It’s too late, it’s fast.

A shadow like a hill, coming to Qiao Dong.

In an instant, Qiao Dong was unable to move a single step, only shouted: “Liu Chang, save me!”

Liu Zhuanshen appeared in front of Qiao Dong and burst into white light, illuminating the shadows.

“Hei Tiesheng, I am here, you can’t move Qiao Dong.” Liu Zhuanshen looked towards people, showing strong hostility.

Gu Immortals have been shaken.

Whether it is Dragon Hawk or Ge Ming Eagle, it doesn’t matter.

The important thing is that Hei Family Gu Immortals is finally here!

Headed by Rank 7 Gu Immortal Hei Tiesheng, seven or eight Rank 6 Gu Immortal, then stood in front of the crowd.

Hei Tiesheng glanced around and then gaze at Liu Zhuanshen’s body. Coldly smiled and asked, “Is it?”

Liu Zhuanshen looked shocked and turned his head and looked around.

Qiao Dong behind him, although still standing, floating in the air, but his face is stagnation, all the color of panic, a little life is not, is already dead.

“Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is stunned!” Liu Zhuanshen first cried out in surprise, and immediately there was an anger in his heart, but soon the anger disappeared, and the rest was a touch of sadness and admiration.

He and Hei Tiesheng are old rivals, and they have no match for hundreds of times. He knows in his heart that although this life is dark, although it is powerful, it cannot be lightly moved, and each time has to pay a huge price.

Liu Zhuanshen has never seen this, and Hei Tiesheng has just made such a trump card when he started fighting.

From this point of view, Liu Zhuanshen immediately understood that the old opponent who had fought with him for most of his life had already been dying, and he earned a mind with more kills.

Hei Tiesheng killed Qiao Dong and immediately made the morale of Hei Family Gu Immortals behind him.

Hei Tiesheng, a war-torn person, took this opportunity and immediately mobilized the means.

For a time, Ge Ming Eagle flocked in droves. Each Hei Family Gu Immortals occupies one side and is defensive.

With the Gu Immortal transfer, the second line of defense was immediately stabilized. The level of difficulty rises linearly.

This can annoy the many Gu Immortal besieging Hei Family.

Blocking people’s wealth, such as murder parents!

This hatred went to the horizon, not to mention the Hei Family’s weakness, and the only Immortal Gu Home Black Prison was gone. The only thing that is jealous is Azure City Vertically and Horizontally. At the moment, the overall situation is early, Hei Family Gu Immortals is just final effort nothing more.

“I will come to you!” Pi Shuihan first rushed.

He reached for a stroke, and the infinite wave was born out of thin air, sweeping over to Hei Tiesheng.

When the tide flies into the air, it becomes a glacier. The temperature dropped sharply in an instant.

“Be careful, this is Pi Shuihan’s signature ultimate move Flowing River!” A Hei Family Rank 6 Gu Immortal shouted.

Hei Tiesheng smiled and he and Pi Shuihan also had hatred, so it was no surprise that Pi Shuihan attacked him.

“defeated, what is it?” Hei Tiesheng both eyes stunned, figure does not move, just look.

The hoar frost Flowing River quickly stained a layer of black water, which collapsed after a few breaths.

Pi Shuihan groaned. Suddenly spit a mouthful of blood, falling from the air.

“The enemy is in the air, and it is not good to push the ultimate move.” A silhouette suddenly emerged from the back of Hei Tiesheng.

It’s Yellow Earth!

That is the Rank 7 Demonic Path Gu Immortal, contact other Demonic Path, and get into the Iron Eagle Blessed Land first, so that the Righteous Path loses its first advantage.

He earned a lot of money, and at the moment he was cheap, taking a sudden action, to kneel down Hei Tiesheng’s head!

Hei Tiesheng did not move. I don’t look around, just swinging my sleeves back.

Suddenly, the dark light, the monks, rolled up Yellow Earth. Flying out of the distance.

Yellow Earth struggled to get out of the dark tide, and his face was full of surprise. He sprayed black blood all over the place, and he did not return directly to the ground. He broke into the ground and disappeared.

“District mice, do you want to fly?” Hei Tiesheng snorted. Looking around, shouted, “Who is coming next?”

No one is coming.

Hei Tiesheng battle strength is amazing, and it is a lot bigger than Pi Shuihan and the others.

Moreover, all the immortals have already seen that this person has a dead mind, fighting intent, and never going forward. In this state, the combat power is even more horrible.

Everyone came to Iron Eagle Blessed Land. What are you doing?

Make a fortune!

Is it a fortune, why bother to fight this life?

Gu Immortals have let Hei Tiesheng, moved towards other places.

The war started.

One side is the combination of Righteous and Demonic, and there is a lot of people. The other side, Hei Family Gu Immortals, has a favourable location and has a large number of Desolate Beast Ge Ming Eagle as a helper.

The battle is in full swing.

Hei Family Gu Immortals are almost always dying, to defend homeland, fighting intent is extremely high.

Righteous and Demonic Gu Immortal is thinking about making a fortune, and it is inevitable that they will not be able to fight.

