Why does Fang Yuan choose Transformation Dao?

After the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, Fang Yuan was reborn. @, One of his most thoughts is his future cultivation road, which one to choose.

His previous life chose Blood Dao, which is because the Blood Dao is fast, the power is huge, the battle can be fought, and the demand for cultivation resources is small. And previous life, he has such a decent chance, for him, the development of Blood Dao is the biggest.

After reborn, abandon Blood Dao and choose Strength Dao because it is not a Five Regions chaotic war period. Orderly, Blood Dao has no day to come. Another reason is that the situation is created. Fang Yuan searches for memories to find out what is right for him, to get the hand, and to be able to use it. These opportunities are related to Strength Dao.

In fact, both Blood Dao and Strength Dao have drawbacks.

Blood Dao is in a bad situation and everyone is shouting. Whether it is Gu Master or Gu Immortal, choose cultivation Blood Dao. Once you are discovered, wait for the whole world to be crowded out.

Strength Dao is also weak, and although Tyrant Immortal Chu Du adds the Person Strength and Jun Strength Class to Strength Dao, it is difficult to hide the strength of Strength Dao approaching its end.

To be honest, these two genres are not the best choice.

Fang Yuan also summed it up a bit: after the rebirth, the chances of getting it are quite a lot.

Wisdom Dao, Luck Dao, Stealing Dao…

Some of these opportunities are extremely excellent. For example, Dongfang Changfan’s Wisdom Dao inheritance, and another example is Star Monarch Wan Xiang’s Star Dao inheritance.

Star Dao, Wisdom Dao, these two genres are undoubtedly much better than the situation of Blood Dao and Strength Dao.

And there are inheritance, and no inheritance, it’s totally different.

The former cultivation. Can be on the wisdom of the predecessors, step by step. Be brave and progressive, the prospects can be expected. The latter is a blind person. An uproar, no clue, struggling to make progress in the wrong.

If Fang Yuan has five years of previous life and also contains these two True Inheritances, he will definitely choose Dongfang Changfan’s Wisdom Dao inheritance, Star Monarch Wan Xiang’s Star Dao inheritance and previous life Old Ancestor Blood Sea True Inheritance. Supplemented. He will become Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal.

Because of the potential and future, it is naturally the best of Dongfang Changfan’s Wisdom Dao inheritance.

Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal is sparsely populated. In Gu Immortal World, it is also quite expensive, and it is also popular when it is popular. There are both lining and face.

But what kind of roads you really want to choose, you can’t see the prospects alone, you have to talk about it.

Dongfang Changfan’s Wisdom Dao inheritance, from Heavenly Court’s Rank 8 Gu Immortal, has experienced the perfection of many generations of heirs, and the prospects are extremely broad.

But this inheritance cultivation came out. There is a weakness, that is, not good at fighting.

The most notable advantage of this True Inheritance is that it is good at calculations.

To make up for this weakness, Dongfang Changfan created the Ten Thousand Flying Star Fireflies Immortal Realm Ultimate Move. Finally, I made up for some weak points.

Take the Dongfang Changfan’s line, which is not suitable for Fang Yuan.

Because of the current situation, it can be described as a crisis.

Ying Wuxie. Shadow Sect’s remnant forces , Heavenly Court. Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects, Northern Plains, Huang Jin Clan, etc. Fang Yuan has a lot of enemies.

Especially in the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, Fang Yuan’s secrets were exposed. Whether it was Spring and Autumn Cicada, Demon from Beyond The Heavens, or Royal Court Blessed Land, he was almost completely exposed.

Therefore, Fang Yuan needs not only the prospect, but also the present.

To some extent, it is more important than the future.

Without the present, the prospects are vast, and it is also a castle in the air. Look at at good looks, no use.

To cope with the situation, Fang Yuan needs a very strong route of battle strength.

Metal Dao, Flame Dao, Thunder Dao, Sword Dao, and Blood Dao are the five genres that are recognized as the strongest battle strength.

The first three roads are timeless and occupy the mainstream.

