Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 243 Don’t waste it

The Monkey King said blankly: He is the former military advisor of Lao Sun Zuo!

Seeing the captain taking action, Ren Ruanruan stood up with confidence, smoothed out the relevant knowledge and explained to the Monkey King: They are all lies to you. The purpose is to deceive you into heaven and then wait for an opportunity to arrange for you to get into trouble to force you and the Jade Emperor. Completely turned away.

Who is so sinister? The Monkey King was stunned, and then he bared his teeth angrily.

This... Ren Ruanruan glanced at Wang Wen, and gave up weakly: It's hard to say, it's hard to say, anyway, I want to harm you, don't be fooled, even if you want to go to heaven, don't take a real job, just pretend to be a false name, don't go to work, don't do it It’s super cool to work, eat, drink and have fun every day and get paid!”

A hunchbacked old monkey arranged for a group of young monkeys to clean up the area next to the main seat.

He leaned close to the Monkey King and whispered: Your Majesty, can these outsiders be trusted?

The Monkey King scratched his neck and suddenly became happy: It didn't hurt my monkey grandson anyway, so don't worry about it.

The old monkey nodded, bowed and retreated.

The Monkey King looked at Wang Wen, grinned and said: Seeing that you are quite capable, go out with me to practice and make gestures!

Wang Min shook his head: There are still a lot of people you have to fight, so save some energy to deal with them. If you want to practice after everyone is gone, you can practice.

The words have not yet finished.

There was a voice outside the cave shouting: Monkey! Nezha, the third prince of the Tota Heavenly King, is here to catch you on the imperial mission of the Jade Emperor. Come and accept your surrender quickly!

The sight of the Monkey King was really predicted by Wang Wen.

Mao had a look of surprise on his face and his eyes widened to show his curiosity.

He summoned the monkey to fetch the robes and carefully dressed them up. He wore a purple gold crown with phoenix wings on his head, a chain of gold armor, and lotus root silk shoes on his feet. He rushed out of the cave waving a big stick.

Looking at this standard set of Quitian Monkey King Clothes, Ren Ruanruan's eyes almost gleamed.

Her [Monkey King] only lasts for one hour, and nothing she can do is satisfying.

How could there be such excitement and hearty excitement as seeing the deity appear in person?

Wang Min saw that she was ready to move and impatiently wanted to go out to watch the battle.

Without stopping him, he led the two of them out of the cave.

The fight is already very lively in the sky.

Sure enough, I remembered correctly.

Brother Monkey fought majestically in this battle, played with level, height, and style.

Even Nezha was no match. He was hit by a stick inadvertently and escaped back to the sky while covering his arm.

If there is no accident.

A year later, Taibai Jinxing will come down to tell Monkey Brother the latest decree of the Jade Emperor, and as he wishes, he will be made the Monkey King without any actual duties.

Wang Wen and the others couldn't wait that long.

In particular, Wang Wen wanted to test an idea.

That is the so-called time difference of one year between the sky and the earth. If one of the tower climbers is in the sky and the other is on the earth, what will be the time of the last two people?

Wang Min discussed this matter with Zhu and Ren.

The two were very curious and strongly agreed with the experiment.

Negotiate the results.

Zhu and Ren now have some ability to protect themselves and stay on the ground to look for opportunities to make progress.

Wang Wei sneaked up to the sky alone to see the effect of flow rates at different times.

This is more science fiction than any science fiction story.

For other science fiction stories to affect the flow of time, there must be at least several different dimensions of space.

Just a layer of clouds is enough here.

Really cowhide!

Wang Min said goodbye to Brother Monkey who was eager to try and shout out tricks, and lied that he would help him go to heaven to check the situation and notify him in time if anything was wrong.

Brother Monkey believed it to be true and told Wang Wen to pay attention to his safety. If it didn't work, he would come back. Lao Sun would take care of everything.

The words of the extraordinary Monkey King made the little fan girl Ren Ruanruan's eyes flash with stars. Even the captain didn't care and only stared at Brother Monkey.

