Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 269 Smart and Foolish

At today's level, Wang Wei, a character like the girl with glasses, doesn't even need to do it herself. He can make her disappear with just a casual word, and that's not even an oath.

The other party just knows and stays away.

If he still gets close to provoking Cheng Queyi, Wang Min doesn't mind letting the girl have a taste of his own methods.


Wang Min, who finally had the energy to deal with his own affairs, took less than forty bottles of [Life Potion] from Mi Lailai.

Nowadays, the tower levels are getting higher and higher, and the demand for consumables is increasing. Some injuries that damage muscles and bones often cause several bottles to evaporate.

Ren Ruanruan's light of life had side effects, and Battle Angel cooled down for too long.

In addition, there is only a short safe period after entering the integer level before the aircraft can be repaired through the power of the world.

The rest of the time, if you are injured, you still have to rely on props to support you.

As a result, the number of resource teams is getting smaller and smaller.

Even if Zhu Xingguo can be copied four times after entering the tower, it is far from enough.

It's not that the resource team hid it secretly.

They are all people selected by Chen Hansheng personally, and they will not be so blatant.

But some people are clever and opportunistic. Every time they enter the tower, they focus on the easy-to-find [quick-acting antidote], while other tasks are dealt with hastily.

After Wang Min's personal training, their strength has now greatly increased. As long as they don't encounter special levels, it is basically not difficult to reach the 200th floor.

Climb two hundred floors every week and leave the tower after taking note of the environment, without even looking for the [Life Potion].

Nowadays, the price of [quick-acting antidote] remains high in the market, and there is no danger in selling a dozen tubes that can be obtained easily with increasing proficiency for more than a million.

The extra time is spent drinking and having fun.

There is no better or more comfortable job in the world.

The key is that you can't find any faults.

All of them followed Wang Min's steps. The degree of dedication in the process was unknown to outsiders and it all depended on their own consciousness. If they were lucky enough to stumble upon the [Life Potion], they would just take it and complete the task. If they couldn't find the [Life Potion], it would be totally different. You can blame it on luck, which is indeed what Wang Wei allowed.

As for whether you looked for it carefully.

Or spend your time elsewhere.

Just can't control it.

After all, luck is really unpredictable.

There is also a phenomenon among those who are serious about doing the task that after being busy for a week, they end up empty-handed.

And those who can find the [Life Potion] within three or four days of entering the tower and happily leave the tower to rest for half a week.

These two types of people can never say that he is wrong.

Only those people who are smart and careless. Although their arguments are reasonable and flawless, Wang Wen, who has climbed the lower towers thousands of times in his previous life, can analyze who is spending time searching and who is perfunctory just from the description of the environment. Done.

It's just like what I said at the beginning.

No need to choose specifically.

These smart people jumped out one by one.

for this problem.

Chen Hansheng, who was so busy dealing with the properties of Tiansheng and the Fourth Consortium, took the time to make a suggestion.

Only 40% of those who have been working hard on the task from beginning to end are left. The other 60%, whether they are cheating or being unlucky, will be fired and all [quick-acting antidote] and sold antidote will be confiscated as long as they fail to meet the task passing rate. income.

And according to the group's confidentiality regulations, if any group information is disclosed or used without authorization to make a profit after expulsion, the group has the right to continue to recover the proceeds and even impose a certain amount of punitive measures.

This includes, but is not limited to, chopping off hands, feet, gouging out tongues, gouging out eyes, etc.

have to say.

His proposal was in line with the management principles of the large group.

Only look at the results regardless of the process.

No matter you are really serious or fake, as long as you don't complete the task, get out.

Why can others find [Life Potion] but you can't?

Bad luck?

Can you think of a solution if you are so unlucky?

If you really can’t afford it, you can just find someone with good luck to buy extra potions and come over to hand in the quest!

Even the president of the First Financial Group is doing such things as expedients, why can't you?

What's more, we can't always have bad luck in the future.

One day, other unlucky people will come to you to buy extra potions to complete the task.

Isn’t this a balance?

It’s clear that there is no intention!

Chen Hansheng's method is the simplest, most worry-free and most suitable way of handling it from the perspective of a manager.

Wang Wen has no reason to disagree.

It's just that he gave some of the 60% another chance.

. . .

As Chen Hansheng said.

There are roughly two types of people in the resource team.

Forty percent of the people worked diligently and did not make any mistakes. They took the antidote whenever they could, but their main focus was still on completing the task, with the [Life Potion] as the goal.

The task completion rate is on the qualified line.

The other 60 percent are more complicated.

Although they are all unqualified.

There are different situations among them.

Most of them took advantage of loopholes in the mission rules with the purpose of enriching their own pockets. After many times, they not only failed to repent, but even boasted about being smart.

The remaining small part is more miserable.

They have no distracting thoughts.

It's just plain unlucky. .

The instability of the World Tower resulted in a small group of people not seeing the shadow of [Life Potion] for four consecutive weeks.

This makes the completion rate of this group of people on [Life Potion] zero.

Naturally, they were classified into the unqualified 60%.

Looking at it more seriously, they should be innocent.

Not only innocent but also a bit sympathetic.

But according to Chen Hansheng's explanation, stupidity is the original sin. If you are unlucky, why can't you use your brain to think of other solutions?

For example, buy some extra potions from other lucky team members to submit tasks.


There are really unlucky, stupid people who have no money.

Song Ping'an in the resource team is such a person.

He and his team members did not see the [Life Potion] for four consecutive weeks.

What’s even more puzzling is that their team never exits the tower until the last second before resetting.

His face was haggard and his whole body smelled sour.

After working hard all week, I got nothing in the end and had to mark a humiliating zero on the task register.

Many smart people who made a fortune by taking antidote were laughing at him.

Some smart people even advised him: Even if you can't find the potion, there are always antidotes that are easy to find. Why not get some antidote subsidies to subsidize your own pockets?

Song Pingan replied: Teacher Xiao Wang asked me to find the [Life Potion], but not the antidote. I just want to find the [Life Potion].

A wise man hates that iron cannot be made into steel: Are you stupid? If you keep millions of antidote for a week, don't just put your forehead into the invisible [Life Potion], what are you doing?

Song Ping'an said in a low voice: This job pays a salary, and the monthly payment from the boss is enough for me. Besides, Teacher Xiao Wang also taught me to climb two hundred floors. The points reward earned from climbing the tower also improved my family's conditions a lot. , I just want to complete the tasks they issued and live up to their trust in choosing me to join the resource team. The earlier I get to the 200th floor, the more time I have to find the potion, and there is no time to find the antidote.

The wise man had no choice but to give up persuasion: You are really a fool!

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