Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 264 The original bragging

The general secretary who is still wearing cotton pajamas is just an ordinary person who is less than 20 floors up. He usually climbs the tower as a spice in life, like skydiving, rock climbing, bungee jumping, etc. to get some excitement. If he is lucky, he can earn tens or hundreds. Order extra money.

So when Tiansheng's people found him and kidnapped him, he didn't resist at all.

He was the least injured.

After being rescued, he carefully checked the injuries of other colleagues, and with the help of the remaining employees, he made a rough calculation of the damage to the group.

Silently came to Chen Hansheng's side and softly reported the results.

When he heard that the prop warehouse and the group building had been almost ransacked, Chen Hansheng's eyes flashed, he nodded to express his understanding, but without saying much, he quietly followed Wang Min and others to Tiansheng.

Qin Dongbei is dead.

The news spread all over the world as if it had wings.

At the time when the sky is about to get dark, it is like a deafening alarm bell to drive away all sleepiness.

The whole world was shocked!

The big boss of Tangtang Tiansheng Group dies, what will happen next?

Should the new boss be re-elected with a capable person, or should the eldest son of the Qin family, who has always been unknown, take the position due to family inheritance?

one way or another.

There will be quite a bit of turmoil in the days that follow.

When the second consortium changes its leader, so many of its properties will be like new flesh and blood falling into the sea, attracting countless bloodthirsty sharks to surround them and look at them.

Headquarters of Tiansheng Group.

The place had long since been deserted, leaving only a mess of ashes on the battlefield showing the brutality of the battle last night.

The thousands of tower climbers who sacrificed their lives in this battle obviously came at a price.

They basically came for the benefits promised by Qin Dongbei.

Now that the person who made the promise is dead, where can I get the benefits?

Why don't you run away and wait for Chixiang?

In fact, the real core members, including the vice president of the group, had already grabbed enough benefits from Boai and fled.

The rest are a bunch of neglected cannon fodder.

In the process of rescuing people at the fraternity headquarters, these combatants fled in all directions the moment they learned that Qin Dongbei was defeated and killed.

No one is foolish enough to stay and await the judgment of the victor.

Wang Min turned to the old man Tiansheng with a low eyebrow and said: Your group must have personnel records, right? Count the people involved last night, find out those who robbed Boai and those who have Boai's life on their hands. You should pay for it. , You should pay for your life.

The old man showed a troubled expression: In the final analysis, the old man is just a thug. I'm really not good at this kind of tedious statistical work, am I?

Then you ask someone who is good at it to help. Anyway, I only care about the results. Wang Min summoned the loser very smoothly. Unless the old monster hides in the tower and never comes out, he must pass this level.

The old monster's whole face was twisted into a ball, but he didn't dare to shirk it a second time.

He bent over and withdrew his hands with a frown on his face, thinking about countermeasures.

Next to him, Chen Hansheng winked at his subordinates. The general manager, who was wearing cotton pajamas, understood the situation and came to the old monster's side to say something.

The old weirdo immediately beamed with joy and thanked the General Secretary again and again.

The general secretary turned around and waved to some people who walked out of Boai's team and followed the old monster into Tiansheng headquarters to do statistics.

Seeing such a harmonious scene, Wang Wei nodded with satisfaction.

Seeing this, Chen Hansheng took the opportunity to say to Wang Wei: Qin Dongbei is dead, and Tiansheng is leaderless. We can take over all their properties. Whether they sell or receive them, it will be a huge sum of money. It is roughly estimated that the value is at least over 10 trillion!

Wang Wei turned back and looked at him with a smile: Don't worry, these things will be divided equally between the fraternity and the academy. I am only responsible for dealing with troubles, regardless of the profits. After all, rushing the tower is my main goal.

Chen Hansheng was overjoyed when he heard this. He kept rubbing his hands and said, How embarrassing is this? How embarrassing is this?

Seeing his pretentious gesture, Wang Min deliberately teased him and said, If you're really embarrassed, didn't you collect a few trillion to redeem Qin Dongbei? Now that he doesn't need to redeem him, why don't you lend me the money first?

Originally it was just to tease each other.

