Chapter 133

“The movie reviews are better than I expected.”

CEO Na-Kyung Oh came out with a satisfaction survey questionnaire for ‘Legend’ that was distributed to the audience.

“Absolutely. Whoops.”

Representative Oh Na-kyung, who is looking at me slightly at the leisurely answer.

“Anyway, I hope this reaction will lead to word of mouth. … … Now the anxiety has gone down a bit. I used to be very anxious before. After watching the movie with the audience, I thought that I had made such a good work. Even if I fail, I will not regret it.”

“… … .”

Instead of answering, I smiled.

Oh Na-kyung shrugs her shoulders.

“Where did Director Go go? … .”

CEO Oh Na-kyung, who was turning away, looked somewhere, and his face hardened.

“why? Why is that expression… … .”

When I saw where Na-kyung Oh’s eyes stayed, there was a man and a very young, not very young woman standing there.

A woman wearing tight-fitting clothes that cut to her chest, and a skirt short enough to show her panties.

The eyes of passersby gathered there.

“Why is that person here… … ?”


Seeing that, I’m familiar with it.

‘What is it, the husband of Na-kyung Oh, the representative I saw in the office at the time? He told me he was having an affair and he showed up with a real woman.’

His husband, the author, walks around and sees Oh Na-kyung, who suddenly smiles at the young woman and pretends to be happy.

‘I’m here to pick up the medicine.’

“CEO Na-Kyung Oh, do you think it would be better to just ignore it?”

Na-kyung Oh runs away without listening to me.

‘It’s temperamental. You just have to ignore it.’

After all, my husband, who was married because I loved him, had an affair with a young woman, and it was not enough, so he appeared in front of her, so even God could not stand it.

It was as if Oh Na-kyung was angry with her husband and pushed her out of the building.

The two of them had a fight that got worse and worse.

‘I’m sure it’ll last for four months.’

The audience who came out of the movie also flocked to the commotion.

As I approach the thought that I should stop it, my husband, who is angry at the provocation of CEO Oh Na-kyung, raises his hand again because he can’t give me his habit.

CEO Na-Kyung Oh, who closes her eyes tightly.

Trying to use some magic to stop her husband’s raised hand.

That moment!

Wherever she appeared, Go Gun-soo appeared like lightning and grabbed her husband’s hand and broke it behind her back.


A scream of pain echoes in the lobby, and the scream of a young woman drying her teeth.

When a woman beats and bites her back to get rid of it, it doesn’t budge.

‘Where did that child come from!’

Go Gun Suo Na Kyung, who had driven her husband and woman out of the building, hurriedly came to look after her.

The bloody eyes from a while ago have disappeared, and the eyes have softened.

‘What, the atmosphere is strange.’

It was different from usual.

I’ve never seen Go Gun-soo look like that.

He lived only through books, movies and sports, and more so because he had never seen him do anything called dating.

Oh Na-kyung is 8 years older than Ko Kun-soo.

‘Maybe it’s not… … ?’

Rather than having a pretty face, CEO Oh Na-Kyung seems a bit naive, and maybe because of her freckles and her reddish hair, she looks like Anne with red hair.

He has a small body and feels light and bouncy whenever he moves, and even though he is old, he used to think that he was cute when he looked at him.

Especially when she smiled, she had a magical smile that made others laugh.

So, when CEO Ona-Kyung smiled, she could feel the corners of her lips rising without realizing it.

Go Geon-soo was more spectacled, but even if only the story of Oh Na-kyung came out, I could see the corners of my lips ascend to heaven.

At the time, he thought nothing of it.

I walked over to the two of them.

“Chief, are you okay?”

“yes I’m okay. Sorry. You made a fuss on a good day.”

Representative Oh Na-kyung with an apologetic expression.

Go Gun-soo is furious.

“Why are you apologizing? It’s the kid’s fault! Why are you taking note? Are you going to end up suffering like this?”

“Hey, stop it. Why are you over like this?”

When I stopped, Go Geon-soo looked at me and Na-kyung Oh, and then went somewhere else.

“Why is Director Koh so excited?”

CEO Na-Kyung Oh asked as if he did not understand English.

