Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 172 It’s a Deed

Chapter 170 A word is settled

The little tricks that Cheng Queyi developed cannot be said to be helpful to the master of mechanism skills to break through his confusion.

It’s like it’s tailor-made for people like Wang Wen!

In a quiet training ground.

Wearing microscope-grade glasses specially customized by Cheng Queyi, Wang Wen used needle-thin clips to make mechanisms under the spotlight.

Then she handed it over to Cheng Queyi to crack it, and then used the same tiny mechanism she made to crack it carefully bit by bit with a clamp.

There are countless mechanisms that have been cracked in two lifetimes, always from the perspective of safety and efficiency.

As long as there is no accidental explosion or other accidents, we can go as fast as we can, and we can't wait to tear the mechanism to pieces.

But now.

Wang Wen, who had never been nervous even after passing the gas chamber on the 69th floor, had beads of sweat covering her forehead.

He didn't bother to wipe the sweat.

He didn't even dare to breathe.

He tried his best to control the stability of his hands, for fear that he might accidentally crush the mechanism that was so small that it was not even as big as a grain of salt into pieces.

I don’t know how Cheng Queyi came up with this method.

But Wang Wei really wants to praise his genius.

Since training in this way, he found that his mechanism skills seemed to have entered a whole new world.

Everything in this world is big.

Only you and the agency are equally normal.

Wang Wei quickly fell in love with this feeling and was completely immersed in the new world.

Except for the occasional mouthful of rice forced on her by Cheng Queyi.

Or the boy puts a straw in his mouth and feeds him some water.

The whole person even went to the toilet with his glasses on.

For several days.

Sleepless and sleepless.

He could clearly feel that the mechanism technique, which had not been used much since becoming a master, was improving by leaps and bounds!

This feeling is very amazing.

As soon as I left this world, all the normal-sized organs seemed to see through the essence, and even the smallest details could be seen clearly. There was also the weird feeling of metaphysics that Ren Ruanruan once said, as if everything in the world was different. The essence is all accessible in a moment.

In the later stages.

Wang Min can't even get a drop of water.

Either he was playing with the mechanism while wearing glasses, or he was sleeping with his eyes closed.

This made Cheng Queyi and the two of them often couldn't help but check his breathing, fearing that he was not sleeping but dead.

During this period, many major events occurred in the outside world.

According to Wang Wen's instructions, Zhu Xingguo found a middle-level leader in Tiansheng Group as planned and showed him a mobile phone video.

The fat, middle-aged man who originally yelled I don't know you and Call the security guard was suddenly sweating like rain.

Shortly after.

The top management of Tiansheng Group were busy climbing the tower, and the missile base with no supervision at all launched a high-yield high-explosive missile.

The target is directly at the First Financial Group.

However, the First Financial Group intercepted it accurately in the air as if they were well prepared.

It happened to be late at night.

A firework as brilliant as a small sun seemed to explode in the dark night sky.

As soon as this happened.

All the financial groups are holding their breath and people are panicking. It seems that a world war is coming.

No one paid any attention to Qin Wu Zheng's declaration that he wanted to tear down the world wall.

They all retracted their limbs and curled up their necks to wait for the chaos to come.

This wait.

Troubled times have not come.

Qin Dongbei came out of the tower.

Everyone was surprised to find that Mr. Tiansheng came back from the dead.

Instead of retreating in strength, he advanced and officially became the fourth top 600-level tower climber in Tiansheng Group!

All Tiansheng members are united and the group has regained its aura as the second largest consortium.

Even after Qin Dongbei became the first group CEO in the world to be promoted to a top tower climber, Tiansheng Group had a tendency to overshadow and replace the first consortium.

Qin Dongbei himself even said:

The man in green and Wang Wen tried their best to hide and kill them on sight.


Just in the new week, Wang Wei opened her eyes.

He waved.

Rain fell out of thin air on the training ground.

It fell to the ground but disappeared again.

Eyes turn.

Wherever it sweeps, space is distorted, and transparent but substantial objects emerge in the air.

