His Master, Rank 7 loose immortal Old Man Yue Xia, sat on the futon and heard Lu Zuanfeng’s voice, but it was motionless, and his eyes were still closed.

For a long time, Xiao Family Old Ancestor outside the cave opened again, and the voice was introduced into the cave: “Brother Yue Xia, I would like to have another ten days of Dragon Pearl, please take action to help this time.”

Old Man Yue Xia This slowly opened his eyes and said to Lu Zuanfeng: “Disciple, you should go to Righteous Heavenly Mountain first and solve the crisis for Xiao Shan.”

Lu Zuanfeng quickly squatted and bowed three times to Old Man Yue Xia.

“Master, the discipline went.”

Although the mouth said so, Lu Zuanfeng was still on the ground and there was no sign of getting up.

Old Man Yue Xia smiled: “As a thief, think carefully.”

Said, blowing a cold breath to Lu Zuanfeng.

The cool air broke into the belly of Lu Zuanfeng and was always entangled.

“this Immortal Gu, can save your life. Go.”

Lu Zuanfeng was overjoyed and smashed three heads. After getting up, frivolous-ly said: “Disciple is actually for the Master. You don’t care if you lose this life, but no one can wait for the Master. What can I do? Master has great grace for the discipline, and the discipline has not returned yet. How can it be lightly killed?”

“Come on, go quickly.” Old Man Yue Xia sighed and waved Lu Zuanfeng again and again.

Wu Shentong took the beat group and stormed Righteous Heavenly Mountain. Righteous Heaven Stronghold was just built and destroyed.

Demonic Path has a morale, and Xiao Shan is determined to fight back.

But just that night, Rank 5 Demonic Path Gu Master Lu Zuanfeng, sneaked into the Rightse Path camp, secretly killed Wu Shentong, carrying his first class, night at Righteous Heavenly Mountain.

Xiao Shan got it, great. To Lu Zuanfeng: “Brother Lu Gao Yi, this time thanks to Brother Lu, saved the lives of all of us.”

Lu Zuanfeng is also a person who feels awkward. Quickly handed over, sincerely said: “Big Brother Xiao overpraised. It’s just a cheaper one. If Big Brother Xiao and everyone are fighting together, Wu Shentong is seriously injured, how can I easily take his life? This credit is very good, I only have one point, and the remaining nine points are angeles.”

Everyone heard this and suddenly felt that Lu Zuanfeng was much more pleasing to the eye.

Xiao Shan was sinking in his heart. He did not kill Lu Zuanfeng and quickly changed another language. Hold Lu Zuanfeng and pull it into the Righteous Heaven Stronghold.

In this way, the first wave of Righteous Path, under the attack of Xiao Shan and Lu Zuanfeng and the others, collapsed.

Fang Yuan was hiding aside and hitting a soy sauce, a detached point of view, which did not cause doubt.

He remembered the previous lifetime and collected the intelligence he had collected.

“It seems that in this life, Wu Shentong is seriously injured. Xiao Shan is in a critical situation. Xiao Family Old Ancestor behind him also invited Old Man Yue Xia take action.”

“This Old Man Yue Xia is the famous loose immortal of Southern Border. There is a gap between Wu Family and Xiao Family. Xiao Family Old Ancestor has made a heavy investment, which makes him temporarily add a bet to advance Lu Zuanfeng to Righteous Heavenly Mountain. Wu Family female immortal Wu Dangzhi was counted, the selected chess piece lost his life, although it also transformed a lot of fighting intent, but the loss is the biggest.”

“Righteous Heavenly Mountain Righteous and Demonic two sides confrontation, in fact, the dominant behind is the contest of Southern Border Gu Immortals. The mortal is like an ant…”

“Just let them scheme against each other. After this battle, my fighting intent has gone beyond Xiao Shan. It has become number one person!”

In this way, Fang Yuan screams and makes a fortune. There are more and more fighting intents in the dark, but no one notices.

Time passed, and the second Righteous and Demonic confrontation broke out.

It turned out that the first confrontation, Wu Dangzhi suffered a loss, she was not reconciled.

Old Man Yue Xia raised temporarily, why not?

So she chose another person and joined Shang Family Gu Immortal, no longer repeating the mistakes of fighting alone before.

On the battlefield of Righteous Heavenly Mountain’s, Wu Family once again sent Gu Master to cruel the Roundeous Heavenly Mountain. At the same time, Shang Family’s two new Family Elders, Yan Tu and Ju Kaibei, also joined.

