Fang Yuan’s situation, especially weird, made Qi Zai have to care.

“He really wows what kind of Dao Marks, why use the extreme move of various genres, can increase the power, without any loss?!”

On the surface, Qi Zai devise strategies, sitting at ease in a fishing boat despite storms, but in the dark, thinking hard.

“As far as I know, there is only one person in history, to this extent…that is Reckless Demonic Venerable!”

Human Race Historically, there was a number of Demon Venerable experts – Reckless, who pioneered Strength Dao, the ancestor of Strength Dao, and multi-cultivation Transformation Dao.

According to the clear record in history, he can ever-changing, and Dao Marks can change at will.

For example, when Reckless Demonic Venerable becomes Lightning Wolf, he can trigger Thunder Dao ultimate move. When he becomes Swamp Crab again, he will use the Earth Dao ultimate move, which is not inhibited or degraded by other Dao Marks.

The usual Transformation Dao Gu Master usually only specializes in one change. For example, in the Northern Plains’ Royal Court hegemony, Cheng Long and Cheng Hu two Gu Masters can only be changed into dragon phantom and tiger phantom.

As for Transformation Dao’s Gu Immortal, such as He Langzi, who played against Fang Yuan, he can change the form of three wolves and have different Dao Marks. However, when switching between each other, it is necessary to wait for a period of time, and take the opportunity to clean up the original Dao Marks to prevent mutual interference between Dao Marks of different genres.

This drawback can be described as difficult from ancient times to present, cultivation Transformation Dao’s Gu Master, Gu Immortals.

Except one person.

That is the Reckless Demonic Venerable.

He seems to be free to change, regardless of the interference between Dao Marks.

Unfortunately, after Reckless Demonic Venerable fallen, his approach has not been passed down. Countless sages, talented people, and the means to realize the Reckless Demonic Venerable ended in failure and did nothing.

“could it be that, this enemy in front of me, just inherited the transformational Dao’s key inheritance of Reckless Demonic Venerable?” Qi Zai thought of it, his heart was very hot.

In addition to this explanation. He couldn’t think of a bigger possibility.

“Of course, Gu Master cultivation, complicated and unpredictable, dragons and snakes mingle. The means are like the night sky Starry Sky, can not be estimated by common sense.” Qi Zai picked up his eyes, still quite calm.

In fact, he guessed that Fang Yuan won the True Inheritance of Reckless Demonic Venerable, or underestimated Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan can achieve this level. It is because of the Rank 9 Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu made by Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul.

This Immortal Gu is not ordinary!

Not only is the key treasure that Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul reborn, but he is also hopeful that he can surpass all other Venerable’s cornerstones in the future.

When Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable died, he was not willing to be in the status quo.

So, set up Shadow Sect, and worked hard to make a plan. During this period, he not only sorted out his own life, but also searched for countless inheritance. Among these inheritance, there is Gu Master inheritance. There is no shortage of boutiques that can bring a lot of inspiration and new ideas to Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul. There is also Gu Immortal inheritance, and even many other Venerable’s inheritance.

Even the most mysterious Red Lotus Demon Venerable, Shadow Sect can get a True Inheritance that he stayed with. Not to mention other Venerables?

Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul drove the Shadow Sect and opened the lower sect Zombie Alliance, a division of the Five Regions. It lasted for tens of thousands of years, accumulated and researched, and made countless efforts and sacrifices.

finally. All rivers run into the sea, extract the essence, and integrate the furnace, the exposed Rank 9 Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu.

It can be said. This Immortal Gu is not only the crystallization of Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable’s Soul Dao, but also his eclectic, versatile, numerous genres, and many Venerable True Inheritance. Condensed and wonderful.

Will of Heaven Although Fang Yuan is arranged as a chess piece, Fang Yuan is at the last juncture, but with the instinct of Demon from Beyond The Heavens, he is free from shackles and uses Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu for his own use.

Qi Zai is suspicious, although Fang Yuan is only a breath of Rank 6, but he does not dare to care.

He is testing Fang Yuan.

He is Rank 7 Gu Immortal, and even without the Rank 7 Immortal Gu, the Rank 6 is usually there.

It was the means of Immortal Dao, which used to refine the qi mud ball from the mud and then turn it into a clay man, Ni Jian.

