Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 229 Making Immortal Stone

Wang Wen smiled as soon as he saw the imperial master appearing.

The Imperial Master is also a character, as if nothing had happened before.

He bowed his hands to Wang Wen solemnly: Master, if there is anything I can do to help with the creation of the Immortal Stone, just give me your instructions!

On the other hand, Zhu Xingguo next to him asked in confusion: Master, what are you laughing at?

Wang Min picked up her beloved concubine and shook it, and said with a smile: Look, my elder sister calls me Master, and my younger sister calls me Demon Dao. Do you think these two are funny?

My beloved concubine was so angry that her neck turned red, and she shouted to the imperial master: Sister, why did you come out and fall for this evil way?

The Imperial Master stopped her: Don't be rude! This fairy stone is of great benefit to your cultivation. Even if there is only one possibility in ten thousand, I have to give it a try.

This sentence made Bei Fei feel indignant, but she could only shut her mouth obediently.

With some apology, the white-robed Imperial Master bowed his head slightly to Wang Min, raised his eyebrows and said: I have offended many people before, but I still hope that Master Haihan, I have personally experienced Master's skills, and I believe that making immortal stones is not just empty talk, let alone you. It seems to be almost successful.”

Wang Wen thought for a while.

He smiled and said, You said you wanted to take me to see the treasures of heaven, materials and earth, do you still want to see them?

Of course! The Imperial Master beamed with joy and quickly extended his hand to say, Master, please come with me.

The onlookers usually saw the Imperial Master who was as serious as an iceberg in the cold land, but how could they have seen this little woman's face before.

One or two of them were so shocked that their nostrils were dilating.

One of them, who seemed to have never had a good deal with the Imperial Master, suddenly interrupted: Master, wait a minute, we were just discussing who the monster is. If you call this master, then does that mean the monster in his mouth becomes a monster? real?

The Imperial Master narrowed his eyes and looked at the man.

From the corner of his eye, he noticed that the emperor was also looking at him.

Rolled his eyes.

He waved his hand casually and said: There are no monsters in the world. My Taoist friends and I are just talking about different Taoisms. If there is a monster, what kind of monster are you?

The words fell.

All eyes turned to that man.

I saw that the man turned into a monster with a pig's head and human body in a blink of an eye. With a boom, a big circle was empty around him, but he still stayed in the same place and didn't know why.

The problem was easily solved with a small trick.

The white-robed Imperial Master waved his hand to restore him to his original state.

He led Wang Wen and others away in the air.

The emperor watched as his beloved concubine was also carried away.

He opened his mouth to speak.

Suddenly he stopped frowning again.

I feel a little sad about what happened today.

I just wonder what the emperors in the world are like.

Compared with these high-ranking people, it is still useless.

Wang Min followed the white-robed Imperial Master all the way to an inconspicuous small mansion in the north of the city.

Falling from the air into the back garden, the Imperial Master opened a study door and invited everyone in.

A large group of people crowded into the study.

She waved her hand and moved the tables, chairs and bookcases away, then reached out and touched the ground in the corner.

The ground in that corner melted like water.

A ramp leading underground is revealed.

He turned back and nodded slightly to Wang Min, and took the lead to go down the inclined ladder.

The nearly straight inclined staircase went for quite a while.

The field of vision becomes wider.

This is like a natural underground cave, but it has become regular after artificial repairs.

The air inside is fresh and not stuffy, and a few wall lamps illuminate the environment brightly.

The Imperial Master walked to a row of wooden cabinets standing against the wall and opened the closed cabinet doors one by one.

There are also various utensils inside.

Wang Wen approached.

Listening to the other party's introduction: Bear bile, deer antlers, snow clams, royal jelly, there are countless treasures in the mountains, but here are the top delicacies that are only one in a million, and here are ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum, snow lotus, and Polygonum multiflorum. , older than me.

Wang Wen heard this.

He raised his eyebrows and asked, How old are you?

The Imperial Master was slightly startled.

He pursed his lips and smiled: How old do you think I am?

Wang Min looked her up and down, shook his head and said, I don't think you are big.

That's not big. The Imperial Master smiled playfully like a little woman.

Wearing a white robe and looking serious, he suddenly became playful and looked quite touching.

