Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 298 I am yours

A boss surnamed Fang from the crowd came out, looked at the car going away, and cautiously asked He Yan: Well, Mr. He, I'm sorry to bother you. May I ask whether the person who was helped into the car by Mr. Huang just now is his father? Mr. Huang himself?”

He Qu was stunned for a moment and looked at him strangely: Look what you said, I don't know if he is his father, I have to ask his mother?

He threw away a wisecrack and planned to run away while the other party was stunned.

Unexpectedly, the eyes of the masses were sharp.

Someone among the spectators said with confidence: My family cooperates with the Sixteenth Consortium, and I have toasted to Mr. Huang several times at the wine table. That is Mr. Huang himself. He is right. He must have suffered a lot recently and lost weight.

As soon as these words came out, the onlookers looked at He embarrassed in a different way.

I really saved someone!

I didn't expect Huang Baobao to be quite capable!

What is Huang Baobao's ability? The one with real hands and eyes... is this one.


The crowd gradually quieted down.

Because finally someone couldn't help but stepped forward to physically test He Embarrassing's true identity.

I saw Ning Li striding out from the crowd, coming to He Ku's side to support him, and said sincerely: I didn't expect that Brother He and Teacher Wang Wen are so close! To tell you the truth, I have admired Teacher Wang Wen for a long time. I have always wanted to have a chance to visit him at home, but I can’t find a way because the college door is closed. I wonder if Brother He can help introduce him?

His language skills are very high. With a simple sentence, he can advance, retreat or defend. No matter whether he admits or denies any embarrassment, he has something to follow.

But what He Embarrassed said was: I would like to introduce you to you in just one sentence, but the boss said that I have used up the number of times, and he will not give me face if I plead for help. Now I don't know what to do. Can you recommend someone to him? Why don't you leave your contact information and I'll check it out later to see if introduction and pleading are two different things?

Ning Li was stunned.

What kind of answer is this?

Did you admit it or not?

Say admit it? Nothing seemed to be accomplished.

Did you say you didn’t admit it? And he took the initiative to leave his contact information to find out more.

This kind of probing is a very nihilistic thing. Things that are uncertain in the future will depend on the other person's mouth.

Ning Li was a little sad.

He felt as if his ability to advance, attack, retreat and defend was broken.

Still torn to pieces.

Here, He embarrassment is still making up for the damage. He holds his mobile phone in his hand and opens his address book to urge him: Brother Ning? Are you adding me or should I add you?

Ning Li pursed his lips and hesitated.

He Embarrassed waited for him for a while and understood.

Not angry, he smiled, put away his phone and turned around to leave.

Ning Li stood there in a dilemma, feeling extremely melancholy.

But at this time.

Another person suddenly spoke softly and said to the people around him: Actually, before, from my angle, I could see the Tiansheng Building. I saw Mr. Huang kneeling towards him. Mr. Huang next to him also planned to kneel down, but he was He stopped them, which was like forcing them to get out of the door.


The crowd gasped.

Mr. Fang, who was at the beginning, looked around, jumped up and chased after He Qu. After a few steps, he caught up, took out his business card, and stuffed it into the other person's hand.

The whole person nodded and bowed with a smile on his face, extremely enthusiastic.

One takes the lead.

The remaining people couldn't hold back and rushed over.

People crowded around in a circle, with those outside trying desperately to squeeze in, while those inside took their seats and exchanged familiar faces and contact information with He Embarrassing.

He was so embarrassed that he was too busy.

He shouted vigorously: Don't stop, I just said that the boss would not let me help me, it is useless to hold me!

After the crowd has confirmed the other party's identity, they only want to make acquaintances and don't care about whether they can plead for mercy.

Nowadays, the college and the fraternity are the two largest schools.

There is one person standing behind both families.

It means that one person has the final say in the world.

What's this?

He is completely the emperor of the old era!

Since that one is the emperor.

Then the person in front of me is equivalent to the popular eunuch in front of the emperor!

If you can make friends with this kind of person, there won't be many easy things to do in the future!

Think of this.

Everyone present was going crazy.

There were at least three beauties with first-class looks and figures who tightly occupied the position closest to He Qu. They were so strong in desperation that they could not move at all despite being pulled and pushed by many big men around them.

The one on the left leaned into He Yan's ear and said, We didn't eat anything at the banquet just now. How about finding a place to have some late-night snacks? Just you and me.

He Qun's ears itched and he shrank his head, and was about to say something.

The beautiful woman on the right who was holding his arm tightly grabbed the right to speak and said: Brother He embarrassment, I have actually been following you for a long time! There are many people here, why don't we find a quiet place to chat, and add a friend by the way to deepen the relationship slowly learn?

He Embarrassed looked at his arms, his eyes were full of white.

He felt a little drunk and thirsty.

Looking for some water to drink.

As a result, he felt a soft body from behind, wrapping his hands around his waist, and breathed gently into the back of his head: Ignore these two sluts, I am straight-tempered, just a simple sentence, Mr. He, you can Help me meet either Chen Hansheng or Li Hegu, and I will be your man!

Who are you calling a slut? The two women on the left and right said, You are the slut! Bitch!

He Embarrassed turned his head and looked behind him with difficulty.

An attractive face with smiling eyebrows, red lips, white teeth, and exquisite facial features came into view.

He swallowed his saliva and reluctantly explained: What, it's not that I don't want to help you, I'm really unfamiliar with those three... Do you think Team Leader Mo Ran is okay? I can still try with him. try.

Mo Ran? The beauty behind her eyes lit up: You mean the most powerful general under Gu Jianbing, Team Leader Mo Ran, Teacher Xiao Wang's life-and-death friend??

Uh... A question mark appeared on He Qu's face: It seems that you know more about him than I do?

If you are talking about Team Leader Mo. The beautiful woman from behind thought for a while and nodded affirmatively: Of course!

The two of them were already close to each other in this position. The woman nodded and put her cheek directly on He Qian's mouth.

Although it breaks apart at the first touch.

He Embarrassed felt the soft touch on the clean skin without much foundation.

He didn't wait for any further reflection.

The person behind him clung to his back and said softly: As long as I can see you, I will be yours.

Of course the left and right sides would not agree.

They also hugged their arms tightly and kept shouting dialectical words such as you are mine and I am yours.

Surrounded by the fragrant wind, He Qu was short of oxygen for a moment.

Fortunately, there was still room in front of him, and several men of different ages were working hard to exchange mobile phone numbers with him.

Seeing that he had difficulty operating his hands, he thoughtfully helped him take the phone and save the number. He carefully filled in the contact name and added a capital A at the front.

The crowd moved with He Qu's movements.

outside the encirclement.

Ning Li stared dumbfounded at the pile of people who looked like ants wrapping biscuits.

I feel very regretful.

Originally he was the first!

Before anyone could react, he had already started talking to He Embarrassing! Just because I hesitated for a moment, I lost a precious opportunity!

He wanted to squeeze into this kind of scene again.

Unless the strength of the 400th floor of the World Tower is used to cut a bloody path.

Otherwise, don’t even think about making any progress.

Ning Li turned around and saw that the female companion who had been following him had disappeared without knowing when.

His eyes glanced at the closed door of Tiansheng headquarters.

In my mind, I recalled the countless times I came here, and even though I was able to enter as a member of the 400th floor, I could never see the person I wanted to see.

Then I thought about the Ninth Consortium, which was in panic and turmoil and couldn't even apply for supplies.

He gritted his teeth.

Stomp your feet hard.

Holding his cell phone high, he plunged into the crowd and shouted: Brother He! Brother He, look here! I am your Xiao Ning!!

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