The latter two, whether it is Sword Dao or Blood Dao, has a short history and is a different approach. Bo Qing in Sword Dao and Blood Dao out of the Old Ancestor Blood Sea, but apart from these two, it is difficult to have colorful characters. So the background of these two genres is far less than the first three.

For Fang Yuan, whether it is Metal Dao, Flame Dao, or Thunder Dao, Realm is common, and there is no related inheritance.

On the contrary, Blood Dao Realm reached the level of Grandmaster. Although Sword Dao was also common Realm, there was no inheritance, but many Bo Qing’s Immortal Gu were stolen.

The realm of the major schools is also a very important consideration.

In the absence of inheritance, if Realm is superb, you can paint on white paper and make new ones. It’s just more than having inheritance, it’s a lot harder, and more inspiration and talent.

Fang Yuan’s Strength Dao, Blood Dao, Wisdom Dao, Star Dao Realm, all are Grandmaster class, Blood Dao is the accumulation of previous life background, Strength Dao is the accumulation of previous life and life, Wisdom Dao, Star Dao is a coincidence, through dreams Rapidly rising, skyrocketing.

Refining Dao is a Quasi Grandmaster class, and in Gu Immortal, it can also take a take action.

Enslave Dao is a Great Master and not great in Gu Immortal.

Luck Dao is Quasi Great Master, and the rest of the genres are common (such as Sword Dao, Light Dao, Dark Dao, etc.), and even blank (such as Void Dao).

If you depart from the perspective of Realm, it is naturally the best genre of the four Great Grandmaster Realm.

However, Blood Dao forget about it, Strength Dao approaching its end, Wisdom Dao and Star Dao are not well known for their excellent strength. Although they have inheritance, unfortunately, the Immortal Gu accumulated by Fang Yuan is almost lost.

If Immortal Gu in these inheritances has not been refining, Fang Yuan may also be made in cultivation, one by one.

But these Immortal Gu are kept in the hands of Ying Wuxie, which exists, which is destroyed, and Fang Yuan is not clear. This situation has caused extremely bad obstacles to his future cultivation. Even if he is willing to take risks, it costs a lot of money, refining Immortal Gu, but because Immortal Gu is the only one, it may not be a success!

In summary, Fang Yuan’s situation can be said to be quite embarrassing.

After the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, when Fang Yuan thought about the road problem, it was quite awkward at the same time.

Until he gradually discovered that the new body of the discovery mystery, the layers of darkness and fog in his heart, began to dissipate, and the warm sunshine appeared.

Now, there are thousands of Dao Marks on their own, and there are all major schools.

This is not surprising.

Gu Immortal time after time transcends tribulation success, Immortal Aperture will also be derived from different Dao Marks due to Disaster and Tribulation. There is only a clear distinction between the primary and secondary points that’s all.

The important thing is that the following Dao Marks do not interfere with each other, not to each other!

This is really wonderful!

When Fang Yuan first discovered it. The first is that I can’t believe that there are such good things in the world!

Because of this. Has broken the old cultivation common sense. Say it, others will think it is a fantasy, gossip.

But think about Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu Rank 9 Immortal Gu, Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul, Shadow Sect saved 100,000 years, the most essential existence.

In this way, it is reasonable to break the common sense of cultivation.

Then, Fang Yuan was ecstatic.

Because of these good things, it does not happen to others, but to yourself!

This alone. He can go all the way to repair! !

A long time ago, Fang Yuan had imagined two fellow initiates of Immortal Aperture, one majoring in Time Dao and one majoring in Strength Dao. But Paragon Immortal Aperture is more perverted. It can be directly applied to all the fellow initiates. From ancient times to today, all the Gu Immortal genres will be wiped out!

This is a dreamlike beauty.

Throughout the ages, even Immortal Venerable Demon Venerable. Most of them are specialize in one Dao, multi-cultivation. Even if there is a multi-cultivation of Gu Immortal multi-cultivation, the final outcome is often bite off more than one can chew. The next game is bleak.

Because of the Dao Marks on them, the more multi-cultivation they have. The more internal friction, the better.