But he did not use Immortal Gu.

Immortal Gu is Gu Immortal’s trump card, which is used, but it consumes immortal essence!

Qi Zai is only the Lower Rank Blessed Land. He will not use Immortal Gu during the leisure time.

Of course, immortal essence is not the main reason. The main factor is that once Immortal Gu is used, it will be judged by the enemy.

To know the Gu insect in the hands of Gu Master, what is it, what is it, is strictly confidential. Once the information is revealed, it will be targeted and restrained.

The same is true of Gu Immortal.

For the first time, I don’t know what to know, there must be some temptation between Gu Immortal.

Qi Zai tempted Fang Yuan’s At the same time, Fang Yuan was also testing him.

Various Mortal Realm Ultimate Moves, in the Fang Yuan’s hand, and his delicate and pretty image, attracted the attention of Qi He.

Like Qi Zai, in Fang Yuan’s hand, although it also has Immortal Gu, it cannot be abused.

Although Rank 7 Sword Dao Immortal Gu, Power is strong, but Fang Yuan is only Rank 6 Green Grape Immortal Essence, which is far less than Rank 7 Gu Immortal Qi Zai.

If Fang Yuan did not rely on Langya School, he did not have a large number of immortal essence stones to supplement immortal essence in time.

Both sides come to me, the offensive and defensive exchanges, the prestigious momentum, so that Qi He can’t keep his eyes open, and his heart is amazed.

Inevitably, Qi Zai was gradually pushed down by Fang Yuan.

Mortal Realm Ultimate Move, even if it is excellent, there is no one Immortal Gu. Therefore, due to the increase of Dao Marks on Qi Zai, there are limits, and it will never go beyond the simple use of Immortal Gu.

Among the long river of history, there is only one example of Mortal Realm Ultimate Move, which is reminded to be comparable to Immortal Gu.

That is the White Bone Chariot created by Haughty Demon Monarch Shen Jie Ao.

This person is Rank 8 Demonic Path Gu Immortal and does have a proud capital. Simply speaking, this achievement, even the historical Ten Great Venerables, can’t match him.

Immortal Venerable and Demon Venerable, although once unrivaled beneath the heavens, do not represent omnipotent.

Everyone has their own field of specialisation. At the beginning, Ju Yang Immortal Venerable and Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable, look for Old Ancestor Long Haired to help them refining gu.

In contrast, Fang Yuan, although the accumulation of Dao Marks on his body is far less than that of Qi Zai, the growth of Mortal Realm Ultimate Move is limited, but the victory is in an endless stream of ways.

Therefore, gradually, Fang Yuan attacked more and less, and took more initiative.

Qi Zai’s heart is bright and she knows what the battle is. He brows slightly wrinkle and starts counterattacking.

Battlefield Ultimate Move – a gas lock on one side.

Suddenly, the nearby sky was banned and the air condensed, forming a translucent temporary battlefield.

Fang Yuan faintly smiled. No panic.

This Battlefield Ultimate Move, just the Mortal Dao level, is less threatening to his Gu Immortal master of Immortal Gu.

Unless there is no Rank 6 Gu Immortal of Immortal Gu. Will be the enemy.

And this kind of Battlefield Ultimate Move, Fang Yuan also has.

Immediately, he used the sign of Xue Songzi, Battlefield Ultimate Move Snow Boundary.

Then, the air lock side was pushed out. The air was chilly.

Qi He finally couldn’t help but marveled.

In front of her eyes, the battlefield was divided into two parts. A piece of world of ice and snow, a piece of air solidified.

Qi He’s vision is still limited to the mortal stage. This kind of Battlefield Ultimate Move, although only the Mortal Dao level, is also the trump card of every mortal world force. It is not easy to use in the final battle, in case it is more frequent. Was cracked by other people.

This time, she suddenly saw two Battlefield Ultimate Move, played in front of her eyes, suddenly let her feel that this trip is not empty, with an eye-opening satisfaction.

Seeing that Fang Yuan is still in the air, Qi Zai is finally impatient and takes the lead in using Immortal Gu.

He is also a cautious person.

Instead of using Immortal Realm Ultimate Move directly, it motivated Immortal Gu.