The concubine who had been being carried next to her couldn't help but frowned when she saw her sister's appearance and glared at Wang Min bitterly.

Wang Min ignored her, just looked at the top of the imperial master's head and licked the corners of his mouth.

Seeing this, the Imperial Master smiled even more happily: Master, when will we start making immortal stones?

Now. Wang Min hooked her fingers, and the stones automatically formed tables and chairs.

This move seems to others to be more difficult than flying.

The concubine was shocked to the point where she was speechless, and her eyes became a little reserved when she looked at Wang Wen again.

Master and disciple Cassia Zi disdained to sit with the monsters and walked around pretending to observe the surrounding environment.

Wang Wen is not entangled either.

He sat down at the stone table and took out two immortal stones. Holding the real immortal stone in his hand, he handed the mental power immortal stone to the master and said, Can you make this stone the same as the immortal stone?

The Imperial Master looked at the stones with the same appearance, his eyes flickering.

I practice with the help of fairy stones every day, and I know the fairy stones very well. This is a very rare material that can independently absorb the power from the outside world for its own use, and transform it into an extremely pure and solid magic power internally. I can't help it. Make it so pure and solid, but try to spread it a little bit. As she spoke, she held the Spiritual Power Immortal Stone in both hands and was in a daze for a while.

After a while.

She returned the slightly warm fairy stone to Wang Wei.

Wang Wen couldn't see the difference.

Pass it directly to Zhu Xingguo.

Zhu Xingguo asked the price using his skills.

With a strange look on his face, he handed the fairy stone to Wang Wen and said softly: It's dozens more!

Wang Min took back the Spiritual Power Immortal Stone, her eyes gleaming.

The Imperial Master looked at the stone, shook his head and said, If that's the case, it's too different.

Wang Wen raised his head and asked her: How did you pass it in?

The Imperial Master was stunned: Just, let's pass it on like that.

The master and apprentice of Cassia Mingzi couldn't stand it anymore, so they came over and explained to Wang Wei: Master, anyone can teach you skills, but the most important thing about this fairy stone is not to store mana, but to absorb, transform and refine it independently. This is the preciousness of the fairy stone. place.

The words fell.

Wang Wen didn't react much yet.

The Imperial Master first narrowed his eyes: Why do you two know so much about my immortal stone?

I've obviously been spying on you for a long time! My beloved concubine shouted.

Wang Wen frowned displeased.

Zhu Xingguo slapped the table with a wink and shouted: Why are you making such a fuss! My master is thinking! If you keep talking nonsense, I will kill you all!

Due to Wang Wen's power, everyone kept silent in the face of Zhu Xingguo's rebuke.

Even the beloved concubine curled her lips and stopped talking.

Autonomous absorption and transformation and refining? Wang Min frowned and asked the master: How did you absorb the magic power in the fairy stone when you practiced?

The Imperial Master was stunned: Just, suck it like that.

Holy shit! Zhu Xingguo slapped his forehead and complained to Ren Ruanruan: I don't know what's the use of this thing?

about this issue.

The two masters and apprentices of Cassia Mingzi also had little say.

After all, they don't rely on immortal stones to practice.

The old man tentatively mentioned: Cultivation of magic formulas is also the basic homework of all major sects. Everyone's cultivation is pretty much the same, and the speed is just a matter of talent.

You said there are magic formulas when practicing? Wang Min turned to look at the old man: What kind of magic skills?

. . .

PS: Everyone, please be patient. It’s not that I don’t want to write quickly. My grades are very good now and I have high subscriptions for each chapter. The more words I have, the more I earn. How could a vulgar person like me think that money is too much? Unfortunately, every scene with hundreds of layers in the outline is very big, because there are many settings and foreshadowings that need to be explained bit by bit in the unfolding plot. I don’t want to use long vernacular boring words, so I spent a lot of thought. In fact, , now this rhythm is a streamlined version after several times of refinement, throwing away a lot of water to focus on describing the important and wonderful links. This will consume a lot of my time and energy, and also consume a lot of outline progress. To be honest, if I follow the instructions before it is put on the shelf, It would take at least more than 800,000 words to write the rhythm of this article, but I chose a road that is obviously more difficult to walk but the scenery may be slightly better. I only hope that the words engraved with ink seals will not live up to everyone's love. Thank you!

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