“Everything is over.” Supervising Heaven Tower Lord stands in the Supervising Heaven Tower, overlooking the entire battlefield.

In his vision, Shadow Sect’s Feather Holy City has been turned into a ruin, Immortal Zombie Bo Qing, Immortal Zombie Seven Stars Child and the others, on the ground. The Graceful Battle Stage was also broken, and the body of Gu Immortal was ruined.

The fog is dissipated, a path of light, bursting from the sky, brilliant, bright and bright.

“This is the violation of Will of Heaven’s! Hahaha…” Supervising Heaven Tower Lord laughed.

But after a few laughs, he frowned, and felt wondered and wrong: “No, Supervising Heaven Tower has been calculated, and can no longer provoke the strongest offensive with fatal power. Why did it break out before? ”

“And… I just can’t help but laugh, not my normal disposition and performance, what’s the matter?”

Just then, the Supervising Heaven Tower Lord faintly heard some screaming calls from the horizon.

“Supervising Heaven Tower Lord, wake up…”

“Wake up quickly!”

“Wake up? I don’t tell me. Isn’t it awake now?” Supervising Heaven Tower Lord was surprised, and his heart was reborn.

Suddenly, his male body shook and suddenly understood the truth.

“Oops! I was concealed. Everything just happened is not a reality. I am now in a dream!”

He thought so, and suddenly felt more wrong.

It is too easy for the other party to die. Especially Shadow Sect, after all, it’s behind, but that one!

Also, the other Heavenly Court Gu Immortal disappeared, and he was alone in the entire Supervising Heaven Tower.

“Yes, I am in a dream! But how do I get out of here?” Supervising Heaven Tower Lord was full of anxiety, even though he knew he was in a dream. But he does not have the means of Fang Yuan’s Dream Interpretation, so he is completely unable to extricate himself from the dream.

Supervising Heaven Tower Lord fell into a deep sleep.

Hū Hū Hū ……

He is screaming loudly. Lying on the floor tiles, surrounded by a circle of Heavenly Court Gu Immortal.

Supervising Heaven Tower Lord is not only old. And very tired.

Previously to repair Fate Immortal Gu, and continuously refining gu, then stepped up time, repaired Supervising Heaven Tower, and then defended Sky Lotus School, and Bo Qing and the others fierce battle, finally found Shadow Sect’s insider black hand, shocked to mobilize Heavenly Court Gu Immortal. Start Supervising Heaven Tower and enter White Heaven | daytime. Stay awake and head to Southern Border Righteous Heavenly Mountain.

And here, also manipulates Supervising Heaven Tower, for a series of battles.

Therefore, once he fell into a dream, the whole body relaxed, and the snoring was particularly loud. Sleep is extremely deep.

Heavenly Court Gu Immortal Surrounds the Supervising Heaven Tower Lord in the center, pouring it with water and burning it with fire. Shouting the trick, using all means, did not wake up Supervising Heaven Tower Lord.

This is the power of Dream Dao.

Leading an era, a fresh Heaven Swallowing.

Even this group of Rank 8 Heavenly Court Gu Immortal is quite helpless.

The scene is quite gratifying.

Outside the Supervising Heaven Tower, play in a frenzy, murky heavens dark earth, Vast Tribulation.

Supervising Heaven Tower floated in the air and stayed still.

Inside the tower. Heavenly Court is so anxious that the soul of Supervising Heaven Tower Lord is in a dream. There is no effective way at all.

At most, using some Wisdom Dao means, sound transmission is at the heart. Let the Supervising Heaven Tower Lord wake up.

Shadow Sect’s side, the dignity before the atmosphere swept away, became a lot easier.

“Ying Wuxie, well done!”

“Is this the power of Dream Dao? It’s amazing!”

“hu … support for so long, finally wait until your cultivation base is promoted to Rank 8.”

Shadow Sect Gu Immortals revolves around Ying Wuxie. Some relax, after all, the situation before is really thrilling. Some are the power of Dream Dao, and they are impressed. Some patted Ying Wuxie’s shoulders and praised them in the mouth.

The battle took so long, Pure Dream Seeking True Physique’s Ying Wuxie, cultivation base changed to become Rank 8 Dream Dao Gu Immortal.