The two sides called at the foot of Righteous Heavenly Mountain, and they had a win-win situation and a stalemate.

At this time, Blue Eyebrow Crane and Flying Weasel King went up the mountain and joined the Roundeous Heaven Stronghold.

These two Gu Masters are not simple, but the famous Famous Great Master in the Southern Border Gu Master!

Righteous Heaven Stronghold thus gained the upper hand and forced the Righteous Path to retreat.

In order to fight Blue Eyebrow Crane, Flying Weasel King, Righteous Path, please come to the female Gu Master Red Flying Fish, she is also the Flight Great Master, but belongs to the Righteous Path.

But Red Flying Fish alone is hard to beat the two Demonic Path Flight Great Master.

Red Flying Fish A moment of life and death, Shang Family’s reinforcements arrived, White Flash Swordsman Wei Yang.

Wei Yang was promoted by Shang Yanfei, the natural talent was upgraded, and the cultivation base reached the initial position of Rank 4. In this battle, he not only saved Red Flying Fish, but also achieved his prestige.

After Red Heavy Fish retreated, he was against two, Blue Eyebrow Crane and Flying Weasel King, and finally succeeded in delaying the time. Supported by the Roundeous Path reinforcements, Blue Eyebrow Crane and Flying Weasel King reluctantly retreated.

After this battle, Wei Yang was recognized by Righteous and Demonic and entered the ranks of Flight Great Master. Southern Border Three big flying, became the four Big Great Masters led by Wei Yang.

The addition of Wei Yang has brought the Roundeous and Demonic battle back to a stalemate.

However, with the second generation Zombie King on the Roundeous Heavenly Mountain, Enslave Dao and the Enslave Dao Expert in the Righteous Path, had to retreat.

So, the second Righteous and Demonic confrontation ended.

Behind this, Southern Border Gu Immortals is a conspiracy calculation, which is naturally unimaginable to mortal Gu Masters.

Fang Yuan, the only person who understands Righteous Heavenly Mountain, is also sulking and making money.

As a yellow sand, he was on the battlefield and also met Wei Yang.

The Shang Yanfei cadre, once in the Merchant City, took care of Fang Yuan and Bai Ningbing. At this moment, Wei Yang has made great progress, and Fang Yuan has become a fairy. It is said that there are still the same, but people have changed.

After this war, Fang Yuan transformed the fighting intent, which is already far ahead. The scale is huge, even if the matching intents of Southern Border Gu Immortals are added together, it is a little worse than Fang Yuan.

Central Continent, Sky Lotus School.

Hong long long ……

The sound of explosions and roaring sounds are endless.

The square is more than 100,000, and it has turned into a wasteland, flying sand.

There are deep pits in the wasteland, burning flames, and a truncated glaciers, with traces of lightning bolts. There is also blood in the river, and it is flowing freely on this battlefield.

Because of the race of Rank 8, the original mountains are stacked. Completely unrecognizable.

This is where the Sky Lotus School is located. It is a famous mountain Dachuan, with profound natural Dao Marks. Otherwise, the infamous battle scene will be even more serious.

A round of confrontation stopped, the Shadow Sect headed by Sword Immortal Bo Qing, retreating a distance, hu hu gasping.

Gazing at the front, three Immortal Gu Homes are suspended in the sky.

A Bird Catching Pavilion. Small and exquisite. A Yue Yang Palace, splendid.

But the eyes of Shadow Sect are concentrated on the most central Immortal Gu Home.

This Immortal Gu Home is the Rank 8 level, called Heavenly Pond!

From the outside, this is a pond, the area is not big, it can even be said to be the world’s most compact Immortal Gu Home!

But in this Heavenly Pond, Lihe and graceful, blossoming lotus or blooming. Or closed.

Just one of each lotus has an Immortal Aperture Blessed Land, or Immortal Aperture Celestial Grotto!

Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home Heavenly Pond. It is the base of the Sky Lotus School, created by Origin Lotus Immortal Venerable, and its biggest role is to store Immortal Aperture!

“Don’t attack Heavenly Pond, Sky Lotus School’s loss, even the injured bones are not counted.” Song Zixing said solemnly.

“But it’s too difficult to attack. Among the Great Venerables, Origin Lotus Immortal Venerable is the best treatment and reply. This Heavenly Pond is based on his style. If it is not a blow, it will hurt again in a short time. It can all be recovered.” Yu Muchun’s face is dignified.