The wisdom of Gu Immortal is naturally not comparable to the Iron Crown Eagle.

For a time, it seems that the second line of defense is solid!

Hei Tiesheng saw no one to find himself, he took the initiative to find the door.

“Meng Ji, you accept your coming fate!” Hei Tiesheng roared and rushed to his nearest Meng Family Rank 7 Gu Immortal.

“hmph, I am afraid of you?” Meng Ji was brave and rushed back.

Hōng hōng hōng !

The two sides played against each other and beat the sky to burst, and the waves were rolling.

After a few rounds, Meng Ji, who is brave and proud, turned around and ran.

He is brave, but Hei Tiesheng is not brave, but a madman who is not afraid of death!

He fought Meng Ji, all with injuries and injuries.

After several times, Meng Ji couldn’t help but retreat immediately.

Hei Tiesheng was about to catch up and suddenly heard Hei Family Gu Immortals calling for help, and he pulled out and made a save.

“Guan Chou, watch out!” Hei Tiesheng fluttered, and the dark light flowed around, sweeping Heaven and Earth, engulfing all directions.

Guan Chou is Transformation Dao Gu Immortal, which became a lion. He was loudly roared and slammed with Hei Tiesheng.

a moment later, Guan Chou’s lion, like a sack, flies out.

Hei Tiesheng rushed again.

Guan Chou screamed and quickly turned into a bird, and fired away.

“No daring!” Hei Tiesheng can’t catch up, a coldly snorted.

His eyes swept away and Hei Tiesheng aimed at the nearest Rank 7 Gu Immortal Liu Zhuanshen.

Liu Zhuanshen is even more aware!

He saw Hei Tiesheng coming and immediately withdrew.

Hei Tiesheng is chasing after him, and Liu Zhuanshen leads him to Divine Monarch Tian Du.

Divine Monarch Tian Du is chilling, break into a run and leave.

Liu Zhuanshen led Hei Tiesheng to Scholar Zi Zai, and Scholar Zi Zai sneered, triggering a three-way melee.

Hōng hōng hōng !

A moment later, in the loud noise, Liu Zhuanshen and Scholar Zi Zai lost in succession.

Hei Tiesheng then fought in the Quartet and was invincible.

High in the air. Hei Family’s Reved Great Elder sighed: “Tiesheng this child…”

He knows that Hei Tiesheng has a forbidden move, which can cost his life essence and increase the enormous power of the ultimate move.

At the moment he is really desperate!

Righteous and Demonic Gu Immortal has no intention of death. It is not fake. But with this alone, you will never be able to do what you want.

Hei Tiesheng has made Gu Immortal suffer.

These people are both highly literate base or sophisticated. In the previous competition and battle, the legacy eliminated a large number of the weak in Gu Immortal.

But Hei Tiesheng is even more powerful and less powerful than Rank 8.

He takes the power of one person. Unable to save the big picture.

One by one Ge Ming Eagle was smashed or killed, one after another Hei Family Gu Immortals.


Dead battle!

Fight to the last soldier, and fight until Hei Tiesheng is left alone.

He was immersed in blood, erected, and looked at Gu Immortals around all directions, and smiled cheerfully: “Well, come and take my life!”

All the people are looking at each other and no one is doing it.

Liu Zhuanshen’s expression is quite complicated, he knows that Hei Tiesheng is already an arrow at the end of its flight. Immortal essence is exhausted, not enough.

But he was unable to take action!

Hei Tiesheng grinned: “Let me come!”

Said. He rushed to Gu Immortals in front of him.


The final charge.

He died on the way to the charge.

Sorrow, Hei Tiesheng.

Strong, Hei Tiesheng!

Hei Tiesheng died, and all the celestial beings were free from obstacles and rushed to Hei Family’s last line of defense.

Twelve eagle, blocking their way.

Murderous Qi’s overflowing enemy eagle, the fascinating eyebrow eagle, the shadowy eagle, the physique of the swallowing eagle…

Without exception, these hawks are Far Ancient Desolate Beast. Rank 7 battle strength.

Hei Family Revered Great Elder and other seven people, slowly drops from the sky.

At this juncture, they are no longer lucky, following Hei Tiesheng.

Far Ancient Battle Formation Azure City Vertically and Horizontally !

Four Revered Elder teamed up. Formidable power is powerful enough to fight Rank 8 Gu Immortal.

Righteous and Demonic Gu Immortal disappeared.

Still resources are tight.

Here, everyone earns a lot and pays a lot. Not only is the energy consumed, but the immortal essence is also costly. Who will be stupid and die with Azure City Vertically and Horizontally?

Who was caught, who is bad luck!

The highest altitude of Iron Eagle Blessed Land. There are twelve different eagle nests in different shapes.

These eagle nests are no longer a round ball, and they are precious immortal materials up to Rank 8.

Immediately, it caused countless Gu Immortal’s fight.

The scene is simply confusing!

Azure City Vertically and Horizontally, from time to time there are bad luck ghosts in the hands of the four Revered Elder.

Human beings will die for riches, just as birds will for food.

“It’s too dangerous, hurry, go quickly.” Nian’er Fu stunned Nian’er Pingzhi, shrinking his head and secretly withdrawing.