“I can’t stand that child when he sees injustice.”

Go Gun-soo, restless outside the glass door.

I wasn’t in the mood to talk right now.

‘Looks like that kid is real.’

* * *

That evening, after searching for articles on the Internet, we gathered at a nearby bar.

“It was all about ‘Child of God’ and actor Hwang Woo-jin.”

We had four beers sitting next to each other at the bar, with Ko Gun-su, CEO Oh Na-kyung, and writer Choi No-eul.

It was not yet time to pop the champagne, and the article in our movie was not even seen by the light of the article about ‘Child of God’.

“Under this situation, the reservation rate is not as good as expected. It opens in two days.”

Contrary to the seriousness of film work, Go Geon-soo is biting his nails as to what he is preoccupied with.

On the other hand, writer Noeul Choi is blunt about what is good.

“As I said, I am very satisfied. I didn’t know my scenario could be expressed so well. Director Koh is really an art director.”

“Writer Choi is really good. You have no worries.”

Writer No-eul Choi tries to appease CEO Na-kyung Oh’s slightly sarcastic tone.

“Don’t worry too much. I think it will be fine. I saw it as a preview event for ‘Child of God’, but there is no advantage except for the fact that actor Hwang Woo-jin appeared. Just stab them with a knife and die. It’s funny, but it has nothing to do with it. But what surprised me was that Hwang Woo-jin was Hwang Woo-jin. The script isn’t really good, but it’s brought to life again.”

In the end, when the praises lead, the freckles on the cheeks are distorted and CEO Oh Na-kyung is furious.

“No, writer Noeul Choi, who are you on your side now?”

“Sir, I am not on your side. I was just speaking frankly. And he said that our work was better… … ”

“Stop it, both of you. This is not going to happen.”

After putting the hand down, I took out my phone and looked at the watch.

‘It would have happened by now. When the breaking news comes out… … ”

I looked around and saw a small TV hanging on the wall.

It’s not a slim TV like in 2020, but a fat and heavy TV on the back is barely mounted on an iron angle.

Since we were the only customers in the store, it seemed that there would be no problem even if we watched TV.

“Sir, can I watch the news for a moment?”

At my words, CEO Oh Na-kyung is plump again.

“No, is it time to watch TV now? Do I need to take action? Should I get a loan and spend more on marketing expenses? As long as this work is still word-of-mouth, I think it will get better after that. If we don’t win within a week of opening, we’re done.

“Because you’re going to have to wait.”

When she didn’t get the answer she was hoping for, this time she stalks the old Gun-soo.

“What do you think, Director? Don’t you think publicity isn’t enough?”

When Go Geon-soo, who had been lost in his mind, met Na-Kyung Oh’s face, the corners of his mouth went up in an unconditional reflex.

It was rushed, but I didn’t miss the moment.

‘That child is a winner.’

In his previous life, Go Geon-soo, for some reason, lived alone without getting married.

I don’t know if I missed the time to get married because I was paying attention to the movie, or if I missed a woman.

“Well, I’m just sorry. I don’t think it’s something that I couldn’t make.”

“Absolutely not!”

We were surprised when CEO Na-kyung Oh and writer No-eul Choi shouted together.

At that time, the president of the bar approached the TV and turned it on, a gag concert was on air, and the once-famous Kang Saeng-beom’s ‘Talking Man’ corner was in progress.

“It’s almost 11 o’clock, and we’re having a gag concert. Isn’t it supposed to be at 9?”

It was a self-talk, but writer Noeul Choi receives it.

“Because of King Sejong, it was pushed back to 10 pm. kkkkkk. But isn’t the chatter man really fun? How do you memorize all of that? Genius, genius.”

Kang Saeng-beom was memorizing the subway in the metropolitan area with a quick mouth.

I jumped up and turned the channel.

“Oh, why are you back? It’s fun.”

Writer Noeul Choi who grumbles.

Closing news was in progress at another broadcaster.

At that time, the breaking news flowed with subtitles, and the anchor stopped the news and received an autograph outside the camera.