Seven Stars Child Immortal Zombie shook his head: “Not just Heavenly Pond, the other two Immortal Gu Homes are also very embarrassing. And Bo Qing’s biggest weakness. Has been mastered by the other side.”

The biggest weakness of Immortal Zombie Bo Qing is Mo Yao Remnant Soul within the body.

This Remnant Soul is like a wooden barrel. The shortest weak point is too easy to be targeted.

During the previous life, Bo Qing died and the soul inside was broken up by Heavenly Court Gu Immortal. In this life, Immortal Zombie Bo Qing lost the Intelligent Sword Immortal Gu. This is the ace of Bo Qing’s defense against Wisdom Dao.

After the loss, Immortal Zombie Bo Qing fights and is very passive.

“Go! The purpose of the delay has been reached.” Seven Stars Child Immortal Zombie first retreats, body Changhong, quickly evacuated.

Bo Qing and the others ,follow closely from behind.

“escaping from fate, and attacking 10 Great Ancient Sects, you are so daring, unforgivable crime! Still want to go?” Sky Lotus School’s three Immortal Gu Home, all together.

From Heavenly Pond, the voice of Supervising Heaven Tower Lord is heard, full of anger and hatred.

Seven Stars Child is slightly discolored, and the rest of the 蛊Immortal Dao: “At the moment, only let one person give up his life and fight for others to escape.”

“I am going.” Immortal Zombie Bo Qing immediately opens.

“I still go. Blue, blue two, and Song Zixing, your battle strength is higher than me. It will be more helpful for the next big plan.” Yu Muchun looked indifferent and took the initiative.

Three immortals blinked, did not hesitate, quickly evacuated, leaving Yu Muchun behind the temple.

“a mantis trying to stop a chariot ,overestimate one’s capabilities !”

“Hehe, Demonic Path is good at transfiguration.”

“Do you think you can block us, who gives you such arrogant self-confidence?”

Righteous Path Gu Immortals was overwhelmed, and three Immortal Gu Homes were crushed.

Yu Muchun’s face showed a smile that looked like a death: “Do you think we are not arranged?”

Said, he fell on the ground, a huge gu formation, flashing out of the magnificent ray.

Regarding the news of this war, Central Continent can’t hide it at all. After the information was read by Fang Yuan, he could’t help but his eyes flashed. This matter has been too different from previous life. Immortal Zombie Bo Qing is not dead!

As a result, Fang Yuan who steals Immortal Gu from him is bound to be nailed in his eyes.

Fang Yuan puts his heart into the Immortal Aperture of the seal, where a mysterious Immortal Gu lies.

This Immortal Gu is one of the harvests that Fang Yuan has stolen from Immortal Zombie Bo Qing. But in fact, the original Master of this Immortal Gu is not Bo Qing, but Mo Yao.

It is because this Immortal Gu itself is full of Mo Yao’s will, and Fang Yuan can use the Mo Yao False Intent to refine this Immortal Gu so quickly.

As for the other Sword Dao Immortal Gu, the real owner is Bo Qing, which has a large number of Bo Qing will. So Fang Yuan uses the same gu formation, and it takes a lot longer to get these Immortal Gu refine.

“These Sword Dao Immortal Gu don’t think about it, and certainly can’t keep up with this battle. As for this mysterious Immortal Gu, I have tried to investigate these days, but even at the Langya Earth Spirit, I have not paid anything.”

“Now, the Righteous and Demonic confrontation has passed the sixth time. The scale of my fighting intent in Immortal Gu Home is probably more than 30 times that of the Southern Border Gu Immortal. If I am confronted with them at the moment, I will not have a scent. The effort to annihilate the Southern Border’s fighting intent.”

Even among the Southern Border Gu Immortal, many people have Wisdom Dao.

But what about it?

Not to mention Fang Yuan’s Wisdom Dao Grandmaster Realm, the size of the fighting intent alone has already taken an absolute advantage.

Southern Border Gu Immortals has completely lost hope and has no chance of winning.

It can be said that these Gu Immortals are not enough, but Fang Yuan is still full of worries: “It has been transformed for so long, the pure fighting intent in Immortal Gu Home, there is still a surplus. I don’t know how much is left. Can I catch up?”

Fang Yuan looked up at the sky.

In the sky, the night is heavy and the fog is heavy.

Fang Yuan can’t help but some depression.

The pure fighting intent in Graceful Battle Stage is much larger than Fang Yuan’s expected.

His originally plan is to charge Immortal Gu Home in advance, pat the butt, and leave. But now, time has been dragged to the present, when is it?

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