Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 112 Don’t mention kindness

Chapter 111 Don’t mention kindness

Use the most sincere tone to say irritating words.

If Zhu Xingguo Ren Ruanruan hadn't been familiar with Wang Wen's character and understood him as a person, his brain would probably be on fire at this moment.

[Level 100, end]

This level is worth hundreds of levels.

It can make Mo Ran on the 439th floor feel depressed and uneasy.

It even made Wang Wen feel a little tired. She just wanted to find a comfortable place to rest, eat something and sleep.

It would be best if you still have time to grab a skill stone or something.

In the subsequent tower levels, everyone cooperated more and more tacitly, but the difficulty also increased.

Passed one hundred floors.

Even the ordinary scatter layer has undergone different changes.

The first is the speed mechanism.

Unlike the uniform speed within the hundred floors, the speed of the deadly mechanism will change randomly.

It's possible to speed up or slow down.

It's okay to slow down, but it's terrible to speed up.

Who can stand it when the thing behind you suddenly accelerates and sprints while you are running smoothly?

Therefore, most tower climbers would rather run faster and leave some room for buffering, rather than risk their lives on changes in speed.

The same goes for Wang Wen.

When encountering a speed-moving mechanism, I don't dare to run next to it like the old turtle on the 100th floor.

In addition, in addition to the different changes in regular levels, the frequency of unconventional levels has also become higher.

There are even some variant levels that even Wang Wei has no impression of.

For example, there is an explosion-type secret room on the 106th floor.

In a not-so-large space, tower climbers need to use materials prepared on site to make explosives and blow up the passage within the specified time to move forward.

If it times out, everyone will be crushed by the slowly closing stone walls.

And if the explosives are not made properly, the power will be too low and the passage will not be opened, and there will be no chance of a second supply of materials; but if the power is too high, you may injure yourself.

the most important is.

Who the hell knows how to make explosives? !

It’s not about making movies or telling stories or writing novels!

Does everyone’s craftsmanship level start with a nuclear bomb?

The key to this thing is not controlled by mechanism or poison-making techniques, right? ?

Wang Min and Mo Ran looked sad.

Finally, Ren Ruanruan, the master of scientific decryption, tried to use knowledge to create.

The explosive was finally made and detonated successfully.

But the power was too weak, and the stone slab blocking the passage only opened a small gap.

Seeing that the stone wall was about to turn everyone into meat buns.

Wang and Mo couldn't bear it anymore.

Working together, they used their ultimate move to directly blast away the stone blocks blocking the road, violently breaking through the 106th layer of scattered skills.


Both felt very humiliated.

As we all know, the scattered layers are skill layers. As long as the skills are sufficient, they can be solved without much violence.

In other words, once violence is used on the scattered level, it must mean that certain skills are insufficient.

Either the five basic items are not working.

Or the observation skills are not good enough.

Or my brain is not good enough.

Or he doesn't know how to make explosives. .

Wang Wen and Mo Ran were defeated because they didn't know how to make explosives.

This makes them feel very ashamed.

I made up my mind to learn how to make explosives after leaving the tower, so that I could avenge my shame when encountering similar levels in the future.

On the contrary, Zhu Xingguo, who knew nothing, had been stimulated by some unknown source and suddenly became very interested in mechanism skills recently.

During every break, he would carefully ask Wang Wei for knowledge on machine skills, and fiddle with the small parts that he had disassembled from the secret room of the machine along the way.

Manniu is so stupid that he doesn't understand that there is a fee for this kind of consultation outside. In this era, intelligence knowledge is the most valuable asset for tower climbers!

He didn't realize how valuable Wang Wen's mechanism skills were.

I just thought it was teammates on the team helping each other.

It’s good to remember the captain.

As a result, Wang Wen also had a weird personality. When the other party didn't mention the money, he didn't mention it at all.

Regardless of whether the other party didn't understand the rules, they just happily didn't care.

Whatever Man Niu asked for advice, he taught him patiently, without any secrets.

Finally, there came a time when Ren Ruanruan couldn't stand it any longer.

While Wang Wen and Mo Ran were discussing a certain level issue, he pulled Zhu Xingguo aside and asked him softly: Are you planning to take the captain as your disciple?

