Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 165 Don’t expose it

Chapter 163 Don’t expose it

Wang Wen, who has lived two lifetimes, has a good attitude.

He had seen many occasions, large and small, and he would not take it to heart at all, such as the small matter of being invited to dinner but there were other guests.

Seeing that Zhang Wei was exhausted and sweating profusely after running around, Wang Wen smiled and led Zhu Xingguo and Ren Ruanruan to sit down. The position was also very casual, sitting two or three seats away from the main seat. Diagonal.

Zhang Wei took the initiative to pick up the teapot on the table and pour water for Wang Wen and the others, leaving the waiter next to him with nothing to do but to prepare a hot towel.

Captain He, who was in the main seat, frowned unnoticeably when he saw Zhang Wei greeting the other party with as much enthusiasm as he did to himself.

After taking a sip of tea, he said to Wang Wei nonchalantly: Captain Wang, right? I heard that you can quickly pass through the gas chamber on the 69th floor? You are very young and promising.

Over there, Wang Wenzheng whispered to Zhu Xingguo: Don't rush, you must at least determine the energy supply device first.

Hearing the voice coming from the opposite corner, he stopped teaching his apprentice, raised his head and thought about what the other party just said, and then politely said: Don't dare, don't dare, you compare... Haha, easy to say!

Captain He didn't care what he was talking about and continued: Since we happen to be sitting at the same table today, why don't you show me the steps to quickly pass through the gas chamber? I can also help you based on my own experience. Analyze and see if there are any areas for improvement.”

His words trailed off.

Zhu Xingguo and Ren Ruanruan are fine.

Wang Wen was stunned first.

Can a veteran of the 300th floor say such funny things?

Are you being naive or are you treating others as naive?

He looked at the other person in confusion, trying to find evidence on that face to prove whether he was really stupid or pretending to be stupid.

As a result, the two boys over there were unhappy.

They yelled at Wang Wen: Why are you still standing there? My elder brother is in a good mood today and wants to teach you how to climb the tower. Don't you understand? Why don't you come up with the steps quickly!

Hey. Captain He stopped the younger brother in a decent manner: It's not that serious, I just want to help with analysis, but it may not be helpful.

Zhang Wei saw that the atmosphere seemed not right, so he quickly intervened to mediate, and smiled at Wang Wen: Captain Wang, I think the boss is right, you see it will take more than two minutes for you to pass through the gas chamber, and I can't hold it in anymore. It's just right. Today I will take out the steps and discuss them together. Wouldn’t it be great if we could improve them to within two minutes, or even one minute?”

Zhang Lanlan on the side subconsciously felt that it was not appropriate, but because she was not knowledgeable enough to understand the preciousness of the gas chamber information, just like Luo Shan, she gave up and said nothing.

On the other hand, Captain He and the others at the other end were a little stupid when they heard the words more than two minutes.

Even Captain He himself was caught off guard.

At first, he thought these rookies with more than 100 levels could be capable.

I came here to eat just for the sake of the private room at the Jiji Hotel, which cost more than RMB 100,000.

His level of 300 was the limit of 300. After adding one unit of total constitution, he found that the originally difficult journey of climbing the tower became much easier, and he gradually gained the attitude of a big brother.

Having been hanging around in the low tower floors below two hundred for a long time, not only the efficiency and safety have become higher, but also a lot of flattery and flattery have been gained.

If you run out of money, you can enter the tower and hang out for a few days, and you can basically get out of the tower without any damage.

Easily and safely earning thousands of points, he can live a happy life without worrying about food and drink. This kind of life makes him reluctant to leave. He goes to dinner parties with the status of a three-hundred-level boss, and everyone around him is making fun of him. Say what he likes to hear.

This meal had the same origin.

The young couple who met in the wild team on the lower tower floor talked about inviting them to dinner every day, but the first words they talked about were Lanzhou cuisine and Shaxian cuisine.

If it's higher, it's like Hunan cuisine.

Not even willing to put a hot pot on the table.

Eat shit!

He remained vague and did not agree.

Until recently, the young couple seemed to have figured it out, and actually said they wanted to treat guests to dinner at the Jiji Hotel, and it was a real box worth hundreds of thousands!

