Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 184 The College’s Goods

Chapter 182 College Goods

to be honest.

Watching Li He's dual progress of Tower Climbing and Intelligence take off simultaneously.

It is impossible for Wang Wen not to be anxious at all.

There is still one week left for the Forbidden Tower, and the progress of climbing the tower is slow.

Then you can only focus on the progress of props first.

At present, I have less than 2,000 kinds in my possession.

Most of them are unwanted junk robbed from Tiansheng's prop warehouse.

In particular, the people Wang Min associates with are getting higher and higher.

It’s not just once or twice that people dislike the [Daluo Good Fortune Pill] when it is used.

even so.

Without caring about the quality of the props.

Just looking at the quantity, there is still a big gap between the 10,000 props with different effects.

As for Li Hyuk, I heard that more than half of it was completed as early as last week.

The opponent's progress is so rapid.

Wang Wen felt a rare sense of pressure.

The fourth week of the Forbidden Tower.

He did not give the resource team a new goal, but kept the plan from last week and continued to collect [Life Potion].

The rules remain unchanged. For each team that finds the target item, Wang Min will only draw one item, no matter how many items are obtained.

According to experience, the number of [Life Potions] at the 200th level at a time is generally 1 to 2, and the maximum will not exceed 3.

Wang Wei's guaranteed draw means that the income of the resource team depends solely on luck and has nothing to do with others.

This is in line with the tower climbing principle.

How much income you get basically depends on luck.

All Wang Wei needs to do is to verify whether the 200-level scene described by the teams who claim to have not encountered [Life Potion] after leaving the tower really does not have the target prop.

Apart from Wang Wen, basically no one else can do this kind of work.

The world tower is ever-changing, and the levels encountered by the resource team on the 200th floor are diverse and varied.

Unless there are obvious errors or contradictions in the other party's description, it will be difficult for ordinary people to find problems in it.

Wang Wei is different. Although he is not 100% sure, he has the experience of his previous life and can analyze possible prerequisites from the described level scenes.

Just find the existence of the precondition.

It can prove that the team at least did not completely follow the steps given by Wang Wei to search.

Regardless of whether there is corruption or not, just a reputation for incompetence is enough to punish the members of this team.

This is also the reason why Wang Wei did not give a new goal this week.

He wanted to see what happened to the teams that couldn't find their target props.

New targets tend to clutter the view.

Keeping the same target is easier to distinguish.

Anyway, the more [Life Potions] the better, so I won’t be afraid to search for them for a few more weeks.

Arrange the tasks of the resource team.

Wang Wen began to deal with his own affairs.

Tiansheng's prop library only brings him more than a thousand props with different effects.

Most of them can't even get on the stage.

There are still more than 8,000 gaps that need to be found through other channels.

Putting aside those ways that could easily cause a world war, there are only two channels that Wang Wei can think of.

One is an ordinary prop market.

One is a high-end auction that specializes in selling precious props.

The prop market can replenish a large number of basic props with different effects.

Auctions can fill the gap in precious props.

The only thing is, both require money.

A lot of money.

Wang Min thought for a while and decided to go to the prop market first.

Not counting the unsold props on hand, there are still more than 500 million in current liquidity.

I still have confidence.

He left the academy and entered the World Tower portal to transit.

The prop market and auction are located in the second area where rich people gather.

There are various high-end shopping malls, restaurants and entertainment venues here.

The Ji Ji Hotel, which was bombed by the First Consortium with missiles not long ago, is here.

Humans are very adaptable.

Not seen for just a while.

The chaos once caused by missiles has subsided.

The second area has returned to its former bustling and bustling scene.

Wang Min transferred through the portal to the second area, and then took a taxi to the prop market.

Before entering the market gate, you can see the noise inside like going to the market.

Even though the large and small stalls were neatly planned, leaving wide aisles for people to walk, they still couldn't stop tower climbers from all major areas from rubbing shoulders and crowding all the aisles.

no way.

There are too many tower climbers in the world.

Props are supplies that every tower climber needs.

No one dares to do online shopping when it comes to something as life-threatening as climbing a tower.

You won’t feel at ease if you don’t see the actual product with your own eyes.

Therefore, the prop market is overcrowded almost 24 hours a day.

Especially the first few days of the week.

After the Tower Release Day, a large number of World Tower props will flood into the market. This is the best time to come and buy them.

Of course it is also the most crowded.

It's a pity that Wang Wen has no choice. The quantity he needs is too many, and they must have different effects.

You can only go to the market to shopping during this most crowded time period.

He struggled to squeeze into the crowd.

If it weren't for the 300-level enhanced physique, I wouldn't even be able to get in and look at the stalls.

The location close to the market gate is generally considered good.

Therefore, those who can sell here are often big businessmen.

After walking a few steps, Wang Wen saw at least three stalls with the bright banner of the First Consortium.

The rest are either Tiansheng or Boai.

Basically they are monopolized by large consortiums.

Go up and take a closer look at the goods.

But they are basically ordinary props within a hundred levels.

Good things are not sold in these places near the door.

Typical of occupying the latrine and not taking a shit.

Fortunately, Wang Wen is not picky either.

Anyway, you can use it to make up the points. Ordinary props in the hundred layers can also be used to make up the points.

He casually walked to a Tiansheng stall, looked at a few scattered props, and asked the real stall owner: Are all your props here? Are there any that have not been put out?

The stall owner is reading a novel on his mobile phone.

Hearing this, he replied with a grimace: Basically all of them are here. I don't know why the number of goods put out for sale in recent days is very small, especially the props on the lower tower floor. It makes us who are on commission to live. If we don’t continue, many of our colleagues who were with us will change jobs, and the group will not stop them and let them go, alas...

This man seemed to have endless bitter things to say. It was rare for him to meet a guest who took the initiative to inquire.

Wang Wen nodded repeatedly.

Listen silently to the other person's grievances.

The reason why Tiansheng’s lower tower level has fewer props is obvious.

He was too embarrassed to tell others that it was all in his pocket.

He did not expect to cause these innocent low-level employees to lose their performance.

But that’s fine too.

If Tiansheng doesn't work, then why not change the owner?

Wang Wen thought for a while, coughed and cleared his throat.

He approached the stall owner mysteriously and asked in a low voice: Tian Sheng has nothing to sell to you, will you accept the goods from other forces?

The stall owner put down his mobile phone and looked at him confusedly: Aren't you here to buy something? What kind of power?

Wang Min looked around and said softly: It's from the academy.

He didn't forget that he still had a large number of props collected by the resource team that he couldn't get rid of in time.

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