“I don’t want to be again here. Hey,” Fang Yuan felt in his heart, stopped flying, and fell from high altitude.

There is a piece of whiteness in front of you.

World of ice and snow.

Hū Hū Hū ……

The ear is a cold wind that is endless.

In the squally winds, there are countless snowflakes, even small hailstones, and they are rolled around.

Because of the snow in the sky, Fang Yuan’s vision is greatly limited.

And the temperature is very low, Fang Yuan has to mobilize more Gu insects to maintain their body temperature and to protect against the cold wind.

It is still Northern Plains here.

The specific location is the northernmost ice sheet of the northernmost plain of Northern Plains.

Originally also landgrass here, but because of an expert battle that destroys the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, the original natural terrain is completely destroyed and turned into nothingness.

After the war, the winner Reckless Demonic Venerable, became Immemorial Desolate Beast Ice Phoenix, and spit out the cold ice, and re-frozen it. This has formed the current landscape.

At the beginning, Hei Loulan chose to be here, through Disaster and Tribulation, and promoted to immortality.

Because of this, the ice sheet contains Reckless Demonic Venerable’s true meaning to Strength Dao and Transformation Dao’s. Strength Dao or Transformation Dao Gu Master, if promoted immortal here, will form Dao Marks resonance, Strength Dao, Transformation Dao’s true meaning, will be on on Earthly Disaster.

The person of transcends tribulation defeats the Earthly Disaster and gets the true meaning of the body, as if is the teaching of Reckless Demonic Venerable.

The memories of one scene after another flashed in the mind of Fang Yuan.

Fresh pictures, as if genius had just happened yesterday.

But at the moment, it has already had the same, but people have changed.

The highest cultivation base, Fairy Lishan, has died, and Hei Loulan and Taibai Yunsheng may have been rebelled. Leave Fang Yuan alone.

The situation at this time is also very different from before.

“Strength Dao, Transformation Dao Gu Master. There is only one chance to get the Reckless Demonic Venerable. It is the Disaster and Tribulation that was promoted to immortal. But now I have Immortal Disaster Refines Aperture ultimate move in hand, maybe before repeating Success.” Fang Yuan thought about it.

This kind of thing, he has not done it before, is not very sure.

It’s only possible to discuss it with the Langya Earth Spirit.

“Hei Loulan is Vigorous True Martial Physique. When I was promoted immortal, the Disaster and Tribulation was vast and Immortal Gu was lost. I was able to spend it. My Immortal Aperture disaster is more terrifying than her robbery!”

Fang Yuan is under a lot of pressure.

If the situation is unreasonable, he does not want to transcends tribulation so quickly.

Although every other time, there is Disaster and Tribulation produce in Immortal Aperture. But Gu Immortal also has a number of methods to deal with, the most common is the Time Dao means, delaying the time flow in the Immortal Aperture, delaying the arrival of Disaster and Tribulation.

But this way, the Time Dao resource in Immortal Aperture. However, it has been reduced sharply.

The pros and cons are mixed, but also look at the specific circumstances of Gu Immortal.

Langya Blessed Land used the Time Dao method to transform the tributaries of the Immortal Aperture. The time in the Immortal Aperture has been greatly delayed.

However, this method is not mastered by the Langya Earth Spirit. It was the year. Old Ancestor Long Haired invited a Time Dao Great Expert take action to help.

“I have too many resources for Immortal Aperture Time Dao, the outside world is two months. I have to transcends tribulation once. Although the growth base is growing fast, Immortal Aperture has more resources to regenerate. But if it can’t support it, fall in Disaster and Tribulation. It’s all empty. It seems that after the disaster, it’s time to search for the Time Dao means to transform the tributaries of the Immortal Aperture.”

This is all about the story, the key is the imminent Disaster and Tribulation.


Spits out one mouthful of impure air ,Fang Yuan The body was slightly shocked, with the body Immortal Aperture suddenly changed mysteriously.

“Immortal Aperture, Fall!” Fang Yuan gritted his teeth and saw the divine light.

