Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 154 High-precision Industry

Section 152 High-precision Industry

Li Hyuk was not found.

Wang Wen was very disappointed.

Because he wanted to tell Li He to remember to ask the construction team to repair the dormitory as well.

A few holes were accidentally punched.

After all, it seems that the masters of this construction team have been scared out of their wits. If Li He doesn't bleed heavily, he probably won't be able to retain these people.

And once there is severe bleeding, leave someone alone.

The next time we meet Wang Wen, she won't be too embarrassed to ask Li He to help repair the dormitory for free.

So embarrassing.

You might even have to lose money.

Wang Min covered her mouth and coughed twice, feeling a little sad when she thought of losing money.

He rubbed his chest and slowly walked out of the college gate.

The sky is big and the earth is big.

For a moment, I didn't know where I could go.

Wang Wen thought for a while.

Gritting his teeth.

Just buy a house!

Buy a house of your own and modify it so that strangers will die when they come in!

Let’s see who dares to break in!

The more Wang Min thought about it, the more reliable this method became.

I rubbed my chest and went to the street to take a taxi.

The most mature residential areas nearby are in Area Three.

It's about an hour's drive from the college.

A highly sophisticated profession like taxi driving must be driven by real people.

As soon as Wang Min got on the bus, the driver happily asked: Where are you going, handsome guy?

This is also one of the reasons why Wang Wen chose to take a taxi instead of walking back and forth through the World Tower portal to reach the third area.

How nice it sounds!

Regardless of whether it is true or false, as long as a woman is a beautiful woman, a man must be a handsome man.

He loved hearing this.

Anyway, now that I have money in my pocket, it’s good to spend money to be happy.

The driver was also very happy to learn that Wang Wei was not going to some remote place without a portal, but a mainstream area where there were clearly portals for transit.

How can you not be happy?

The roads in remote areas are difficult and there are few people, so you may have to run back empty-handed.

If you go to the third area, the business there will only be better than here. You can stay there for a whole day without returning with an empty car.

What a bargain!

Not to mention that this trip alone covers hundreds of kilometers, so you can earn so many points!

The master gave me fuel and set off without saying a word.

Chatting all the way.

After a while, I asked Wang Wen why he didn't go to the third area through the portal.

Wang Min replied that she was tired and too lazy to walk and take a rest in the car.

The master asked curiously what he did for a living, and he behaved so generously that he looked like a business elite.

Wang Min looked down at her clothes, which were dirty because of the fight with Shen Rushang.

I am very confused. Do the so-called business elites dress like this?

In order to prevent the driver from misunderstanding.

He honestly admitted that he was a tower climber.

Upon hearing this, the driver immediately exclaimed, It turns out that the boss in the tower was disrespectful and disrespectful!

An hour's time.

There was absolutely no duplication in the chat content.

From career to location.

From the academy to the consortium.

From talking about people's livelihood to gossip.

The driver's master chatted with Wang Min with as much information as the intelligence department of the First Consortium.

Wang Wen was stunned for a moment.

Especially when I heard the master say mysteriously: Let me tell you a secret, don't reveal it. You are not a tower climber. It is said that there is a new solution to the gas chamber on the 69th floor of the World Tower! Skilled people can even It only takes three or four minutes! It takes much less time than before! Do you want to know the specific steps?

Wang Min looked at the driver and nodded blankly.

The master smiled mysteriously, freed up his right hand and rubbed his fingers.

Wang Wei looked at the familiar gesture and asked, Want money?

Wow, of course you said that!! The master shouted with an exaggerated expression, raising his eyebrows and raising his eyes: This is top secret! How do you say it in the words of you tower climbers? Yes, this is called intelligence! Can intelligence be free? ?You can’t believe it’s given to you for free, right?”

Wang Wei twitched the corner of her mouth and asked curiously: How much is it?

Four... The master looked at the price list and said calmly: At least eighty! Otherwise there is no need to negotiate.

