“Hei Family is here, do I want to blend in one hand?” Fang Yuan carefully considered the feasibility.

Although Hei Family is a super-power, Huang Jin Clan, it is still weak in the major powers of Northern Plains. What’s more, it is now surrounded by all sides, facing almost the entire Northern Plains Gu Immortal world!

Its ending is self-evident, and must be the end of the family broken people perished.

Hei Family is not willing, but how can it be against the entire Gu Immortal World with one force?

Unless there is a support for Rank 8 Gu Immortal, Hei Family does not have such a presence.

Hei Family’s four Revered Elder, composed of Far Ancient Battle Formation Azure City Vertically and Horizontally, can match Rank 8 battle strength to some extent. But this is also the only trump card that Hei Family can take for action.

Fang Yuan is more and more heart-warming. For him, the situation is now chaotic, and everyone wants to bite a piece of flesh and blood on Hei Family. In this case, there must be opportunities.

Don’t forget, in Fang Yuan’s hand there is still one huge advantage. He also has Gu Immortal captive Hei Cheng in his hand!

Hei Cheng Gu Immortal, but unlike the Hei Family Gu Immortals. He mastered authority and won the trust of the four Revered Elders.

Hei Family’s Revered Four Great Elder, because of the flaws in the Far Ancient Battle Formation Azure City Vertically and Horizontally, could not be dispersed and had to be decentralized. Hei Cheng is their satisfied agent, Hei Cheng to take care of Hei Family’s daily affairs, and the Hei Family is up and down, both inside and out.

▼Hei Cheng fell to Fang Yuan’s hand, naturally there are various means of Soul Search, Intent Search. Fang Yuan But Wisdom Dao Grandmaster, Hei Cheng can’t resist.

Today, Fang Yuan can be said to know Hei Family very well, even more than the Huang Jin Clan who deal with Hei Family, more comprehensive, more detailed.

There is so much intelligence support. Fang Yuan itself has a huge advantage.

Among Hei Family, there is still one more important point, which is most attractive to Fang Yuan.

That is Hei Fan True Inheritance!

Hei Fan, also a Hei Family Gu Immortals, is a famous historical figure, and alwaysh is dead.

But once. Hei Fan cultivation Time Dao, reaching the Rank 8 level. He mastered the Hei Family, making the Hei Family at that time a one of the very best in the super power, quite strong and infinite.

However, life span is limited after all, and after Hei Fan’s death, Hei Family is gradually weakening. Some other super forces are prospering.

Hei Fan is on the verge of dying. Leaving his Zhou Dynasty, True Inheritance, but none of the Hei Family descendants can inherit.

Rank 8 Gu Immortal’s True Inheritance, if it is a smooth inheritance, can not cultivate to Rank 8 Gu Immortal.

If Hei Family really has Rank 8 Gu Immortal, then it is definitely not the situation.

In Gu Immortal’s World, Rank 6 Gu Immortal is the bottom layer, Rank 7 is the middle layer, and Rank 8 is the top layer.

Hei Family If you have a Rank 8 Gu Immortal. Hei Loulan became the murderer of the 88 Floors True Yang Building, and Hei Family can also stand it! There is no Rank 8 Gu Immortal. The deterrent power of a super power is completely two levels!

Even if the Hei Family Rank 8 Gu Immortal is besieged by other Rank 8 Gu Immortal, the joint efforts are difficult, at most, it is only bleeding, resources and compensation, at least can save the family.

Not like now. Hei Family has a lot of Gu Immortal up and down, and can’t protect the family.

“Hei Fan True Inheritance ……” Fang Yuan whispered in his heart, and his eyes were deep and glittering.

“My situation at this time, the biggest obstacle is Will of Heaven. And Will of Heaven’s most powerful means, nothing more than Disaster and Tribulation.”

“each time Disaster and Tribulation is a ghost gate. I am too targeted by Will of Heaven, and it’s too dangerous. And each Disaster and Tribulation interval is only two months outside time. This time is really short!”