Unexpectedly, Chen Hansheng actually thought and analyzed seriously: That's right. I have about five trillion yuan on hand now. Excluding the more than one trillion borrowed from here and there, and leaving some operating funds, it will be no problem if I can spare three trillion yuan. ,Give you all!

Three trillion!

When they first heard a figure of this magnitude, Zhu and Ren could hardly hold their tongues back.

Ren Ruanruan even grabbed Zhu Xingguo's arm unconsciously, with such force that Zhu Xingguo's face turned pale.

In fact, Wang Min was slightly startled when she heard Chen Hansheng's answer.

To be honest, the atmosphere has reached this point.

If I were to say that I was tempted, it was indeed just now.

Thinking about how much improvement trillions of dollars of funds can bring to herself, Wang Min's heart does get a little hot.

Not to mention anything else, it’s amazing just to see that you can draw three or four more extraordinary skills!

No one thinks he has too many extraordinary skills.

I just think the more the better.

Coupled with the trillion-level eighth-level physique, you can see how unscrupulous Qin Dongbei is. No one is his opponent except Wang Wei.

If Wang Min himself had this level of enhancement.

I am truly the only one in the world. Not to mention missiles, even nuclear bombs may not kill me.

You might even miss it.

Wang Wen thought for a while.

He said to Chen Hansheng: Well, I don't want all the money. Just give me one trillion. I will return it to you with interest in one month.

Chen Hansheng started rubbing his hands again: How can this be so embarrassing? If you want to use the money, just spend it. Why don't you pay it back? The interest on the repayment is huge...

Brothers will settle the accounts. Wang Min patted him on the shoulder and said decisively: We will cooperate on a large scale in the future, so don't get entangled in these little bits and pieces.

That's right. Chen Hansheng nodded repeatedly.

The bystanders heard the two casually taking trillions of dollars as little bits and pieces. If they didn't know the identity of the two people, they would probably be more grumpy and slap Zizi in the face.

The major matters were almost handled, but Wang Wen was not interested in taking care of the trivial matters and led a few people around him back to the academy.

Sitting in the newly built dean's office of the college, Wang Min was so sleepy that he yawned and said to Li He: Senior, you can accept Tiansheng's side on behalf of the college. The fraternity will make statistics and divide it into two halves. Lao Chen is still reliable, so just feel free to choose him.

Li He's eyes were in a trance, as if he had not yet awakened from his dream.

He didn't answer and just sighed: Wang Min, remember when you said you wanted to seek revenge from Tiansheng, you know, I really thought you were bragging at that time.

Hearing him mention old things again, Wang Min smiled and quietly drank the tea made with healthy water without making a sound.

Even though I made a bet with you, I don't actually have hope in my heart. Li He looked around the restored dean's office and sighed: In my opinion, you are bragging that it is too difficult to achieve something more difficult than mine. Even if it is possible to do it in the future, it will only be a few years or even decades away!

His eyes moved back to Wang Wen's face, and his eyes changed from trance to excitement: I can't even imagine that you have done it in just two months! I lost this bet, but I will be very happy to treat you to dinner. It’s a pleasure, and it’s probably the happiest treat I’ve ever received in my life.”


Xu was surrounded by people he trusted, and Wang Wen, who could fall asleep even after drinking tea, sat upright on the sofa and snored happily.

Li He was stunned, turned to the people around him and asked, Is he here?

I have been climbing in the World Tower for a week. I didn't even have a hot meal when I came out of the tower. I was busy all night. I went to the sky and the earth to fight Qin Dongbei. My iron-clad body couldn't bear it. Tong Xiaolei patted Mo Ran and said : Give up your wheelchair and let Wang Wen go to the bedroom to rest.

Mo Ran: ???

Gu Jianbing looked at everyone in the room who was injured and exhausted, and sighed: The college's mechanism system really needs to be tightened, otherwise it will be too unsafe for people and ghosts to come and go freely.

Thank you [Reincarnation 147 Again] for the reward! ——Thank you [book friend 20200620235811523] for your huge, huge, huge reward! ! ! It’s really extraordinary which new friend is taking action! ! ! ! !

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