Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 259 The most suitable person

No matter how slow it is.

Wang Wen and the others finally reached the safe zone on the 700th floor three hours later.

Wang Min finally got her wish and heard the long-awaited mechanical sound.

[All tower climbers who arrive at the 700th floor of the World Tower for the first time can choose a unique treasure within the 700th floor]

He had thoroughly researched this option in his previous life.

This time, he won the only goal he had in mind without hesitation.

[Oath Scepter], a 700-level unique treasure, any statement starting with I swear by the holder will come true. Mental energy will be consumed according to the difficulty of realizing the specific content. If the mental energy is insufficient, life force will be extracted until the holder dies. No limit to the number of times.

Among the unique treasures on the 700th floor of the World Tower, there are few props that use spiritual power.

What’s even more rare is that there is no cooling time when using this prop!

In his previous life, he was only a master of spiritual power and could make this item exert great power.

I have been deprived all my life, and there are four deceptions, and the power of my mental power has been further amplified.

Holding the scepter again, Wang Wen felt that everything in the world was in his hands!

He let out a sigh of contentment.

Looking around, I started to start the plan that I had been preparing for a long time. It could even be said that I had been waiting for too long.

The aircraft was pulled over for a full restoration.

At the same time, he muttered silently: I swear, my mental power will be used more and more until the points are exhausted or I am on the verge of death.

The words fell.

The scepter flashed a faint light.

Zhu and Ren saw it in the repair light of the aircraft.

Wang Min is in a very strange state.

Sometimes the face is rosy and sometimes pale, sometimes the body is plump and sometimes shriveled.

It seems to be in a state of constant consumption and recovery.

The two of them stared in shock at the scene that seemed like a magic trick.

But only Wang Wen himself knew how much pain he had to endure.

Even though I have tried this kind of pain many times in my previous life, I still feel a huge desire to die when I experience it again.

He tried his best to endure his brain's self-giving up and wanting to die.

Struggling between consumption and recovery again and again.

Until the points redeemed for World Power are exhausted.

The whole person seemed to be fished out of water.

After the oath ended, Wang Wen gave people a very contradictory look - full of energy and weakness.

He was clearly rosy, healthy, and full of energy.

There was an unconcealable tiredness in his eyes.

Master... Zhu Xingguo approached him cautiously: Are you okay?

Wang Min shook his head: My mental power has increased at least ten times. This should be the strongest state in my life so far.

Zhu Xingguo was stunned: Then why are you shaking your head?

Wang Wen shook his head and looked at him: Because I really want to die.

Zhu Xingguo: ...

Ren Ruanruan stared at the [Oath Scepter] with flashing eyes, and asked thoughtfully: Why refresh spiritual power? Captain, isn't he going to try to break through the fog by fighting directly?

Wang Wei shook his head: That's the next step, because the core of the scepter is spiritual power. I'm worried that breaking the barrier will consume too much and lead to insufficient repair points. It will be all in vain. Now at least the spiritual power has been gained. If the barrier is not broken, save more points. Points come again.”

Ren Ruanruan also saw this scepter last time.

At that time, she didn't think this scepter was very impressive. The introduction information of the item was so short, and it was not as domineering as [Battle Angel].

Unexpectedly, the captain took it directly this time.

Is there something that I don't understand?

With this thought, Ren Ruanruan continued to ask his doubts: Then why not just brush points or world power?

Wang Wei shook her head and sighed: You should have noticed it when you first went to the 600th floor, right? The world power required for repair is always more than the consumption. For example, I consumed my mental power and life force to create 3 points of world power. , it will take 4 or even 5 points of world power to repair this batch of consumption. In the end, the oath was fulfilled, but it is a pity that either one has money but no life, or one has life but no money, and the World Tower was cheapened in vain.

So, is it the most appropriate way to use points to exchange for other things that cannot be bought through repair? Ren Ruanruan looked at the scepter thoughtfully, as if there were countless thoughts spinning in his mind.

In her opinion, this kind of prop that allows the holder to use it at will must have some kind of loophole that can be exploited.

It’s just that I haven’t discovered it for a while.

If only we could find some kind of perpetual motion machine with infinite loop.

Just invincible!

Ren Ruanruan fell into deep thought.

It was Zhu Xingguo who asked Wang Wen: Master, I don't know which one to choose. Why don't you help me choose like you did before?

Wang Wen stopped shaking his head.

She looked up at him and said in a serious tone: If I were to choose, there is indeed a very important prop on this floor. I just have to wrong you.

What do you mean? Zhu Xingguo was slightly stunned: What should I do?

Wang Wei said: It is a prop to contribute to the team, but for you personally it is a waste of this precious opportunity.

Zhu Xingguo laughed: It's harmful! I thought it was about quitting smoking or something that scared me! Master, you can come, as long as you are good to everyone, I will agree.

Wang Min and Ren Ruanruan looked at him together.

One word neatly crossed my mind: idiot.

There is always a small group of people in the world.

What he did was very irrational and mindless.

Not even a decision that a normal person could make.

Just treat whoever is good to you.

Just be nice to whomever you want to be nice to.

Don't care about gains and losses, don't think about yourself or make long-term plans at all.

These people have a unified prefix.


Zhu Xingguo is such a fool.

A hopeless fool.

It would never survive two days if left outside.

So Wang Min decided to keep this idiot with him all the time to prevent him from being bullied to death by others.

[Invincible Potion].

700-level unique treasure.

After use, it will be immune to all damage and attacks from world tower props not higher than the 700th floor. It lasts for 1 hour and is consumed once.

This was the choice Wang Min made for Zhu Xingguo.

Very important.

It is also the only item that literally says immune to all damage.

But it is a one-time consumable.

The unique treasure plus one-time consumption means that this prop will only have one chance to appear in the end.

Where to use it is critical.

The improvement of his own strength is obviously not as great as that of Wang Min and Ren Ruanruan.

It can even be said that there is no improvement at all.

This is a sacrifice.

The only chance a tower climber can get by climbing to the 700th floor at the expense of others.

It takes someone who doesn't care about his own gains and losses to get this [Invincible Potion].

Perhaps in the future, Wang Min may bring some obedient cannon fodder to the 700th floor.

Then force the cannon fodder to choose this item.

But that's for the future.

If it hasn't happened yet, it can't be taken seriously.

No one knows when that kind of obedient cannon fodder will appear.

Or whether there really is such a cannon fodder who is willing to obey.

But right now, the [Invincible Potion] is something that must be obtained and obtained as soon as possible.

If it is taken away by other tower climbers who are not in control, you will definitely regret it.

Zhu Xingguo.

That's the most suitable candidate.

Wang Min patted his shoulder and said seriously and solemnly: In this life, I will definitely take you to a thousand levels.

Zhu Xingguo quickly pressed the [Oath Scepter] and stopped Wang Wen in a panic: Bah, bah, bah! Master, don't swear randomly while holding this thing! A thousand layers??!! It will drain you!!!

Wang Wen looked at him quietly and smiled.

Ren Ruanruan from behind rolled his eyes and said: You are really a fool, that thing needs a beginning to be effective.

. . .

Thanks to [Pi Dad] [Book Friends 20200626105129262] for the reward! ————Thank you [Hengdian Aniu Brother] for the huge huge huge reward! ! ! Boss, you have reached fourth place on the fan list. . Confused. . .

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