Wang Wen, who had lived two lifetimes, was confused and didn't quite understand whether Zhu Xingguo's three draws were good or bad.

Call him bad.

One is a super single kill, one is practical supplies, and the other is area destruction.

Just in terms of type, it's better than Wang Wen's.

Take it out to brag, and half of your body can shake arrogantly.

I really want to sit down and discuss the pros and cons.

A piece of bread like [Gourmet Bread] would be a bit tasteless. A piece of bread would either be taken out and left unfinished, or it would be cooled when you want to eat it. If Zhu Xingguo hadn't had [Equivalent Exchange] that could shape and keep it fresh, it would have been I don’t know how many opportunities will be wasted in the end.

There are two extraordinary ones left.

One is [Fart Technique] and the other is [Mosquito Must Die]. Just hearing the names is funny.

It doesn't look like a serious skill at all.

Looking at the skill effects, it turns out that it is not very serious.

The super powerful single-kill [Fart Technique] may cause more psychological damage than physical damage. If you encounter a thousand-year-old monster like Wang Wei, you may even take off your pants and concentrate on doing it for an hour without blinking.

Maybe it’s a little bit cool.

[Mosquitoes must die] is even more exaggerated.

The same is scope destruction.

Although the zero-level [Destroy in All Directions] is less powerful, it still targets all living things.

Why is this skill only targeting mosquitoes?

Have a grudge against mosquitoes?

Even if it is powerful, can mosquitoes be used as bombs?

Who has nothing to do with carrying a bag of mosquitoes and throwing away a few of them when an enemy encounters them?

Is this thing the most lovesick? ?

one way or another.

Three draws have ended.

Everyone seemed satisfied.

Especially Zhu Xingguo.

He kept grinning and having fun.

I don’t know what he is happy about.

Ren Ruanruan asked whether to strengthen physical fitness or skills next.

Wang Wei shook her head and said it was neither.

Repair the body first.

Take a look at the major and minor injuries everyone suffered along the way and see if there are any hidden dangers.

[Life Potion] is only a 200-level prop after all.

Everyone has now reached the 600th floor.

The enemy's attack methods are becoming more and more unreasonable.

Many injuries don’t just appear to be healed.

This time, we should take advantage of the abundant funds to fully recover the body in one go, to avoid giving up on repairing hidden dangers due to lack of money.

The three use the power of the world to repair their bodies.

This fix will be reassuring.

It is more detailed than the highest level physical examination in the hospital.

Not long after.

Both Zhu Xingguo and Ren Ruanruan have completed the repairs.

The two of them were refreshed and refreshed.

Ren Ruanruan is the cheapest. It seems that there is really nothing to repair. It symbolically consumes 1 point of world power. The content displayed in the statistical information is also very superficial, similar to repairing epithelial cell damage and removing excess exfoliation. , removing residual toxins and so on.

In short, since you have asked for repairs, you cannot return empty-handed.

This is somewhat similar to the hospital in the world outside the tower.

Zhu Xingguo is slightly more complicated than her.

3 points of world power were consumed.

Putting aside all surface repair and other projects, the main thing is to remove a symptom called demon power residue.

After the repair, Zhu Xingguo felt much more relaxed.

The shoulder that had been aching a little but with no wounds finally returned to normal.

Only Wang Wen.

When the price list came out, he was shocked.

More than a thousand points of world power!

Worth 100 million!

Wang Wen was shocked.

Strengthening hasn't even started yet. How about spending 100 million to repair the body? ?

He held his wallet and asked suspiciously: What are you doing? Robbery?

The aircraft seemed pleased with itself.

Display statistical information in a ticking manner.

You don’t know if you don’t see it.

At first sight, Wang Wen was stunned.

Let’s not talk about anything else.

There is a long list of curses alone.

Curse of the Resentment Doll

Shen Rushuang's Curse

The Curse of the Cement Statue

Liang Xiaobin's Curse

The Curse of Qu Guiye

Curse of those involved buried in concrete

The Curse of the Cruise Ship Attendant

The Curse of the Cruise Ship Mate

The curse of the cruise ship lady

Curse of the Basilisk

Curse of the Rabbit Demon

Curse of the Chicken Demon

Flower Demon's Curse

The curse of the emperor's beloved concubine

The jaws of Zhu and Ren, who were watching nearby, exploded.

Zhu Xingguo gave Wang Min a thumbs up with great admiration: Master, you are so strong! So many people are thinking of you!

Wang Wen pushed him away angrily.

Pointing to Qu Guiye's name unwillingly, he asked the aircraft: Don't charge extravagantly! I don't even know who this person is! Where did the curse come from?

Mechanical sound:

[After verification, Qu Guiye was Liang Xiaobin’s wife. She died suddenly after learning that her husband and son were dead]

Wang Min raised his eyebrows.

He rubbed his nose calmly, changed his target and said, Is the cruise attendant the one who was thrown into the sea? I recognize that person, but I didn't kill the first mate and the lady at all! How could there be a curse?

[It has been verified that ordinary resentment is not enough to produce a curse, only extraordinary hatred can condense into a curse]

What about the snake demon? I didn't kill that guy by myself, right? Cassia Mingzi should have been the first to seriously injure it!

[There are too many curses in the tower climber's body to form a curse body, which automatically attracts curses with scattered targets or unknown directions. 】

Wang Wen: ...

Zhu and Ren were amazed when they heard it.

I just feel worthy of being the captain (master).

There is a unique aura everywhere you go.

Attracting hatred is so strong.

Everyone has been waiting in the level waiting area on the 600th floor for a long time.

It is extremely rare that an aircraft in mid-air does not emit smoke in a hurry.

Instead, he swayed back and forth looking very happy and proud.

Wang Wei looked at the aircraft and gritted his teeth: If you want to steal my money, I will die with you!

He waved his hand and cast a supernatural skill on himself.

[Purification]: Can remove all negative effects of the target, including but not limited to: poisoning, slowness, curse, etc., cooling down for 24 hours.

After a bright starlight.

Wang Min felt that her body suddenly became lighter several times.

It was as if a thousand pounds of weight had been lifted away.

I originally thought it was caused by too much stress and exhaustion from continuous tower rushes.

I didn’t expect it to be a curse.

Even after killing so many living beings in the previous life, there weren’t so many curses, right?

Could it be that telling the truth too much in this life has made people very popular?

Wang Min thought about it in her heart and decided to restrain herself in the future and try not to tell the truth as much as possible.

So as not to make anyone angry and curse again.

Used extraordinary skills.

Look for aircraft again to see repair prices.

Sure enough, it dropped a lot.

There are just over a hundred points left.

Two of them are the so-called remains of Shen Rushuang's resentment and the residue of resentment of the cement statue.

These two items are very strong.

Even [Purification], which is said to remove all negative effects, cannot be completely removed.

One can imagine how resentful Shen Rushuang and the cement statue are towards Wang Wen.

Wang Min had nothing to do this time.

I honestly paid the money to repair it.

126 points of world power were consumed, and the body fully recovered.

Wang Min squeezed her hands and shook her arms.

Feeling very satisfied.

But I always felt that I had overlooked something.

His mind was racing.

Thinking hard.

His eyes swept over Zhu and Ren in turn.

His eyes gradually narrowed.

Thank you [Cat with Nothing to Do] for the reward! ——Thank you [Cut Flower Shadow] for your generous rewards! ! !

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