But Fang Yuan has no such obstacles at all. He can do all the repairs and the internal consumption is zero. The vast future of the future, than all the history of Immortal Venerable, Demon Venerable have won countless times!

Fang Yuan quickly calmed down.

The delusion is always beautiful, and the whole genre is exhausted, just a good idea. Although it can be implemented, it requires resources, time, energy, and the most important thing is a good and peaceful cultivation environment.

And these, Fang Yuan does not.

He has limited energy, no time, limited resources, and the enemy is in the Five Regions, including the most popular Northern Plains Gu Immortal, the historically well-deserved number one Gu Immortal organization Heavenly Court, mastering Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects, countless wants to get from him I got Dragon Snake Grass from Luck Dao True Inheritance…

The prospects are endless and the status quo is at stake.

If you want to create a genre, don’t think about it. Fang Yuan doesn’t have this background yet. He can only choose one genre from the existing genre. Most up to one, multi-cultivation.

No matter more, the status quo is not allowed, energy is involved, time is scattered, and he will let himself die.

Among the existing genres, which one is the battle strength that allows Fang Yuan to get through the status quo, and to make full use of his own strengths, but also to take into account Realm, inheritance and so on?

After much thinking, there is only one genre left in Fang Yuan’s mind.

That is Transformation Dao!

Transformation Dao is known as “to map thousands of roads”, cultivation Transformation Dao’s Gu Immortal, which can be changed to make Metal Dao, Thunder Dao, Sword Dao, Light Dao… all other genres.

However, Transformation Dao has a cultivation flaw that has existed since ancient times. It is Transformation Dao’s Gu Immortal. When changing different forms, Dao Marks needs to be cleaned to prevent Dao Marks from interfering with each other.

This flaw, for Fang Yuan, does not exist at all. Because of the Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu, Dao Marks on his body did not interfere with each other. So when Qi Zai pursued him, he once thought that Fang Yuan had mastered the mystery of Reckless Demonic Venerable.

It can be said that Transformation Dao can best use Fang Yuan’s strengths.

It can also be said that Fang Yuan is today, oh no, it is a character who is suitable for Transformation Dao cultivation in the past and the present.

Even better, once the cultivation Transformation Dao, the secret that Fang Yuan does not interfere with Dao Marks is a perfect cover.

After Fang Yuan can change, he will use the Immortal Gu of various genres without any suspicion.

And after the change, the use of the corresponding genre Immortal Gu, no doubt more power. For example, Sword Dao ferocious beast, adding a lot of Sword Dao’s Dao Marks, and then using Sword Dao Immortal Gu, no doubt that formidable power increases more and stronger.

Transformation Dao’s Realm, Fang Yuan is not high, but it doesn’t matter, Reckless True Meaning is here!

Although Fang Yuan does not have Transformation Dao’s inheritance, it is not a big deal. why? Because the Transformation Dao’s ultimate move is easy to get and completely transform into a form, Transformation Dao’s is an ultimate move.

As for Transformation Dao’s corresponding Immortal Gu, it is also the most civilian, most retired Gu insect of all genres. For Fang Yuan, you can accumulate quickly and start over.

In addition, Fang Yuan has other considerations.

For example, Langya Blessed Land.

This Langya Earth Spirit recognizes the identity of Hairyman. If Fang Yuan is a cultivation success, it can be changed to Hairyman Gu Immortal to win him and get more support from him!

In the future, he will be chased and killed, he can become other things or characters, and get away with it. If the current identity is also exposed, Heaven and Earth are too difficult for him to move, then change the disguise, confuse the audience, and still walk Jiang Hu.

“From now on, I am Transformation Dao Gu Immortal !”

Ps: I have recently sorted out the outline, and my whole head is big. In the new outline, I have some new, stimulating ideas, so I am modifying them. But when I start the whole body, the more I write the book, the harder it is, especially the number of words in this book has been far surpasses my past limits. Every step forward, for me, is a challenge! Before the new outline was completely formed, the plot was still slow. When you are bored, you can pay attention to the public number. There are still a lot of fun things in the letter. Today, there are also letters on the micro.

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