Therefore, he can use the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Leading Soul to Enter the Dream at the Rank 8 level.

After trying two failures, he mobilized the ultimate move for the third time and finally succeeded in putting the Supervising Heaven Tower Lord into a dream.

The effect was immediate, Supervising Heaven Tower was stagnant, and Shadow Sect’s pressure plummeted.

Seven Stars Child asks: “How long will Supervising Heaven Tower Lord be trapped?”

Ying Wuxie replied: “He has all passed through Rank 8 Gu Immortal of First Myriad Tribulation, and the dream can only sleep him 5 minutes. But even if he comes out, I can use ultimate move to lead him to Leading Soul. To Enter the Dream !”

“Good. Don’t waste Yan Shi to create you.” Seven Stars Child sighed.

At this time, Supervising Heaven Tower started to move again.

“What happened?” Shadow Sect various immortal was shocked.

Someone looks to Ying Wuxie: “don’t tell me Supervising Heaven Tower Lord is out too?”

Previously, Ying Wuxie attacked Fang Yuan unsuccessfully, and was moved in and out by Fang Yuan. The Shadow Sect Gu Immortal was not confident.

But this time Ying Wuxie shook his head, sure-ly said: “Supervising Heaven Tower Lord is still in the dream. It seems to be the other Heavenly Court Gu Immortal, on behalf of the manipulates!”

Nothing wrong, Heavenly Court Gu Immortal took the initiative to take over Supervising Heaven Tower Lord and took over Supervising Heaven Tower.

Although the Supervising Heaven Tower Lord is asleep, the entire Supervising Heaven Tower is not one of the Tower Lord. Since the Constellation Immortal Venerable fallen, this Supervising Heaven Tower has become the public property of Heavenly Court’s.

Nowadays Supervising Heaven Tower Lord hu hu is a big sleep, unconscious, and the rest of Heavenly Court Gu Immortal has the right to drive this Supervising Heaven Tower.

But soon, Supervising Heaven Tower stopped again.

Such a scene falls into the eyes of Fang Yuan and the others.

Hei Loulan and Fairy Lishan all showed doubts and anger: “Heavenly Court’s side, what the hell is it?!”

Fang Yuan’s face is heavy: “It seems to be Shadow Sect’s side, using Dream Dao means. Just like dealing with me before, dealing with Heavenly Court Gu Immortal. But… Why didn’t they directly target Heavenly Court Gu Immortal?”

“What are you thinking about now? We don’t have Immortal Gu Home body protection yet, Shadow Sect also lost Feather Holy City. Only Heavenly Court still keeps Supervising Heaven Tower in hand. But they are also blocked by Shadow Sect, our situation is in jeopardy! Yuan, do you try to sneak up on Fixed Immortal Travel?” Taibai Yunsheng’s face is sad.

“No use.” Fang Yuan shook his head and gave a deep sigh.

“It seems that this time, it is to be accounted for here.” Hei Loulan smiled bitterly, but his eyes flashed with sternness and his fists clenched. “Hate Hei Cheng is not dead. Mother’s revenge, I have not reported until death!” ”

Fang Yuan glanced at her and didn’t speak.

After the third Vast Tribulation. Graceful Battle Stage and Feather Holy City have collapsed, leaving only Supervising Heaven Tower.

Heavenly Court is the hope of Fang Yuan. But now hope has been shattered.

Don’t say that the fourth Vast Tribulation, even if the Ten Perfect Grand Formation is launched, is not affordable to Fang Yuan and the others.

“Are you really dead at the end?” Fang Yuan checked Spring and Autumn Cicada. The time was too short. It had not recovered much and could not be motivated for the second time.

At this time, the sky was high, and the melodious zither sound came.

It is clearly white at the moment. But in the middle of the sky, there are suddenly countless starlights.

The zither sound passed directly into the line and went deep into Gu Immortals’ heart.

“Not good! Ten Perfect Grand Formation also takes care of Sound Dao, but these zither sounds can’t even be blocked by grand formation. This is the fourth Vast Tribulation Zither Heart Tribulation !”

“There is also this high-altitude starlight, even in the daytime, so it is. This is the fifth Vast Tribulation Drifting Stars Tribulation !”

“How can it be so dangerous?! The fourth and fifth Vast Tribulation, actually to arrive at the same time!!”

