Chapter 4115【204】Five Tigers

If you recall the dinner party of the Wen family, you will know that the Wen family of the Department of Western Medicine have no objection to traditional Chinese medicine at all, and they like to cooperate with traditional Chinese medicine.

 The problem lies with Wen Jinsheng, the second eldest son of the Wen family.

 Wen Jinsheng may have had little interest in cooperating with Western medicine because he repeatedly encountered some unpleasant experiences with Western medicine at work. This is also the reason why he insisted that his cousin return to work in a traditional Chinese medicine hospital.

Whether it is Western medicine or Chinese medicine, as long as there are trans-Western and Chinese doctors who work hard to study trans-Chinese and Western medicine techniques as their own assistants, they may be accused by some Chinese and Western colleagues as traitors who have betrayed their original aspirations and original paths.

Back when he was consulting patients in Beidu San, Dr. Wen only did some basic research on Western medicine to support the development of modern Chinese medicine, and he was scolded by his colleague Professor Wang.

 It is estimated that laymen who listened to the excitement thought that these traitors had been collectively "killed" by the noise.

 What insiders know is that powerful doctors such as Dr. Wen and other big shots are actively conducting research on the integration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine. They have never stopped and will not pay attention to any noise from inside and outside.

What Fu Xinheng wants to say is that Chang Friend only knows one thing but not the other.

 The medical circle does not mean that you can know everything just by staying in the medical circle. There are many big and small bosses in the medical circle.

Example: Before Dr. Wen came to the Chinese Association, if it hadn’t been for recent events, how many people in the Chinese Association would have known that she was a young boss.

“It’s normal that you don’t know.” Dr. Fu Xinheng said to Dr. Chang and others.

 Everyone raised their pointed rabbit ears and listened.

The fact is this. Consider that Dr. Xie Wanying is both talented and beautiful, so she was very famous when she was a student. She was able to gather a bunch of talented people around her, which fully demonstrates what birds of a feather flock together.

 What Dr. Xie has, can Dr. Wen not have?

As everyone listened, the first thing they heard was another smell, and they shouted in their hearts: Dr. Fu, how many secrets of Dr. Wen are you hiding in your heart?

Dr. Chang Jiawei felt deeply that he had been cheated by his friend. He patted the other person on the shoulder and urged: "Hurry up and keep talking!"

When Dr. Wen Zihan was studying at a relevant Chinese medical college in China, he and several other Chinese medicine doctors from the same school were called the Five Tigers.

 Five tigers is an interesting term used by Chinese people since ancient times. Most people believe that it originated from the five tiger generals in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

 Zhao Yun, Guan Yu, Zhang Feima, Chao Huang Zhong. Later, the Five Tigers of Liangshan in Water Margin talked about the Five Tigers of Wagang in The Complete Story of Tang Dynasty.

In any case, the metaphorical meaning of the Five Tigers can be imagined, and it is equivalent to the word courage of Dr. Cao Yong: invincible courage.

 Both men and women are well-known in the medical circle. Dr. Wen Zihan is a female doctor, so there are two female doctors among the Five Tigers.

 Dr. Wen Zihan, who was written at the beginning of the article, was going to go out to "date" someone, but Dr. Li called him to the clinic to help. She was going to "date" with another female doctor from the Five Tigers.

 Back to the topic, there is a doctor named Qi Donglai among the Five Tigers, and he has a good relationship with Wen Junbao.

 Yes, a Chinese doctor and a Western doctor have a good relationship.

 Hence, it is not surprising that Dr. Xie and Dr. Wen hit it off technically.

Dr. Qi Donglai works in Lioyuan Hospital, the most famous Chinese medicine orthopedics and traumatology research base in China. Lioyuan Hospital and Dongqu Hospital are both affiliated units of the Capital Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine and are well-known in the field of specialties in the circle.

As long as this hospital is mentioned, Dr. Chang knows about it, but he doesn’t know that the people Dr. Wen is familiar with are actually related to the people in it.

  (end of this chapter)

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