Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 175 One Arrow Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eagles

Chapter 173 One Arrow Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eagles

What's going on? Wang Wen looked over calmly.

The handsome young man took out a big shiny ring with a click, raised it flatly and said to Wang Wei, Are you the one who came to reject my proposal?

Wang Min glanced at the proud Mi Lailai not far away and firmly denied: It's definitely not me. I don't even know Mi Lailai.

The handsome young man put away the ring, nodded, and left a message before turning back to the team: I will watch you and see what attracts her to you.

Wang Wen was extremely shocked.

Doesn't this guy understand human language?

You said you don’t know me anymore and you’re still staring at me?

The chat ends here.

After all, there are still big things to be busy with.

Wang Min took out a thick stack of printing paper from his backpack and distributed one sheet to every five people in the team assigned by Chen Hansheng.

Returning to the front of the playground, Wang Min said loudly: These are most of the situations that may be encountered with the rare item [quick-acting antidote] this time. For the first cooperation, we will first test the level of each team. The [quick-acting antidote] The difficulty of obtaining it is not too high. It is possible to encounter it at every integer level below 200. Memorize the contents on the paper and be alert whenever you encounter the pre-trigger conditions. Follow the steps and search as many times as possible. Nine can be harvested. I only need 10 pieces for a single team. After you find them, it’s up to you whether you want to leave the tower or continue climbing the tower.”

His words trailed off.

Many aircraft suddenly flew over the playground.

One hundred teams each used different props to record the contents on the paper.

Wang Min even saw someone using [All evil has evidence]!

The moment you press the red button.

Mi Lailai, the elite team member at the front of the team, instantly sensed something, covered her skirt, turned around and shouted, Who is it? Are you looking for death?

The four boys around the elite team ducked in an instant, and after a few jumps, they were holding a sweaty little fat man in their hands.

The little fat man was thrown to the ground and begged Mi Lailai for mercy: Captain Mi, I'm sorry for my unintentional behavior. I just wanted to take a photo of the content on the paper and go into the tower to read it. There was no other intention.

It's up to you whether it's interesting or not. Mililai reached out to him condescendingly: Bring it here.

The little fat man tremblingly handed over Evidence of All Evils.

Mi Lailai pressed the green button and took a look.

Then he summoned the aircraft to check in, then took a new one and handed it back to him: For the sake of the same group, I won't make it difficult for you. If you want to shoot with this kind of prop, you have to hide in a place where no one is around to shoot, you know? Change your temper. Even if I kill you, it won’t be unfair.”

Like a little fat man who was surviving a disaster, he burst into tears of gratitude. He put away the props and kept bending down to say thank you. In the end, he was thrown back by the men of the elite team like they were carrying chickens.

Wang Min didn't show any emotion from beginning to end, letting them go back and forth.

Wait until everyone calms down.

He selected the teams that had recorded the contents of the paper with props to enter the tower first.

For other teams that don’t have suitable props and are unwilling to spend money to buy them, Wang Wei will not force them, but will let them memorize them slowly and remember when to enter the tower.

This week, he will stay at the academy and communicate with the resource team coming out of the tower at any time.

For the first time we cooperated, we first gave a goal that was not too difficult to see the effect of the cooperation.

If nothing unexpected happens, I should have a thousand [quick-acting antidote] by the weekend.

Such rare props at low tower levels often have extremely huge market demand.

Unlike those ordinary props such as [Fuel Card] and [Ginseng Fruit] which are dispensable, the more [Quick-Acting Antidote] that can detoxify hundreds of poisons, the better.

Not to mention so many vicious mechanisms and poisons that are ubiquitous in survival in the wild.

Even if you are unlucky and encounter the gas chamber on the 69th floor, it will be much easier.

After all, not everyone has Wang Min's ability to quickly pass through gas chambers.

The total price of one thousand pieces of [quick-acting antidote] is approximately 50 million.

Although there is still a gap between the needs of the ancient master, we can still see the huge role of the resource team.


The premise is that you can really get a thousand pieces of [quick-acting antidote] over the weekend.

The first team left the tower early the next morning.

Many people were injured when they returned to the academy through the portal.

After Wang Min understood their process, he was a little speechless.

The members of this team were very honest. They reported word for word that they encountered the pre-trigger conditions mentioned on the paper on the 50th floor. They quickly followed the steps and finally got more than 20 [quick-acting antidote] in total. .

But the strength is really bad enough.

Although he is already a veteran at the 200th floor, he is almost wiped out on the 50th floor.

A stupid robot that had difficult steering, slow movements, and relied purely on range damage could actually hurt them every time it attacked.

