Whether it is Soul Shaking Mountain, Unrestrained Valley, or Wisdom Gu, it is invaluable, and it is unique in the world.

Fang Yuan said that it can be traded, but what does Langya Earth Spirit take to trade?

Fang Yuan is not a rejection, but full of expectations.

Langya Blessed Land background is deep, not a common one. Experienced two Venerables, from Medieval Antiquity Era. After the destruction of Royal Court Blessed Land, it is arguably the first Blessed Land in the Five Regions!

Earth Spirit’s identity as a living, is also known as the through the ages Refining Dao first, faintly beyond the previous Old Monster Tian Nan, Old Immortal Space Severing.

This and the others, how can you not get things to trade?

Just like the Immortal Gu deal, every Immortal Gu is unique and unique.

Unparalleled things, naturally, can also be exchanged with the same peerless items.

The measure of value lies only in the specific measurement of the situation between the two parties!

Soul Shaking Mountain, Unrestrained Valley, and Wisdom Gu, in the case of Fang Yuan, there is nothing that can’t be traded, as long as the interests match.

Langya Earth Spirit began to pace.

His brows tightly knit, caught in thinking.

If it is the previous Earth Spirit, this does not have to be considered at all, and certainly will not be exchanged with Fang Yuan. But after the change, the Langya Earth Spirit has a different mind than the previous one.

“White Hair Earth Spirit is about the obsession of Space Escape Gu. So he is only interested in refining gu, and all the Hairyman Gu Immortal are cultivated as Refining Dao talents. And this Black Hair Earth Spirit is one heart. I want to be king of my own race, this is where I can make great use of it.” Fang Yuan thought about it, and the look at Langya Earth Spirit kept paced and waited patiently for the decision.

Fang Yuan has a confident heart.

He believes that the Langya Earth Spirit will not let him down.

Sure enough, without Fang Yuan’s expectations, the Langya Earth Spirit struggled for a moment. Determined to trade with Fang Yuan.

“Revered Great Elder, I don’t doubt that you have the capital to trade with me, but the deal is always yours. If it’s something on hand, I can’t move me, I’m afraid…” Fang Yuan said deliberately.

Langya Earth Spirit blinked. Not good-ly said: “Reassured! My Langya School’s collection is no worse than yours!”

Said, he handed Fang Yuan an Information Dao Gu insect.

Fang Yuan reached out and took this Gu Insect.

This Gu Insect, shaped like a silkworm cocoon, is divided into three sections: head, chest and abdomen, but the whole body is like a spinning, some round and lovely. It is white and plain, as if it were porcelain. The surface is like a good enamel. Fang Yuan holds it in his hand and feels smooth and silky, feeling very comfortable.

“This is Book Insect?” Fang Yuan is slightly startled.

Book Insect He has seen it, the uncommon gu in Rank 1 Gu. But what surprised him was that the Book Insect in his hands now clearly exudes the momentum of Rank 3.

Langya Earth Spirit snorted, said: “This is what I took up. He broke through the shackles of Book Insect Rank 1 and developed the Leg Formula for Rank 2 and Rank 3. You said he did this. What is the use? Enemy Can you resist these Book Insects when you hit the door?”

That said, though. Fang Yuan still feels the slight smugness hidden by the Langya Earth Spirit.

Fang Yuan shook his head and stopped talking. Instead, he took a trace of the infinite primeval essence in the Immortal Aperture and used the Stimulate Book Insect to infuse a heart.

Book Insect is not his own. But the Langya Earth Spirit borrowed, naturally let him use it, without any hindrance.

Fang Yuan’s eyes are sharp.

The contents recorded in Book Insect made him feel excited, and he couldn’t help but rush.

“Not as I expected!” Fang Yuan was amazed. The thoughts in my mind are ups and downs.

Fang Yuan rushed back to Langya Blessed Land and spent a long time on the day. At this moment, his Immortal Aperture Disaster and Tribulation was in sight.

What Ying Wuxie, Hei Loulan, or Fox Immortal Blessed Land, Fixed Immortal Travel, etc., are all thrown away. The biggest difficulty is how to get through this Disaster and Tribulation!

Gu Immortal Immortal Aperture Every once in a while, there is Disaster and Tribulation. The deeper the Immortal Aperture background, the stronger the Disaster and Tribulation power.

Fang Yuan’s current Immortal Aperture, which is too late to operate, is empty, but its space is vast to terrifying, Time Dao resources are extremely rich, and can’t help but Five Regions Boundary Wall. So Immortal Aperture, which has surpassed the total of Ten Perfect, it is conceivable that the Disaster and Tribulation will be unprecedentedly dangerous!

