Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 192 Entering the Tower Again

Chapter 190 Entering the Tower Again

Wang Wen was slightly excited to return to the World Tower again.

Zhu Xingguo next to him asked hesitantly: Master, what's wrong with you?

Wang Min was confused and asked: What?

Zhu Xingguo asked doubtfully: Are you nervous?

Wang Min smiled calmly: What's so stressful about climbing the tower? It's not the first time.

Zhu Xingguo said honestly: If you're not nervous, can you please stop squeezing my hand? The blood hasn't gone away for a long time and it's almost to the point of amputation.

Wang Wen returned her hand and wiped the corners of her eyes, then turned to Zhou Shengsheng, who had been silent, expressionlessly, and asked, What level are you at?

Don't worry, I won't hold you back. Zhou Shengsheng said cheerfully.

Wang Wen nodded.

Said to the aircraft: Let's get started.

The aircraft chats with him privately: [Whether to use special permissions]

Wang Min glanced at Zhou Shengsheng next to him and said silently to the aircraft: No.

The aircraft made a mechanical sound.

[World Tower Level 1, Start]

There was a flash of white light on everyone.

This week’s tower rush session began.

Wang Min's three methods of deception are full of firepower, and the skill level is directly broken by brute force.

All dangerous mechanisms are solved with the power of mimetic mental power, and when encountering illusions, they are directly smashed with one punch.

In less than half an hour, the first ten floors were reached.

Because the whole team is full.

No waiting is required for any integer layer.

Open the level directly.

Wang Wei didn't drag the process slowly to look for opportunities or props. When he found the progress, he used his mimetic mental power to violently punch from beginning to end.

There is an integer level, and the speed of passing the level is faster than the scattered number level.

At this speed.

Before half of the first day, everyone had reached the 100th floor.

Zhou Shengsheng's heart skipped several beats as he looked at Wang Min and others with expressions unchanged.

He actually has more than three hundred levels of strength.

At first, in order to keep a low profile, he modestly said that he would not hold back.

As a result, I spent half a day in the tower.

I found that I really just didn’t hold back!

It doesn’t help at all during the tower rush process!

It doesn't look like these people are here to climb the tower.

Like coming to demolish the tower. .

Looking back at the scene along the way, it was simply too horrible to watch.

Zhou Shengsheng felt pain for the World Tower for the first time.

Climb a hundred floors in half a day.

I'm afraid even the top team of the First Financial Group may not be able to achieve this kind of speed, right?

Even if it could be done, it wouldn't be as easy as this.

‘The terrible Wang Wen! ’ He was amazed in his heart, thinking about whether he should talk to his father after he got out of the tower.

Such strange people cannot be treated as friends, at least they cannot be treated as enemies!

Zhou Shengsheng silently watched Wang Min and the other three people sweating profusely eating hot pot in a forest surrounded by poisonous snakes, with thoughts in his mind.

Wang Min turned around and greeted him: Prince, the conditions are limited, how about eating some together? Otherwise, you will starve to death and blame me when you turn around.

Zhou Shengsheng stopped thinking.

He walked over with a smile: Don't worry, I may die from poison, illness or serious injuries, but I will never starve to death.

That won't work. Wang Min bit the root of the chicken wing and breathed air from the heat: Before leaving the tower, hiss... no matter what kind of death, it won't work!

Zhou Shengsheng took the cups and chopsticks handed over by Ren Ruanruan and thanked him politely. He turned to Wang Min and smiled: Then I'll have to work hard for Team Wang.

Compared to this. Wang Wei looked at Zhou Shengsheng curiously: Why would Lao Mo rather ask for help than take you personally? With his strength, it shouldn't be too difficult to take you to the 400th floor, right?

Zhou Shengsheng shook his head and sighed: Maybe my dad has hurt his self-esteem. Since the Tsing Yi man incident, the atmosphere in the group has changed. Tower climbers are no longer regarded as treasures, and even the top teams are treated by me. Dad has become a bodyguard, and Mo Ran is stubborn and unwilling to bow his head. Not to mention leading the tower, even following Grandpa Gu and leaving the group this time is all expected.