Obviously Wang Wen has mentioned on paper that if you encounter an enemy with a range of damage, keep mid-to-long-range attacks three hundred meters away, or attack the ground from the air above ten meters.

As a result, they actually said that they did not know that the other party was causing area-of-effect damage before the war started.

Only after being ranged killed did you know, oh, it was ranged kill.

Wang Wen almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

Even if you have no brains, you should still understand offensive testing, right?

What the hell is going on when you see the enemy and attack with all your troops without even saying a word?

How reckless!

Wang Wen was speechless.

He immediately set up a formation on the college playground and practiced with them personally.

Simulate most of the foreseeable battle situations and teach them how to deal with them one by one.

These experiences should have been learned by the tower climbers themselves through battle after battle.

Now, in order to make the resource team's level more even, Wang Wei takes the initiative to teach valuable practical experience.

Fortunately, the members of this team are very humble. After listening to two games, they immediately realized how valuable this kind of drill is, and their eyes suddenly shone and they looked at Wang Wei hungrily.


Oral teaching has reached a bottleneck.

The team members apparently understood, but the actual operation was still a mess and they often made mistakes.

So Wang Min waved his hands like a god and created strange monsters on the playground.

Under the cover of night, these looming monsters are much more difficult to deal with than the enemies in the World Tower.

Especially when it comes to some kind of range killing exercises.

Between heaven and earth, there are really area-of-effect attacks falling on you, and the distance control is very precise. It is said that it will not be more than 300 meters.

The team members trained with injuries, and no one complained about the pain.

Until daybreak, everyone fell to the ground exhausted and seemed to be exhausted.

Wang Wei blinked her sour eyes, withdrew her mental power, and drove them away without mercy.


You are obviously the most tired, okay?

While Wang Min was complaining, she was secretly pleased that she seemed to have found a good way to practice?

The mental creation created by the fusion of the three deceptions has never been used in actual combat.

The hands are raw.

I am completely unfamiliar with the power control. I am still not used to hitting someone hard or roaming to harass.

In particular, the balance between structure and strength is not well grasped.

Sometimes he accidentally uses his mental power to create a behemoth, but in the end he only has stupid strength, while a small ball almost drains all his mental power, and in the end it just sets off a silent firework like a missile intercepted by the First Consortium. .

All of these require a lot of practice.

Now that there is such a group of free sparring partners, not only will they not be angry, but they will also thank them gratefully for their hard work.

This feeling is simply amazing!

Wang Min pursed her lips and snickered, weighing no more than ten pieces of [quick-acting antidote] in his hand, and mentally looking forward to the next batch of resource team members coming out of the tower.

The resource team members who were helping each other out of the college gate in the distance were obviously very happy, judging from the occasional screams of pain and laughter.

Not only did they get huge tower climbing benefits - in addition to the points awarded in the tower, there were also a dozen rare props [quick-acting antidote] worth 50,000 points!

After all, each person can earn almost more than 100,000 yuan!

This is much more than they ever made before!

Those who climb the 200-story tower are considered very lucky if they can earn 10,000 yuan a week!

Well besides making money.

They also found that the targeted training after leaving the tower is the real reward that far exceeds the ticket price!

The mysterious Captain Wang was actually teaching them practical experience! !

This is truly a precious opportunity that money can’t buy!

The title of Captain Wang unknowingly changed to Teacher Xiao Wang.

for them.

The targeted training session in the early morning was a very fresh training mode.

No need to guess that those monsters in the shadow must have been created by Teacher Xiao Wang.

You know it's fake, and it even looks fake.

But the blow to the body was a real pain.

Even the touch of some toxins, ice, and fire when they approach the body surface is very realistic.

If you dare not hide, you will really get frostbite, burns, poisoning, suffocation or coma.

Although I don’t know how Mr. Wang achieved such a miraculous scene.

But the members of this team were all curious about such a realistic training model, and expressed their sincere gratitude to Teacher Xiao Wang for his good intentions.

They were still having a heated discussion until they left the academy gate.

Hiss! It hurts so much... I won't be able to get out of bed for the next few days with this injury.

It wouldn't be like this in the first place. It's just that the strength of those monsters fluctuates and is extremely confusing. I can't even tell which attacks can be resisted and which have to be avoided!

What do you know? This is obviously a warning created by Teacher Xiao Wang with great pains! It warns us not to be fooled by the enemy's appearance!'s true!

That terrible ball...

As they talked, they remembered the last scene of training.

In their view.

Teacher Xiao Wang is really very well-intentioned!

In order to make them deeply remember the truth that even when facing a small enemy, they must remain vigilant and work hard to go all out.

