fairy, and also let the business Sir Qingqing so jealous?

“You don’t doubt your ears. I will take this kind of thing to joke with you? You have had a relationship with the devil, Fang Yuan. You are telling me about the whole thing.” Shang Qingqing asked.

“Ah… ah, yes, yes.” Shang Xinci finally came back to his senses and began to recall, “I saw the first side of the Elder Brother Black Fiend in the caravan. He is actually a good person, help me. Get out of trouble…”

Shang Xinci recalled the past and gradually deepened, and it was inevitable that a gentle color appeared on his face.

Throughout the process, Shang Qingqing was calmly listening, not making a statement.

After Shang Xinci finished, he tried to spur the courage of the whole body and whispered to Fang Yuan: “Sir Qingqing, I think it is wrong? Fang Zheng, um, Fang Yuan big brother is just a mortal Gu Master, how can it be harmful? What about the Great Demon in the world?”

“hehe.” Shang Qingqing’s face showed a mocking smile. “He’s not Great Demon, who can still be? His cunning and insidious, not what you can imagine. He made the entire Northern Plains Gu Immortal world heaven.” And earth turning upside down, Central Continent Heavenly Court caught him, didn’t catch it. No one knows where he is, what bad things are doing, planning what crafty plots and machinations. You are not as simple as you think. I can hear that there is his calculation in it!”

“Do you know? Because of your relationship with him, now even my entire Shang Family is under the pressure of Southern Border Gu Immortal. From now on, you have to break with him and have no connection. Be your Shang Family. Patriarch, let’s go.”

Shang Xinci had to retreat.

“You put her like this?” After Shang Xinci left, a silhouette emerged and stood beside Shang Qingqing.

This fairy is thin and thin, and it looks like Shang Family Gu Immortal Shang Tanmo.

Shang Qingqing smiled: “What about that?”

Shang Tanmo grimly says: “At least you can’t listen to her words, ask Soul Search, know it!”

Shang Qingqing smiles more: “What do you think is this?”

Said, she stretched out her hand in the big sleeve.

Her hand, no one is colored, like a trunk, and a small flower grows on the nail.

Shang Tanmo met, a slight glimpse: “I forgot, you have this Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, which is more reliable than Soul Search.”

“I already know the intersection of Fang Yuan and my Shang Family. He came to my Merchant City and wanted to seek cultivation. It is a person who has Spring and Autumn Cicada’s rebirth. This is not a major event, nor is there any calculation. The conspiracy was ambushed by him.” Shang Qingqing said.

Shang Tanmo nodded: “Then I am relieved, but what about the outside people explaining to them?”

Shang Qingqing sneered: “They? It is nothing more than trying to capture more dreams, so take the excuse of Fang Yuan to attack us Shang Family. Now my findings are enough to block their mouth.”

Shang Tanmo’s eyes are bright glow flashes. He looks up at faraway. His eyes seem to penetrate Trading Mountain. Saw’s super dream: “Maybe… our Shang Family Gu Immortal is too polite, and everyone thinks we are not fighting well. ”

The situation is constantly changing.

Northern Plains here, the Hei Family war is over, there are still some afterglows. Righteous and Demonic two grand formation camps, as well as loose immortal, have their own harvests. The Hei Family dies, and the Baiju Family replaces it, changing Gu Immortal World’s overall situation.

In the Southern Border, around the super dream, Righteous Path Gu Immortals teamed up to get the most out of Demonic Path and rogue cultivator. But inside the Righteous Path, a battle to divide the super dreams is about to begin!

Whenever and wherever, all kinds of dramas for chasing interests are staged.

It has been more than ten days.

Northern Plains, the northern Great Icefield.

Fang Yuan fell to Immortal Aperture and looked up at the sky, whispering in his mouth: “It’s finally here!”

Heaven Qi and Earth Qi is rolling, cloudless and foggy, and the Paragon Immortal Aperture presents a strange and beautiful scene.

One by one, a bird, born out of thin air.

They are covered in green glimmers, flying extremely fast, and in the Yuan Yuan’s eyelids, they take out a path of slender light.

The sound of birds is crisp and infinite, with infinite vitality.

“Life Harbinger Green Oriole.” Fang Yuan blinked slightly and recognized the foot of the bird.

Don’t look at it is very small, similar to the sparrow, but it is the Desolate Beast of the gene!

“This bird is very special in the Desolate Beast and has a lot of Law Dao ‘Life’ Dao Marks. But its life span is very short. After hatching from the egg, you can soar in the sky. Wherever you go, Dao Marks Gone out, make Heaven and Earth easy to change, and rejuvenate infinitely. After a dozen breaths, you will die.”

Fang Yuan is in the heart of this, and I saw this little Northern Plains, originally covered with thin ice and snow, and a green grass seedling has emerged.

Soon, under the influence of Life Harbinger Green Oriole, the grass grows high and grows rapidly, with rare wildflowers in between.

“What happened? What is Earthly Disaster? Will Will of Heaven want to help me build Immortal Aperture?” Fang Yuan wondered.

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