Chapter 118

“I have to deliver during the day, and since I have a lot of work, I usually do laundry at night. And I like to work quietly at night.”

“Ah, I wanted to see you do laundry, but it’s a pity. Then why can’t I wash what’s here?”

Gangnam-young pointed to the laundry he had collected to take to the magical forest tonight.

“Ah… … .”

What do we do?

After thinking about it, I thought it wouldn’t be a problem, so I allowed it.

“If it is not dirty, you can wash it now. if you want to But you must be busy ironing and receiving guests.”

He made arrangements so that water from the Magic Forest could be put into the washing tub just in case.

“I do. I will do this when I have time.”

Gangnam-young picked up the iron again.

“Occasionally… … .”

As soon as I opened the door, Gangnam-young turned around.

“How about studying for the civil service exam? I don’t think I gave up too soon.”

“I’m… … I didn’t give up, I just took a different path.”

“Nevertheless, it is also what Namyoung’s father wants, and if he ever passes the exam, he might want to become a civil servant. Because people don’t know.”

My father also wanted me to become a civil servant.

He couldn’t imagine how happy his father would have been if he didn’t necessarily become a civil servant, but if he showed that he had passed the civil service exam.

Perhaps he carried me around the neighborhood.

“If it is my father’s wish, I think it would be good for him to think about it one more time.”

Gangnam-young scratched his head at my words.

“Your boss is right. If you see me doing this, maybe my father’s illness will come back. Before I die, I want to grant you a wish… … My mind is complicated. Why can’t things in the world go my way? If I had passed the exam the first time, or even the next time, I might not have thought of running a laundry. Sometimes when I said I wanted to do laundry, I might have chosen a place to run away from something.”

“So… … .”

“Okay. I’ll try one more time. But it won’t. I don’t seem to have a brain in my studies.”

Gangnam-young starts ironing with a confused expression.

I spread my palm out so that Mr. Gangnam-young didn’t notice.

After summoning Chongmyeongcho, Yonggyeongcho, and apples to powder them and tossing them well, the light powder flies to Mr. Gangnamyeong and sticks to him.

『Cyonggi Herb Liquid is effective.』

“Your confidence and self-esteem increase.”

『Congmyeongcho liquid is effective.』

“Your head will become smarter.”

“Apples are effective.”

“Your memory will increase.”

Letters appeared and disappeared before my eyes.

I poured out all the abilities that were effective in my studies.

‘hope it helps… … .’

I couldn’t please my father, but Kangnam-young wanted it to be so.

Gangnam-young, who knows nothing, stops while ironing while humming a song.

“It’s strange.”


“Suddenly, the things I studied in the past come to mind. I’ve never been like this.”

“Oh, that’s good.”

Mr. Gangnam-young shook his head and started ironing again.

I also went to the side and picked up the piled up clothes and started ironing.

“I have a lot of work today, so let’s do it together.”

Gangnam-young laughs at my words.


When the two of us did it, the job was done quickly.

Gangnam-young took advantage of the absence of his guests, and began to look through the books little by little.

However, he did not neglect to welcome guests.

As the sun went down, I took a break from the laundry and headed to the flower shop.

The florist was now so full of plants that the shop was about to burst.

The interior has grown like tropical plants, making the not-so-small flower shop seem cramped.

Inside the store, the owner of the flower shop was bustling around taking care of the flowers.

But the strange thing was that whenever the owner of the flower shop moved, the plants moved by themselves and rolled up the leaves.

As a result, they were able to roam freely without being disturbed by the flowers.

―Tweet Tweet Tweet Enemy Enemy Enemy Enemy!

– Hurry up. Time to close!

―Willala Larelia Willala Lairala!

– Hurry up. Time to close!

She continued to memorize the spell she had heard in her playground.

What’s more surprising.

Her hands turned golden as she wrapped her hands around the flowerpot in which she had planted her seeds.

The wind seemed to surround it, and the plants grew in a pot in an instant.

My eyes widened without realizing it.

‘It’s a big deal. The flower shop owner uses magic.’

She smiles broadly as she looks at the flowers that have just bloomed.

She turned to the other side and our eyes met.

She walked towards the door with a bewildered expression on her face, and pretending not to see her, she greeted me casually.

“Good morning. boss. I came to buy flowers today.”

“Ah yes. Annam, welcome.”

“I saw camellias outside. Can I go buy it?”

“of course. By the way… … .”

“… … ?”

“Have you seen it? Am I growing flowers?”

I heard it

When it comes out like this, you can’t pretend not to know

“Ah yes. It’s the golden hand that the boss’s hand only heard of. If you do one thing for a long time, it seems like everything happens.”

“It’s not like that.”

The flower shop owner looked outside and made sure no one was passing by.

Then he puts his hand out in front of me.

After a while, I saw a golden light wrapped around my hand.

so dazzlingly.

The owner of the flower shop looks at his hands with curious eyes as if he is still unfamiliar.

“Are you curious? At first I thought it was an illness. I also went to the hospital. I thought there was something wrong with my body. But everything is fine.”

“That’s fortunate.”

“For some reason, Annam seems to understand, so I’m showing it to you.”

“Why is that… … .”

“Because the laundry has the same energy as our flower shop.”

“Ah… … is that so?”

“is not it? Did I skip it?”

