“The fourth one!” Peacock Flying Immortal He Ruo took the next Iron Crown Eagle again and was very pleased.

Desolate Beast is unusual.

In the Northern Plains Ten Great Ominous Land, there are piles of Desolate Beast, but few Gu Immortal reach out to these places.

And the wild Iron Crown Eagle and Hei Family have a lot of fighting power.

Coupled with the tactical use of the peacock Flying Immortal, she was rewarded and caught four Iron Crown Eagles.

“Hei Family is very famous for the Iron Crown Eagle, and it’s really great. I don’t know how they got to cultivate so many Iron Crown Eagles?” He Ruo sighed and looked up at the sky.

There is also a large number of Iron Crown Eagles in the sky, flying in circles. A piece of Wuyangyang, the four of He Ruo’s captures, is nothing at all in the entire eagle group.

“Odd… Hei Family’s Gu Immortal didn’t show up until the end. Even if I caught four Iron Crown Eagles, wouldn’t they matter?”

He Ruo is still very vigilant in his heart and has not been stunned by the joy of victory.

The whistling sound suddenly sounded!

A silhouette, wrapped in the wind and thunder, straight into the eagle group.

He Ruo pupils shrank, recognized: “This is Nuer Gu! Oh, I have to suffer.”

Nuer Gu is from the Nuer Family, the latter is also Huang Jin bloodline, super power.

Nuer Gu had a big belly and a big body. The body was very uneven. The eyes were convex, the limbs were thin and skinny, and the skin was pale. It was like a patient, and there was no blood.

But people can’t be seen. He is the famous expert in Rank 7 Gu Immortal, and is the same as Scholar Zi Zai and Pi Shuihan in Demonic Path.

The impact of Nuer Gu. Suddenly angered the Iron Crown Eagle group in the air.

For a time, half a hundred Iron Crown Eagle smothered him to the past.

Nuer Gu was suddenly shocked, and he did not expect that he actually hated it.

The eagle swarmed and cast a heavy shadow, directly covering the vision of Nuer Gu.

Between distress. Nuer Gu quickly spurred his own signature Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

His belly suddenly rose and saw the wind rise to 5~6 times, making Nuer Gu look like a super pregnant woman.

Nuer Gu stretched out his hands and suddenly slaps his belly.


A loud noise, the sound of the waves, the eagle group rushed.

Hōng hōng hōng !

Three consecutive loud noises, sound waves layer after layer. The eagle group is even more hampered. The dense battle has become uneven.

Nuer Gu screamed, and several Iron Crown Eagles around him suddenly turned around.

Then he quickly flew through the gaps of the eagle group, and finally fled out of the hawks.

The eagle group chased for a while and they all swung in the air.

Nuer Gu has fallen to the ground, his full head sweating, looking up into the air. The belly disappeared, and there was still a linger in my heart.

Aside, a voice of Nguyen came: “Nuer Gu, how can you be so embarrassed?”

Nuer Gu looked at the sound and saw that the person was over eight feet tall, with a scarlet of the eye, dark blue skin, a purple hair, and a mouthful of fangs.

Nuer Gu coldly snorted: “Don’t talk about the cool words, Guan Chou !have guts. You also learn to rush me.”

Guan Chou 嗤said with a smile : “Two fists are hard to beat four hands, I am not as stupid as you are.”

“You!” Nuer Gu was furious and stared at Guan Chou, his eyes smoldering.

Guan Chou sneered, and fearlessly confronted him with fear.

Nuer Gu is the famous expert of Righteous Path Rank 7, specializing in Sound Dao. Guan Chou is also not weaker than him, cultivation Transformation Dao. The two are respectively Nuer Family and Gu Family’s Gu Immortal. The background of the forces is not in the same league.

“It’s not a famous expert. Although it’s awkward, it’s unscathed.” He Ruo saw this scene in his eyes, and soon she regained her sight.

“Nuer Gu is coming, and Guan Chou also hit the idea of ​​this group of Iron Crown Eagles. It seems that the cultivation resources on the ground are being emptied.” He Ruo quietly retired.

She is just the Rank 6 cultivation base, Demonic Path Gu Immortal, and she is too close to the two Righteous Path experts.

The battles in Iron Eagle Blessed Land are constantly changing, and the battles are taking place in all corners.

Some battles are only winning, but some are born and killed.

Some have gained a lot, while others have been seriously injured.

Blessed Land’s ground and underground cultivation resources are getting less and less. Some of the underlying Gu Immortal, also eliminated, died of death, wounded, some wisely choose to retreat, and some seem to have life-saving means, temporarily hidden, observe the overall situation.

More and more Gu Immortal is looking into the air.

Countless greedy eyes, unscrupulously looking at the Iron Crown Eagle group in the air. There are also eagle flocks, faintly discernible balls of wood eagle nest.

The size of the eagle group is very large. This is how many years of Hei Family’s operation, and it takes a lot of effort, energy and financial resources! It is the first resource in Iron Eagle Blessed Land.

Even with the Nuer Gu, it is difficult to block the Iron Crown Eagle’s group attack.

This number is really too much!

Of course, there are also Nuer Gu who are not willing to consume immortal essence too much.

His pair of goldfish eyes, all around the glance, looks at the surrounding Gu Immortal more and more, shouting: “Iron Crown Eagle too much, Hei Family Gu Immortals has not yet appeared, everyone took action together, divided the eagle Said again!”

“This is just to my liking!” Scholar Zi Zai responded first.

The two are the Righteous Path and Demonic Path, but the situation at the moment is that they have reached a tacit agreement to deal with the eagle group first, and then take advantage of the other.