How could he miss such a good thing?

Although the big bosses on the 300th floor are enjoying themselves very much in the lower tower, to be honest, their income is not very high.

With his strength, he can only fight the low tower levels below 200. Without special levels, it will cost only a few thousand per trip, and the income is less than 10,000.

If you encounter a special level, it will easily become a persuasion level, which is very dangerous. If you can't win much money, you have to run away.

In addition, his long-term and privileged life made him accustomed to idleness and indolence. He was too lazy to enter the tower on time every week to make money.

So I never had much money on hand.

A private room in the Jiji Hotel that costs hundreds of thousands for a meal. This kind of scene is not uncommon but it is also extremely rare.

The only time in my memory was when I was lucky enough to bump into a certain rich man entering the tower to experience life. After leaving the tower, I thanked him for inviting me to the tower once.

That one time was enough for him to miss for a lifetime.

Right now, there are two young people who can't think of putting on such a scene again.

I'm really sorry if I don't come, the cute little fat guy who makes a swollen face and grits his teeth to make excuses.

So he brought his two younger brothers, who were the most flattering, over to support him.

By the way, meet the 69 strange people mentioned by the young people.

Before that, he really thought it was just a joke for rookies with more than 100 levels.

When it comes to speeding through the gas chamber, it may mean that you are more agile on the basis of eight minutes, or half a minute faster or something like that.


The young man's ability to pass through the gas chamber half a minute faster is already a commendable performance.

At least it proves that they are talented enough and work hard enough.

It wouldn't be a bad thing to get to know this kind of young man.

So he put on a friendly attitude like a big brother and offered to help the other party with analysis and guidance.

Of course he couldn't point out anything about the gas chambers.

I used my strong strength to hold it in for eight minutes.

I took the initiative to mention it because the captain named Wang was too young. He seemed to be around eighteen or nineteen years old. He was too shy to come over and say hello, so I handed him a step to climb up.

If a 300-level boss is willing to give guidance to a 100-level rookie, is there any substantive content needed?

Shouldn’t the other person follow up a casual remark with gratitude?

This is the experience that Captain He has always summed up.

Tried and true.

So what is the other person saying now?

It took more than two minutes to pass through the gas chamber? ?

He is really a good braggart!

Captain He's first reaction was to sneer.

The next second he discovered that the person who said this was not the captain named Wang, but Xiao Zhang, who was treating guests to dinner.

Spend hundreds of thousands just to brag about yourself? Or are you bragging for others?

Is this interesting?

Do you want to cheer and cheer for the sake of being in the real box of Jiji Hotel?

Captain He felt that Showei was a little tangled.

The younger brothers on his left and right turned to look at him with their eyes widened, swallowing their saliva and saying, Brother...two points...

Shh! Captain He quickly made a silencing gesture.

After all, they spent hundreds of thousands on a treat.

It's never easy to slap someone in the face.

Just brag, don't expose it.

As expected of a hundred-level rookie, he has so many tricks.

Captain He thought that he had completely seen through these rookies. The old man smiled and said: It's like Xiao Zhang said, Captain Wang is a strange person. It takes more than two minutes to pass through the gas chamber. It's already very good. I don't need any guidance. , everyone, let’s eat, Xiao Zhang asks the waiter to serve the food.”

Zhang Wei was stunned: Captain He, don't you really need to take a look? It's rare for everyone to be destined...

No need. Before he could finish his words, Captain He waved his hand to interrupt. He didn't have the patience to continue listening. After all, we were here to eat today, not to watch a rookie act and brag.

It's enough not to expose it but to praise it.

Any more would be disgusting.

See this.

Zhang Wei could only helplessly instruct the waiter to serve the food. At the same time, he winked at Wang Wei and said softly with regret: Captain Wang, the boss is short of time and has rare opportunities. You have to take the initiative!

In his opinion.

It was rare that a big boss on the 300th floor offered to help, but because Wang Wei was not proactive enough, she missed a good opportunity to ask the big boss for advice.

What a pity!

Wang Wei looked at Zhang Wei, whose face was full of regrets, patted his back funny, and said with a smile: Sit down and eat.

There is a reason why Jiji Hotel charges so much.

