“Fixed Immortal Travel?” Langya Earth Spirit is amazed and hesitant. …oh,

Fang Yuan knows what his concerns are, and it is nothing more than Immortal Gu.

He calmly responded to Earth Spirit: “Reassured, I have 70% confidence, and I am sure that Fixed Immortal Travel is no longer in this world.”

He looked for Mud Phase and asked questions about Fixed Immortal Travel and so on Immortal Gu.

Fang Yuan Q: Fixed Immortal Travel, Spring and Autumn Cicada…Immortal Gu, whether it was destroyed before.

Contemporary Mud Phase A: No.

As a result, Fang Yuan immediately identified two messages.

The first news, Fixed Immortal Travel, and so on, Immortal Gu, have survived and are ruined.

In the second news, Ying Wuxie probably has already seen his layout on the original meat.

The contemporary Mud Phase has been over half a year old, and it is a life span of 50 years to spur a non-Immortal Gu. So after answering a question from Fang Yuan, Ni Family Elder Patriarch died on the spot.

But his answer has helped Fang Yuan a lot.

“If the worst plan, Ying Wuxie has seen my layout, then it must be hidden very well, will not let me find him. Maybe he is not even in the Southern Border.”

“Hei Loulan, Taibai Yunsheng, I have been unable to contact, these two people are not being rebelled, or they are killed.”

“I originally had Immortal Gu, I don’t know what was specifically destroyed? But Fixed Immortal Travel ruined the most possibility, because I placed the special intention to make it the first to destroy.”

Fang Yuan was originally arranged in this way. First, he was concerned about the power of Fixed Immortal Travel. Secondly, in order to prevent the original body from being taken back, it was too late to take back the special intention. Therefore, Gu insects are self-destructive.

“The biggest possibility is that after Fixed Immortal Travel was destroyed. Ying Wuxie found it bad, take measures. Temporarily live the other Immortal Gu.”

“Between me and him, it is the soul exchange. He is worse than my situation. There is no Gu insect free manipulates. I can still live with my other Immortal Gu, and he is either kidding Hei Loulan or Taibai Yunsheng. Either it is on the Shadow Sect’s remnant forces.”

Since Shadow Sect was built by Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable, and has been working hard for tens of thousands of years, there is a residual force. This point, Fang Yuan already estimated.

“Shadow Sect is spread across Five Regions. Even the Zombie Alliance is Shadow Sect’s lower sect. The Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain takes place on Southern Border, and it is estimated that Shadow Sect is the most lost in Southern Border’s. But the other four domains are relatively better. “”

“If Fixed Immortal Travel has been destroyed, Ying Wuxie has to deal with me. It is not enough to rely on Hei Loulan and Taibai Yunsheng. It is necessary to first gather the remaining forces of Shadow Sect, accumulate advantages, and then kill me. So, he probably wants Refining Fixed Immortal Travel.”

Fang Yuan’s this new body. It is really good.

Thinking about it, the spirits are frequently seen, such as a river, without any hindrance.

And for him. Fixed Immortal Travel is also a much-needed thing.

Because of the existence of the Five Regions Boundary Wall and the fact that Star Gate Gu can no longer be useful for his new voice, Fixed Immortal Travel became his best tool for crossing the Five Regions.

“As long as I have Fixed Immortal Travel, I can go straight back to Langya Blessed Land and get all the Immortal Gu in my pocket.”

“The original cultivation resources can also be stored in the Nine atop Five Paragon Immortal Aperture.”

“You can also enter Earth Abyss. Directly annex Star Form Blessed Land!”

Either way, it can greatly increase the strength of Fang Yuan’s.

However, if you use Treasure Yellow Heaven to deliver it, and don’t say that Treasure Yellow Heaven is too open, it will bring countless killings to Fang Yuan. The cost of Treasure Yellow Heaven is amazing.

Fang Yuan If the action is to use Treasure Yellow Heaven, it is only the cost of the Rank 8 Intelligent Sword Gu. It is not enough to make his cultivation resources accumulated.

“Are you sure to refining Fixed Immortal Travel?” Langya Earth Spirit asked again.

Fang Yuan noticed a slight flaw and browed slightly: “How, don’t tell me This thing is beyond your ability?”.

Langya Earth Spirit shook his head: “I had no agreement with Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable’s. I have no regrets in my hands. But in my hands, even with Divine Travel Gu, there are other support coffins, but the most critical one is missing. Material. What can you guess?”

Fang Yuan thought about it and frowned. “Is it possible is Immemorial Light?”

“right.” Langya Earth Spirit replied, “Whether you use what kind of Gu Formula to try to make Fixed Immortal Travel. All of these Gu Formulas must have a key coffin, Immemorial Light. Of light, this kind of thing is difficult to capture and store in itself. Immemorial … is beyond the age of Far Ancient, ancient, is the age of Human Ancestor. At that time, the Human Race in the whole World, only Human Ancestor and its ten.”

“No matter what Gu Formula is used, it doesn’t happen?” Fang Yuan knows that Langya Earth Spirit will not lie to himself, but he is still unwilling.

“Of course!” Langya Earth Spirit answered very positively and simply, “I have two copies of Fixed Immortal Travel Immortal Gu Formula in my hands. I have seen the Fixed Immortal Travel remnant formula, no less than ten. No matter which kind of Gu Formula, Around Immemorial Light. At best, just one in each Gu Formula, how much Immemorial Light, some difference nothing more.”

“Fixed Immortal Travel is the best in the middle of the world. It’s very useful. Other, alreadyy is being made, where is it to get you?”

Fang Yuan heard until here, I realized that I was lucky enough to make Fixed Immortal Travel.