It looked like he had been stabbed once.

“If not, I just caught it. Please don’t tell anyone.”

He pretended to zip up his mouth.

“It’s okay?”

“of course. At first, I thought I had a talent for growing flowers. I just thought it was a talent. But I feel like I’m getting better and better. I think it goes beyond common sense. Besides… … .”


“The flowers move according to my thoughts.”

I think I’ve seen a similar scene before.

The flower shop owner jumped up and went next to the plants with their large leaves.

Then the leaves moved on their own, paving the way.

“Did you see it? This makes it easy to move around even if this store is full of flowers.”

Looking around the store, the inside was even more serious.

The flowers had grown so large that they filled the ceiling.

“Hmm… … It’s okay?”

“Yes, there is nothing inconvenient. But I think we need to expand the store a bit. I’m thinking of getting a loan to buy this building.”


“These days, sales are increasing, and when I talked to my husband, he said it would be good to buy a building for a good price. Of course, you have to work hard to pay off the loan. Whoops.”

The flower shop owner didn’t seem to care much about the abilities he had.

“I think it would be better to be a little careful though. You can see everything from the outside.”

“What about Annam? Annam, isn’t it strange for me to be like this? In the old days, if he had this kind of ability, he was mistaken for a witch and was burned at the stake.”

“That was a long time ago.”

“Even now, if people knew about it, wouldn’t it be strange?”

“Yes, there are people who like strange things, but there are more people who don’t.”

“Could you bring me an empty pot of soil, please?”


I just wanted to show that the florist is not alone.

Do you feel like you have friends?

When I am silent, the florist gets up and brings an empty flowerpot.

I closed the empty flowerpot with my hand, turned my palms toward the ceiling, and pretended to pick up something.

Then a bud sprouted, and it grew into a stem, and soon a flower bud was formed, and a sunflower flower bloomed.

The flower shop owner is not so surprised.

“Look at that. I was guessing. That Annam would be the same as me. The way he looked at me seemed to know something.”

“It is.”

“What happened?”

We couldn’t talk about the Magic Forest yet.

“I do not know. I’m fine too… … .”

“i See. First of all, people should not know, right?”

“Yeah. I think it would be better.”

“I see. I don’t want to be bothered by this either. I don’t know what Annam will do, but I really like this ability that I have. Oh, are you going to buy camellias?”


The flower shop owner brought a camellia flower outside.

“Did you know that camellia flowers bloom in winter? Withstands minus 17 degrees Celsius. In winter, there are no insects, so birds are responsible for fertilization. That’s why it’s also called Chomaehwa.”


“Camellia flowers are amazing. It is also strange that flowers bloom in winter, and when the flowers fall, the petals of other flowers fall one by one, but the whole flower of the camellia falls off.”

“Oh, I didn’t know that.”

“So, in the old days, it was compared to a loyalist who had his head cut off while he was swearing.”


“Aren’t you buying other flowers? You usually buy two.”

“I will buy one today.”

Today, I had to reduce my work a little because I had a lot of work to do when I went to the Magic Forest.(Read more @

“Anyway, I feel reassured that I have a comrade. I have to go in early today, so I hope we can talk seriously about this matter sometime.”

“… … Yes, then please do your best.”

As I came out with camellia flowers, I looked back at the flower shop owner.

He looks around his flower shop with a happy expression on his face as if he has the whole world.

‘Comrade… … ’

There was nothing bad about it.

Yet another wizard.

What did the Magic Forest do?

Or is it a coincidence?

As I hurried back to the laundromat with various thoughts in mind, I ran into three brothers, Il-Yong Choi, Doo-Yong, and Yong-Yong from the walnut workshop.

“Ah, boss! I’m just meeting you here. It seems to be the way to buy flower pots. Camellia?”

“Yes, I want to plant a camellia flower.”

“Wow, I like camellia flowers too.”

Choi Il-yong said as he brushed his gray hair.

“If you go to the flower shop down there, you can buy it.”

“I can’t grow it in the basement yet, so I have to go buy it if I get a shop on the first floor.”

“uh… … Perhaps?”

When I looked at them with suspicion, the three of them smiled broadly and showed their wit.

It wasn’t the joker-like smile that forced him to smile like before.

“We are moving to a slightly larger store on the first floor. They said the store upstairs was empty.”

“Wow, that’s good. You cried a few days ago about closing the store.”

As I said teasingly, the three of them blushed.

“Since we put our furniture in the cafe ‘Sop’, orders are pouring in. Thanks to President Dayu and President Pyo. You saved the three of us.”

“What. It wouldn’t have happened if the three of them weren’t beautiful. It is all in your ability.”

“Anyway, I want to repay you… … here… … .”

The three of them held out a chair.

It was an ergonomically designed wooden chair where you could read a book while half lying down.

“Wow, what is this?”

“This chair was specially made for the president. It fits the boss perfectly, so it will be uncomfortable for other people to sit on.”

“It’s really pretty. Even if I put this alone at home, I think the atmosphere will live up. My eyes were not wrong either.”

“I’m glad you like it.”

The three brothers returned with a chair they liked.

“Boss, I’m leaving for work too.”

“Yes, you did a good job today.”

Gangnam-young also left work and left alone to clean up the store and turn off the signboard.

“Shall we go see Ariel now?”

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