At the end of the training, a small ball suddenly appeared on the field.

Who would have thought that with such a small ball, the explosion would cover a range of 300 meters and no one would be spared?

If Teacher Xiao Wang hadn't been so merciful, they would definitely have done more than break their skin.

Absolute annihilation!

This is just a simulation training on the college playground!

If it were to be an actual battle in the World Tower, wouldn't they have been shattered to pieces and wouldn't even have time to exit the tower?

Teacher Xiao Wang is really a god... Someone among the people supporting me exhaled with emotion, with tears in his eyes: I have lived so long, and no one has ever treated me with such care except my parents.

The teammates next to him nodded in agreement.

Everyone was impressed by Teacher Xiao Wang's intentions.

They also gradually developed a sense of belonging to the newly formed resource team.

Starting to look forward to future tower climbing and training.

And the seemingly omnipotent Teacher Xiao Wang has become more mysterious and taller in their eyes.

No one would ever think of it.

The monster's strength suddenly rises and falls, not because of someone's good intentions.

It's just that he can't control it.

After dawn.

Wang Min went to buy breakfast outside the college.

Mr. Gu likes to eat tea eggs, so bring him two.

I like to eat fried dough sticks fresh out of the pan, so buy one.

With fried dough sticks, it seems unreasonable not to have a bowl of soy milk?

So I bought another soy milk.

Thinking about the old man's age, what if he chokes to death after eating tea eggs?

Just bear the pain and buy two copies.

Wang Wen, who was happily walking to the college, seemed to have forgotten his promise to make the old man happy.

If anyone mentions it.

He will definitely say with righteousness, what is delicious and spicy when you are old? Diabetes, hyperlipidemia, high blood pressure!

Be light and healthy!

Fortunately, Furumibei, who can even eat plain boiled noodles for several days, is not picky.

I was drinking soy milk and chewing tea eggs, still smiling and looking very happy.

Breakfast is not finished yet.

The two of them saw a figure rushing in from outside the academy.

Just blinked.

Mo Ran had already stood in front of Wang Wen.

He asked him with a dark face: I have finally decided to let go and rest because I am old. How dare you drag me here to work for you?

Hey, please speak up. Wang Wen shouted indistinctly with fried dough sticks stuffed in his mouth: I brought the old man to the college for retirement!

Mo Ran glanced at Gu Jianbing, who was smiling and chewing tea eggs, and his anger level became even higher. He pointed at the tea eggs and soy milk and said: This is what you call old age care?? Under these conditions, the elder needs you to provide for old age care??

this time.

Wang Wen hasn't spoken yet.

Gu Jianbing said, I think it's pretty good.


Mo Ran looked at Gu Jianbing in shock, then turned around and asked Wang Wen angrily: Have you poisoned the chief?? Can a Poomeng-level poison master still poison a person's brain?!

Wang Min almost spit out a mouthful of soy milk.

Gu Jianbing put down the tea eggs with a livid face, slammed the table, and said to Mo Ran: Shut up! Sit down and eat!

Mo Ran lifted the stool and sat down like a reflex.

He looked at the table in silence.

Thinking hard about where his share of rice is.

that's all.

The academy has added another general.

The former leader of the intelligence department of the First Financial Group, Mo Ran.

That afternoon, Mo Ran saw the second batch of resource teams coming out of the tower.

He watched in stunned silence as Wang Wen displayed his miraculous mental power and played a group of tower climbers in the palm of his hand.

Mo Ran's eyes were venomous, and he could see clearly that Wang Wen was practicing a new skill that he had not yet fully mastered.

But before he could laugh out loud, he saw that the played tower climbers bent down and bowed one by one after the training, crying and hugging Wang Min's thigh to express their gratitude.

Look at the meaningful fake smile on Wang Min's face (Mo Ran's perspective).

He felt uncomfortable all over.

Wednesday afternoon.

The 50th hour after the cooperation is launched.

Wang Wen and Gu Jianbing, who were drinking afternoon tea under the shade of the college trees, saw dozens of people coming to the entrance of the college.

A dozen teams left the tower at about the same time.

The progress of climbing the tower is basically around the 80th to 100th floor.

This group of people came to the playground and did nothing else. They first lay on the ground and stretched out their bodies for a while.

Wang Min and Gu Jianbing stood up.

Mo Ran suddenly stood up and volunteered that he would train these people.

It was rare to get free labor, so Wang Wen naturally enjoyed it and extended his hand to sign please.

So Mo Ran screamed and rushed to the playground, determined to let these ignorant idiots take a good look at what real training is!

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