Eight hundred thousand? Wang Wen was a little shocked. Could it be that his new solution was really leaked? Being sold on the street? The price has been slashed so much, it seems that it has changed hands no matter how many times.

Is there anyone in the Intelligence Department of the First Consortium who is seeking public benefit for personal gain?

This idea was rejected as soon as it came up.

The consequences of using public information for private purposes in the Ministry of Intelligence are very serious, because most of the information is of high value, and the First Financial Group is the most severe in this regard.

If you have the guts to secretly and sell information in the Intelligence Department, you might as well enter the World Tower and fight for your life.

That way you might be able to live longer.

Guesses flashed through Wang Min's mind.

But he didn't notice that the driver was looking at his profile with a crazy expression.

He curled his lips and muttered softly: Tower climbers are so boring. They start bragging after just a few words. I was joking and doing a small gamble to spend dozens of dollars to have fun, but then I opened my mouth and started bragging to the sky. You bastard. What kind of information can be sold for 800,000 yuan? Where is the treasure house of the First Financial Group? I can’t afford to nag you!

Arriving at the destination.

Wang Wen, who woke up from deep thought, suddenly discovered that the driver who had been talking non-stop seemed to have not spoken for a while.

This actually made him feel a little itchy.

For him now, 800,000 yuan is not impossible to come up with.

Not too much.

It's just that for a piece of news that I don't know whether it is true or false, I am still a little unwilling to come up with such a figure.

After all, he only received a total of 100,000 points when he sold this information.

So Wang Min thought about it and bargained seriously with the driver: You see, most of our buying and selling information has a verification process. There is no one-price buyout. It is unreasonable not to talk about this if we don't have 800,000 yuan. , I think we should pay a deposit first, and then pay the balance after verification, what do you think?

The driver looked at him sideways, looked at the meter again, and snorted: I don't care, then you pay the deposit.

Wang Wen gave him a thumbs up and praised: Master is very generous.

After saying that, he immediately transferred 100,000 points through the personal code on the car.

I heard the payment notification sound on my phone.

The master driver stopped the car.

With a look of surprise and uncertainty on his face, he took his phone and looked at his personal account.

He kept mumbling ahhh and fuck in his mouth.

When he confirmed that there were indeed 100,000 extra points in his personal account, he looked at Wang Wei as if he had seen a ghost and said loudly: What are you doing?

Waiting for you to tell me the information. Wang Min shook his phone: The deposit has been paid, you can tell me the information now. I have someone who can enter the tower at any time to verify it. Don't worry about me not paying the balance.

What's the balance? I... The driver swallowed his saliva and couldn't help but tell the truth: Why don't you tease me? I'm just kidding you! All that information is just made up by us casually. Whether it’s true or not, the money I mentioned was either 800,000 yuan or 80 yuan. Of course, it should have been 40 yuan. Oh, I’m not kidding you!”

Wang Min looked at the driver seriously.

I found that the other party was sweating profusely with anxiety.

He nodded and said with a smile: I understand, don't make such jokes with tower climbers in the future, because intelligence is our lifeblood, and we will really risk our lives.

The driver picked up the rag in the door pocket and wiped the sweat, nodded repeatedly and said: I have learned a lesson. I will give you the money back, but it scares me to death. It costs me a year's driving expenses.

The three areas were successfully reached.

One hundred thousand points were returned to Wang Min's account after deducting the fare.

He got out of the car, waved goodbye to the driver who was still wiping his sweat, and turned towards the housing agency.

After entering the house, it took less than ten minutes to buy a three-bedroom apartment worth one million points.

The foreman at the agency moved so quickly that he didn't even have time to change places with the newcomer receptionist.

Industries like real estate agencies naturally employ real people.

After all, it is highly sophisticated.

Thanks to [Miao Xiaofeng] [Book Friends 20180501142721380] [Moon Emperor Dance] [How can I eat wontons] for the reward!

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