Not only does this private room have considerate and thoughtful service from real handsome men and beautiful women, but the quality of the dishes is also very high.

As for hot dishes, there are several dishes of big fish weighing several kilograms.

There are even lobsters, abalones and other items that are rare in the world.

Everyone present is essentially a poor person, haha.

Even Wang Wen, who now has hundreds of millions in savings, was a poor student who couldn't afford such high-quality ingredients.

Except for the various social activities after becoming famous in my previous life.

Let alone eating it in this life, I have only seen it in textbooks.

A few months have passed since the reincarnation.

Seeing the long-lost delicacy again, his hands were very fast. The moment the lobster was served, he picked up four or five pieces of divided lobster meat at a speed that completely surpassed that of his apprentice and Ren Ruanruan.

The remaining four or five pieces of tail meat were all snatched up by Zhu Xingguo and Ren Ruanruan, who were a step behind.

There's no way, who lets the boss pretend to be sitting in the main seat, while the three of them are so happy to sit in the humble serving seat?

All dishes entering from the door and brought to the table must pass through their chopsticks first.

Seeing this scene, Captain He's face immediately turned ugly.

T**D He wants to eat lobster too! !

Who would be willing to come all the way here to be paid by a rookie if not for the sake of these magical dishes? ?

Are you here to see a rookie brag? ?


Captain He put down his chopsticks.

Pretending to pick up the soup bowl and take a sip, he said to Zhang Wei, who was dumbfounded as Wang Wen and the others grabbed the food: Xiao Zhang, it seems that some of your friends are very hungry, how about a few more lobsters?

He glanced at Zhang Wei, and based on his understanding of the other person during this period, he deliberately said: I can pay for the extra bills.

It depends on what you said!

As expected, Zhang Wei couldn't stand such words, and immediately ordered the waiter: Add two more... add three lobsters immediately, and add them to the set meal later.

The waiter turned around and left with a smile to order the dishes.

Captain He nodded with satisfaction and patiently drank chicken soup while waiting for the lobster.

Wang Min gave Zhang Wei a thumbs up: Boss Zhang is awesome!

Zhang Wei rubbed his nose in embarrassment and said with a wry smile: Don't laugh at me. If you hadn't led us to climb the tower, how would we have made all this money? The two of us add up to nearly 300,000 points. If you really want to count the meal, it should be a guest invited by you, captain, and you should eat as much as you want.

He said this in a low voice.

Only the boy on Captain He's left who was sitting next to him heard it.

The boy, who was engrossed in eating, suddenly raised his head and looked over suspiciously, doubting his own ears.

No need to say this. Wang Min bit the lobster meat and waved her hand politely: It's your money when it comes to your account. Save some money. We are climbing the tower very quickly. It is estimated that we will not be together again in the future. We’ve formed a team, so take care of yourself.”

Hear the words.

Zhang Wei and Zhang Lanlan were both shocked. After looking at each other, Zhang Lanlan, a girl, held Ren's limp arm and asked: How many floors have you climbed up behind? I see that everyone hasn't left the tower for several days. I Worried to death.”

Ren Ruanruan turned to look at Wang Wen and asked, Captain, can you tell me?

Wang Min was busy eating lobster and shrugged nonchalantly: It's up to you.

So Ren Ruanruan said to Zhang Lanlan: We emerged from the tower on the 300th floor, and we actually met a lot of people behind.


The voice of these words was at a normal volume and could be heard clearly in the quiet box.

Captain He, who was drinking chicken soup opposite, squirted out a mouthful of soup with shredded chicken, almost soaking a third of the table in front of him.

I kept coughing until I put down the bowl.

Zhang Wei ignored him this time.

Based on the experience of climbing a tower last time, he believed from the bottom of his heart that what these people said was true!

He could no longer care about the boss on the 300th floor opposite, and asked Wang Wei anxiously: Captain Wang? Have you all climbed to the 300th floor?? Isn't this too brave?? Oh, it's such a pity for the two of us. What a pity! Is there still a chance for both of us? If not, why don’t you just bring one of us? Bring Lanlan with you, right? She’s very good and won’t cause trouble.”

Thank you [Gathering/Dispersing] for the reward!

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