If it is a long time, Fang Yuan will naturally be able to face the test of Disaster and Tribulation more calmly.

But Fang Yuan natural talent is like this, who called this Paragon Immortal Fetus too abnormal! This is a creation of heaven, and Heaven and Earth are not allowed.

However, Humans are clever in tens of thousands of ways, Gu Immortal is even more intelligent. For the length of the interval between the Disaster and Tribulation, there have been countless ways for the sages to come up.

The most mainstream of these is the Time Dao delay.

This is the case with Langya Blessed Land. Old Ancestor Long Haired once asked Time Dao Great Expert to make the time flow rate of the 琅琊Immortal Aperture greatly reduced. The interval between as a result , Disaster and Tribulation is longer.

Old Ancestor Long Haired After the death, this Fukuzawa was also inherited. This allows the Langya Earth Spirit to have sufficient response time and preparation time to deal with each of the Disaster and Tribulation.

“I don’t know what Time Dao Gu Immortal. Even if it was Taibai Yunsheng, I can’t delay Immortal Aperture time.”

Fang Yuan knows Taibai inheritance because he used to be Taibai Yunsheng when he was at Royal Court Blessed Land. But in fact, not all Time Dao Gu Immortal has the means to delay the Immortal Aperture time. Taibai Yunsheng is an obvious example.

“Even if I know Time Dao Gu Immortal, or now I’m going to deliberately get to know the Time Dao expert. My Paragon Immortal Aperture is too secret, it’s a big deal. How can I let these Time Dao Gu Immortal know? They are hard trust.”

“If you want something done well, do it yourself! If I can get Hei Fan True Inheritance and delay the time flow in Immortal Aperture, that would be great.”

Common Time Dao True Inheritance does not necessarily have the means to delay the Immortal Aperture time.

But Hei Fan True Inheritance is unusual, but it is left by Hei Fan of Rank 8 level!

Hei Family’s history has clearly stated that Hei Fan had a lot of Hei Family Gu Immortals take action and delayed the time for their Immortal Aperture. As a result , Hei Family Gu Immortals is more able to cope with Disaster and Tribulation, and transcends tribulation has been greatly enhanced. Over time, the number of Hei Family Gu Immortals exceeds that of other superpowers.

There are Rank 8 Gu Immortal Hei Fan, deterrent Northern Plains, there are a large number of Hei Family VI, Rank 7 Gu Immortal, many people, this is the history of the Hei Family!

Fang Yuan knows the history of Hei Family by capturing Hei Cheng.

In this regard, Burning Heaven Enchantress also knows. She was injured in Time Dao and had a very fast time flow, which forced her to become an Immortal Zombie.

In order to completely eradicate the injury, Burning Heaven Enchantress was laid out, letting her own Third Sister Su Xian’er enter the Hei Family, asking her to seek Hei Fan True Inheritance and healing herself. I didn’t expect Third Sister Su Xian’er to do the fake play, and to give emotion to Hei Cheng, gave birth to Hei Loulan, and played a love and hate.

In short, as long as Fang Yuan gets Hei Fan True Inheritance, he can almost delay the Immortal Aperture time.

Once Immortal Aperture has been extended, Fang Yuan’s situation will change dramatically!

Although Immortal Aperture has become longer, the production rate of various cultivation resources is slower, and the growth of cultivation base is faster than before, but the victory and stability are safe and stable. The pressure and difficulty of Fang Yuan cultivation immediately drop, more than one grade. Absolutely the benefits outweigh the disadvantages!

Hei Fan True Inheritance ……

Fang Yuan is more and more heart-warming.

For him, this is the key to breaking!

“If I leave, leaving for Hei Family to participate in this chaotic battle, there are actually many feasible things.”