It can be said that this is a bright and bright blade hanging above the neck of Fang Yuan.

At the time of the healing, Fang Yuan was thinking about the current situation when he adjusted the layout of Fang Zheng.

It’s been a few days since this Disaster and Tribulation. Fang Yuan is not sure, and has no bottom in his heart.

His larger part of Immortal Gu, who stayed in the flesh, ruined a lot, and some remained in the hands of Ying Wuxie, which made Fang Yuan lose its strength.

Taibai Yunsheng and Hei Loulan are also missing. Fairy Lishan and Burning Heaven Enchantress are dead. The only place where they can borrow is Langya Blessed Land.

Langya Blessed Land, which has survived to this day, has inevitably experienced a lot of Disaster and Tribulation, but it is a successful model of Immortal Aperture transcends tribulation. There must be many merits that can make Fang Yuan learn to ask for advice.

“How?” Langya Earth Spirit said with a smile.

He put three fingers on Fang Yuan: “My Langya School has three big backgrounds. First, it is the Refining Dao True Inheritance left by my body, covering the lifetime cultivation essence. Second, it is a Luck left by Ju Yang Immortal Venerable. Dao True Inheritance. Third, is Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable’s Stealing Dao True Inheritance. When I was in the body, I was two Venerable refining gus, and the required compensation was a separate True Inheritance.”

Fang Yuan slightly nod.

The content recorded in Book Insect is about these three True Inheritance.

No matter which one is wide-ranging and profound, Fang Yuan only browses to some superficial surface information, and is deeply attracted to it. It can be said that the value is extraordinary.

Langya Earth Spirit continued: “In these three True Inheritance, Heavenly Thief True Inheritance is a little bit. That is because the body has not been able to motivate the space Escape Gu, but has taken a part of the reward. However, Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable’s True Inheritance, which is relative in pairs. If you get Luck Qi and get True Inheritance, and the True Inheritance is not inherited, then you can get the second Heavenly Thief True Inheritance The clues.”

“Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable left eight True Inheritances, but it must be Demon from Beyond The Heavens, but this is my exception. Fang Yuan is exactly Demon from Beyond The Heavens, if you get another Heavenly Thief True Inheritance can be easily inherited.”

Fang Yuan slightly nod.

He has seen the greatness of Formless Hand with his own eyes. With Stealing Dao, he can even steal someone’s Immortal Gu and keep the biggest spoils of war for each battle.

And he relies on the survival of Meet Stranger, Meet Like Acquaintance, Meeting Past Acquaintance, and Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable’s Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

The magic of stealing. Fang Yuan has a deep understanding. Get this True Inheritance and never let him down.

Paused for a moment, Langya Earth Spirit continued: “Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable has eight True Inheritances, and Ju Yang Immortal Venerable has only left three. I was able to successfully produce Immortal Gu Home 88 Floors True Yang Building. So the value of this True Inheritance is higher than Heavenly Thief True Inheritance.”

“Ju Yang Immortal Venerable’s Three True Inheritances, which includes all his means of Luck Dao, Own Luck, All Living Thing Luck, Heaven and Earth Luck. Among them Own Luck is True Inheritance. Just in my hand. All Living Thing Luck True Inheritance, hidden in the Royal Court Blessed Land. Heaven and Earth Luck The True Inheritance is in the Longevity Heaven Celestial Grotto.”

Own Luck, All Living Thing Luck, Heaven and Earth Luck.

Connecting Luck Immortal Gu, Breaking Luck Immortal Gu, and Removing Disaster Immortal Gu are part of the All Living Thing Luck True Inheritance. After the Royal Court Blessed Land was destroyed by Fang Yuan, some of these Immortal Gus were left outside. As for the cultivation of the with the body, it has become a sound.

Fang Yuan and Ma Hongyun have dealt with each other and know that Luck Dao is amazing.

“Don’t say anything, if I have the Removing Disaster Immortal Gu. Then I can learn the Royal Court Blessed Land directly and let the Disaster and Tribulation go to the outside world.” Fang Yuan knows that Luck Dao will have a miraculous effect on his transcends tribulation.

Even this Own Luck True Inheritance. There is no such thing as the Removing Disaster Immortal Gu. Fang Yuan’s own Luck Qi is better, and the Disaster and Tribulation formidable power he faces will also be weakened and easier to deal with.

“Fang Yuan, I suggest you choose Own Luck True Inheritance. Because of your Luck Qi, it seems to be very bad.” Langya Earth Spirit started talking.

