Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 198 No need to execute me, I’ll do everything

Chapter 197 No need to execute me, I will kill you all

After the cement sculpture was violently eliminated.

The teaching building also stopped collapsing.

The morning light began to light up in the sky.

Wang Wen and the four of them walked out of the door while chatting.

What happened to Old Chen? You left the tower first without saying a word? Wang Min seemed to have just discovered that there was one missing person in the team.

Zhou Shengsheng was still immersed in the strength Wang Min had shown before and couldn't extricate himself.

All he could think about was that if he felt right, an attack of that intensity could only be accomplished by Lu Ci's top team of the group.

It won't be so easy.

If the top teams on the 600th floor can't do it, why can Wang Wei do it?

Is this person taller than the top tower climbers? ?

Zhou Shengsheng secretly made up his mind that he must seriously propose to the group to re-examine Wang Min during his return trip.

Put away all temptation and hostility.

Even if you cannot be friendly, you must at least remain neutral and wait and see.

He firmly believed that the harmless, polite and humble guy in front of him was likely to be a man of influence in the world in the future!

Zhou Shengsheng's mental activities were frequent.

Don't bother to talk.

In response to Wang Min's question, Ren Ruanruan couldn't help but laugh and said: Mr. Chen...

The conversation has just begun.

Four or five cars came outside the teaching building, and their bright headlights hit the faces of Wang Wen and others.

When the car stopped, more than a dozen people came out after opening the door. They pointed at Wang Wen and others angrily and asked: Where did the little bastard come from? Are all his eyes blind? Can't you see such a big area that is forbidden to enter?

Wang Min ignored it and led the people around to leave.

The person who spoke suddenly had a nose that was not a nose or an eye: Hey, you are not only blind but also deaf and mute. I'm telling you...

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the leader: Don't cause trouble for me here. If you want to leave, let them go.

As if he thought of something, the face of the person who spoke changed slightly, and he looked a little frightened. He curled his lips and muttered a few words that no one could hear clearly, and said no more.

It stopped over there.

There was a voice from Wang Min's side.

Ren Ruanruan quietly pulled Wang Wen's sleeve and said: It's all progress, each one has several points, and the leader has ten points!

Wang Wen paused.

Think about it.

He turned back to the group of people and said, Who are you? Do you know that there are five corpses buried in this teaching building?

The words fell.

The faces of the dozen or so people who came all changed drastically.

The leader's face immediately darkened.

He waved and said, Take care of it, then turned around and walked back to the car.

The car restarts.

Just as he turned around, he heard gunshots coming from behind.

It soon returned to calm.

The leader nodded gloomily and said to the driver: Go back to the company.

After giving the instructions, he took out his mobile phone and looked down at something.

The car hasn't accelerated yet.

The car doors haven't locked automatically yet.

At this moment, it was opened from the outside, and someone sat down and sat down.

The leader looked at his phone and said angrily without raising his head: Call everyone to the company for a meeting right away. This bunch of losers can't get anything done, and I have to come and wipe their butts!

The visitor asked in a strange tone: What's the meeting?

What else could it be? Where's your brain? The leader rebuked angrily, and soon felt that something was wrong.

The car seemed to be motionless.

The voices of his men were also unfamiliar.

He looked up in confusion.

All I saw was a stranger sitting next to me.

Not right either.

Not a stranger.

I just took a photo.

It was one of the goals that he ordered his subordinates to deal with cleanly.

Speaking of which, I have to thank this goal.

If this person hadn't taken the initiative to tell him about the corpse, he would have almost let these insiders go.

Thinking of this, the leader smiled sarcastically.

Then he became angry again.

How come people are still alive?

He turned around and wanted to scold his men.

In his opinion, it must be that the trash men under him were not doing their job well and deliberately left someone alive and pushed it into the car for him to dispose of.

What else can be done with this?

What else can be done with this XXX? ?

Can't we just kill them all?

Is it possible that I have to dig the soil to bury people myself?

The leader stuck his head out of the car window and shouted: Get this guy over here and do it...

He didn't say the rest.

Among the broken limbs and arms scattered on the ground, there were several heads facing this way that looked familiar.

The leader turned around silently.

He saw that the driver in front of him was being held to his head by a family member's gun sticking out from the passenger seat.

Look at the past from your own perspective.

The man in the passenger seat who exuded a bullish temperament was holding a gun with an excited expression on his face, as if he was expecting the driver to resist and do something.

The leader knows that his driver is well trained.

Ordinary three or five people can't get close.

But why was someone holding a gun at him?

The leader glanced at the target sitting next to him from the corner of his eye.


With a dry throat, he said: Brother, no matter what you want, it's easy to discuss. I'm a very timid person. I don't have to ask questions and answer questions. I promise to know everything and tell you everything! And I will never retaliate afterwards, because I I am even more afraid of being retaliated by you. As long as you spare my life, I will disappear immediately this time and will never appear in front of you again!

Wang Min expressed satisfaction with his attitude and looked at the progress displayed on the aircraft outside the car window, which was not even 40%.

So he turned to him and said, Who else knows about the corpse? Call them all over for a meeting.

The leader was stunned: Did you call me here?

See the other person nod.

He was a little embarrassed: This is the place where the incident happened, and they are very repulsive. I'm afraid it won't be easy.

That's your problem. Wang Min smiled and said: If you don't shout all the time, I don't know about others, you will definitely feel uncomfortable.

No, no, no, don't do anything, I'm just an errand boy. The leader huddled toward the car door and made calls one by one:

Something happened! Come to the teaching building quickly!

...It's not a good thing you did!

...I'm going to do nothing! If you don't come here at dawn, the whole thing will be exposed, do you understand?

...Yes, I will notify everyone else one by one, and you can decide whether to come or not. In short, those who come today will be fine, and those who don't come will be responsible for the consequences!

A round of phone calls is over.

The leader had sweat on his forehead.

Wei Wei said to Wang Min in a flattering manner: We have already informed you that people from far and near should be coming one after another. Don't worry.

Wang Min nodded and took his mobile phone to play with.

I found out that this is an ancient mobile phone recorded in history books, and it seems to be called Pineapple Six.

The leader watched as the target casually browsed through his mobile phone and even opened the photo album. After discovering that there were many strange short videos in it, he watched them with gusto and felt angry but dared not speak.

Especially when Wang Wei raised his head and looked over, he even raised his hand with a smile and said: Look at them, look at them, they are some little naughties in the company. If you like them, I will bring them to you.

Don't be nervous. Wang Wei comforted her: You just said you would never appear in front of me? Are you turning back now?

The leader was shocked and denied continuously: No, no, no, I, I, I...

Wang Min smiled.

Satisfied with his attitude.

Lower your head and continue to enjoy the wonderful content of this Pineapple 6 mobile phone.

Not long after.

A motorcade was approaching in the distance.

After a rough scan, there were as many as ten vehicles!

More importantly.

Everyone who got off the car was fully armed!

Wearing full bulletproof suits and special bulletproof helmets, even their legs and feet were tied with porcelain pieces. Everyone held a person-high riot shield in their hands, and the shooting holes exposed the black holes of machine rifles.

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