Qi Dao Immortal Gu of a Rank 6.

Fang Yuan didn’t know what it was, and Qi Zai didn’t stupidly make a move, but also quoted the name of Immortal Gu.

Immortal Gu sacrificed. The scene suddenly changed dramatically.

The battlefield was locked on one side, and it suddenly disappeared, which was the growth of Immortal Gu. The snow was not able to withstand it, and was invaded by gloomy. Directly pierced.

This long-standing Yin Qi, lingering, looks like a green poisonous snake, long enough feet, and quickly hit Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan sighed and directly spurred Rank 7 Immortal Gu Sword Escape.


moment. He seems to have turned into a sharp sword, piercing the air and flying away.

“Hurry!” Qi He opened his mouth and was very surprised. In almost a blink of an eye, Fang Yuan has already flown to the end of her vision.

After all is Rank 7 The mobility of the Immortal Gu, the speed is naturally amazing.

Qi Zai is also one of the best.

He originally estimated that Fang Yuan would be Snow Dao, Wind Dao or Dark Dao, because he used the Mortal Realm Ultimate Move, which is mostly these three genres.

But when Fang Yuan really used Immortal Gu, it was Sword Dao!

Also, it is a Rank 7 Sword Dao Immortal Gu.

“What the hell? Don’t tell me. He is not a Transformation Dao Gu Immortal, but Sword Dao Gu Immortal?” Qi Zai only felt that there was a tendency to tie the knot.

After tempting for so long, he felt that he had learned more about Fang Yuan more or less.

But really hands-on, Fang Yuan actually pulled out a Rank 7 Sword Dao Immortal Gu!

Also he flies so fast!

“If you change to me, you can only hope to sigh. Unfortunately, you Luck Qi is not good, just a short time ago, I imagined that the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move for three years was successful.”

Qi Zai sneered three times and shouted.

At the same time, he burst into the smoldering atmosphere, and the breath wraped him and Qi He, while infiltrating into every inch of the Qi Lineage Lion.

Qi Lineage Lion was so miserable that her eyes were red and she rushed toward Fang Yuan’s back.

With the help of Qi Zai’s Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, the speed of the Qi Lineage Lion is amazing!

Less than half an hour later, Qi Lineage Lion carried Qi Family and two Gu Immortals, catching up with Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan sees this and feels a headache.

Qi Zai once again ignited Immortal Gu and issued Yin Qi.

Obviously, it is just that Immortal Gu.

Yin Qi long rope, flying around Fang Yuan, quickly approaching.

“He didn’t use other Immortal Realm Ultimate Moves, just using a single Rank 6 Immortal Gu. Don’t tell me because of his mobility ultimate move, including a large number of Gu insects, need to involve a lot of minds?”

Fang Yuan has an eye-catching look.

At the time of the crisis, his heart is still snow-cool and constant, and he has been thinking about his background.

When Immortal Gu is motivated, the atmosphere of Gu insect will overflow. When the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is activated, the spillover atmosphere is much more complicated.

Therefore, Qi Zai easily distinguishes the Immortal Gu used by Fang Yuan, up to Rank 7, and belongs to Sword Dao.

Fang Yuan is also very easy, and I got the Qi Zai take action at the moment, just a single Rank 6 Immortal Gu.

Of course, this is just common sense, not absolute.

There are also some rare ways to cover the Immortal Gu breath and achieve misleading effects.

Flying Sword Gu !

Fang Yuan Fingers, Immortal Gu shot.

Flying Sword Immortal Gu is sharp and the Yin Qi long rope is broken into slag in an instant.

Qi Zai trembled and was shocked again: “How is it another Rank 7 Sword Dao Immortal Gu?”

“don’t tell me, is he really Sword Dao Gu Immortal?”

“So how do you explain the situation when he just used Mortal Realm Ultimate Move?”

“His Immortal Gu, how are all Rank 7?”

“could it be that, he himself is Rank 7 Gu Immortal, deliberately concealing the breath into Rank 6, want to play the pig to eat the tiger?”

Qi Zai is expected to get the real situation of Fang Yuan’s.

His temperament is cautious, his thinking is meticulous, the more he analyzes, the more he is suspicious, he scares himself!

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