“this time, you came back from Southern Border. How many accidents and accidents occurred along the way? Even on my side, I lost two Hairyman Gu Immortal. I am afraid you can’t guess the cause!”

“Old Ancestor Xuehu wants to refining Good Luck Equal to Heaven Gu and order Demonic Path Gu Immortal in Great Snow Mountain Blessed Land to collect coffins for him. The result is a big loss, when things are coming. Great Snow Mountain in Gu Immortal rebelled and stole one of the key coffins.”

“Old Ancestor Xuehu was furious and sent Gu Immortal to capture all the suspicious people. My Sect went to pick up your Hairyman Gu Immortal, which was the shack of the fish.”

“As for the second place mysteriously missing, Gu Immortal, what happened to him, I haven’t investigated it yet!”

“I believe that the truth will come a day will be the water recedes, the rocks appear. They will never sacrifice in vain!” Fang Yuan advised.

Langya Earth Spirit grinds his teeth, not tangled in this aspect, but continues the topic: “In fact, according to me, the best for you is the first True Inheritance. Refining Dao has two major genres, you know?”

“Slightly heard.” Fang Yuan replied.

Langya Earth Spirit slowly said: “The two genres are Hairyman Heaven and Earth Class, Human Race Isolated Class. Our Hairyman refining gu, unlike your Human Race, can use the Dao Marks between Heaven and Earth to create a refining gu. The best environment to increase the success of the refining gu.”

Fang Yuan listen patiently, Langya Earth Spirit said this, there must be his reasons.

“Once, Ju Yang Immortal Venerable and Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable turned to my body. It is because of the refining gu method of Hairyman Heaven and Earth Class, the success of refining Immortal Gu is much higher than your Human Race Isolated. Class faction.”

“The ontology not only grasps the honor of Hairyman Heaven and Earth Class, but also refers to a True Inheritance of Old Immortal Space Severing, the trans of transcend originally, to go up a level, and conceived an Immortal Rank ultimate move named Immortal Tribulation Refines Aperture !”

“Immortal Tribulation Refines Aperture?” Fang Yuan’s eyes are bright glow flashes, and my heart is full of interest.

Langya Earth Spirit continues to introduce with a look of pride and pride.

It turns out that this Immortal Rank forging 窍ultimate move is a Refining Dao ultimate move brewed with several Immortal Gus, more than 100,000 mortal gus support.

It is extremely cleverly designed to use Blessed Lands and Celestial Grottos as the body of refining, through the extreme move, linked to Five Regions Heaven and Earth beyond Immortal Aperture, affecting Disaster and Tribulation, and using Disaster and Tribulation tempering Immortal Aperture itself.

“Immortal Aperture Disaster and Tribulation is awesome and difficult to cope with. But using this ultimate move can often limit the Disaster and Tribulation generics. Do you know why Langya Blessed Land was pinned on Crescent Moon Lake? This is because Near the Crescent Moon Lake, there is a rich Water Dao’s Dao Marks and Refining Dao’s Dao Marks.”

“I took office and used Immortal Tribulation Refines Aperture Ultimate Move every time to deal with Disaster and Tribulation. Usually, the calamity related to Water Dao and Refining Dao will be formed. After the crossing, Water Dao and Refining Dao will be added to Immortal Aperture. Dao Marks.”

“180,000 years ago, there is no ocean in Langya Blessed Land. But now you see, Wang Yang, originally vast land, only three continents. This is the symbol of Water Dao’s Dao Marks!”

Fang Yuan hearing that, can’t help but think of Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul using Myriad Tribulation, refining Paragon Immortal Aperture.

“This Immortal Tribulation Refines Aperture Ultimate Move is similar to Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s. No, Shadow Sect’s side has been laid out under the Langya Blessed Land. Perhaps Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s technique is derived from ultimate. Move Immortal Tribulation Refines Aperture?”

Fang Yuan guessed it right.

Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s technique is born out of Immortal Tribulation Refines Aperture Ultimate Move. But his approach is more complete, and on on Wisdom Dao has figured out what the Disaster and Tribulation is, and then prepares.

Unlike this Immortal Tribulation Refines Aperture Ultimate Move, which only affects Disaster and Tribulation, there is a possibility of failure. Among the Disaster and Tribulation that Langya Blessed Land has passed, there are also Flame Dao, Thunder Dao and other Disaster and Tribulation, not all of which are Water Dao and Refining Dao.

“Well, you have Unrestrained Valley, Soul Shaking Mountain, Wisdom Gu, I also have three True Inheritances, the same change, how do you want to trade?” Langya Earth Spirit finally asked.

This time, it was the turn of Fang Yuan to fall into meditation.

How should he choose?

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