[Yes, I’ll give you the breaking news I just got in. It is news that actor Hwang Woo-jin had an accident while driving and rushing to a supermarket. In the accident, two customers at the supermarket were injured and taken to hospital. The good news is that it is not serious. At that time, Mr. Hwang Woo-jin was in a drunken state and his blood alcohol level was said to be at the level of license revocation. We will inform you as soon as we receive more information.]

When the three people heard the breaking news, their eyes widened and they couldn’t take their eyes off the news.

I casually sat down and drank a beer.

“Actor Hwang Woo-jin is drinking… … !”

CEO Oh Na-kyung, who had lost her words, looked back at me with her mouth open.

You can see the corners of her mouth twitching as if going up.

“Aigoo, why did Hwang Woo-jin have a drinking accident at this time… … So what will happen to ‘Child of God’?”

As I mumble while looking at the distant mountain, CEO Na-Kyung Oh grabs a beer.

“Shall we make a toast?”


“In terms of stocks, the candle has just turned from a negative to a beekeeper. It looks like it will be a big hit soon.”

The corners of CEO Na-Kyung Oh’s lips were already drawing a U.

* * *

On the morning of the opening day of ‘Legend’ and ‘Child of God’, I opened the laundry with a light heart, predicting what would happen today.

Unsurprisingly, it was opened with articles of actor Hwang Woo-jin in all media including news.

[Actress Woojin Hwang… … .][Actor Hwang Woo-jin is currently preparing for the release of ‘Child of God’… … .][Actress Woo-jin Hwang’s blood alcohol concentration… … .][Actor Hwang Woo-jin has not yet expressed any position… … .][Actor Hwang Woo-jin is asleep… … .]

So Hwang Woo-jin disappeared without expressing any position.

Punk all the stage greetings and interviews of ‘Child of God’.(Read more @

According to CEO Oh Na-kyung, who has been reporting the situation in real time since the morning, reservations for ‘Child of God’ have been canceled, and public opinion criticizing Hwang Woo-jin is boiling, which is having a bad effect on the box office of ‘Child of God’ in which he appeared. .

Choi Gyu-jik, the CEO of ‘Funny Box’, tried to cover up this situation somehow, but the news that the article was already getting bigger and bigger, and the news of Hwang Woo-jin’s small drinking and assault case in the past.

On the other hand, ‘Legend’ was already spreading word of mouth by the audience who watched the premiere.

As a result, the reservation rate is also on the rise.

The reactions of ‘Legend’ and ‘Child of God’ were reversed, and ‘Legend’ was on the rise.

And what played a decisive role was an article by a film reporter.

We wrote a very good review about our movie ‘Legend’ and posted it on the internet, and it became even more of a topic.

I also read the review written by the reporter, and I was a little surprised to see the last reporter’s name.

‘Jang Dong-seok?’

Jang Dong-seok is that ripped-up paparazzi reporter who used to follow actors and dig up their private lives!

‘Have you stopped paparazzi? Is this the right article?’

If a reporter named Dong-seok Jang was the reporter I knew, it would have been really good.

Pleasant things happened one after another, and his hum came out of nowhere.

“Sir, the phone is ringing again. What’s going on?”

It must be Bona Mana, CEO Oh Na-kyung’s phone call.

“You said it. Today, the movie I invested in is going to be released, so it’s a riot.”

“Oh, is it? Legend?”

“Yes. Namyoung will also give you two advance tickets. Go and see.”

“I don’t have anyone to go see with, but I want to go with someone. Would you like to introduce yourself?”

“That’s not what I know. Whoops.”

I picked up a call from Mr. Gangnam-young, who had a pouty mouth.

Again, it was representative Oh Na-kyung.

“What else is going on?”

-Now, our main character, Hanyu, and director Ko are having an interview together.

next day.

Another phone call from Na-Kyung Oh.

-Our main, supporting actors and director Go are going to an entertainment program. I’m so excited to get out of here and there.

next day.

Another phone call from Na-Kyung Oh.

– On the first day, 500,000 people listened to it. At this rate, I think it will easily break through 5 million people. Aww!

At the sound of a brief scream at the end of the conversation, I asked if my husband had come to visit again.

“why? What happen?”

-… … I loved it so much I screamed! Hey~!

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