“How? Have you considered it? You are the Guest Elder Revered Elder of Langya School, you can use your sect contribution in exchange for the method.” Langya Earth Spirit said with a smile.

On the Central Continent side, Hei Loulan has been forced by Ying Wuxie, and Fang Yuan is unaware of it and is still in contact with Langya Earth Spirit.

The two sides talked about restraining the Spring and Autumn Cicada’s method. The Langya Earth Spirit is derived from Old Ancestor Long Haired, Langya Blessed Land, with a strong background.

Through the conversation, Fang Yuan was surprised to find that there are no fewer than ten methods in the hands of Langya Earth Spirit to restrain Spring and Autumn Cicada’s effective means.

These methods are diverse and there are many choices. For a time, Fang Yuan feels a little confused.

But he quickly settled his mind and thought of it. He asked: “I don’t know how much my sect contribution is now?”

The “three hundred” Langya Earth Spirit hesitated, and he replied.

“Three hundred…” Fang Yuan frowned. He knew that after joining Langya School, he didn’t do anything for sect. This sect contribution was completely derived from the Soul Shaking Mountain Unrestrained Valley Wisdom Gu, which was loaned to the Langya Earth Spirit.

However, whether it is the Soul Shaking Mountain Unrestrained Valley or the Wisdom Gu, it is a peerless thing. Is it worth only three hundred sect contributions?

Immediately, Fang Yuan was suspicious, but he did not directly question, but asked eagerly: “Revered Great Elder, I am not too clear. How do you calculate these three hundred contributions, please ask me for your doubts. “”

Langya Earth Spirit Sees that Fang Yuan calls himself “Revered Great Elder” and his heart is happy.

He frankly said: “This is very simple. Soul Shaking Mountain is a hundred contributions, Unrestrained Valley is a hundred contributions, and Wisdom Gu is also a hundred contributions.”

Fang Yuan’s tone is slightly heavier: “Wisdom Gu is Rank 9 Immortal Gu, how is the same contribution as Soul Shaking Mountain Unrestrained Valley?”

“You don’t have to wonder.” Langya Earth Spirit quickly replied, “These three are all borrowed from sect. My Langya School will also bear the consumption of Earth Qi, and I will feed you Wisdom Gu. Give you three hundred contributions. It is a clear and clear rule in the door rules. I know that sect must be fair and fair if you want to be big. You can rest assured that your faction will not treat you badly, not your own faction will not subsidize you. “”

Paused for a moment, Langya Earth Spirit continues: “Of course. If you give these three to sect. That contribution will be even more let you come to this sect’s Revered Great Elder, also not impossible.”

Fang Yuan heard this, can’t help but stunned.

Revered Great Elder, who is the Langya School, isn’t the biggest authority? Even if it is not the Master of Langya Blessed Land, can you transfer the power of Hairyman Gu Immortal in Blessed Land?

But immediately. Langya Earth Spirit added: “But if you want to be a Revered Great Elder, you must be separated from Human Race and transformed into Hairyman. Only the excellent Hairyman can lead the great Hairyman family.”

In the tone of Langya Earth Spirit, there is a strong atmosphere of great Hairymanism.

Fang Yuan immediately dispelled the idea.

He has no doubt that Langya Earth Spirit has the means to transform Human Race into Hairyman. But if Fang Yuan turns into Hairyman, the price is too high.

Not to mention, when the next Summer Race is unstoppable. Hairyman and other nonhuman, even if they become a fairy, they have to stand by. Suffering from crowding out.

The first thing that bears the brunt is that Hairyman and so on, nonhuman, are inherently flawed and cannot become Rank 9 Venerable.

Fang Yuan is committed to Eternal Life, the cultivation base is just a support. But obviously, the higher the cultivation base, the closer it is to the Eternal Life goal.

This is obvious. Ask ants and big trees, which one is closer to Eternal Life?

