Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 257 Action Virtual Space

The 698th floor of the World Tower.

This is the lowest tower level of the three.

The bad news is that permissions only go up to level 698.

It turns out that each time you enter the tower, you can start from any number that is the number of floors that the lowest tower player in the team has passed means start climbing the tower, not pass directly.

This means that the 698th floor that has been cleared must be replayed.

Not to mention the 699th floor of the previous trip. As long as you don't enter the portal and enter the lower floor, you will not have passed, and you will have to go through all the troubles all over again.

The first use of special permissions shattered Ren Ruanruan's beautiful idea of ​​100% security with one layer added every week.

Reality is always skinnier than ideal.

The combination of the two's special permissions does not allow one to climb the tower without injury once a week.

If you want to increase the number of tower levels you can teleport to next time, you still need to manually clear one level even after skipping levels without rewards.

Standing on the ground on the 698th floor, Wang Wei secretly shook his head mockingly.

After all, I was still greedy.

Having the special permission to jump levels on a large scale is a huge advantage that ordinary people can only dream of.

How could you be so naive and think about climbing the tower without any harm?

The permissions are released by the World Tower. With its appearance, how can it allow tower climbers to safely ascend the tower level once a week.


He originally considered going to the 690th floor to repair his body and then climb slowly.

But my heart is always not at ease.

Because he didn't know how long Qin Dongbei would stay in the tower.

It stands to reason that if you want to wait for the skill to cool down, it normally takes 24 hours.

But Qin Dongbei spent so much money to strengthen it, so the cooldown time of his extraordinary skills is not necessarily 24 hours.

What if it only takes 6 hours or less at most?

In addition, the other party kept saying that it would be repaired to kill the empty fraternity.

It's not like he could stay in the tower for 24 hours with that kind of eagerness.

So just to be on the safe side.

Wang Wen must get out of the tower as soon as possible.

There is no time to repair slowly, so go directly to 700 to get the treasure, and just go through the scattered floors in front of you!


The three of them stood on the ground on the 698th floor.

Looking at the scene in front of him, the corners of his eyes twitched.

I don’t know if it’s due to the use of special permissions, but the level environment has changed a lot.

The last trip was an ordinary level 698, but this trip turned into a special level.

This is an action-type virtual space level that only exists in legends and has never been experienced by Zhu and Ren.

Similar to children's puzzle games.

The entire room was about one hundred square meters, with a ball of light as big as a watermelon suspended in mid-air in the center, randomly emitting dense dots of light every moment.

These light points may be fast or slow, straight or curved, some may bounce off themselves or knock other light points away, and some may suddenly accelerate halfway or even split into multiple points.

In front of each tower climber is a small light ball the size of a fist, which needs to be grasped to avoid the light spots emitted by the large light ball.

Once hit by a light point, the small light ball dissipates immediately, and you need to wait for an hour to regenerate.

Because it is a virtual space, even if the tower climber hides the small light ball or blocks it with his body, he cannot prevent the light point from penetrating the obstruction and touching the small light ball.

But just stay untouched by the light click.

As the time goes.

The small light ball will appear in a charged state.

If it survives for an hour, it will gain an energy attack and can shoot itself at the large ball of light.

As long as the launched small light ball is not scattered by the light point, it can destroy the big light ball when it hits the sphere.

The level will naturally be cleared.

Wang Min encountered similar levels in her previous life. The environment was different but the gameplay was very different.

This kind of level is very discouraging to give up before the team members have drawn a particularly suitable supernatural skill.

The level itself is not dangerous for tower climbers, it just wastes time and mental stress.

Unless you give up.

Otherwise the spirit will remain in a state of tension.

The closer it gets to an hour, the more nervous I become, and all my previous efforts will be wasted if I am not careful.

If this was a game, it might be a little interesting.

Too bad this is a tower climb.

Tower climbers often waste hours in this kind of level and finally choose to leave the tower with their mentality exploding.

The three of them had no way out.

You must grit your teeth and persist.

This scene can be regarded as the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers.

Ren Ruanruan's eyes flashed, and he only used two fingers to gently hold his ball of light, meticulously avoiding the light spots like a robot.

She seemed to be able to see the movement of all the light points.

Every moment can find a suitable point from the overwhelming chaos.

Perfectly avoiding every light point that accelerates, twists, splits, and rebounds, the movements are as standard as a clearance textbook.

Unfortunately, within a few minutes of staying in this state, her lips turned white and she was sweating profusely.

Wang Wen on the other side first used his mental power to try to block the light spot.

be penetrated.

Not even those light points that seem to have entities when they collide and bounce among many light points.

So he made an identical light ball based on the small light ball and threw it into the big light ball. It also passed through without any reaction.

The small light ball created by mental power bounced politely a few times when it landed on the ground.

Wang Min was helpless.

The small ball of light cannot directly touch the large ball of light. It will scatter as soon as it touches it. Now the mental power creation is also ineffective, which proves that you must use the self that charges up to launch it to destroy the opponent.

There was no escape for at least an hour.

I tried every possible method I could think of, but in the end I could only rely on my mental strength to carry the small ball of light and fly around the room.

Like Ren Ruanruan, you can choose various corners to jump flexibly through decryption-level scientific decryption, and wait for one hour of full power.

Fortunately, the mental power is transparent, and the operation process is clearer, so that his body will not block his sight and affect his avoidance. It seems to be easier than Ren Ruanruan, who is also at the same level.

But it might not be easy to hold on like this for an hour.

I saw both of them looking very tired.

Zhu Xingguo on the other end thought seriously for a moment.

I sold the small ball of light in my hand into [Equivalent Exchange].

When I bought it back, I found it was still in perfect condition!

You can even buy three more small light balls!

In order to prevent the accumulation of energy in [Equivalent Exchange] from being immobilized, Zhu Xingguo held the small light ball of the original body in his hand to hide from the light, and the other three clones were placed in [Equivalent Exchange].

Only when you encounter a light spot that you can't avoid, you will sell the main body into [Equivalent Exchange] to avoid the difficulty for a while.

Wang and Ren's eyes lit up when they saw this scene.

If this method works, then there is hope for passing the level!

Ren Ruanruan even wanted to pass his ball of light over to Zhu Xingguo for copying, but was afraid of an accident and did not dare to do so.

After gritting his teeth and persisting for more than half an hour, his eyes finally dimmed.

She struggled to continue dodging based on the experience of the previous half hour.

But I found that I couldn’t keep up with the rhythm no matter what.

Within a minute, I was hit by a light spot that suddenly accelerated + turned + split, and was declared defeated.

Wang Min persisted slightly longer than her.

But after about fifty minutes, he sighed and sat down on the ground, letting the small ball of light in the sky be overwhelmed by countless light spots.

Only Zhu Xingguo was left in the audience!

The three of them looked at the small ball of light in his hand quietly.

The total duration is about three or four minutes over an hour.

A new small ball of light appeared in front of Zhu Xingguo.

Everyone finally had to depressedly confirm that the small ball of light that had entered [Equivalent Exchange] appeared to be unchanged on the surface, but in fact it was no longer recognized by this level.

The moment you sell it, it disappears by default.

Moreover, regardless of the original body or the replica in Zhu Xingguo's hand, even if it encountered a light point, it would not react, and no cannonballs were fired after charging for more than an hour.

Everyone declared failure.

The 698th floor of the World Tower, a special level action virtual space.

Just wait another hour and try again.

Or just use the only one-time non-reward jump level?

Ren Ruanruan turned to look at Wang Wen.

Wang Min nodded and said softly: Dance.

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