Seeing this scene, Shadow Sect Gu Immortals exclaimed, Heavenly Court, Fang Yuan two sides, for a moment was left behind.

In Supervising Heaven Tower, Heavenly Court Gu Immortals also involuntarily suck in a breath of cold air.

The power of Vast Tribulation. It has skyrocketed with the number of times.

The fourth Vast Tribulation Zither Heart Tribulation, on the power, goes beyond the sum of the first three Vast Tribulations. And the fifth Drifting Stars Tribulation. More than the Sither Heart Tribulation, the thorny rain, the Immemorial Light Deer disaster, and the Relic Diamond Tribulation.

“What is Shadow Sect refining? It’s causing such anger in the sky, and it’s such a terrifying disaster!” Heavenly Court Gu Immortal, Fang Yuan and the others, all wondering.

Two Vast Tribulations have not yet been lowered and are brewing.

Shadow Sect Gu Immortals has a dignified face like black iron, the first three Vast Tribulations, they are barely supported. Up to now, the fourth and fifth games are Vast Tribulation to arrive simultaneously. No matter who you are, you can feel the deep Evil Intention of God. I don’t want to leave any way to Shadow Sect at all.

How is it good?

For a time, Shadow Sect Gu Immortals was also lost.

Their Immortal Gu Home has been damaged. Ten Perfect Grand Formation was also hit in the third Vast Tribulation. Even sacrifice all Gu Immortal. I am afraid I can’t stop the two Vast Tribulations.

“It seems that we are finally dying under Vast Tribulation.” Hei Loulan sighed.

Fang Yuan stared at her eyes, but she didn’t think so.

Regardless of what Shadow Sect wants to refining, they first make up the Ten Perfect Immortal Zombie without a grand formation, then kill Southern Border Gu Immortals, Immortal Aperture, Fairy as a refining gu material, and then Zombie Alliance members All sacrifices are turned into nourishment.

Of course, count the seven Immortal Gu Home lost!

The price paid by Shadow Sect is simply shocking. If it wasn’t for Fang Yuan’s own eyes, I’m afraid I heard it, and I can’t believe it!

Since it is so costly, Shadow Sect is definitely not going to give up.

The sound of the piano suddenly rises and lingers.

Various immortal discoloration, whirlwind, some people even fell down.

The heart of Vast Tribulation has been slowly launched!

In the sky, the starlight spewed down, as if it were a blue tsunami, covering 100,000 and being pressed down.

Star Vast Tribulation!

Shadow Sect all immortals show the color of perseverance, mutual support, and rushing upwards. Just leave Ying Wuxie alone and deal with Supervising Heaven Tower.

Fang Yuan and the others fell to the ground, and each face was pale, and it was difficult to resist the power of the Vast Tribulation.

The Supervising Heaven Tower is the Rank 9 Immortal Gu Home, still suspended in the sky.

“Without Immortal Gu Home, just rely on them, how to block two Vast Tribulation? He He He, buried in this Heaven and Earth, and more brilliant than the result of the old bed.” Fairy Lishan both eyes Looking at the sky, the seven rafts slowly shed blood.

She has given up on resisting the Zither Heart Tribulation.

The rest and the others are still struggling.

At this moment, a vast, incomparable atmosphere, suddenly rising from the ruins of Righteous Heavenly Mountain’s!

An Immortal Aperture Portal opens.

This is Shadow Sect Blessed Land.

Previously, Bai Ningbing couldn’t find the Shadow Sect headquarters, which was already placed here by Shadow Sect!

Feel the breath of this, all the Gu Immortal on the scene, all of them have a great earthquake.

Even Heavenly Court’s, the Rank 8, was pale and his eyes were scared.

Shadow Sect various immortal have shown expressions that are overjoyed.

“Ontology… is out!”


A huge sly ghost hand, suddenly found the Immortal Aperture single-leaf door.

Rank 9 breaths up!

Invisible air waves, sweeping all directions.

The earth and stone are flying, and the smoke is rolling.

“This is? This is!” Hei Loulan, Taibai Yunsheng and the others are stunned.

In the “Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable!” Supervising Heaven Tower, the Supervising Heaven Tower Lord finally woke up, and the pressure in his heart was like a mountain.

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