Fang Yuan has only three hundred sect contributions, and the account of Langya Earth Spirit is very clear. No more points for Fang Yuan, and no less.

Fang Yuan was acutely aware. These three hundred sect contributions are quite precious and of high value. If you can make full use of them, you will be able to be yourself. Have great help

So he thought about it and didn’t rush to spend these contributions to redeem any kind of restraint of Spring and Autumn Cicada’s.

Over there, Langya Earth Spirit said again: “Sect contribution, but also to spend it. You don’t have to cherish it too much. This faction has many tasks. It can be executed. You can add your sect as long as you complete one after another. contribution.”

“Oh? What are the tasks?” Fang Yuan asked this question.

Langya Earth Spirit wants to use the power of Fang Yuan’s, and nature knows everything.

Fang Yuan quickly shook his head and looked disappointed.

These sect tasks are basically divided into two types. One is the collection of refining gu materials, the other is sparring, playing against Hairyman Gu Immortal, to cultivate their combat literacy.

It turned out that after Qin Baisheng and the others attacked Langya Blessed Land, Langya Earth Spirit changed Black Hair Earth Spirit by White Hair Earth Spirit, and the idea of ​​managing Langya Blessed Land also changed with heaven and earth turning upside down.

Black Hair Earth Spirit encourages the fight, wants the Hairyman Leader to be the master, and becomes the overlord of Gu Master World, stepping on other races such as Human Race and so on.

So he actively tempering his hair, Hairyman Gu Immortal, and wants to cultivate their fighting power.

Prior to this, these Hairyman Gu Immortal will only refining gu, the usual basic tempering is not, the combat literacy can no longer be described by the word “scum”.

Now, Fang Yuan has no leisure time to help Black Hair Earth Spirit find what refining gu material, and no patience, to be a babysitter of Hairyman Gu Immortal.

“Like this, Revered Great Elder, I don’t have a Gu insect on this side. You first buy some Southern Border Gu insects through Treasure Yellow Heaven and check if there are any problems. If there is no problem, send it.” Fang Yuan opened the topic and proposed Claim.

Langya Earth Spirit naturally did not refuse.

A batch of Gu insects quickly passed through Treasure Yellow Heaven and shuttled to Connecting Heaven Gu to reach Fang Yuan’s Paragon Immortal Aperture.

First of all, the first batch is a large number of mortal gu, including Wine Sack Flower Gu Rice Sack Grass Gu.

The situation is different now.

Previously, Fang Yuan was Immortal Zombie and did not need to eat.

But now he has regained his life, is fresh, and needs regular food and water supplements.

Even Gu Immortal, if you don’t eat, will starve to death. Unless there is a relevant degree of Gourmet Dao’s Dao Marks.

In addition to these Gourmet Dao mortal gu, there are some clothes.

Fang Yuan is not satisfied with the flame cloak and flying smoke. The effect of the flame is too conspicuous and too fancy.

As soon as these clothes arrived, he immediately replaced the flame cloak.

There are also eaves.

For example, Wood Dao Gu insect Tristar Abode.

After use, it can be turned into a tree house with hollow trunks.

The second batch is Exchanging Cup Toast Gu Star Gate Gu.

Use Treasure Yellow Heaven to communicate with each other. Not safe.

Treasure Yellow Heaven is just an open market, not a hidden communication bridge.

The Exchanging Cup Toast Gu, which uses the Space Door to transmit, avoids the Five Regions Boundary Wall. Really the best mortal gu

Whether it was Exchanging Cup Toast Gu’s Gu Formula or Star Gate Gu Gu Formula, Langya Earth Spirit was acquired in the early years from Fang Yuan’s hand.

According to the personality of the former first generation Langya Earth Spirit, it is natural to add more refining.

So these two type of Gu worms. They are all extracted directly from Langya Blessed Land. When I first entered Treasure Yellow Heaven, both Gu insects broke out with strong treasure light, which attracted the attention of many Gu Immortal.