Wang Min nodded in agreement: His temper is indeed stubborn.

While talking.

The ambient temperature is getting higher and higher.

Wang Wen looked up at the sky.

Quickly pack up your things with everyone, climb through the portal in a hidden corner, and enter the next level.

【Level 110】.

The square formation that had not been seen for some time appeared in front of us.

Wang Min took a deep breath.

He looked at Zhou Shengsheng next to him.

There was some hesitation in my heart.

He needs money.

This is the truth.

But this time I entered the tower and was followed by a guy who didn't know whether he was an enemy or a friend.

The four-square formation is equivalent to an exclusive secret recipe.

What if it was exposed to Zhou Shengsheng and the First Financial Group found out.

That would be painful.

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Not a good sign.

Wang Min took a deep breath again and said to Zhou Shengsheng: Where is the Square Formation? Can those who are encouraged to leave leave?

Zhou Shengsheng looked at him in bewilderment: What does the square array mean to persuade people to retreat? You don't know how to fight, do you?

Zhu Xingguo, Ren Ruanruan and others also looked at Wang Min in confusion.

In their view, this is a perfect opportunity to make money.

However, Chen Hansheng came out to smooth things over and said: It's very normal. The situation of the little bat is uncertain. If there is any chain self-destruction or something, it can be called a retreat.

Zhou Shengsheng shook his head: Then you are responsible for attracting the little bats, and I will kill the big cockroaches. Do you want to persuade me to leave and see if I die of exhaustion? Don't miss this rare opportunity to pick up money.

Zhu and Ren were silent.

He glanced at Wang Wen strangely, who also silently agreed with Zhou Shengsheng's proposal.

Others don't know.

They knew it very well.

With the captain's ability, it doesn't matter what happens to Little Bat.

Against the orthodox tradition, I was so poisoned that I couldn’t even break out of the waves.

Is this level really not difficult?

Why did the captain say he was trying to persuade people to quit?

Ren Ruanruan lowered his head and thought.

Zhu Xingguo and Wang Wen ran to the diagonal portal to prepare to attract the little bat.

The five people officially started fighting.

It didn't take long for a large number of the little bats to die.

Zhou Shengsheng looked at the four people around him with a dark look on his face: What's going on with you?

Except Wang Wen.

The other three people looked at the sky inexplicably: I don't know, it's strange that there are invisible things flying everywhere. The little bats will die as soon as they come out, and we can't even touch them!

Zhou Shengsheng was sweating profusely: Isn't it true that we are trying to persuade people to quit? I have never heard of such a situation in my whole life!

Wang Min comforted him: It doesn't matter, you are still young. If it doesn't work this time, it will be the same if I take you next week.

Zhou Shengsheng gritted his teeth.

An inexplicable light burst out from his eyes.

He said to everyone in a deep voice: We have climbed more than a hundred floors. It would be a pity to quit now. We can't let everyone's hard work go to waste!

The words fell.

Zhou Shengsheng summoned the aircraft.

He took out a golden scepter that was nearly two meters long.

He threw another pill into his mouth with unknown effects.

Then he waved his scepter and shouted loudly: Come on, let's see who separates the monsters faster or kills me faster.

The scepter fell from the sky.

He paused heavily on the ground.

The next second.

Countless amounts of fine soil and sand rose up from the ground and turned into rows of spiked knives, cutting all the big cockroaches into pieces in the blink of an eye.

Cockroaches split.

The spiked knives dispersed and reunited.

The monster's legs and feet, which were still in the void, turned into pieces before they could hit the ground.

The more points the BOSS gets, the more points he gets.

There are also more and more spiked knives.

Ten minutes passed.

The monsters huddled together occupying almost one-tenth of the quadrangle's ground.

Zhou Shengsheng's face looked a little pale.