The size of the eagle group is huge, and the number of Gu Immortals is also quite large. If the work is together, these Iron Crown Eagles can only be mermaid.

I don’t know who is the first mover. The Eagle Wars opened the curtain.

The sky offensive has come one after another.

The eagle eagle is as sharp as a drill, and the vocals are equally boiling.

Earth, Water, Wind, Fire all around, lightning ray, golden glow.

Outside of Blessed Land, Gong Er sits in the Golden Dawn Great Hall overlooking his feet. In his vision, there is a lot of colorful, like a fireworks that blooms in the sky. However, there is a strong terrifying killing intent in this fireworks. From time to time, Iron Crown Eagle is killed, flesh and blood are separated, and Iron Crown Eagle is captured.

Gong Er’s eyes flashed.

Fighting everywhere, the battle scene of Righteous Path and Demonic Path, and loose immortal were all secretly used by him. Record it in detail.

This information is very valuable!

Since the collapse of the 88 Floors True Yang Building, a large number of Immortal Gu have been acquired by Northern Plains Gu Immortal. After Qin Baisheng’s auction meeting, Gu Immortals exchanged the cultivation resources he wanted. After this period of brewing, many of Gu Immortal’s methods have been refurbished and the combat power is not the same.

Gu Immortal who has the same behavior as Gong Er. Not a few.

Everyone has the same mind.

Intelligence is very important.

Whether it’s for super powers or for Gu Immortal. Very long time, knowing what the opponent’s Immortal Gu is, it is easy to have a means. Even if there is no way to deal with it, it is excellent to be prepared.

Gu Immortals, while dealing with the Iron Crown Eagle, observes the surroundings and collects intelligence.

Under intense fighting. It is a dark current.

Gu Immortals constantly evaluates himself and his opponents. Confirm your position in today’s Gu Immortal World. After this period of time cultivation, is it strong or weak? Who can bully and who can’t?

Iron Crown Eagle is just for the immediate benefit, and intelligence gathering is for the long-term plan of the future.

Gong Er looked at it for a while, in the heart is more and more.

The three Baiju Family’s Gu Immortal, Hei Family battle until now. They have not shown any signs of moving.

This time He came with the Golden Family’s Golden Dawn Great Hall and won the best interest in returning the fare.

Gong Er finally couldn’t stand it. He pointed his finger to the left side and yelled to the left and right. Immortal Dao: “Iron Eagle Blessed Land is getting worse and worse, and the leak has exceeded thousands. But now, Hei Family Gu Immortals is not showing up. It seems to be awkward. You should go ahead and help the same way to prevent Hei Family from calculating. My Gong Family after all is the leader of Righteous Path. There must be maintenance responsibility.”

“Yes.” Two Gong Family Gu Immortal immediately took the lead.

The three Baiju Family Gu Immortal sitting next to each other were very funny.

This Hei Family war was doomed from the beginning. Even if there is a flaw, there is no danger at all. Gong Family Gu Immortal’s style is like this, obviously for the sake of self-interest, the excuse is that it is very grand.

at the same time. The highest altitude of Iron Eagle Blessed Land.

Hei Family Gu Immortals gathered together and looked at the battle at their feet. They were all in a heavy mood and their faces were ugly.

“How does that still not take action?”

“At this point, there is no movement. Can it be that, the previous agreement, has not counted?”

Several Hei Family Gu Immortals questioned and restless.

“The one has indeed promised that, by his identity, there should be no untrustworthy breach of contract.”

“And look at it first. This time we have three lines of defense, the Iron Crown Eagle group is just the first that’s all.”

Hei Family’s Revered Great Elder and 2nd elder opened in turn, calming down the fairy.

He Ruo incarnation Desolate Beast Peacock, invigorating the wings, working hard with three Iron Crown Eagles.

This is a small corner of the battlefield, and she is just an inconspicuous member of the numerous Gu Immortal.

Rank 8 does not come out, Rank 7 experts limelight is prosperous, and there are some Experts of Rank 6, which are cheaper on the corners.

Suddenly, a strange fragrance floated!

He Ruo burst into the air and quickly held his breath.

“Poisoned!” After realizing this, He Ruo quickly rushed Gu insect to heal.

The three Iron Crown Eagles whipped, and suddenly, one trace of strength couldn’t make it, powerlessly falling to the ground.

A silhouette swarmed in the air and caught the three Iron Crown Eagles in the midst of the Immortal Aperture.

Take action is Old Monster Corpse Toxic!

He sneered, and Purple Qi was around. After cleaning up the three Iron Crown Eagles, his sinister eyes were on He Ruo.

He Ruo suddenly felt a glimpse of his heart.

“hey hey, little girl, you are coming over to the old man.” Old Monster Corpse Toxic gave a sigh of relief to He Ruo.

He Ruo just suppressed the poison from the body and was blown away by Old Monster Corpse Toxic from a long distance. He suddenly lost control and was so soft and weak that he fell.

“I’m too greedy! I want to get more Iron Crown Eagles, and most of my attention is focused on the Iron Crown Eagle. The result is the countdown of Old Monster Corpse Toxic!” It will fall into the hands of Old Monster Corpse Toxic. He Ruo is desperate in his heart.

Just then, a sword light flew.

If it is fast, the sword light is brave, piercing the body of Old Monster Corpse Toxic, and flying more than a hundred steps into Nian’er Pingzhi.

Old Monster Corpse Toxic rampage Thunder: “You little devil, actually still entangled with the old man!”

Ps: Double tonight, there is a second more later!

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