Chapter 121

Even 100 years after human extinction, the sun was still rising in time.

The surrounding area is colored green when the light is received.

Due to the hard work of ‘Sowing of the End’, there are no longer any mold forests around here.

Looking back, I couldn’t see the magical forest we had left.

However, I could see a long beam of light coming from somewhere unknown and flying away.

“What is that?”

Asked Osara, curious about everything.

“That’s my alter ego seeding the end. Originally, I was working on sending the ‘seed of the source’ to somewhere on Earth. Now I have my alter ego do it.”

“You mean to shoot seeds at the earth?”

“Yeah, then a forest grows in that place. A forest strong enough to defeat mold.”

“Is it like a magic forest?”

“It will be different from the Magic Forest, but in any case, sooner or later, the Earth will be restored to its former form with beautiful nature.”

Osara turned her gaze back to the city.

“Do people live there?”

“I do not know. I haven’t seen it yet. So you go.”

“You… … Do you wish there were humans there?”

“I do not know. Would you like to be there?”

“Neither do I. People I’ve been through… … .”

“Huh? Why are you talking?”

“Oh, no.”

“Tell me what!”

“Next. I think I’m almost there.”

Just as Osara said, a huge city was approaching.

There were many obstacles along the way, but there were no obstacles for Ariel.

Of course, there was nowhere that Aides on a ghost horse could not go.

Almost all the cities they arrived at after running non-stop like that were destroyed.

It was occupied by mold for a hundred years, and everything decomposed and disappeared.

Now, only the frame of the building remains, and I feel as if I am standing in the middle of the remains of the old site.

So, of course, even if this was Korea, it was impossible to know where it was.

Fortunately, forests from the doomsday seedlings surrounded the city, so it wasn’t too bad to look at.

Unknown flowers occupied the ruins of the ruined city.

“I can’t believe this was such a gorgeous city.”

“I also.”

In this place where plants occupied the city, it didn’t seem like it was popular.

“Isn’t there still a human or animal that survived? Among the movies we watched with senior Choi, there are definitely people who persist in surviving even if the earth is destroyed.”

“A film is a human-centered film created by the human imagination. Perhaps for some reason the human race went extinct and a few survived, but the fungus took over and toxic gases filled the atmosphere… … .”

[It must have been difficult for humans to survive.]

Ariel shook her head and said.

“Then are we really the only ones here?”

“I need to look further. It’s been a while since this place became a forest, so there’s a good chance there won’t be anyone there.”

“The outside is still there, wouldn’t it be possible to survive if we hid underground?”

“It could be, but there is a food problem.”

Osara, who was listening to me, looked up at me.

“You seem to be thinking only of reasons why humans can’t survive.”


did i

Then a strange noise began to be heard in the quiet city.



It sounds like something twisting.

A large building next to us seemed to shake for a moment, and then it began to collapse in our direction.

“damage! Buildings are falling down!”

[Hurry up!]

At Ariel’s words, we hurriedly got on her back and got out of there.

As I turned around, I saw that Aides, who had been examining near the building, had not been able to get out.

A pile of buildings that are mercilessly collapsing on top of Aides.


A situation in which one cannot see an inch in front of the building engulfed in dust from the explosion.

We turned and looked for Aides.

“Aides! Aides!”

“Don’t worry too much. A life that died once, will you die again?”

Unlike me, who struggles to find Aides, Osara is somewhat relaxed.

Was that right?

White smoke, different from dust, could be seen escaping through the piles of collapsed buildings.

“You know, that ghost. I hope he didn’t leave his master and come out alive alone.”

The white smoke gradually coalesced, gradually taking the form of a ghostly demon.

Then don’t the ghost howling into the air.

We ran to its side.

“What about Aides? Where’s Aides?”

The ghost horse let out a sad cry, and she only ran around dizzyingly.

“I think Aides is dead. Don’t you think her words are sad?”

“Can a dead person die again?”

“Is that the problem now?”

She shouted her at O ​​Sara.

The thought that Aides might have died must have caused me to become furious.

“You have to find it! Get this out quickly!”

They rushed into the pile of buildings and removed the stones one by one.

Oh Sara came to the side, and she telekinetically picked up the stones one by one and threw them away.

glance at me

“Are you crying?”

she was caught

“Come! A little!”

“Okay. Okay. you are too There are too many tears. That skeleton must be alive.”

Without realizing it, I almost grabbed Osara by the neck and threw her away.

“Hey, are you sure you’re going to throw me? Before that, take a look over there.”

Osara, who was swaying in the air by the collar holding my hand, pointed somewhere behind me.

When I turned around, bones that seemed to belong to Aides were coming out one by one through the piles of buildings.

“What! It’s Aides. He was alive!”

I threw Osara as far away as possible and ran.

“Ahh! Are you like this?”

There was a rattling noise behind my back, but I didn’t need to worry about it.

I dug up the piles of buildings, making room for the bones of Aides to escape.

Ariel also helped by digging up the pile with her front paws.

All the bones that came out started to merge with each other, and finally it was completed.