Wang Wen shook his head funnyly.

The body rises out of thin air.

He quietly followed the retreating heavenly soldiers and generals and slipped back into the sky.

Passed the vermilion Nantianmen.

Didn't wait to take a few more steps.

He was caught by the giant spirit god who appeared out of nowhere.

The Giant Spirit God looked at the familiar face in front of him and shouted angrily: It turns out it's you, a coward!

Wang Min had a drop of sweat on his forehead: Your accent is quite modern?

Stop talking nonsense! Follow me to see the King of Heaven! You must be punished for being cowardly before fighting! The Giant Spirit God stretched out his hand and grabbed Wang Wen.

Wang Wen, who has experienced hundreds of battles, is even more slippery than the Monkey King.

It slipped into the clouds at any awkward angle and disappeared.

The giant spirit god kicked Yun everywhere but couldn't find the target, and almost picked up an ax to chop himself.

As the first vanguard, he was beaten up by Brother Monkey when he came out. He returned to the front in despair and was almost beheaded by King Li Tianwang.

There was no monkey to vent this anger, so it had to be dumped on Wang Wen and the other three who were motionless when the fight started.

I thought they were just a few little Tianding with low magic power.

Improvised and petrified.

He is a mighty giant spirit god but he can't defeat the monkeys and bullies little Tianding.

Unexpectedly, this little Tianding was slipperier than a loach and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The giant spirit god was so angry that he howled and yelled.

He hit his head directly on the doorpost of Nantianmen.

The collision made a duang and duang sound.

Look at Wang Wen again.

After easily slipping away from the hands of the giant spirit god.

I really want to laugh.

I don’t know how the brains of these great wise men in heaven grow.

A good level ground is not needed.

Create a lot of clouds that are an eyesore.

Such thick clouds and mist can hide it well wherever it goes.

As long as you don't take the initiative.

Those big gods can't find them even if they want to die.

Wang Min huddled in the clouds and observed for a while.

Following several medicine boys, they reached Taishang Laojun's alchemy chamber.

According to the order.

The current alchemy room has not been visited by Brother Monkey yet.

Those precious elixirs should still be there.

Instead of being ruined by someone in the future.

It's better to help poor people like myself who are in great need.

Such a treasure.

Don't waste it!

Wang Min held a large cloud of mist to wrap around her figure and slipped in quietly.

As soon as I walked in the door.

Then I heard a voice not far ahead: Little friend, who accidentally broke into the alchemy room? Leave quickly without asking any questions.

Wang Wen stopped.

Wrapped in clouds and mist, motionless.

Since the other party wants to bluff, he should remain unchanged in response to any changes!


The voice seemed to be laughing and continued: There is no cloud in the house, what are you hiding from?

Wang Min gathered her mental strength and gently opened a crack, revealing half of her eyes to look around.

Then he removed the clouds with an expressionless expression.

I took the time to look around.

In the center of the room was a large cauldron of alchemy, and the soft flames underneath seemed to be gently swaying and licking the willow branches in the breeze.

There are rows of lattice shelves all around, with many different styles of bottles and cans arranged in different categories.

Look further forward.

An old man with white beard and hair but a rosy face sat upright on a horizontal chair, looking at Wang Min with a smile on his face.

Seeing that he couldn't hide it, Wang Wen stepped forward gracefully, raised his hands to the old man and said with a smile: Mr. Does it make a difference?

Taishang Laojun was originally wondering whose child this was and why he was shouting names indiscriminately.

After hearing the end, his expression changed.

He got off the bench directly, frowned and stared at Wang Wen and asked: How do you know that this furnace is forging the Nine-turn Golden Elixir? The old Taoist has never mentioned it to anyone, so how did you know about it?

Thank you [Reincarnation 147 Again] for the reward! ————Thank you [Hengdian Aniu Brother] for the huge huge huge reward! ! ! Countless huge rewards! ! ! ! !

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