Ah? Zhu Xingguo was still playing with the mechanism in his hand and looked at her blankly: It's okay, I can do it.

Oh my God. Ren Ruanruan covered his forehead, feeling a little swollen and painful in his temples: Should I say you are innocent or stupid?

While she was talking, seeing that Zhu Xingguo still looked confused, she patiently explained: You know that what you asked the captain for advice is machine skills, right?

Zhu Xingguo nodded.

He must know this, after all, he is also a person who has reached the 100th floor.

Ren Ruanruan said angrily: Now that you know it's a mechanism technique, do you plan to study it seriously or do you plan to pay for information?

Ah? Actually, I'm just a little curious about how to solve a few mechanisms. I just asked the captain casually. I have no intention of learning the mechanics in detail. Zhu Xingguo said weakly.

In fact, at this point in the conversation, he vaguely knew that there was a problem.

It's just that as the first member of the team to be brainwashed by Wang Wei, he is used to the atmosphere of open sharing in the team.

For a moment, I didn’t think too much about the meaning of the skill “Mechanism Technique” itself.

This is one of the five basic items of tower climbing.

It is the core skill for all tower climbers to settle down.

No one would disdain that their own machine skills have improved more.

No one would be willing to teach others the machine skills they have worked so hard to master for no reason.

Unless it's your loved one.

Different mechanisms have different solutions, and even the same type of mechanism has all kinds of strange variations. Every tower climber has his or her own experience in the mechanics of the mechanism.

And even if it is the same agency, there will be different efficiency and safety differences in the hands of different people.

For example, some people like to disassemble the linkage components first, while others like to disassemble the energy supply components first.

People who dismantle linkage components are faster, but they may explode once if they are dismantled a hundred times.

People who dismantle energy supply components are slow and inefficient, but they will not explode even if they are dismantled ten thousand times.

Does this mean that people who like to dismantle energy supply components must be safer and better than the former?

Of course not.

Sometimes the inefficiency of mechanism dismantling can still cost lives.

The most common example is the 69th level Life Harvester.

Some people say again, the fast one will explode, no matter how low the probability is, it is still a risk. Choosing the slow one is at least safe. If you need to grab time on any floor, just get out of the tower.

Isn’t it okay if I don’t flush?

Can't you just take the safest path?

At least you won't be blown up, right?

Ha ha.


There is certainly nothing wrong with preferring safety to conservative.

Unfortunately, sometimes, this can make you a little poor.

The World Tower has one thousand floors and is reset every week, with a total of 168 hours. People with the same strength and low efficiency will naturally have lower tower levels than those with high efficiency.

As the old saying goes.

If you laugh at XX, you will die early, and if XX laughs at you, you will die early.

There is no right or wrong for adults.

Cherishing life until old age is a way of living.

It is also a way of life to seek victory in danger and gain wealth for half your life.

I will not evaluate which method is more correct here, but only the method of dismantling the mechanism. What if someone can ensure efficiency while reducing the probability of explosion?

Or is it to ensure safety while improving efficiency?

That would be a completely different outcome.

Again, let’s assume that the person who dismantles the energy supply components has a way to make it faster than the person who dismantles the linkage components.

It is safe, non-explosive and highly efficient.

Where does this make sense?

Want to ask how?

Unique craftsmanship, never passed on to others.

This is the core skill for every tower climber to settle down and make a living - mechanism skills!

Want to learn? Bring the money.

Adults don't talk about right or wrong, only benefits.

Right now, Zhu Xingguo is asking Wang Wen for advice on his unique craftsmanship.

No money has been given yet.

Whether you want to learn the art of mechanism or not, the method of solving mechanism is wealth in itself. The captain has good intentions, so why don't you say anything? Ren Ruanruan looked at him helplessly: Don't tell me that you plan to keep prostituted like this for nothing. ?”


A flash of lightning flashed across Zhu Xingguo's mind.

He finally realized what he had done.

This is like reading pirated novels on the Internet in the world outside the tower. The author does not mention his kindness, so can he continue to have sex with peace of mind?



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Thanks to [Reflection_Fleeing Time] [Moonlight in Fascinating Eyes] [Dragon and Tiger Leaping A] for the reward!

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