Langya Blessed Land, Black Haired Continent. Oh,

Iron Wire City is also the most majestic city above the Black Haired Continent.

In the city alone, there are several 100,000 Hairyman. Not to mention the countless township villages that radiated to all around the city.

Langya Blessed Land is the largest Haiyman paradise in the world.

In Blessed Land, there are four continents. Three of them are located at sea, and the area is similar. The last one, although the smallest in area, is suspended in the air, known as Cloud Cover Continent, which is the most desirable holy land of Hairymen in the first three continents.

The trading market in Iron Wire City is a popular trading venue on Black Haired Continent.

Today, in the southeast corner of the market, a fat Hairyman is on the high platform.

Under the high stage, the Hairyman, surrounded by a circle, is also stout and full of hair.

These Hairyman’s hairs are dominated by black and brown. This is the main hair color of Hairyman in Black Haired Continent.

The fat-eyed Hairyman, just on the high platform, has Hairyman squatting.

One of them, asked aloud: “Kham, what good things have you brought this time?”

Called Kangba’s Hairyman, a slave businessman, specializes in selling slaves. The business is not small, and there is a certain name.

Khampa hearing that, laughing, looking around, Human Dao: “Do not worry, everyone, I have brought a lot of Yellow Hair slaves, and there are some Quasi Great Master’s refining gu, and I am satisfied with everyone.”

The onlookers Hairymen suddenly brightened their eyes and heated up again.

“Since the Cloud Cover Continent, the immortals issued a will. Every ten years, Immortal Cultivation seeds were selected. The way of becoming immortal was taught, and we started the war in three continents.”

“And how to choose Immortal Cultivation seeds. Just look at the three continents of war, who can enter the fairy eye!”

“This time, our Black Haired Continent and White Haired Continent teamed up to deal with Yellow Haired Continent. I heard that I played a few wins and captured a lot of Yellow Hair.”

“I am an old fogey, I don’t expect it, but these Yellow Hair slaves, I want to win, add labor to my refining gu workshop.”

“These slaves are much better than hiring those Gu Masters. Not only are they cheap, but the life-manufactureds are in hand, the future generations are born, or the slaves of our family.”


“everyone, everyone.” Hairyman Kham raised his hands and calmed down the surrounding arguments. “Everyone’s time, don’t dare to delay. The first slave is pulled out, let everyone open their eyes. Come on. Take him Take it up!”

“Come on!” Behind the high platform, a strong Black Hair folk slammed the chain in his hand.

The chain is tied with a riddled with scars. Torn skin and gaping flesh’s slave.

It was Feng Zheng who was tortured!

Fang Zheng is no match for the brute force of Black Hair. He is smashed by the iron chain and almost fell to the ground.

But when he stood still. Desperately scorning the Black Hair people in front of me, the look of perseverance and stubbornness.


Black Hair whipped up the whip. Slammed on Fang Zheng’s face.

Fang Zheng is embarrassed, first felt a numb on his face. Immediately, the intense pain was so high that it hit his heart.

But he bites his teeth and will rise to the screams in his throat, forcibly swallowing.

“Things to fight, go!” Black Hair smiled and extended his arms thicker than Fang Zheng’s thighs, grabbed his neck and lifted him up.

Then, Black Hair took the big step, climbed the ladder, and walked to the middle of the stage in a few steps, throwing Fang Zheng on the stage.

Fang Zheng has a neck that is shackled, difficult to breathe, and has long been dizzying.

He was thrown to the hard platform and almost fainted on the spot.

He was full of golden flowers, dizzy, and squatted on the stage for a time, unable to stand up.

“Be careful, you stupid things.” Kangba screamed.

The Black Hair people who came up with Fang Zheng did not dare to provoke him, and they quickly admit their mistakes.

“Fast roll!” Kham is cold and severely scolded.

Black Hair people quickly fled to the stage.

Khampa changed his face, and put the face of the angry intent off, replaced with a smile, pointing to Fang Zheng, to the stage of the Hairymen introduced: “This slave, but rare goods, my Kangba is also very easy to collect of.”

This has largely aroused the interest of the audience.

“This slave cultivation base is not weak, there is a Rank 5 cultivation base!” Soon people noticed the faint and weak Gu Master’s breath, and exclaimed.

“This is the city of lord of Yellow Haired Continent? It was actually captured, and it almost wiped the hair of the whole body, so humiliating him?” Immediately, someone was said to be said.

On the Black Haired Continent, Yellow Haired Continent, and White Haired Continent on the sea, the city lord has the highest rights, usually with the Rank 5 cultivation base.

Among the customs of Hairyman, the hair of the whole body is proud of it. Being cut off from the hair is the most insulting to Haiyman’s punishment, and in the vast majority of Hairyman’s minds, it is even more cruel than the death penalty.

To make a metaphor, it is like the death of a male prisoner in the history of China.

Khampa laughs: “Everyone guessed wrong, this slave, not Hairyman, but the purest man!”



“He is a man?”