I hugged Aides with a very happy heart.

Come to the side of the ghost magic, and gladly wrap Aides around it.

Aides’ bony hand gripped my shoulder and pushed me away.

“Blap bang bum bum.”

It’s like you’re moving your chin and saying something.

[He said he thought he was dead. He said he didn’t know that Nam-pyo Ahn would take care of him like that.]

“All right, of course not! Without you, someone can find a gold nugget! I still have a long way to go to become a chaebol!”

Aides becomes silent for a moment at my words.

[If you’re worried, say you’re worried. Do I really have to say that?]

“It is true. Huh. Anyway, it’s nice to be back.”

Ai Death shook his head as if he had already been pouting.

“Aides, that’s a joke. What the hell are you screaming like that? Look at this! I shed tears too. These are really tears for you.”

I pointed my moist eyes, but Aides was already not interested.

Instead, he is groping for a broken skull.

“uh? What about the cosmos you put on your head?”

Aides raised his bony hand and pointed to a pile of buildings.

“The Cosmos didn’t come out. Forget it. Let’s ask Princess Pal, the Seven Princesses, for another one.”

Aides shakes her head.

Well, he knew how much Aides valued the cosmos.

“Okay. I’ll find out where I am. Ariel!”

When I call Ariel, dozens of Ariel’s hairs fall out and she turns into a dandelion stalk and flies off into a pile of buildings.

Then, Mr. Dandelion Scepter pointed to a certain place.

[It’s deep in the pile of buildings. You have to remove all these stones to get them out.]

“Okay. I have an idea. Can you stay away from here?”

[What to do?]

“The hoe of thunder. Hit the ground with the thunder’s hoe and these remnants will float into the air. Then you should jump under it and get it.”

[An Nam-pyo is so slow that he’ll be covered in debris before he gets out.]

“You should do it though.”

[I’ll do it. Because I’m faster than An Nam-pyo.]

“Uh, that’s dangerous… … .”

[do it faster.]

“Ah Okay! Thunder Hoe!”

When I shouted the summoning spell, a gorgeous thunder hoe was created in my hand.

It seemed to have gotten bigger and more flashy because it had been upgraded while continuing to use it.

How could a homie be so gorgeous?

[Control your power well. If you make a mistake, this city may collapse.]

“do not worry.”

I turned my hoe and hit the ground with my back.

There was a thunderous roar, shaking the ground, and at the same time, the seemingly immovable ruins of a building floated into the air.

Then, the pink cosmos that had been lying underneath was revealed.

Ariel, who ran towards the place at great speed, quickly came out with the cosmos in her mouth.

After that, the ruins of the building sink again.

[Here it is.]

Ariel hands the cosmos she was holding in her mouth to Aedes.

“Blap bang bum bum.”

Aides rejoices as she inserts the cosmos into the broken part of the skull.

“thank God. Find it.”

Then we heard the voice of Osara, who was thrown away, calling us.

“Hey, come over here and have a look!”


“There are stairs leading down here. It’s like a stairway to the basement!”

Stairs to the basement?

We ran towards Osara’s call.

There were really stairs.

“It’s true.”

“If we go down here, will we be able to meet humans?”

When I looked down the stairs, the structure was somehow familiar.(Read more @

“Is this like a subway staircase?”

[Shall we go down?]

“It should be.”

[I’ll go first.]

When Ariel robs him, dozens of hairs flew into the air, transforming into dandelion spores and flying underground.

“Weren’t you going on your own?”

[We have halls, what are we doing dangerously?]


It is.

The Halls who went into the basement returned soon after.

[The road is blocked. There is no room to go in.]

“Then you won’t have to go in.”


“Isn’t it better to go inside though?”

Osara is back again.

“What are you doing? There are many subways. If you look for it, you will find another entrance.”

“Sheesh. Are you the captain here?”

“Why? Do you want to be a captain?”

“okay. You don’t seem to be able to become a captain. I think I’ll do better In many ways, I have a lot of life experience, a lot of insight, and a lot of courage.”

“Okay. Then you are the boss.”


Osara looks at her with disbelieving eyes.

“Yeah, really.”

“Oh, okay. You acknowledge me too. Then they all go downstairs. practice!”

At the same time as saying that, I swish my body! turned around and headed elsewhere.

Then Ariel and Aides follow me.

Osara was confused.

“You have to follow my words. I am the captain.”

“Yes, you are the boss.”

“You’re not listening to me!”

“That’s a problem you, boss, have to solve.”

“… … .”

I headed back towards the buildings.

Osara, who was standing behind her with a bewildered face, followed behind her.

“Go together! Come to think of it, you are young and full of ideas, so you should be the boss.”

“Have you already given up?”

“Give up! I’m so broad-minded that I’m giving up my seat to someone who’s better than me!”

I ignored Osara and stood in front of a building.

Now, only the frame remains and it is barely holding up, but it was a small two-story building like our laundry building.

“I had a good idea.”

“What do you think?”

“I should open a laundromat here. The one and only laundry in the ruined world.”

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