Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 126 Remarks on the launch


To be honest, I had no intention of writing this. With my handicapped speed and the surging enthusiasm of the big guys who are eager to feed me, I might as well write a few hundred more words of text if I have this time.

What ultimately influenced my decision was that I saw many, many great people honestly writing testimonials.

It would seem very unique if I just posted the VIP chapter without writing a testimonial.

I'm afraid of being misunderstood.

Ever since I started writing this book, there seems to have been a phenomenon that I don’t know if it’s an illusion. It seems that everyone around me is saying to me, “This book is very powerful,” “The results are very good,” “You want to be popular,” and so on. of.

To be honest, I don’t care about data when writing a book, and I don’t understand what it means to collect and read it. Because as far as I know, only dozens of friends are reading the last book, and I can write it to the end with peace of mind.

Storytelling is a hobby.

Telling a story well is a skill.

I can't say I'm particularly capable, but I really love this thing.


I always hear and see many great authors write some strange summaries.


The data is difficult to analyze.

“I’ve posted tens of thousands of words and still haven’t stopped short of cutting it off.”

The collection is endless.

The first order is only 500 pieces.

The average order is only 500 cuts.

“The recommended location is difficult to find.”

“The recommended period is too strong.”

“The recommendation was not made at the right time.”

I won't recommend it, I'll cut it.


I'm not going to lie. Earlier I didn't even understand what these were.

Why should I cut it if I didn’t come to stand short?

Don’t your collection exceed 10,000? I already have collections and still want to cut them?

The first order is only 500? I already have an initial reservation but still want to make a purchase?

All orders. . All. . ?

recommend. . All. . ?

Sometimes I really want to ask Why?

Why can you give up something you love so easily?

And give up other people's trust in yourself so easily?

Someone said to me: The difference in data proves that the writing is poor. Why don't we just keep it for the New Year? Why do we have to carry out this disgusting thing to the end?

Someone even said to me: Brother, make a living.

I thought, that's right.

There is no shame or wrong in making money.

But should the order be to tell the story well first and then make money from it, instead of first seeing how much money can be made and then considering whether to continue telling the story?

I am not saying this today to start a fight or to be self-righteous.

Just an idea.

Is it possible for there to be a kind of writer in this world who can tell a story with all his heart even if he doesn't make money?

I have no idea.

But I want to try.

Just like the opening salute and the closing bow.

There is a beginning and an end.

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