Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 133 King, spare my life

Chapter 131 King, spare my life

It was getting dark.

The four of them, Mo Ran, successfully bought three magic crystals and walked out of the auction house.

Since I purchased it directly at a fixed price, the price was a bit higher than expected, and I spent a total of 33 gold coins.

Fortunately, the bounty Wang Wen earned was sufficient. When Mo Ran took out the money, the golden light almost caught the eyes of the onlookers.

Just waiting for a few people to walk out of the auction house, there were a few little tails looming behind them.

I'm so hungry. Ren Ruanruan looked at Mo Ran, who had an indifferent expression, and looked at Zhu Xingguo for help.

Zhu Xingguo shook his head: Master told me to return to the association to gather after buying the spar.

Seeing Ren Ruanruan's pitiful appearance, he took out a hard piece of bread from his bag and handed it over: Fill your stomach.

Oh. Ren took the dough and ate it bit by bit.

Ha! Mo Ran, who was walking in front, suddenly looked up to the sky and sighed.

I looked at the people following me and found that no one could look at me tacitly.

I couldn't help but feel that it was too cold up there, and I missed Wang Wen a little.

He had already keenly noticed the little tail following not far behind the crowd.

He led the three of them to pick out small, quiet and uninhabited areas.

Zhu Xingguo asked in confusion: Team Leader Mo, this doesn't seem to be the way to the association?

Mo Ran sighed, stopped, turned around, and shouted to the dark corner of the alley: Did you hear that? If we don't come out, we will go back to the Magician Association.

Zhu Xingguo and the other three were suddenly startled, turned around and looked around the corner warily.

I saw a few people slowly walking out of the shadows around the corner.

The leader was very aura, wearing a fur-collared jacket and carrying a broad-bladed battle ax. He took two steps forward with a smile and said: I have already tested that you are not magicians at all. Who are you trying to scare?

Mo Ran snorted coldly, not wanting to talk nonsense at all: Come at me if you want to kill or slash me, don't waste time!

The tomahawk man opposite was slightly startled, unable to handle this routine, and asked with a strange expression: So irritable? Why don't you ask us what we want to do?

Mo Ran's heart skipped a beat.

Did he misunderstand the other party?

Are they just going out for a walk?

He thought seriously for a while and then asked, What do you want to do?

The tomahawk man laughed and threw down his broad-bladed tomahawk, slamming it on the ground. He stepped on the axe, leaned forward and said in a deep voice: Hand over all the gold coins and spare your lives.

Depend on?!

Mo Ran was furious: Don't we still have to fight? It's a waste of so much time!

[Dharma Hand] burst out with light, and Mo Ran didn't want to talk anymore and rushed forward.

The battle ax man sneered: Seeking death!

As soon as he raised the ax, his head was blown off by a punch.

Mo Ran looked at the level progress and found that only 0.0001 had been added.


Gritting his teeth, he continued to blast the headless corpse of the Tomahawk Man.

Until it was reduced to a pile of fleshy foam, he stood up covered in blood and looked at the remaining Tomahawk Man's followers with a murderous look.

The followers were so frightened that they peed their pants and sat on the ground with weak feet. They rummaged around, found all the coins they had, held them up high, and cried: Spare our lives.

Mo Ran checked the aircraft and found that the progress of these followers was even less than that of the Tomahawk Man.

Killing thousands of people will not add a few points.

Suddenly lost all interest.

He waved his hands boredly.

All the followers were so happy that they put away their coins, picked up their pants, and ran away.

Zhu Xingguo, who was not far away, was also overjoyed. He knew what Mo Ran meant. Everyone had already discussed that any target that Team Leader Mo was not interested in would be given to him to practice machine skills.

So he raised a crossbow that he had already held in his hand, aimed at the fastest guy and pulled the trigger.

An arrow that was nothing fancy flew out and accurately penetrated into the target's back.