He gritted his teeth and threw another pill into his mouth.

The spiked knives made of sand and soil once again cut the bodies of all the big cockroaches sharply.

See this scene.

Wang Wen sighed.

Increase your mental power output and desperately chase down the little bats flying around the field.

Why don't you hurry up when there are such powerful free thugs?

He looked at Zhou Shengsheng who was pale but clenching his teeth and trying hard to persevere, and distressed tears flowed down from the corners of his mouth.

Chapter 191 Variant Secret Room

Wait until the number of giant cockroaches rises to 20,000.

The ground of the square formation was almost full, so Wang Min finally stopped.

He won't stop.

There is no need to bring the tower next week.

Zhou Shengsheng, who put in all his efforts to kill monsters in the field, would die of exhaustion here.

There are too many.

Even if everyone comes in together to help kill.

Still can't keep up with the speed of division.

Wang Min did not act as an organ.

He secretly poisoned the little bat with mental toxin.

It also looked like it was dead.

In fact, it will not increase the number of divisions for the big cockroach.

This time.

The number of monsters finally gradually decreased.

Half an hour later.

Standing at the entrance to the lower level, Zhou Shengsheng felt as if he could fly up on the spot.

I don’t even know if the soul is still in the body.

And Wang Min looked at more than 2 billion points.

My mouth watered non-stop, feeling distressed and guilty.

He said to Zhou Shengsheng, who was out of body, You contributed the most. According to our team's rules, 60% of the reward points will go to you, and each of the four of us will get 10%. Do you have any objection?

Zhou Shengsheng's eyes were blank: You are the captain, you can divide it however you want. I can divide it evenly.

Then it's decided. Wang Min happily distributed the rewards. Seeing that she had no flaws but easily earned 200 million, she was so happy that she couldn't even open her eyes.

Zhu Xingguo and Ren Ruanruan were stunned by the same amount.

Chichi was speechless.

The harvest this time was even more terrifying than the last time.

The captain actually distributed the money directly according to the official share ratio.

Two hundred million!

Can you become a rich man after leaving the tower this time? ?

Zhu and Ren looked at each other, and for some reason they always felt a little guilty holding the money.

Wang Wen saw the timidity of the two.

He patted their shoulders and comforted them: Relax, there will be many bigger scenes than this in the future! Are you scared of such a small amount of money? If you really can't, can I keep it for you?

The honest Zhu Xingguo just wanted to nod.

Ren Ruanruan was pulled away from him and looked at Wang Min as warily as he looked at a bandit.

Wang Wen sneered disdainfully.

Continue to attack the tower.

After another half day, the 200th floor was also broken through.

The first day is almost over.

The use of the three deception techniques is becoming more and more proficient, and their power is becoming more and more terrifying.

By the next day, I was about to touch the 300th floor.

Wang Min couldn't help but sigh, even the peak in his previous life could not reach this speed.

It seems that the hope of breaking through the thousand layers in this life has greatly increased!

Hope that day is not too far away.

[All tower climbers who arrive at the 300th floor of the World Tower for the first time will have their physical injuries and injuries healed, their overall physical fitness will be enhanced by 1 unit, and the remaining personnel’s chosen specialties will be enhanced by 0.1]

Wang Min took a special look at Zhou Shengsheng and found that he did not look as ecstatic as when he first arrived on the 300th floor.

I was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, this guy actually has a strength of more than 300 levels!

He is worthy of being the crown prince of the First Financial Group.

The background is quite profound.

His mind recalled the previous scene of the square array filled with spiked sand knives.

He nodded secretly.

That being the case.

You can feel more at ease on the road ahead.

With at least 300 personnel, we should be able to reach the 400th floor safely. . Bar?

Wang Wen thought in his heart.

Choosing Mental Power Specialization strengthens 0.1 units.

With the thickness of his mental power now, even if he holds the Water Stone Giant to absorb all his mental power and then restore it, the increase in the total amount will not be too obvious.