Langya Blessed Land is dominated by Hairyman and rarely sees other races. Many of the Fairyman present, involuntarily surprised, they were the first to see the rumored Human Race.

Fang Zheng had already slowed down and was looked up and down by the surrounding Hairyman, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

“Give me up, stand up.” Khampa fingered.

Fang Zheng was involuntarily, and was invincible by an invisible force, taking him to stand on the high platform.

The Hairymen under the stage saw it more clearly, whispering around and wondering about Fang Zheng tut tut.

Kangba smiled and was very satisfied.

He took a huge price and bought this Fang Zheng to create a sensation.

It now appears that his purpose has been achieved.

The Hairymen under the high platform, the talks are endless, and the volume is getting louder and louder. It is also more and more noisy.

“Look, there is a Human Race slave selling there.”

“Is it? I have to look at it.”

“Go. Go see a strange!”

More and more Hairyman, noticed here. Gather from the market’s all directions.

Fang Zheng stood on the high platform, and the look at the Hairyman under the Human Sea was also bulging.

These Hairyman are extremely numerous, and Fang Zheng is also the first to see it.

He also met Hairyman in the Immortal Crane Sect, the slave for the Immortal Crane Sect refining gu. Also know the Five Regions pattern, Human Race dominates the dominance, and nonhumans are severely suppressed. Linger on in a steadily worsening condition in the corner of World. But now it seems that these Hairyman seems to be the master here, and the Human Race is power very small!

“Where is this?” The doubts in Fang Zheng’s heart are getting deeper and deeper.

He remembered that he was tortured and heard from the jailer that he had broken the news of his big brother fallen and Fox Immortal Blessed Land.

At first he certainly didn’t believe that with torture and torture, he became suspicious. I see this scene now. The suspicions in his heart could not help but deepen.

“Kham, how do you sell this slave?” someone shouted.

“Hahaha, this number!” Kham raised two hands and opened the ten fingers completely.

The crowd is banging. Many people are simultaneously calling: “So expensive!”

“Kham, you are stealing money!”

“I really want money, I want to be crazy.”

“everyone. Everyone!” Kham pulled up his throat and shouted. “This is the Rank 5 Gu Master, after you become your slave. It is the Rank 5 level hitter! This opportunity, you may not be came across your life.”

But the Hairymen under the stage also has a savvy generation.

“Rank 5 Gu Master, it’s not good to make him a slave.”

“Yeah, to slave such a strongman, your cultivation base must be at least Rank 4?”

“And, your slave is obviously tortured and tortured, maybe it is already barely alive.”

“Don’t just buy it, he will die?”

Kangba pretended to be indignant: “Where did you think of Kangba? I am doing business in Khampa, the most sincere. Look at him, carefully examine!”

Said, Kangba walked up to Fang Zheng and squeezed his chin.

Fang Zheng has a terrible pain and his mouth opens involuntarily, revealing his teeth and lips.

“Look at his teeth, come and see his skin and flesh!” Khampa stretched his hand and slammed it, and pulled off all of Fang Zheng’s clothes.

Fang Zheng shivered and was not covered for a long while, so he was exposed to many Hairyman.

“His body, although wounded, but these are skin and flesh injuries, can be raised well. My Kangba can guarantee that it is not a problem!”

Fang Zheng licks his teeth, and his eyes seem like a fire, strong anger and shame, filled his heart, so that he can not wait to kill these Hairyman instantly.

Heba hey hey smiled and pinched a branch and picked up the things that Fang Zheng had left: “everyone look again, this function is also complete. In the future, for the everyone of the Human Race, the slave is constantly flowing. “”


Hairymen suddenly laughed.

Fang Zheng is full of blood and red, and if he is not the force of Kangba, he can be disabled to move a single step. He must be a moment later to bite his tongue.

“This slave, I bought it.” Suddenly a voice came from afar.

Everyone looked at the sound and saw a female Hairyman, dressed in Black Hair, looking at Fang Zheng’s eyes, sparkling with glare.

“I have seen the city lord.” Hairymen suddenly succumbed to his knees, and even Kham is no exception.

“Hahaha.” There were two Hairyman stout women city lord laughing and yelling, “Champa, healed the slave, washed it and sent it to my city lord. At night, I was I want to see him.”

“Follow, beautiful and powerful city lord adults!” Khampa can’t help but swear.

Fang Zheng closed his eyes and his heart was gray.

Just then, with a bang, Heaven and Earth oscillated.

A five-color radiance, rising from the Cloud Cover Continent, burns the entire Langya Blessed Land.

“What happened on Cloud Cover Continent?”

“Oh my God, this is the glory of the immortal, this is a great auspicious!”

Hairymen’s attention is attracted by this Heaven and Earth mutation, and they look up and look up, curiosity, worship, envy… As for Fang Zheng, it has been forgotten.

Ps: Today’s big winter, to accompany the family, today is even more. On the WeChat public account, talk about the Swallow River Toad in the Earth version. You can check it out.

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