“Knowing precious intelligence is my number one advantage. Second, I have Crossing Dark Immortal Gu, which can temporarily cover up the atmosphere and make Will of Heaven undetectable. Third, I have Meeting Past Acquaintance, Shape Transformation Immortal Gu, etc. Identity is more conducive to fish in troubled waters.”

“Would I still go or not?”

Fang Yuan thought about it for a while, but eventually chose to be on the wall and did not immediately leave.

The situation at Hei Family is still too messy.

Righteous Path and Demonic Path, loose immortal want to share a piece of cake.

The scenes are chaotic, and various characters emerge in an endless stream.

Rank 6 Gu Immortal, there is the bottom Gu Immortal like Old Lu, there are common Gu Immortal like Qing Xuan Zi, as well as Zhu Zhan, Divine Monarch Tian Du, Shi Hou and so on. In the famous expert in Rank 7, Scholar Zi Zai and Pi Shuihan appeared. According to some concealed sound of the wind, Heavenly Monarch Baiju is said to have signs of showing up, and Old Ancestor Xuehu seems to be unwilling to be lonely.

Fang Yuan judged the situation and felt that the time was not yet mature.

This is only the mid-term, the major forces, Gu Immortal, have eroded the various Resource Points of Hei Family. These Gu Immortal are a long way from the headquarters.

The forces of the various parties are intertwined and chaotic. Countless characters rising winds, scudding clouds, competing against each other, do not distinguish between high and low, how to take away resources?

Fang Yuan is going to go in this time, maybe it will be implicated, no matter what kind of pretend to be.

And the effectiveness of the Crossing Dark Immortal Gu can only support a moment, not very long-lasting.

The most important thing is Will of Heaven.

Will of Heaven is very likely to lay out on Fang Yuan.

Will of Heaven knows?

Spring and Autumn Cicada has Will of Heaven, Spring and Autumn Cicada. With Fang Yuan for so long, Will of Heaven probably knows everything.

In the deal with Sixth Hair, Shadow Sect told Fang Yuan that Will of Heaven is vast and ubiquitous.

Will of Heaven itself covers the entire Five Regions and Two Heavens. This advantage is unparalleled, and there are so many intelligences and secrets.

All kinds of factors make Fang Yuan unable to act or take action.

He decided to wait for a while, waiting until Hei Family’s situation was slightly clear and bright, so that he could see the situation and make a post-production.

The key to this action is still the word fast!

Ready to go, hit the middle, and then grow away.

There is no better tactic than this.

Fang Yuan patiently waited, rely on the channel of Langya School to understand the outside world.

Every day passed.

The fights and battles around Hei Family have intensified. Numerous Gu Immortal mixed with, each has victory and defeat, conspiracy and conspiracy to overlap, as if it is a huge whirlpool, the vortex continues to expand, dragging into more characters. As a result, the vortex itself is confusing.

There are a lot of hidden cultivators, and I can’t help but tempted to show up.

Of course, there are also people who, like Fang Yuan, are forbearing.

A few days later, Wandou pastoral.

“I have tried my best, but the other side seems to be living in the Immortal Aperture. There is no such thing as a result.” Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal Tian Xiaxin sighed and looked bleak.

“That’s it…” Chu Du’s face showed an undisguised disappointment.

“However, I have a different harvest here.” Tian Xiaxin suddenly turned to the front Rank 1.

“Oh? Brother Tian What do you mean?” Chu Du doubts.

Immediately, he saw Tian Xiaxin returning Flying Sword Immortal Gu to him and pointing his finger at this Immortal Gu. “This Flying Sword Immortal Gu is not simple. Immortal Gu has a mark on it. This mark I have already Parsing it out is the key to opening an Immortal Dao True Inheritance!”

“What? There is such a thing!” Chu Du was surprised and shocked. “This don’t tell me is Sword Immortal Bo Qing’s Sword Dao True Inheritance?”

Ps: Thank you for your support and ticket support, new friends and old friends. Thank you for your support! I also hope that this book will bring you happiness in reading!

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