Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 231 Getting what you want

The Imperial Master, who had been silent all this time, suddenly flicked his sleeves and robe, crossed his hands and began to quickly unbutton the white robe.

The white robe outside fell to the ground in the blink of an eye, leaving only a gauze as thin as cicada wings inside.

The looming and graceful body really attracts attention.

Zhu Xingguo next to him was startled.

He scolded loudly: What are you doing! You monster, don't even think about seducing my master! If you don't do this, I'll tell you!

Ren Ruanruan pulled him, with a complicated look in his eyes: How do you know?

Zhu Xingguo was stunned.

Sister. The beloved concubine on the stone bench called softly, feeling slightly embarrassed, but did not stop her.

There was also curiosity in her eyes.

He knew that he had offended the True Immortal severely before, if the other party could really accept this move.

It might as well be a good opportunity to repair the relationship.

Anyway, there is no such thing as a demon's emotional chastity.

In the animal kingdom, mating has always favored the stronger one.

The other party can even create fairy stones, and his strength is so terrifying that he should accept the female's request for sexual intercourse.

It's just that she herself has been the beloved concubine of the human emperor for a long time.

Some are used to being human.

I'm not used to being dedicated to sleeping in front of so many people.

Ai Fei patted her cheek hard.

Try to cheer yourself up and return to the state of mind before your transformation.

So far.

The sudden action of the national master shocked everyone in the audience.

Only Wang Wen remained motionless, calmly squinting at her.

See this scene.

Master and apprentice Cassia Mingzi nodded silently, shouting loudly in their hearts: They are worthy of being an immortal family! Worthy of being a fairy!

The Imperial Master also noticed Wang Wen's calmness.

He pursed his lips and smiled slightly and said: The Immortal has great magical powers and magical powers. My little girl admires you.

As she spoke, she stooped down and bowed to Wang Min.

The body shrouded in gauze slowly shrank.

Not long after, he turned into a snow-white fox, lying on the ground and mouthing human words: I just want to be able to follow the Immortal and serve as a spiritual beast in front of the throne. I hope the Immortal will be so generous!


This time.

The whole audience was really shocked.

He watched helplessly as the Imperial Master, who had always been cold and aloof, turned into a furry animal.

Even the masters and disciples of Cassia Mingzi, who were prepared in advance, couldn't help but widen their eyes, and had the urge to call in the ignorant people outside to watch.

Let them take a closer look and see clearly.

Who is the monster?

Look what kind of fox tail the national master they kneel down to worship every day has!

elder sister!

Ai Fei stood up.

His face was miserable.

Unlike others, her shock was much greater than when she thought she was asking for intercourse!

She knew very well that it really didn't matter to monsters like them.

But it’s different when he shows up in his true form!

This is really planning to give yourself away!

Once the true body is revealed, as long as the other party is willing, taking a drop of blood essence from the true body can control the demon and become his pet.

Once the demon recognizes its master, it cannot betray him in this life.

Otherwise, not only will your cultivation level plummet, but your mind and life will also be damaged!

This kind of devotion is not what the beloved concubine wants.

Too risky.

Too terrible.

She anxiously persuaded the Imperial Preceptor: Sister, think twice! Let's take a long-term approach to everything!

I've made up my mind, no need to persuade anymore. The little fox lay on the ground with a firm voice.

My beloved concubine wants to say something else.

Wang Wen spoke.

He said calmly: You two don't need to argue. I have never thought about accepting any spiritual pets, so there is no need to bother me with this.

The little fox on the ground trembled.

The beloved concubine in the distance breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time, she felt a little disappointed for no reason.

Wang Min took out the original fairy stone that he had captured at the beginning, threw it to the Imperial Master on the ground and said, This is your piece.

He also threw the spiritual power fairy stone that had turned into a genuine product to her: This is what I said I would give to you.

Then he made another fairy stone.

A whirlwind blew on one side.

At the same time, he said to the little fox: I will make the third piece for you. If you want more, wait until I come back next time.