There seemed to be a roar in the ear, and his vision changed dramatically. He was already in his own Immortal Aperture.

Five Regions and Nine Heavens.

It is empty and vast.

There are no resources for cultivation, as Fang Yuan still has time to operate.

Only large and small Gu insects are stored inside.

At this moment, these Gu insects are surrounded by Fang Yuan’s, a large number, like a black cloud.

Under normal circumstances, Immortal Aperture is pinned on Gu Immortal meat. But at this moment, Immortal Aperture fell into the outside Heaven and Earth, but wrap up Gu Immortal’s body into it.

At this moment, Fang Yuan is like the Earth Spirit, and he is in the Immortal Aperture, but he can’t get out. Immortal Aperture itself can communicate with the outside Heaven Qi and Earth Qi to stabilize itself.

When Im Immortal transcends tribulation, Immortal Aperture is generally dropped into Five Regions Heaven and Earth.

In another case, there are too many resources in Gu Immortal Immortal Aperture. The Immortal Aperture itself contains too few Heaven Qi and Earth Qi, so it is necessary to drop the Immortal Aperture and take advantage of the outside Heaven Qi and Earth Qi.

In the position where the original Fang Yuan stood, he has completely disappeared. Immortal Aperture fell on the ice, condensed a little, pinned Void, not visible.

The ice wind that was originally raging is still blowing.

There is no big change, as if Fang Yuan had never been there.

Business as usual.

But a moment later, when Fang Yuan actively opens the Immortal Aperture single-leaf door, everything is different.

In the meantime, Heaven and Earth humming, glacier turbulence, countless Qi of Heaven and Earth rising winds, scudding clouds, moved towards Immortal Aperture Portal rushing.

Soon, a lot of Heaven Qi and Earth Qi drowned here.

The cold wind and the hail are all transformed into Qi of Heaven and Earth.

Immortal Aperture Portal is the channel for communication inside and outside. As it opened, Fang Yuan’s Immortal Aperture began to communicate with the outside world, constantly bringing in Heaven Qi and Earth Qi.

It’s like a giant whale lurking in the depths of a seabed, popping out of the water, opening a big mouth and absorbing oxygen.

Massive Qi of Heaven and Earth, swarming in, the entire Immortal Aperture Heaven and Earth all made a slight shock, but the degree of shock is extremely small, it is difficult for ordinary people to detect.

At the same time, the tributaries of the Immortal Aperture began to merge into the River of Time outside the Five Regions. The time flow rate within the Immortal Aperture began to be greatly delayed.

The Immortal Aperture, which falls between Heaven and Earth, has a much slower time flow and is close to the outside of the Five Regions.

The Langya Blessed Land itself was remodeled by Time Dao Gu Immortal and can only be placed in the Five Regions Heaven and Earth. The time flow rate is similar to that of the Five Regions.

Many of Gu Immortal’s own life essence will also choose to drop the Immortal Aperture and shrink the body to the Immortal Aperture.

In the middle of it. There is a feeling that Fang Yuan Disaster and Tribulation is coming soon.

But with the Immortal Aperture landing. The time flow rate is delayed, and Fang Yuan can clearly feel it. The “speed” of Disaster and Tribulation is slowing down.

This situation is normal.

Every one of Gu Immortal, Disaster and Tribulation will produce this induction temporarily.

It is as if the earthquake has come, and the livestock are going to walk long, and they all perceive the end of the crisis in advance.

Heaven Qi and Earth Qi rushing came in, and the momentum gradually slowed down. It started as if the waterfall was pouring, and it soon became like a big river, after a while. It’s like a brook.

Immortal Aperture’s appetite is also limited.

Fang Yuan has a calm face.

He has a wealth of experience. When he saw Heaven Qi and Earth Qi, he began to arrange Gu insect regularly and thoroughly.

Gu insect in Immortal Aperture, in fact, the greater part has been laid out in advance, mainly outside.

Massive Gu insect, like a bee group, flew out along the portal.

Fang Yuan can’t leave here. But Gu insect is ok.

Next, he remotely controlled Gu insect, one after another.

