Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 147 Things are booming

Chapter 145 Things are booming

As if he had just done something insignificant, Vice President Jiang chatted with Wang Wei with a smile on his face after giving the order: I feel ashamed to say that, thanks to your strategy, all members of our team have reached the 250th floor. And I don’t know how to thank you.”

Wang Min shook his head and did not answer the question. He looked at the group of people who were shouting and being escorted to the detention room, and asked doubtfully: Are you okay? They seem to be a group company. If you arrest people directly, aren't you afraid of being blamed by the superiors?

Vice President Jiang snorted coldly: Let's not mention that they are just a few minions, and even the Yue Lun Group itself is just a low-level small business. Our security department now has at least five masters above the 250th level. Afraid of a monkey.

Have an accent! Wang Wen gave him a thumbs up sign meaningfully.

Vice President Jiang smiled, then gestured to the hot pot on the table and said, Are you bringing warmth to the big guys again? Isn't it just for those little guys? We would definitely be on the same side of this trivial matter even without this hot pot. It’s on your side!”

There's really something wrong. Wang Min picked up the chopsticks and put beef into the pot.

Vice President Jiang was slightly startled, hesitated for a moment, and then nodded as if he had made up his mind, You say it.

Seeing his solemn look, Wang Wen smiled, picked up a large piece of cooked fat beef with chopsticks and put it into his mouth to chew. He breathed and said, Please register for me. I just left the tower and it's three hundred.

Vice President Jiang breathed a sigh of relief and just smiled awkwardly: Hey, there's no need for you to go all the way...

There was a pause for half a second.

His eyes widened: What did you say? Three hundred floors?? How do I remember that the last time you left the tower, you were only on the 100th floor?

Good luck, good luck. Wang Min blew on the fresh chicken leg meat and stuffed it into her mouth, then picked up the phone that rang several times to answer the call.

Just listen to the iconic cheerful voice of Chen Hansheng on the other end: Didn't it disturb your rest? The top experts in our group admired you very much after hearing your story. They wanted to visit you in person. I hope you can exchange and learn. Chance.

Wang Min swallowed the meat in his mouth and asked funnyly: Old Chen, you don't have to be so polite. You didn't need to rest just after leaving the tower? You are so anxious to get started.

Hahahaha. Chen Hansheng laughed continuously without feeling any embarrassment. Then he changed the topic and said mysteriously: Let me tell you in advance, she is a beautiful woman!

Wang Min raised her eyebrows speechlessly: Why do you always behave like this when you come and go? There are always beautiful women who are longer than beautiful women. I originally wanted to meet her, but since she is a big beauty, she disappeared.

Hey, no, no, no, no, it's my fault that I speak quickly. At my age, I can't guess what young people are thinking. Chen Hansheng apologized hurriedly and said in a sincere tone: Mr. Let’s chat face to face so that our group can learn from you and strive to reach higher levels.”

to be honest.

Wang Min was just teasing the other party casually.

The CEO of a dignified third consortium has such a low profile that it is hard to hit him too hard.

So he thought for a while and responded: Set a time, I will go to your group to find you.

The other end of the phone: Oh, why don't you go there? If it's convenient, just tell us the location and we'll come find you now.

That's okay. I'm having dinner in the security hall next to the college in the fifth area. Come over. After Wang Min finished speaking, another number was dialed on the phone.

He glanced at the caller ID, said to Chen Hansheng, I'll call him when I come in to meet him, and hung up the phone.

Take another call.

Mo Ran's calm voice sounded: Are you free now? I'll introduce you to the Crown Prince of the Group, and talk about the tower by the way.

Wang Min said to him apologetically: I'm sorry, I didn't tell you before that I killed someone in the tower, and now the tower is banned for a month. I can't bring people into the tower for the time being.

... The other end of the phone was silent for a moment, and then said: It doesn't matter, as long as you are willing to take it with you, it doesn't matter if it's a month late.

Even this?

This made Wang Wen very curious. What was the reason that made such a powerful Team Leader Mo so repulsive?

He couldn't help but ask: Can you tell me why you are so reluctant to take care of the prince yourself?

... The other end of the phone was silent for a moment and cursed: It's none of your business! You promised me not to go back on your word!

Okay, okay. Wang Wen retreated in defeat.

call ended.

The raised ears of Vice President Jiang next to him quickly fell down.

He had already noticed that the name of the address book displayed on the phone when the first call came in was Boai Chen Hansheng.

The second call was transferred by Wang Wen in his hand, and he didn't have to look at it.

But through the conversation content, you can roughly guess some specific details and the general identity of the other party.

Terms like Prince are generally used for senior executives of the group.

Such an analysis.

The two phone calls at least represented that people from two groups were in contact with Wang Wei.

I can't believe it took just a few weeks.

Teacher Xiao Wang in front of me is already so prosperous outside.

I remember when we first met, he was just an academy student who was manipulated by Tian Sheng and locked up in the security department to try to prove his innocence!

Vice Chief Jiang recalled that the Security Department missed the opportunity to cooperate with Wang Min due to the stupidity of his boss, and he felt mixed emotions.

Some resentment, some sadness, some regret, some envy.

So he pretended to pick up the bowl and chopsticks to fish for something to eat in the pot, and said smoothly: Teacher Xiao Wang is chatting and laughing now with all the big shots, and there are no idlers anymore!

Wang Min just put down her phone.

Hearing this, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

kindness? This tone?

How could Wang Wen, who had lived two lifetimes, fail to hear the sadness in the other party's tone.

Never used to being pretentious, he immediately said: Lao Jiang, don't stay in the security department, come out and hang out with me.


Vice President Jiang squirted all the taro powder back into the bowl.

He looked regretfully at the mess in the bowl, put down the bowl and chopsticks and sighed, That's easy to say.

Wang Min was puzzled and asked: How difficult is it?

Vice President Jiang looked up at him, shook his head and sighed: It's very difficult.

Wang Wen shut his mouth.

He smiled and didn’t persuade me any further.

That’s all.

Everyone has his own journey in life, and others cannot walk it for you.

After that, the security department became a little quiet.

Vice President Jiang and Wang Wen did not speak, but ate and drank in silence.

The guards who had detained the minions of the Yue Lun Group around them did not dare to express their anger after returning, and silently put ingredients into the pot, eating until their mouths were full of oil.

Until a black car stopped in front of the security department.

The driver in the main driver's seat and the assistant in the passenger seat got out of the car at the same time, turned around, and opened the rear door.

Two figures leaned out from the left and right.

The figure on the outside walked around the back of the car to the inside, and walked into the security department together with the waiting figures.

The assistant leads the way and identifies himself to the guard on duty.

The guard standing guard at the door did not stop him from passing through easily.

The assistant bent down and stretched out his hand to guide.

Two figures slowly walked into the hall.

The person on the left has a good figure, wearing an exquisite skirt, her legs are as white as jade, her ankles flutter with butterflies, and her soles are wearing slender high heels.

As soon as he entered the hall and saw Wang Wen eating hot pot, he opened his flaming red lips and said WTF??

Thanks to [Erotic Kong] [Pi Dad] for the reward! ——Thank you to my old friend [Mage of the Strange Journey] for your numerous rewards! ! ! ! !

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