Lifelike yet eerie.

Cheng Queyi tried to get closer to a transparent object to study.

He was picked up by an invisible hand and put aside far away.

Her face turned pale with shock.

The palm made no sound close to her. If it weren't for the lack of malice, her head would have been crushed long ago.

Cheng Queyi's eyes turned to Wang Wen, who was standing quietly in the field, and his eyes flickered, as if he were seeing a god who came to the human world and created things out of thin air.

for a long time.

Wang Min turned around and without any movement, her body floated down in front of Cheng Queyi. She nodded to her sincerely and said, Thank you, Xiaoyi.

Cheng Queyi blinked and pointed at the seemingly nonexistent objects around him, and asked curiously: Senior, what is your situation now? What are these?

Spiritual power. Wang Wei replied with a smile: Thanks to your help, my machine skills have successfully broken through. So far, I have broken through three of them.

Three breakthroughs? Cheng Queyi finally covered his mouth in shock: I have never heard of anyone having so many breakthroughs! Senior, you have set a world record!

World record? Wang Wei's eyes were blank, as if recalling something, she shook her head lightly and said: It hasn't started yet.

this day.

Wang Min went to the streets openly and had a meal.

I learned from Mo Ran that the ancient man had left the First Financial Group and was nowhere to be found.

He knew that if nothing unexpected happened, it would be the old man's hometown in the sixth area.

On the way to area six.

Unsurprisingly, he was blocked by Qin Dongbei and others.

Qin Dongbei, who had entered the 600th floor, was quite ready to take action.

When he saw Wang Min, he didn't even bother to talk nonsense. He directly used his ultimate move to transform into a werewolf in front of the public, and then howled and pounced on him.

He was carefully guarded by three loyal Tiansheng old monsters.

This time everyone vowed to take Wang Wen's head and never allow any accidents to happen again.

Present in mid-air.

Suddenly, five figures landed in front of Wang Wen, who was waiting quietly.

When the people in Qinbei Province saw the five people, they quickly braked.

His expression was one of surprise and uncertainty.

Wang Wen immediately became happy when he saw the five people.

Several of those five people were members of his own team in his previous life.

Qin Dongbei looked at the three people around him and asked the five of them calmly: Is the First Financial Group trying to protect Wang Wen?

The captain of the five people shook his head and explained: Don't get me wrong, we are only representing ourselves this time. This is a personal request from Director Gu of the Group Intelligence Department before he resigned. Please take good care of his children.

Wang Wen in the back was a little moved, but also a little dumbfounded.

He actually wanted to tell the five of them that based on his experience, in terms of the power shown by the three types of barrier breaking, the current tower climbers on the 600th floor were probably no longer his opponents.

It's a pity that I feel embarrassed to say it out loud when I hear it.

Even telling the truth makes me feel embarrassed.

What's more, the other party was entrusted by the old man to take care of him.

It’s hard to refuse such hospitality.

I'll get better gradually if I have a chance in the future.

Wang Wei looked at the familiar figures among the five people and knew that this was the only top team in the First Consortium with a total of 600 floors. It was because of this team that it firmly occupied the top spot, leaving the Tiansheng Group helpless.

Do the math.

The group of people present today seem to have gathered the power of all the top tower climbers in the world.

If all these people die.

The strength of the tower climbers in the entire eastern part was cut off directly.

It’s more than ten years of retrogression.

Wang Wen was bored and had random thoughts in his mind.

Opposite him, Qin Dongbei had an angry look on his face. He couldn't calm down but didn't dare to move.

Although there are four 600-level players on our side, excluding the other three, I have just stepped into this field, but the top 600-level team of the First Financial Group has already become famous.

In a real fight, the chances of winning are extremely slim.

Qin Dongbei, who wanted to give up, gritted his teeth and shouted to Wang Wei: Boy, you are so lucky. There are people who work so hard to protect you, and you have the ability to come out for a duel!

Hear this.

Wang Wen's eyes shone brightly, and he shouted with a strange expression: Is it a deal?

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