About 5 minutes of effort, arranged properly. Fang Yuan did not hesitate, immediately perfused the immortal essence, urging Gu insect.

An Immortal Gus has risen one after another. Suspended in the air, scattering all kinds of brilliance.

Glitter is intertwined. Then it echoed the outside world of Gu insect.

In the end, it forms a huge light and shadow of Cang Azure. Not only the entire Immortal Aperture, but also the outside world, covering the ice field within a thousand miles.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Immortal Tribulation Refines Aperture !

A lot of immortal essence is madly consumed, and there are already thousands in the blink of an eye, but this is just the beginning!

The core Immortal Gu in this ultimate move is mostly Rank 7, and Fang Yuan’s Green Grape Immortal Essence is extremely fast.

Fortunately, before he came, he had already obtained a large amount of immortal essence stones from the hands of Langya Earth Spirit, and borrowed Immortal Gu.

After a quarter of an hour, the ultimate move finally succeeded, and the immortal essence of Fang Yuan’s hand cost 60%.

“This consumption has greatly exceeded the numbers that Langya Earth Spirit said. But he also said that the specific consumption will change because of the Immortal Aperture small world.”

Not yet transcends tribulation, in Fang Yuan’s hand’s immortal essence, it consumes more than half.

However, he has long negotiated with the Langya Earth Spirit, borrowing immortal essence stones from him, and will soon be able to get it.

This transcends tribulation, Langya Blessed Land can be said to be the rear of Fang Yuan’s.

However, it is not appropriate to borrow at this time, which will make Langya Earth Spirit suspicious. Exchanging Cup Toast Gu and so on, have long been prepared, even if you borrow in transcends tribulation, it is not difficult. Moreover, what exactly is Disaster and Tribulation is not known.

In the induction, Disaster and Tribulation are getting closer.

Fang Yuan took back Gu insect, closed the portal, and waited quietly in the Immortal Aperture.

Taking advantage of this effort, he carefully examined the Gu insect in his hand.

After half an hour, Disaster and Tribulation finally arrived.

Immortal Aperture began to oscillate, countless Qi of Heaven and Earth, from all directions, all over the corner.

This is the Qi of Heaven and Earth contained in Immortal Aperture. In the blink of an eye, Heaven Qi and Earth Qi interact with each other to form a boundless snow.

Snow flutters and the wind whispers, turning the entire Immortal Aperture into a world of ice and snow.

Fang Yuan See you, my heart is slightly hi: “don’t tell me Immortal Tribulation Refines Aperture Ultimate Move is not working?”

Hū Hū Hū!

The snow is raging in the Immortal Aperture, and one by one Snow Monster is formed in succession.

“Snow Monster disaster? Hey!” Fang Yuan whispered, suspended in the air, flying around the Gu insect, propping up a protective mask, and shooting Flying Sword Immortal Gu.


Flying Sword Gu directly penetrates Snow Monster’s head and wears it from behind his head.

It was almost an instant, and it flew back to Fang Yuan’s.

Snow Monster screamed, and the wound on his head immediately healed and continued to rush to Fang Yuan.

Snow Monster is similar to Mire Monster and Cloud Beast. It is difficult to kill the snow core with the body. It is a very troublesome enemy.

The simple Flying Sword Gu is being used by it.

“But what I use at this time is Sword Dao ultimate move.” Fang Yuan’s mouth overflowed with a sneer.

Snow Monster ran a few steps, suddenly roaring, with the body snow nucleus destroyed, like a skeleton, and all of a sudden scattered, turned into a pile of snow.

Sword Dao Ultimate Move Sword Mark Demanding Life !

Ps: Fang Yuan transcends tribulation, I also had a robbery not long ago. It’s so powerful, it’s robbery, it’s going to arrive at the same time, it’s almost not slowed down! Bored and bored, doubting life. It’s only a bit of a state of breath. It also gave me a new understanding of life. Call… Thanks to your friends for their continued support. This book is expected to be completed in late 2016. Welcome to subscribe to the WeChat public account. Today, WeChat public account speaks Spring and Autumn Cicada.

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