Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 255 The gap between upper and lower

Are you sure there will be no problem? Wang Min asked again worriedly.

Zhu Xingguo nodded honestly and said: We have tested it many times in the year you went to heaven. Xiao Ren who used the Suspended Life Lock cannot die within the duration, as long as she can use [Monkey King] to do somersaults in time. Just jump away from the explosion area.

Wang Min nodded and said no more.

Zhu Xingguo looked at Ren Ruanruan's size again and used [Mosquitoes Must Die] with the fourth level strength of the same weight of hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane.

Light precedes sound.

Chen Hansheng and others a few hundred meters away only saw a white ball of light suddenly lighting up in the darkness in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, a detonation wave with a speed of up to several thousand meters per second rushed towards us like a huge tsunami.

Everyone and the car were blown away amidst the shaking and roaring sounds of the earth shattering.

This is the closest technological achievement to a natural disaster that humans have developed using materials obtained from nature.

Every use.

The scenes are as despairing as the end of the world.

After all, every living creature is helpless and insignificant in the face of natural disasters.

The Mililai team felt something bad as soon as the light ball appeared.

This is the top tower climber of the third consortium, a team of 590 super-high-level residents who are about to break through 600 and become true gods.

At this moment, a sense of crisis far beyond ordinary people broke out.

Regardless of whether they are useful or not, all defensive measures are turned on, and props, skills, mechanisms, and technologies are turned on to the maximum.

But when the explosion does come.

They found that they had underestimated the power of the explosion.

The slightly weaker tower climbers in the front row immediately turned into ashes and disappeared in the explosion.

Those a little further away were also covered in darkness and flew out upside down, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

Mi Lailai and several people hid behind various defensive measures and looked at the direction of the explosion with tears streaming down their faces.

I kept doubting myself: Is that the strength of Wang Wen’s team?

Is that really a movement that humans can create?

Didn't they light a nuclear bomb there? ?

for a long time.

The main flame of the explosion slowly extinguished.

All the surviving fraternity peripheral personnel looked at the billowing smoke from a distance, feeling a little frightened and distraught.

What just happened?

Did someone deliberately drop a nuclear bomb?

What was the scene like in the center of the explosion when you were so far away and still injured like this?

Those who were still conscious could not think too much about dragging those who were still in danger to a safe area.

far away.

Hundreds of meters away in the sky.

With a pale face, Wang Min used her mental strength to support herself and Zhu Xingguo, and put them on the roof of a nearby tall building.

That explosion just now.

It made him feel like he was back to the time when he faced the missile at Ji Ji Hotel.

The difference is that now there is no assistance from Mi Lailai, so even if his own strength has greatly increased, it still feels a little difficult.

Fortunately, this time he could retreat and stay away from the explosion area without having to block.

Wang Min turned to look at the stunned Zhu Xingguo and asked, Where is Xiao Ren?

Zhu Xingguo was still immersed in the huge explosion he created. When he heard the master's question, he replied calmly: I don't know where she will fly to, but we made an appointment to meet at the portal.

Just as the two were about to leave for the portal.

In the billowing smoke of the explosion area, a towering black shadow that was hundreds of meters high suddenly appeared.

An earth-shattering roar came from the smoke.

Then all the surrounding buildings that had not completely collapsed were kicked away by the shadow, and they howled and stumbled towards the portal.

Wang Wen frowned.

Carrying Zhu Xingguo, they chased the shadow together.

The black shadow rushed out of the smoke and revealed itself.

He is a werewolf with thick black hair all over his body.

The appearance is very familiar to Wang Wen.

It was exactly what Qin Dongbei looked like after his transformation.

But it has to be reduced dozens of times.

The werewolf was now too big, and every part of its body looked exaggerated.

The whole thing is even more amazing.

Any creature this big would be in danger of disaster.

Watching it kick away the stumbling vehicle and head straight for the portal.

He suddenly stopped halfway through the run.

The werewolf seemed to have discovered something.

He raised his fist and hit the ground.

There stood Chen Hansheng, surrounded by a group of people.

Wang Min quickly used [Heart of Giant] to summon the water and stone giant to block the punch.

The water stone giant, who originally felt huge, actually looked like a younger brother in front of the werewolf.

Most of his body was broken with just one punch.

Fortunately, not only can the water stone giant be reunited with water, but it is also a shock absorbing stone that is more efficient the larger it is.

When the body is shattered, the opponent's mental energy is also sucked away.

The werewolf was in a trance for a moment.

The crowd below hurriedly dispersed in panic, and Chen Hansheng quickly moved away from this dangerous area under the protection of Milai Lai and others.

Nowadays, fighting at this level is obviously not something that ordinary tower climbers on the fourth or fifth floors can participate in.

It was simply a fight between gods.

Wherever these two towering giants, one tall and one short, collided, walls and buildings collapsed.

The cement on the ground has cracked badly, exposing the gravel and sand underneath.

Qin Dongbei, who had transformed into a werewolf, was trying to smash the water and stone giants that were blocking his way despite being dizzy and nauseated, while roaring at Chen Hansheng: Don't think you are the only one with missiles named Chen! You will be finished when I come out of the World Tower. !I will blow you and your fraternity into powder finer than sand!

Chen Hansheng, who was hiding far away: ...

Wang Min, who was flying above the werewolf's head, shouted: Qin Dongbei, don't get me wrong, that explosion was caused by me and has nothing to do with fraternity.

Ouch! The werewolf looked up to the sky and roared: Damn mouse, why did I let you live for so long!

Wang Min didn't say anything more. He gathered the last of his spiritual power and wrapped the werewolf's head in preparation for a headshot.

As a result, I struggled to get in and found that it was empty!

The werewolf gasped and laughed wildly: Do you think I will give you a chance to do it again! I have no brains now!! Hahahahahaha...

Wang Wen: ...

The werewolf stretched out his claws to fish him up. When he saw that he couldn't be fished, he tried his best to dismantle the water stone giant.

Seeing that the water stone giant's recovery speed could not keep up, it was torn into a pile of rubble and kicked away.

The werewolf is getting closer and closer to the portal.

Suddenly, a Monkey King not much smaller than him rose straight up from the teleportation door.

It's just that the Monkey King didn't seem to be out of the state of serious injury. His whole body was weak and weak, and he was knocked down by the werewolf's claw.

The Great Sage plucked out a handful of hair and blew out thousands of babbling little Great Sages, which densely crawled on the werewolf's body and scratched and tore at it.

Under the cover of the werewolf's thick black hair, it was vaguely visible that the large wounds were rapidly recovering, and they were bleeding profusely after being hit by this wave of attacks.

Seeing this, Wang Min quickly threw a fourth-level [Resistant Healing] to it, preventing these injuries from recovering within 8 hours.

The wounds on the werewolf immediately stopped squirming and began to deteriorate rapidly.

It becomes weak.

Becoming furious.

If you don't catch the little monkey on your body, you will vent your anger on the big monkey.

Kicked the Monkey King into a crooked shrimp, revealing the portal behind him.

‘I can’t stop it! ’

This thought flashed through the minds of everyone present.

Mililai's team, Mo Ran and others had dim eyes and were deeply shocked.

Tonight, they really saw what the battle of the six hundred level true gods was like.

It is simply not possible for humans to destroy mountains and buildings.

Is there such a big difference between those above the 600th floor and those below the 600th floor?

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