“It’s not a long time to stay here.” Pi Shuihan also withdrew. He grabbed most of the eagle nest and got a lot of Rank 8 immortal materials.

Some sensible Gu Immortal began to retreat.

Twelve eagle nests have lost nearly exhausted.

Suddenly, the air volatility, showing the thirteenth eagle nest, immediately caused a lot of attention.

The singer screamed and threw it up.

“This is mine.” Chu Du appeared and stood in front of the crowd.

“Ah, Tyrant Immortal!” The crowds moved and their footsteps stopped.

Chu Du’s is amazing and can be stronger than Hei Tiesheng!

Liu Family A whole super power, why can’t he live with him. The vast Northern Plains Gu Immortal world, which is also the Qin Baisheng and the others, can be compared.

Fighting to this day, everyone’s state is very bad.

Chu Du seems to be the first take action.

For a time, no one dared to go forward.

Chu Du succeeded in deterring all the cents, and it was necessary to collect this mysterious thirteenth eagle nest.

Azure City Vertically and Horizontally, it’s like a thunder: “Chu Du, do you dare to move?”

Chu Du sneered: “Don’t you dare?”


The two sides competed, and the giants of Azure City Vertically and Horizontally were actually kicked out by Chu Du.

“Far Ancient Battle Formation is powerful, but it is also people-oriented. You are in this state, not my opponent.” Chu Du standing proudly on the spot, glance at the variety immortal.

Various immortal gaze is eager to move, but expect others to start first, and they are cheap.

“Uhwa people.” Chu Du commented, take action again, grab the eagle nest behind him.

Suddenly, the shock was reborn.

An Immortal Gu Home appeared and slammed into Chu Du’s forehead.

“Ordinary Thatched House !” exclaimed by Gu Immortal, recognizing that it used to be Dongfang Clan’s Immortal Gu Home !

“Roll!” Chu Du raised his slap and his tongue was spring and thunder.

boom! !

A muffled sound, Ordinary Thatched House was actually slap in the palm of his hand, and sent out sharply.


The whole audience took a breath of air.

Chu Du finally successfully took the thirteenth eagle nest into his own Immortal Aperture.

Then he focused his attention on Azure City Vertically and Horizontally.

The four Revered Family Elder suddenly became desperate.

“And slow.” Just as Chu Du was going to kill the killer, a grand voice sounded through the audience.

Unparalleled momentum, like an invisible mountain, a bang, shrouded.

Rank 8 Gu Immortal , Heavenly Monarch Baiju !

The hearts of the celestial beings fluctuated, and the same name appeared in the mind.

At this point in the Hei Family battle, Rat 8 Gu Immortal finally appeared!

It is not accurate to say that it is on the scene. It can only be said that it only smells its voice and has not seen anyone.

“It’s not that the Rank 8 Great Experts have reached an agreement and won’t take action in person?” Some of the insider’s Rightse Path Gu Immortal was puzzled.

a moment later, Zhongxian heard the voice of Heavenly Monarch Baiju: “The Hei Family battle ended here, and the rest of the Hei Family have been trusted. From now on, this will be the territory of my Baiju Family.”

“I am willing to abandon my family name and change my name to Baiju!” Hei Family Elders echoed in unison.

The hearts of the gods are shocked, this matter is no small matter, the overall situation of the Northern Plains Gu Immortal world has changed instantly!

Smart people know better: Heavenly Monarch Baiju can say that it must have reached an agreement with the rest of the Rank 8 Great Expert.

“Everyone doesn’t have to leave, I will host a three days and three nights, and treat everyone.” Heavenly Monarch Baiju said again.

Hei Family survived Gu Immortal, some can’t help but face convulsions.

This battlefield, which is still bleeding, actually has to hold a banquet. This change is too big, too sudden.

“I wish to celebrate the Baiju Family, and I congratulate Heavenly Monarch.” Righteous Path Gu Immortals quickly reached an agreement and spoke.

Demonic Path and loose immortals are restless.

“hmph!” Chu Du was coldly snorted, especially harsh.

He walked away from the sleeves.

In the eyes of the public, I flew out of the sky.

Ps: Today is the last day of 2 month. Seeing that there are so many monthly tickets, I am moved and a little embarrassed.

thanks for your support!

I will work harder in the next three months and implement the monthly ticket plus plan again in March. Still old regulation, one hundred tickets plus one more chapter!

In addition, on the Weixin public number, a small event to give back to everyone will be held in early March.

Since the opening of the public number, every day, the book friends have helped to click on advertisements and rewards, and accumulate some small money. Thanks to the support of the book friends, I plan to do an activity on the day of the March 3rd Dragon Head, sending hundreds of small ones. Red envelopes, bookkeepers who are concerned about the public number can lottery lead the red envelope Oh!

If the book is right, please feel free to check the WeChat graphic advertisements on the public number every day. Every time you open one, you don’t need to buy the download download, but also to help me add a subscription! Thank you for your love and support!

On March 3, the dragon looked up and it was a good day.

Fang Yuan also has to look up.

Let’s look up! (~^~)

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