Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 121 Excellent Talent

Chapter 120 Excellent Talent

Wang Min had the confidence to dare to undertake the task of collecting twenty gold coins.

He noticed a notice board in the Magician's Association, which contained some problems that needed to be solved urgently in the association.

All are well paid.

There is just one question that needs to be confirmed.

After the four tower climbers dispersed to raise money, he quietly approached Marchance with a large group of people and asked: Can trainee magicians claim the rewards written on the notice board?

Marchance was stunned for a moment, and turned his gaze to the inconspicuous wall deep in the hall. He twitched his lips and smiled: My observation skills are really good. There is no doubt that trainee magicians can indeed receive rewards from the association, but currently The bounties are leftovers that have not been dealt with for a long time, and most of them are quite dangerous, and may be life-threatening for a trainee magician.

Okay. Wang Wei nodded and quietly urged with a large group of people: Then let's start quickly. What's the first step? Register, right?

The process of becoming a trainee magician is not complicated.

Simply record the name, time, meeting place and other information, then distribute this meditation manual and call it a day.

On the contrary, the process of using the magic water to stimulate the magic took an unexpectedly long time.

You actually have to queue! !

Wang Wei looked at the long queue that stretched from the stimulation room to the association hall, and asked Marshans helplessly: You think so highly of me that you don't have the privilege to let me join the queue or something?

Marchance smiled and said: You are so humorous, all living beings are equal.

Wang Min was even more helpless: Why are there so many people queuing up? Is stimulating magic so popular?

Marchance smiled and said: Today is a special situation. The sensation you caused has attracted the curiosity of magicians in the city. It is rare for them to return from various places. Most of them bring their trainee magicians over for daily stimulation. , causing so many people to come together at the same time, which would not happen normally.

... Co-writing that queuing up was an accident caused by himself, Wang Wei was a little speechless, rubbing his temples and asked: Then can I not be excited for the time being and do the reward first?

Don't worry, it's here. Marchance was still smiling, faithfully interpreting the identity of a kind old man: I think many people, like me, are looking forward to seeing what happens after you activate your magic power.

Wang Wen looked around at the large group of men, women, and children surrounding him.

My head hurts a little.

Are these people overstuffed? Do you like watching the excitement so much? What does stimulating magic power have to do with them?

Marchance continued to advise: Once you do the bounty, I don't know how long it will take. If you delay every day, it will be a waste of a day. Wouldn't it be better to activate the magic power and become an official magician as soon as possible? It will be more helpful to you to do the bounty, right? What's more, even if If the stimulation fails, the magic water will improve you to some extent, so it is not a waste of time.

It's okay, I'll wait in line. Wang Wei looked at the long queue expressionlessly and said.

Waited for about an hour.

Finally it was Wang Wen's turn.

Many people at the scene breathed a sigh of relief.

An interesting scene.

The person who suffered most in the queue was not Wang Wei, but the trainee magicians in front of him.

Most of these unlucky children were students and apprentices of certain people, and certain people basically gathered around Wang Min to watch the fun.

It's like saying that many trainee magicians are almost trying to activate their magic power on a blazing fire.

They can feel the eager gaze of their mentors all the time, which doubles the pressure.

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

With so many mentors gathered together, a kind of comparison will be formed even if it is not intentional.

The comparison is naturally whether the apprentice's stimulation is successful and how high the magic level of the successful person is.

Successful people are naturally excited to return to their mentors, and their mentors are also beaming with joy.

But people who fail to inspire are miserable. They see ugly faces that they have never seen before.

When encountering a tutor with a bad temper, he would simply fight and scold the apprentice for not living up to expectations.

Everyone knows in their hearts that it is normal for the stimulation to fail. Just close the door and digest it by yourself as usual, and try your best next time.

Master and apprentice are not like this at all.

The only reason is that there were too many people gathered together at the same time today. The atmosphere became different from the moment the first magician appeared who cursed intern.

Everyone hopes that their apprentices will make them look good, but they are more worried that if they fail to live up to their expectations, they will make them look bad.

Moreover, it was difficult to dismount from the tiger, and the arrow was stuck on the string and had to be fired.

At this time, those who retreat will directly admit the embarrassing fact that they are not good enough.

So that everyone is gritting their teeth and persisting.

In this atmosphere, after some trainee magicians succeeded in inspiring them, they became extremely proud as if they had escaped from death, and walked arrogantly past Wang Min.

After all, in their opinion, it was all because of Wang Min that the original simple act of stimulating magic turned into a bloody mess.

They were all upset.

There is even a trainee magician whose magic level has directly reached the level of a first-level magician after being inspired by his extremely talented talent. Not only did he become a full-time trainee, he also entered the rank on the spot.

This is really embarrassing for him.

Not counting the praise and encouragement he received from a lot of tutors and many onlookers nearby, he actually walked up to Wang Wen and hummed in a voice that could be heard clearly by everyone around him: I want to take a closer look at how talented you are. It is shocking and worthy of so many magicians condescending to wait for you!

No one around made a sound to stop him.

This is the answer everyone wants.

What's more, the speaker is the only honest student with outstanding talent so far today.

People with good grades will always receive more preferential treatment and tolerance.

So the crowd kept a very neat silence.

Watching Wang Wen silently to see how he responded.

Who knows.

Wang Wen, who was at the center of the storm, held his head high and looked at the front of the team with his eyes distracted, and he unconsciously replied: Ah? Ah.

He stood in line until he was out of body, completely unaware of what the people next to him were saying.

All he could do was follow the crowd and move forward like a conditioned reflex.

The thoughts in my mind have already flown to outer space.

The top student suddenly blushed.

In his opinion this was the most contemptuous contempt! He is like a piece of shit, unable to attract any attention from the other party!

Seeing Wang Min entering the stimulation room, he gritted his teeth and rushed in with a large group of people.

The space was limited, and the slower-moving people relied on their status and did not try to squeeze in. They stayed outside the door with their ears perked up and their toes raised to listen.

Just listen to the silence in the room for a while, and whispers for a while.

For a moment, the whole audience gasped in shock.

For a while, everyone sighed with regret like a tide.

People outside didn't know what was going on inside. They heard the ups and downs of high and low, and they were anxious and anxious.

After a long time.

Finally someone came out of the room.

As soon as he reached the door, he laughed proudly three times.

It was the top student.

People outside came up to ask about the situation.

He shook his head and smiled: The stimulation was successful, but it's a pity that the magic power is so small! It's probably only enough to release a small fireball.

After listening to the long wait, the people outside finally understood the mood of the people inside, and they also shook their heads and sighed with regret.

They led their respective apprentices and slowly dispersed.

Occasionally, I feel that it is a pity to waste half a day on such a mediocre person.

It's almost time to wait for others to leave.

Marshans accompanied Wang Wen out of the stimulation room and comforted him with a complex expression: Don't worry, magic power can be increased slowly through meditation. The initial amount of magic power does not mean anything.

Looking at his face with mixed emotions, Wang Min actually wanted to say to him: Can we stop being so verbose? When can I claim the reward?

Returning to the hall to read the bounty, what a coincidence, the top student happened to be checking the notice board with his instructor.

Seeing Wang Wen coming over, the top student smiled on his face.

Thanks to [Book Friends 20210531213708137] [Modang Three Thousand Thoughts] [Last Night’s Wind and Last Night’s Rain] for the reward! ——Thank you [book friend 20170716154450363] for your generous rewards! ! ! ! !

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