Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 266 Wang Min’s full strength

The door to the conference room was broken open.

A group of armed men with guns and shields kept retreating.

Wang Min strode in with the others, found Chen Hansheng and Li He, and immediately pulled them up and left.

He said in a hateful voice: You two are wasting your time by having a stupid meeting. There are so many things outside that you don't care about and you all came to see me!

Chen Hansheng explained helplessly: The surface process still needs to be gone through.

Fuck you. As Wang Wen spoke, he was already dragging people to the door of the conference room.

Only then did the people inside react.

The rulers of several major regions whispered among themselves to understand who was so bold as to break into the summit meeting room.

However, the heads of the major financial groups have many eyes and ears and are well-informed, and they can immediately recognize the influential figures who have become famous recently.

Someone immediately shouted: Wang Min! This is a summit. Don't be too wanton and arrogant!

Wang Wen stopped.

Turn around.

Facing the heads of major financial groups who were protected by many top teams in the conference room, he nodded and said: Okay, then I will go through the process. Who disagrees that Tiansheng is mine?

Everyone was shocked when these words came out.

Does this mean to slap all consortiums in the face?

The rulers of the five regions considered themselves to be relatively close to Wang Wen, and couldn't help but persuade him: Student Wang, you are indeed young and promising to defeat Qin Dongbei, and your future is limitless. But here are ten people here today. The big consortium is as big as ten Qin Dongbei, you should be more restrained, otherwise it will be difficult to move forward.

Wang Wen nodded and thanked him.


Facing the Ten consortium, he said again: Okay, I'll be more polite. May I ask all the bosses, does anyone disagree with me saying that Tiansheng is mine?

You?? The ruler of the five regions was stunned and thought to himself: Is it polite that you just added ??

The big fat man of the fourth consortium dropped his teacup with a bang and said loudly: Why can't I stand this crazy bastard so much? How can one of the top ten consortiums be here today and rebel? Do you know that a mouthful of saliva will drown you? Who can disagree with me? What's the matter?


The big fat man's fat head burst open at the sound.

The fat body was propped up on the seat, and its center of gravity was as stable as a mountain, but it did not tip over. Only the blood on the neck where the head was missing rose up and down like a fountain as the heart pumped.

Wang Min held the scepter in hand and said calmly: Okay, now the fourth consortium is mine. Who else disagrees?


The whole place erupted.

All the consortium leaders have retreated into the top team.

Only the top team of the fourth consortium rushed towards Wang Min with great indignation.

Wang Wei waved his scepter to control them one by one, and asked: The group belongs to the boss, and your life is your own. Do you want to think clearly about whether to fight?

The captain of the top team yelled with a ferocious face: Without the boss, I wouldn't be where I am today. I will kill you!


His head was also broken.

Seeing that his body seemed to be still moving, Wang Min did not save energy and crushed his body into powder.

The top team of the dignified fourth consortium, the land god who was on the 500th floor, was ready to die without even having a chance to take action.

Wang Min's current strength quickly cooled down all the heated minds present.

Including the four remaining members of the Fourth Consortium's top team.

Everyone's eyes turned to Zhou Dafu in unison.

To be precise, it was concentrated on Lu Ci, who was protecting Zhou Dafu.

Lu Ci looked back at Zhou Dafu.

After receiving the affirmative look.

He told his team members to protect the boss and walked to Wang Min alone: ​​Wang Min, long time no see. You are no longer the young man who needed our protection.

Actually, I didn't need your protection very much at the beginning. Wang Wei secretly complained in her heart, but she still replied politely: Thank you Captain Lu for helping me. I won't forget the friendship. I will treat you to dinner at another time and place.

Lu Ci nodded and said, You're welcome. Since you miss our old friendship and we don't have any deep grudges, how about we each use a move to compete today without having to worry about life or death?

Just what I want. Wang Min gathered all her energy and prepared for the attack.

In front of him was a serious six hundred-level true god.

It's completely different from Qin Dongbei's kind of temporary money spending.

I don’t know how rich the True God’s heritage that has been on the 600th floor for a long time is, not to mention the number of unique treasures on the 600th floor.

Those weird props may have some weird effects.

He stared at Lu Ci closely and asked, Are we going to fight here?

Lu Ci smiled and nodded: If I can't control your power and cause damage to the conference room, I lose.


Everyone in the conference room couldn't help but applaud. Lu Ci's strong confidence that belonged to an invincible king was deeply impressive.

Even Wang Wen admired him deeply.

The original intention of holding back a few percent of the energy also quietly faded away.

Going all out is the respect for your opponent!

Especially such a respectable opponent!

Everyone around the two people moved away.

Avoid interrupting this epic showdown.

Lu Ci nodded to Wang Min and took the lead in throwing out a piece of paper without any courtesy.

Wang Wei's whole body was surging with energy, and the scepter in his hand seemed to feel such a strong energy for the first time, and it trembled with excitement as if consciously.

Before he could think about the content of his oath this time.

The surrounding world suddenly changed color.

It became a vast expanse of white.

Field?? Wang Wei couldn't help but exclaimed when she saw something that could never appear at this time.