Then, before the opponent could scream, the arrows exploded in a ring, and a circle of fine needles scattered laterally, piercing the chests and abdomens of the surrounding followers in the blink of an eye.

This time.

The cries of pain one after another slowly started to sound.

The followers didn't know how powerful the mechanism technique was, so they pulled out the thin needles stuck on the surface of the body when they saw it.

This pull.

The cry of pain instantly turned into a scream, and became more intense.

All fine needles have umbrella-shaped barbs.

It's not noticeable when you dig it in.

As soon as it was pulled out, a large piece of flesh and blood was dug out.

Some unlucky ones who pierce deeply can even bring out pieces of internal organs or objects such as intestines.

Two of them fainted on the spot.

Mo Ran walked back to the group of tower climbers and saw Zhu Xingguo stopped shooting once, so he asked him strangely: Are you okay now?

Zhu Xingguo was stroking his chin and watching the status of the tester on the opposite side. Hearing this, he nodded honestly and replied: Master said that when you first learn the mechanism technique, just click on it.

Mo Ran turned his head and looked at the tragic scene behind him, nodded and said: That's fine, I believe they have received the lesson they deserve and will not do evil again in the future.

While talking.

The level progress has been increased by 0.0000037.

One died on the other end.

Mo Ran turned around and took the lead in the direction of the Magician Association, complaining: Hurry up and get out of here, I can't stay here for a second, it's too inexperienced.

Return to the Magician's Association.

The four of them were very happy when they saw Wang Wen sitting at a table, eating meat and drinking wine. When they saw the four of them, they waved and said, Come on, come on, you haven't eaten yet? This is specially prepared for you.

Mo Ran rushed to the table, grabbed a piece of roasted and oily meat, stuffed it into his mouth, and asked him vaguely: Where did you get the food and wine from? Are you so familiar with the association?

Wang Wen invited Zhu Xingguo and others to come over for a meal and drink. While pouring the wine given by the village chief of the flooded village, he introduced: A friend got married, so I ate some together. Seeing that there were many dishes left untouched, I just drank them. Bag.

Zhu Xingguo took a big bite of barbecue and chewed it in his mouth, exclaiming with happiness on his face: Master, you are so strong! You have friends in such a short time!

Mo Ran frowned in confusion and thought for a while.

I always feel like I have heard words like marriage somewhere.

However, with the food and wine in front of him, his thoughts were completely confused and he couldn't care about so much. He would eat first and talk later.

Everyone present had not eaten for a long time, even Ren Ruanruan's mouth was dripping with oil.

Only Chen Hansheng was extremely pretentious. He took out a small alcohol stove and a small soup pot from his belongings, took out a business card, lit it with a lighter and threw it into the stove. He also added half a pot of drinking water to the small soup pot and set it on the stove to cook. open.

Wang Min thought he was going to boil hot water to drink.

I haven’t had time to complain about the pretentiousness.

Then Chen Hansheng took out a handful of dried vegetables from the supply bag and soaked them in boiling water.

Finally, tear off a small strip from the barbecue and roll it up with soaked vegetable leaves to eat.

He closed his eyes and smiled with satisfaction like a gourmet.

Before he could roll the second piece of barbecue.

He was beaten by Mo Ran.

The fat man was not angry, and he happily contributed the vegetable leaves and shared them with everyone to supplement vitamins, chlorophyll, cellulose and other vitamins.

Feng Zhuan Can Yun finished his meal in one meal.

Marchance also happened to arrive with the magician who controlled the teleportation array.

Wang Wei felt a little sorry for bothering people to come all the way here so late, so she took the initiative to step forward and invite her politely: Have you eaten? If not, let's have something together?

Seeing that the dining table was cleaner than a dog licked it, Marchance politely declined the invitation and said to Wang Wei, Business matters are important. I'll send you to the front line first.

Wang Min heard that what the other party said made sense, so she had no choice but to nod in agreement with regret.

Just when everyone was ready to go.

A figure walked into the association gate.

Thank you [book friend 20200426001433070] for the reward!

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