Not to mention a small increase like three hundred floors.

0.1 unit may be the amount of increase he gets after passing the time-limited secret room once.

time flies.

The second day also ended successfully.

Wang Min specially stayed on the 300th floor to eat and drink, and waited until everyone had had enough rest before completing the last bit of progress.

[Level 300, end]

【Level 301】

This layer seems to be a little bit different.

When everyone landed, they were already standing in a pure white enclosed space.

The area is not large, about 50 to 60 square meters.

If there is no mechanism, is it not a mechanism room? Ren Ruanruan looked at the empty walls around him strangely: Is it a time-limited secret room? It doesn't look like it!

Wang Min looked around and reminded aloud: Everyone, be careful, this is a mutant secret room, a rare special level with multiple levels.

Chen Hansheng and the other three cautiously gathered around him and asked doubtfully, What should we do?

Zhou Shengsheng looked a little excited after pulling over the aircraft to inquire: There is no time limit. It is really a special level. How lucky are we? I have only heard about this kind of level in the intelligence and have never experienced it myself.

Wang Min didn't answer and began to carefully examine the floor and walls bit by bit.

There are no obvious lighting fixtures in the room.

All light sources are emitted from within the walls.

It's as if these walls are transparent lampshades.

He reached out and touched it.

The texture is very firm.

Zhu Xingguo took out his dagger and knocked on the wall, and there was a sound of gold and iron clashing.

The two frowned.

The two mecha masters and apprentices couldn't even find a clue on how to unlock this secret room.

Ren Ruanruan on the other end was still saying to Zhou Shengsheng: Prince, are you too excited? Maybe this level is to persuade people to resign, and everyone's trip this week has been in vain.

I can see this kind of special level. Zhou Shengsheng stroked the wall and smiled: It doesn't matter if you run in vain.

Ren Ruan shrugged.

He quietly came to Wang Wen and asked in a low voice: Captain, do you need me?

Wang Min shook his head: Wait a minute. I don't want to waste it in a place like this. I really can't say anything anymore.

Zhu Xingguo next to him was unwilling to smash the wall with his dagger.


A loud crashing sound made everyone's eardrums itch.

Ren Ruanruan covered her ears before she had time to speak out and make a fuss about Zhu Xingguo.

All the white light in the entire room suddenly went out.

My eyes fell into darkness.

Wang Min immediately ordered: Lighting!

Everyone took out various lighting tools collected along the way from their backpacks.

There is a flashlight.

There is a lighter.

There is also a night light.

Before everyone could take a breath.

The darkness disappeared again, and the lights came on again in the room.

Only this time it turned red.

Seeing the change in color, Wang Wen's brain was racing, and he called everyone to gather around him, especially Zhou Shengsheng, so that even if he was protected, people would have time to get out of the tower.

Then he directed Zhu Xingguo: Smash it again!

Zhu Xingguo obediently aimed at the wall again and smashed the dagger in his hand.

After the noise.

Darkness fell as always.

And soon the light returned.

Only this time, the color of the light changed to green.

What do these colors mean? Ren Ruanruan seemed to be asking Wang Wen, or talking to himself.

Wang Min frowned and thought.

Even Zhu Xingguo was frowning and thinking.

Only Zhou Shengsheng and Chen Hansheng next to them, look at me and I look at you, how embarrassing it is to have nothing to do.

Chen Hansheng even took out the business card made of [Fuel Card] out of boredom and wanted to send one to Zhou Shengsheng.

Zhou Shengsheng refused with laughter and tears: Uncle Chen, we are so familiar with each other, so it's not necessary, right?

Thanks to [Yoyouwoxin丶][Ghost_man][Reading Chang][Xingchen Xueyue] for the reward! ——Thank you [Raisi Mushroom] for your huge reward! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! The boss is so arrogant! Congratulations to the boss of [Ruisi Mushroom] for being ranked seventh on the fan list! ! !

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