This is a reward only available on the 800th floor of the World Tower!

Is Lu Ci already a tower climber on the 800th floor? ?

There was no sound from around him.

Just rapidly drained air and drastically lowered temperatures.

Wang Min was shocked.

He held the [Oath Scepter] tightly with both hands, no longer detailing the words, and devoted all his energy to just one sentence: Destroy all Lu Ci's attacks, completely defeat but not kill him.

The only additional stipulation is don't kill.

Not to keep the promise.

But he was afraid that the other party's strength would be unpredictable and he would not be able to pay the price of killing him.

[Oath Scepter] emits light visible to the naked eye for the first time.

The surrounding white fog dissipated instantly.

The air and temperature that had been drained also returned to normal.

An extremely rich energy wave was transmitted from Wang Min's body to the scepter, and then spread out from the scepter to all directions.

The space within a few meters was distorted and blurred.

All non-living objects, including the ground, experienced an annihilation reaction, and they all merged into one body of energy, which in turn spread out into a more violent and larger-scale chain annihilation.

Less than half a second.

Except for Wang Min who subconsciously used a transparent barrier to protect Chen Hansheng and others who were isolated.

All inanimate objects in the outside world disappeared.

Includes conference room tables, chairs, cups and pens.

Including reinforced concrete floors and walls.

Including the computer in front of everyone, the watch on their wrist, the mobile phone in their pocket and the clothes on their body.

Even the World Tower aircraft that had no time to escape out of range!

A full ten-meter radius.

Everything disappears.

Even the ground collapsed, exposing a thick layer of underground mud.

Everyone in the conference room, who was completely exposed to the broad daylight, staggered and fell into a deep pit on the ground, their heads bruised and bleeding, but they stared blankly at the scene as if it had been hit by a meteorite.

After Mi Lailai, who was next to Chen Hansheng, checked that his clothes were intact, he covered his mouth and looked at the large group of naked old and young people in front of him with bright eyes. He compared whose body was more toned, but said to Wang Min: I have to stay away from you when you use this trick in the future. If you fight, just fight. Why would you be so shy about stripping someone's clothes off?

Lu Ci, who was standing in front of the mud wall of the deep pit on the opposite side, turned pale and stepped back to Zhou Dafu. He said with a helpless expression: It's terrible. I am no match for him. This is no longer like the power that humans can possess.

Zhou Dafu hurriedly put on the clothes that his subordinates had changed with some special ability. He said with an ugly face: Didn't you say that the power of your treasure and extraordinary skills are far more than 600 levels? You spent so much money on strengthening it. Is this the result?”

Lu Ci nodded and let the team members help him get dressed. He looked at the slightly haggard Wang Wen across from him and said with a wry smile: I am indeed far above the 600th floor, and the guy over there is probably not even above the 700th floor.

Zhou Dafu was finally shocked and looked at the opposite side with some disbelief: Has anyone been able to break through the desperate vacuum on the 660th floor? We are actually lagging behind??

Lu Ci, who had put on his clothes again, shouted to Wang Wen from a distance: We promised that we would not care about life or death. Do you want to be so cruel?

His face was a little hot at this time.

He spoke so confidently before the fight started, even boasting about Haikou that he would lose if the conference room was damaged.

As a result, the conference room was damaged, let alone damaged.

Just kill it!

It was a slap in the face!

Wang Min came back to his senses, looked at the scepter in his hand strangely, and asked Lu Ci loudly: Captain Lu, are you at level 800?

Lu Ci was stunned: How can I be bullied like this if I have the 800th floor? Not even leaving a piece of underwear?

The two approached.

Wang Min's eyes flashed and she asked softly: Then what was that move you just made? Wasn't it a domain?

Lu Ci shook his head and answered and asked without wanting to suffer at all: It's just a 600-level treasure combined with extraordinary skills. I originally planned to try to use it through the 660-level, but it was easily broken by you first. Okay, what is a field? Do you have a new thing above level 700?

Wang Min did not answer any more. She looked at the scepter in her hand and said bitterly: Damn! I was tricked! I burned most of my blue tube!

Lu Ci quickly understood the meaning of Pin's words.

He opened his mouth, stared at the pit, and asked as if he was crazy: Aren't you even trying your best??

Wang Min was trying to see the true identity of the scepter. Hearing this, he nodded perfunctorily and said, I'll do my best. I'll do my best.

Think about it.

He raised his head again and said to Lu Ci with a changed smile: Liant Lu, what kind of treasure of yours can be used in conjunction with extraordinary skills? Can you lend it to me to study later? I'll treat you to a meal!

Lu Ci's face suddenly turned cold.

He said in a cold tone: That's my natal prop, the only treasure of six hundred levels!

He raised his hands and opened his palms, making a sign of ten to Wang Wen, and coldly snorted: At least ten times or else we won't have to talk!

Thank you [Reincarnation 147 Again] for the reward! ————Thank you [fbfpay] for your huge reward! ! ! ! ! [fbf pay] My lord, I've been making moves a lot lately, my boss, everything goes well and he makes a lot of money! ! ! ! !

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