Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 158 Shen Rushang sent me here

Chapter 156 Shen Rushang sent me here

When the young lady heard these slightly familiar words, she felt a little shadowy in her heart and refused with an ugly face: I'm sorry, according to the personnel records, Shen Rushang is no longer an employee of the group. You'd better contact him personally or ask elsewhere.

Oh? Wang Wei thought for a while and said, Can't you? He asked me to come to Tiansheng to find the treasure house to get props. He said he would kill anyone who blocked the way? Doesn't this 'kill' mean expulsion?

Hearing this, the girl's eyes widened in shock, her legs trembling under her short skirt asked: Who are you? What do you want to do?

Wang Wen smiled and said: Look, I just finished the introduction and forgot. Didn't I say that Shen Rushuang asked me to come to Tiansheng to get the props? Let him take me to the treasure house.

The young lady at the reception desk was frightened and said with a cry: But he really doesn't... OK, let me help you ask.

She picked up the phone and called the relevant department: There is someone in the lobby downstairs who claims to be sent by Shen Rushang to get the props. Relevant personnel please go to the lobby on the first floor to deal with it.

After making the call, she said to Wang Min with a grimace: It has been reported. Someone will handle your matter soon. Please wait in the rest area for a while.

Wang Min nodded her thanks, then walked around and looked around the structure of the lobby, trying to remember every corner in her mind.

He doesn't have the skills of the man in green.

If there are a lot of machine guns, missiles or something, you will definitely have to escape, so observe the escape route in advance to ensure safety.

Soon a sweaty middle-aged woman came down the stairs and trotted all the way to the reception desk and asked doubtfully, Where is Shen Rushang? Why did he come back to get the props if he hadn't been fired?

Seeing that the other party had obviously misunderstood what she meant, the beautiful receptionist looked like she was about to cry. Just when she was about to speak, she saw Wang Wei coming over and quickly closed her mouth for fear of hurting Chi Yu.

The middle-aged woman turned her head in confusion.

Wang Wen smiled at her and said politely: It turns out that Shen Rushuang was fired. That makes sense. He asked me to come to Tiansheng to take away all the props. It seems that he planned to take revenge. I don't know. , I’m just an errand boy, could you please show me the way to the treasure house?”

Hearing this, the middle-aged woman looked him up and down suspiciously, and said impatiently: The group's dismissal of Shen Rushang is our internal matter, you know? Let him do what he wants to do, you are an errand boy, don't make trouble for yourself, you know? This is Tiansheng, not a place for you to act wild!

Wang Min approached her with a strange look on her face: I said I was an errand boy, but do you really think of me as an errand boy?

Seeing that the atmosphere had become terrifying, the beautiful receptionist no longer bothered to remind the middle-aged woman, turned around and ran away howling. She was so anxious that she even ran away with one of her high heels.

No matter how long the middle-aged woman's reflex arc is, she still notices something is wrong.

She looked at Wang Wen who was smiling strangely and asked in a panic: Who are you? What are you going to do?

Don't worry, I don't hit women. Wang Min took out a small silver-white pistol, pressed the muzzle tightly against her forehead and said, Take me to the group's prop warehouse.

The middle-aged woman wanted to take a closer look at whether the pistol was real or fake.

Unfortunately, my legs were really shaking.

Her whole body sank to the ground, preventing her from concentrating on observing the structure of the pistol.

I can only apologize helplessly: You must believe me when I tell the truth. I really don't know where the group's props warehouse is, but my boss above me should know. I will take you to find him!

Seeing that the woman was very sensible, Wang Min's facial expression softened a little, and he nodded to indicate to her to lead the way.

The middle-aged woman struggled for a while and didn't get up. She asked with a sad face: You, can you escort me away like a gangster? For the first time in my life, my legs are really weak.

Now that Wang Min's physique has strengthened by one unit and her strength has increased a lot, she can easily pull the person up by her arm, point a gun at the back of the person's head and walk forward.

The moment the gun was pressed against him.

Her body was visibly tense and stiff.

She said with a tearful tone: I'm very cooperative. You must be careful not to get angry...

Wang Min smiled and comforted her: Don't worry, there are no bullets in the gun.

After hearing this, the middle-aged woman breathed a sigh of relief: What! I said you young people are really fooling around. Isn't this scary...

She hasn't finished speaking yet.

Several security personnel rushed out of the stairs. Perhaps after receiving the message from the receptionist, they pulled out their pistols and pointed them at Wang Wen and the middle-aged woman as soon as they entered the lobby.

The middle-aged woman was shocked and shouted to the security personnel: Don't worry, his gun is empty...


A ball of distorted air exploded among the security personnel. Several people screamed and fell to the ground twitching. Within a few seconds, there was no movement.

The middle-aged woman's body became tense and stiff again.

Her throat crackled, but she couldn't speak.

He turned his face sideways and stared at the small silver pistol that was said to be empty of bullets.

Wang Wei explained patiently: I'm not lying to you, there are really no bullets. Those are poisons. We tower climbers all use traps, so how can we use guns?

The road ahead went smoothly.

The middle-aged woman stopped being nagging and obediently led Wang Wen up to the office hall on the second floor.

The moment he walked in, Wang Wei's appearance with a gun startled the staff at the door.

A few people pretended to have the courage to shout: What are you doing?

The middle-aged woman did not dare to say a word and kept walking towards the leader's office.

Wang Min thought for a while and said, Everyone is busy with their own business and don't worry about us.

Seeing that he spoke calmly and calmly, he was not aggressive at all.

The man closest to him raised his hand to grab the small silver pistol.

Wang Min didn't even need to close her eyes. She turned her head and glared. The man and the chair hit the wall and fell backwards.

The huge sound instantly alarmed everyone in the office hall.

The scene immediately became chaotic.

Everyone stood up and looked over.

When the first person screamed, it was like a chain switch was activated. Everyone in the hall screamed. Some people hid under the table, some rushed against the wall and rushed to the door. Some people opened the windows and shouted for help. Some people called their mobile phones with trembling hands. I pressed the wrong number for half a day.

Wang Min frowned and looked around the chaotic scene. He turned around and picked out the warrior who first grabbed the pistol. He closed his eyes for two seconds and then opened them.


The warrior flew out together with half of the wall he was leaning against, leaving a hole half as tall as a man.

Wang Min thought it would be quiet.



Everyone started screaming and running away.

Some people even got out of the window.

Wang Wen was helpless.

He shrugged and decided to let them run away.

The middle-aged woman in front was trembling all over. She was pushed by Wang Wen with the muzzle of his gun. She was so frightened that her whole body tensed up. She pointed with trembling fingers in the direction of the office door and said, That's him.

Wang Wen followed the finger and looked over.

The figure who poked his head out to check the situation at the office door quickly retracted and closed the door tightly.

Wang Wen escorted the middle-aged woman to the door. With a slight glare, the office door was instantly blown to pieces.

Thank you [Master Powang] for the reward!

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