The whirlwind ends.

Everyone heard that.

Cassia Mingzi was the first to say in shock: Master, where are you going?

The fourth, fifth, and sixth pieces began to appear in Wang Min's hand. . The eleventh fairy stone.

He spent all his magic power in one breath and brightened all the fairy stones.

The air in the cave was being pumped out one after another without being replenished, and it began to become thinner. Even normal breathing seemed a bit laborious.

Wang Wen put all the next eight immortal stones into the hands of Cassia Mingzi and said to him: I promised to treat you to dinner, but it seems that I have no chance now. Let's wait until next time. I'll give you these immortal stones. You should also need them for your cultivation, right?

Cassia Zi folded her hands and held a pile of fairy stones that looked like rotten cabbage, and nodded blankly.

Zhu Xingguo asked Wang Wen anxiously: Master, don't you keep even one piece? One million pieces!

Wang Min shook his head: This amount is not of much use now. It is already worthwhile to find a method.

The Imperial Master behind him silently transformed back into his human form.

It seemed that he didn't expect to be rejected so simply, and his face was slightly bitter.

She was too lazy to put her robe back on, and asked Wang Wen with the gauze hanging like that: When will the Immortal come back?

I can't say for sure. Wang Min looked back at her: Maybe next week, maybe next life, who knows.

The Imperial Master's expression became even more desolate.

Looking at the three immortal stones in his hand, he kept sighing, seeming to regret that he had lost his immortal destiny.

Wang Wen thought for a while.

He smiled and comforted her: Don't be sad. I have bad news for you. We are here with a mission. We have to kill another monster before we leave. There are only you and your sister here. You two can choose one and see who will give it to you. Kill me?

The master and apprentice of Cassia Mingzi were overjoyed.

The two master sisters were shocked.

Zhu and Ren looked at each other, feeling that the captain was really awesome. He could still remember the progress of the level in this situation.

If a normal tower climber saw such two lovely beauties, they would probably rather leave the tower than do this level, right?

The imperial master's already extremely desolate expression became even more pitiful.

Tears welled up in the corners of his eyes.

However, Ai Fei rolled her eyes and looked at the immortal stones in the hands of the Imperial Master, as well as a lot of immortal stones in the hands of the master and the apprentice not far away.

The situation in my heart is changing.

He walked lightly to the Imperial Master.

Holding her arms, he cried sadly: Sister, with so many fairy stones, the revival of our clan is in sight, I...

The Imperial Master turned to look at her: Do you want the Immortal Stone?

Beloved Concubine burst into tears: I want to live...Sister, if it were before today, I would definitely die for my sister, but now we have so many immortal stones and our cultivation is advancing rapidly. Sister, I... am still young...

The Imperial Master looked at her deeply.

The tears in the corners of his eyes finally condensed into tears.

But he didn't cry miserably like the other party.

He just gently wiped away the tears running down his cheeks with the back of his hand.

Immortals have great magic power.

There is no escape from this hole.

Both men must die.

The Imperial Master gently wiped away his tears and resignedly placed the fairy stone in his hand gently into his sister's hand.

My sister is right.

She is still young.

should be alive.

The Imperial Master seemed to have given up everything and actually turned around and hugged Wang Wen directly.

She buried her face in his chest and rubbed it hard.

Then he knelt on the ground.

He sighed softly: Thank you to the immortal for your success. I am not allowed to follow you and serve you. Even if I die at your hands, I will get my wish.

The beloved concubine in the rear cried loudly.

He knelt on the ground and pulled at the corner of the Imperial Master's clothes, saying with all his might, Sister! Sister!!!

Wang Min said to her beloved concubine calmly: Since you are so reluctant to let go, just die on her behalf.


A thunderous sound sounded in the ears, brain and heart of Beloved Concubine at the same time, and then no sound was heard again.

[The level progress reached 103%, and the 500th level was cleared]

Thank you [Pi Dad] for the reward!

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