Obviously just mortal gu, but the respect light is incredibly strong.

This abnormality caused a lot of attention from Gu Immortal, who came forward to ask, but they were all rejected by Langya Earth Spirit.

The third batch is some mortal gu, from the inventory of Langya School, which Fang Yuan intends to test for his Paragon Immortal Aperture.

After all, the previous test is only the observation of the surface.

To really figure out Paragon Immortal Aperture’s profound mystery, you have to use Gu insect as a tool.

The fourth batch is the highlight.

From Sword Immortal Bo Qing’s Sword Dao Immortal Gu

Fang Yuan Immortal Gu stolen from Immortal Zombie Bo Qing. Then he used Wisdom Halo and Wisdom Dao to scam the Immortal Gu and refine it.

Before he participated in the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, only the soul change Immortal Gu successfully refine. Then at the crucial moment of the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, Fang Yuan was used as a means of counterattacking.

Today, the soul change Immortal Gu is still in the Fang Yuan’s hand.

As for the other Sword Dao Immortal Gu, which is full of Bo Qing’s will, it is more difficult to refine than the soulless Immortal Gu, so they stayed in Fox Immortal Blessed Land and were not taken to the Righteous Heavenly Mountain by Fang Yuan.

after all. These Immortal Gu are not refine, and they can’t be used in the past.

As it turns out, fortunately, Fang Yuan did not carry it with him.

Otherwise, follow the development of things. These Immortal Gus are left in the flesh and will be cheaper than Ying Wuxie.

These Sword Dao Immortal Gu are Rank 8 Intelligent Sword Gu, Rank 7 Sword Escape Gu, Rank 7 Sword Wave Gu, Rank 7 Sword Margin Gu Rank 7 Flying Sword Gu.

Langya Earth Spirit only saw Sword Escape Immortal Gu Flying Sword Immortal Gu, which was passed to Fang Yuan.

The two sides quickly traded.

Immediately. Fang Yuan bought Sword Escape Immortal Gu and Flying Sword Immortal Gu with a hand-picked stone.

“treasure light up to severe ten zhang, what happened just now?”

“It seems to be the Immortal Gu deal”

“How can it be?”

“I just saw the saw. The party quickly bought two Rank 7 Immortal Gus. The speed is fast and the Thunder is too late.”

“Buy two Rank 7? My God, I don’t even have a Rank 6 Immortal Gu. Who is so rich and imposing?”

The previous batches of Gu insect transfer have attracted a lot of attention. This shift, involving Immortal Gu, immediately sparked a wave of discussion in Treasure Yellow Heaven.

Immortal Gu trades are usually exchanged with Immortal Gu, even in Treasure Yellow Heaven.

Therefore, the transaction between Fang Yuan and Langya Earth Spirit is like a huge stone in a calm lake, causing an uproar.

“The two Immortal Gus … each’s treasure light has 70~80. But the other side seems to have paid for it with a stone.” A Gu Immortals, who had the privilege of witnessing it, passed to Divine Sense.

This news once again triggered a frenzy of Gu Immortals’s argument.

“This is impossible”

“A stone? Are you kidding?”

“It seems that this is not a mere trade, but a conveyor using Treasure Yellow Heaven.”

“Even if Immortal Gu is delivered, it is also seen. Treasure Yellow Heaven’s handling fee is calculated according to the treasure light.”

For a time, the various Divine Senses in Treasure Yellow Heaven sneaked into each other, and the numerous wills of Gu Immortal left behind were stirring and interacting.

A messy piece of food seems to be the platoon of the mortal world.

Because of the contact between Fang Yuan and Langya Earth Spirit, the entire Treasure Yellow Heaven has been messed up.

Ps: I know, I owe you 5 last month. This is the first one today, there will be a second more around the 9 point, which is the addition of yesterday’s monthly passthrough 100.

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