The original Immemorial Light is the Bright Light Gu in the hands of the on on Man Mang.

But now, Xiao Mang has long since died.

Because Xiao Shan and Xiao Mang are the two chess pieces chosen by Xiao Family Revered Elder.

These two are the seeds of Gu Immortal, which are alive and well, but as a mortal, they have to be a chess piece. When I die, I am afraid I don’t understand the truth of Righteous Heavenly Mountain’s.

When Xiao Mang died, Bright Light Gu naturally disappeared.

“Xiao Mang is dead, and there are no souls left. Where do I go to get Immemorial Light? Revered Great Elder, you said, if you use Wisdom Halo, can you think of Fixed Immortal Travel Immortal Gu Formula without Immemorial Light? Fang Yuan asked again.

When it comes to Rank 9 Immortal Gu, Langya Earth Spirit is not sure. After all, he was only Rank 8 Gu Immortal nothing more.

Even if you help two Venerable refining gu, you don’t know about the Rank 9 Wisdom Immortal Gu.

“That’s all. Even if you can use Wisdom Halo, imagine the Immortal Gu Formula that doesn’t need Immemorial Light. I am not already Immortal Zombie, I am afraid I can’t use it either. I will go to Xiao Family first, Xiao Mang’s Bright Light Gu is a tomb. And, maybe I can see what clues I can see at Xiao Family.”

Fang Yuan took the initiative to end the connection with the Langya Earth Spirit.

He changed direction and rushed to Xiao Family.

However, before ending the contact, he did not forget to transfer the soul of the Ni Family family to the Langya Earth Spirit.

Then, I asked for a list from Langya Earth Spirit.

The content of the list is naturally about the Sword Dao ultimate move in Langya School.

Fang Yuan rushed to Xiao Family while reviewing these ultimate moves.

Sword Dao ultimate move Although there are quite a few, most of them are Mortal Realm Ultimate Move, and Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is only three full.

One of them is the Immortal Realm Remnant Ultimate Move, which is like the incomplete Immortal Gu Formula. It is of great value but cannot be used directly.

The other two, one for mobility and one for attack.

Mobility’s Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, called “Sword Flashes Thunder Roars”, has two core Immortal Gus, Flashing Sword Gu and Explosive Thunder Gu.

The attacked Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is “Divergent Dark Murder”, and there are two core Immortal Gus, namely Flying Sword Gu and Crossing Dark Gu.

Seeing the familiar Crossing Dark Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan sighed in his heart.

A long time ago, he had tried to seize this Immortal Gu, but unfortunately did not succeed.

After the death of Fairy Jiang Yu, Crossing Dark Immortal Gu was also destroyed.

“If I had Crossing Dark Immortal Gu, plus the Flying Sword Immortal Gu that I had in my hand, this trick Divergent Dark Murder would be a good match. Unfortunately…”

When Fang Yuan was calculating, suddenly a voice came from the side: “Fellow Immortal in front is slow.”

Fang Yuan turned back and saw a Desolate Beast Qi Lineage Lion flying away. The lion’s back was lined with a large red bench with two Gu Immortals sitting on it.

Central Continent, Earth Abyss.

Soul Beast screamed and screamed silently.

“Be careful, the soul of Immortal Gu is launched again!” Ying Wuxie loudly reminded.

Invisible sound waves, smashing the waves, and sweeping away from the three people of Ying Wuxie, Hei Loulan, and Taibai Yunsheng.

Three people without any choice, retreat.

This wild soul, Immortal Gu, is a Rank 7 layer that is parasitic on Soul Beast. Ying Wuxie, Hei Loulan, Taibai Yunsheng three immortals Once Soul Beast was pushed to danger, this Immortal Gu was inductive and broke out, giving the parasitic Soul Beast enough time and space.

“How can it like this? This Soul Beast, but Desolate Beast level, how can there be a Rank 7 wild mites on the body?” Taibai Yunsheng screamed and screamed.

The other two are also not good, dizzy, and the soul is not light.

Ying Wuxie’s face is quite ugly.

It is really a man sitting at home, and the disaster comes from heaven.

Just fortunately, there was a Soul Beast, which broke into the site where Shadow Sect was placed.

“The soul of Immortal Gu is launched, does not need immortal essence, but extracts the soul background. This Desolate Rank Soul Beast, I am afraid that it was Far Ancient Rank not long ago. But after the fierce battle, it fled. Souling Immortal Gu frequently launched So that it fell from Immemorial Soul Beast to the Common Desolate Beast level.”

Ying Wuxie hoarse voice, responding to Taibai Yunsheng.

At the same time, his heart is filled with two words Will of Heaven!

“My Shadow Sect didn’t make a big deal. I broke the Will of Heaven again. After the rebirth, I didn’t go to Fang Yuan perish. This is Will of Heaven coming to me.”

Dao of Heaven, paying attention to the balance of everything.

Shadow Sect was hidden before, so try not to let Will of Heaven find out, secretly acting, so there are very few obstacles.

But now that Ying Wuxie has been completely exposed, Will of Heaven has been brewing for a while, and finally leads Soul Beast to attack.

“Will of Heaven is everywhere!”

“In the beginning, Fang Yuan refines Fixed Immortal Travel, and it cleverly arranged to send Immemorial Light to Fang Yuan’s. Now I am trying to eradicate me.”

“don’t tell me, do I really want to destroy the Spring and Autumn Cicada with the body?”

Ying Wuxie is hesitant.

“This Soul Beast, we can’t be close at all! until now, you still hide what you are doing? Don’t hurry to start the gu formation here?” Hei Loulan secretly sound transmission, urging.

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